NO. 1402 THURSDAY, 12TH APRIL, 1945 451 CONTENTS Page ORDINANCE CONFIRMED 453 -׳..-.׳ ־ Confirmation of Ordinance No. 33 of 1944 GOVERNMENT NOTICES 453 ־ Notice regarding Purchase of Local Swine by Government—Amendment of Chief Magistrates appointed to act as Relieving Presidents of District Courts 453 Authorisation of Magistrates to exercise Jurisdiction and Powers assigned to British 453 - • .\׳ ± • • - ־ - - Magistrates 453 ־ ־ . - - Leave of Government Officers—Approval of 453 - ־ - ־ ־ . .Appointments, etc Intended Destruction of Court Records—Notice of • - 454 454 ־ - Resumption of Parcel Post Service with Free China Postal Service with Bulgaria - - - — - 455 455 ־ - - - Postal Service with Roumania 455 - - • ׳ - - ־ Express Delivery Services 455 ־ - - Press Telegrams to Italy 455 ־'/.־״ - - ־ Press Telegrams to Holland Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - - 455 455 - - ' - ־ Adjudication of Contracts 459 ־ ־ ' * ־ ־ - Citation Orders 460 ־ . ־ . - - Notice of the Execution Office, Tel Aviv . .. '׳<...,.... RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary • 7 460 461. - - ־ - Sale of Unclaimed Goods Statement of Coins and Notes in Circulation at the 31st March, 1945 - 469 NOTICES REGARDING BANKRUPTCIES, INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNER­ 470 ־ - ' .SHIPS, ETC 479 , ׳-.. ..-....־.• - - ־ CORRIGENDA SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:• Notice under the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941, specifying the Powers of the Controller of Foreign Exchange - - - 325 Notice under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding 325 - ־ Acquisition of certain Land in Bethlehem for Public Purposes Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 3), 1945, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - - - - 326 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 4), 1945, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - - - 327 Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) Order (No. 5), 1945, under" the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939 - - 328 Order No. 20 of 1945, under the Time Determination Ordinance, 1940, ordering that in the Period 16th April, 1945—31st October, 1945 the Time for Legal and General Pur­ poses shall be three Hours in advance of Greenwich Mean Time 328 Road Transport (Amendment) Rules (No. 2), 1945, under the Road Transport Ordinance 329 Notice of Requisition of Lands by a Competent Authority, under the Defence Regula­ tions, 1939 - - - - - - 329 Notices under thfi^Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Panella­ tion Scheme and of-!)"tailed Schemes within the Petah Tiqva Town Planning Area - 329 (Continued) PRICE: 90 MILS. CONTENTS. Page {Conünued) Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Detailed Scheme, Modification of a Detailed Scheme and Modification of an Outline Scheme ־ - within the Ramat Gan Town Planning Area - 332 • Ilaanana (Opening and Closing of Shops) Ity-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Or­ dinance, 1941 - - - - •'- - 333 Raanana (Slaughter-house Fees) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 335 Hadera (Demolition of Dangerous Buildings) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941, - - L- - - - 336 Trades and Industries (Samaria District) Order, 1945, under the Trades and Industries (Regulation) Ordinance - - • - - 338 Notice of Posting of Valuation List in the Urban Area of Majdal, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940 - - -. - - 338 Notice under the Police Ordinance, appointing a Police Officer to exercise the Powers of ־ - ־ - a Superior Police Officer - 339 Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, re­ garding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods intended to be exported contrary to the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940 - - 339 Defence (Control of Sheet Glass) (Maximum Prices) (Revocation) Notice, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Sheet Glass) Order, 1943 - - - - 339 Defence (Control of Sheet Glass) (Revocation) Order, 1945, under the Defence Regula­ ־ - - ־ - tions, 1939 - 340 Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) (Amendment) ־ - Order (No. 4), 1945, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 340 Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) (Maximum Prices of Sheet Glass) Notice, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) Order, 1944 - - - - 341 Food Control (Maximum Prices for Certain Alcoholic Drinks) (Amendment) Order, 1945, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - 341 Food Control (Points Restriction) (Amendment) Rules, 1945, under the Food Control ־ ־ ־ - - Ordinance, 1942 - 342 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. REGISTRATION OP "TRADE MARKS, PATENTS, DESIGNS, ETC. - - -25 12th April, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1402. 453 CONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCE. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advi?ed to exercise his powers of disallowance in respect of Ordinance No. 33 of 1944, entitled "Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Ordinance, 1944". 6th April, 1945. ROBERT SCOTT (U/484/34) Acting Chief Secretary, NOTICE. The Notice regarding the purchase of local swine by Government, which was published in Palestine Gazette No. 1394 of the 1st March, 1945, at page 249, shall be amended, with effect from the 12th April, 1945, by the substitution of the expression "the Livestock Grading Committee" for the expression "the Government Agent" wherever the latter expression appears in that Notice. G. WALSH 9th April, 1945. Food Controller. NOTICES. 1• It is hereby notified for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice^,in exercise ­has appoin :׳,of the powers, conferred upon him by section 14(4)(«) of the Courts: Ordinance, 1940 ted ME. REGINALD DYKERS RICHARDSON HILL and MR. MURRAY ROWLAND FLETCHER ROGERS, Chief Magistrates, to act as Relieving Presidents of District Courts, from the 16th of April to the : \־• ••/.-׳־> .15th of May, 1945, both dates inclusive 11th April, 1945. MERVtN J, E. MORGAN (Gaz/5/40) Acting Chief Registrar, II. It is hereby notified for general information that His Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by regulation 3(1) of the Defence (Judicial) Regulations, 1945, has authorised the following Magistrates to exercise the jurisdiction and all powers of. and per­ form all duties assigned by law to, a British Magistrate, in relation to civil and criminal causes or matters generally, as from the 16th day of April, 1945 : MR. BEHOR SHITREET , SAID EFF. ALA UD DIN. llth April, 1945. ' MERVYN J. E. MORGAN (Gaz/5/40) •- Acting Chief Registrar. LEAVE. The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers and they have proceeded on leave: — Vacation leave Name Appointment and Department granted exclusive of >••• travelling time - Days MR. R. W. HAMILTON Director of Antiquities 61 DR. W. J. E. PHILLIPS Senior Medical Officer, Department of Health 161 THE EARL OF OXFORD AND ASQUITH Assistant District Commissioner, District Ad­ ministration, Gaza District 61 MR. P. J. CARROLL Acting Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. J. DAVENPORT Acting Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. J. F. MCAULIFFE Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 272 MR. D. T. DONALD Locomotive Foreman, Palestine Railways 72 MISS L. B. FIELDER Superintendent of Midwifery, Department of Health 61 MISS A. M. HUNTER Matorn, Department of Health 61 MR. A. D. HENDERSON Clerk, Office of the Custodian of Enemy Prop­ erty 61 MR. D. H. MCKIE Clerical Officer, Police and Prisons " 61 Transport Officer, Office, of the Commissioner T MR. J. A. G. HEWITT for Civil Defence 61 APPOINTMENTS, ETC. MAJOR C. H. BROMFIELD, to be Deputy Super­ intendent (Company Commander, Police APPOINTMENTS. Mobile Force), Police and Prisons, with effect The High Commissioner has appointed : — from the 21st September, 1944. MR. H. C. HUDSPITH, to be Deputy Com­ MR. W. T. SOUTHGATE, to be Deputy Superin­ missioner of Income Tax, Office of the Com­ tendent (Company Commander, Police Mobile missioner of Income Tax, with effect from the Force), Police and Prisons, with effect from 17th February, 1945. the 18th September, 1944. MR. A. JEFFERISS, to be Chief Fruit In­ MR. H. R. PEYTON, to be Deputy Super­ spector, Department of Agriculture and intendent (Company Commander, Police Fisheries, with effect from the 22nd March, Mobile Force), Police and Prisons, with effect 1945. from the 21st September, 1944. 454 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1402. 12th April, 1945 ME. S. H. HARRIS, to be Deputy Superin• j Administration, Lydda District, as District tendent (Company Commander, Police Mobile i Commissioner, published in Palestine Gazette Force), Police and Prisons, with effect from the ! No. 1397 of the 22nd March, 1945, ceased with 14th October, 1944. I effect from the 20th March, 1945. MR. W. G. FOWELL, to be Deputy Superin• j The acting appointment of MR. F. J. TEAR, tendent (Company Commander, Police Mobile I Deputy Controller of Agricultural Production, Force), Police and Prisons, with effect from the j as Controller of Agricultural Production, pub- 16th September, 1944. \ lished in Palestine Gazette No. 1398 of the 29th I March, 1945, ceased with effect from the 6th MR. P. E. S. BOWERBANK, to be Assistant Superintendent (Second i/c Company, Police April, 1945. Mobile Force), Police and Prisons, with effect j
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