Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 17 (2019) 9–18 ´ Supported by Boticario Group Foundation for Nature Protection www.perspectecolconserv.com Essays and Perspectives The soda lakes of Nhecolândia: A conservation opportunity for the Pantanal wetlands a b c,∗ d Renato L. Guerreiro , Ivan Bergier , Michael M. McGlue , Lucas V. Warren , b e d Urbano Gomes Pinto de Abreu , Jônatas Abrahão , Mario L. Assine a Instituto Federal de Educac¸ ão, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná, Av. Cívica, 475, 85935-000 Assis Chateaubriand, PR, Brazil b Embrapa Pantanal, Rua 21 de Setembro, 1880, 79302-090 Corumbá, MS, Brazil c Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky, 121 Washington Ave, Lexington, KY 40506, USA d Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Unesp – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Avenida 24-A, Bela Vista, Rio Claro, SP CEP 13506-900, Brazil e Laboratório de Vírus, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Microbiologia, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte 31270-901, Brazil a a b s t r a c t r t i c l e i n f o Article history: The Pantanal is the most conserved biome in Brazil and among the last wild refuges in South Amer- Received 2 July 2018 ica, but intensification of agriculture and other land use changes present challenges for protecting this Accepted 26 November 2018 exceptionally biodiverse wetland ecosystem. Recent studies have shed new light on the origins and bio- Available online 11 December 2018 geochemistry of a suite of >600 small saline-alkaline lakes in Nhecolândia, a floodplain setting located south of the Taquari River in south-central Pantanal. These soda lakes form a unique aquatic environment Keywords: in Pantanal and nascent research on their geomicrobiology suggests that their biota may be analogous Alkaline to early life, and extreme life in Earth’s deep biosphere. We argue that the conservation of the soda lakes Ecosystem services in the lower Nhecolândia region should be an important strategic component of any conservation plan Extremophile Saline that aims to mitigate the advance of unsustainable land-use change in the Pantanal. Soda lake conserva- Sapropel tion has important implications for the carbon cycle, as these landforms sequester carbon dioxide and Wetland transmit considerably lower concentrations of methane in comparison to macrophyte-rich freshwater lakes in the region. Further, minerals precipitated in the saline-alkaline lakes are leveraged for cattle con- sumption, and therefore the continued presence of the lakes is critical for allowing pantaneiro ranchers to pursue certified organic, sustainable beef production systems. Beyond protecting soda lakes and their surrounding forests (mata de cordilheiras) for food systems security, the conservation strategy would also allow further research of little studied extremophile biodiversity and biogeochemistry, with potential for biotechnological innovations attendant to UN Sustainable Development Goals. © 2018 Associac¸ ao˜ Brasileira de Cienciaˆ Ecologica´ e Conservac¸ ao.˜ Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- nc-nd/4.0/). Introduction However, field research that included direct sampling of water and sediment from lakes in Nhecolândia has steadily increased over The unique and remarkably biodiverse Pantanal wetlands form the past two decades, such that new insights are now available on an important conservation target in western Brazil (Box 1). The Pan- the origins and evolution of these lentic ecosystems from geologi- tanal lowlands are a lake-rich landscape (Box 2), and one of the most cal and hydrochemical perspectives. Perhaps the most compelling famous lake districts within the wetlands is lower Nhecolândia research results have come from Nhecolândia’s soda lakes (Fig. 2). (Fig. 1). Until recently, most geological and geomorphological stud- In general, soda lakes are alkaline-saline aquatic ecosystems dom- ies of lower Nhecolândia relied heavily on remote sensing datasets. inated by well-adapted extremophile life such as cyanobacteria (Dundas, 1998; Knauth, 1998), giant mimiviruses (Abrahão et al., 2018) and aerobic and anaerobic archaea, prokaryotes and eukary- otes (Visscher et al., 2010). Cyanobacteria and haloarchaea in soda Abbreviations: SRP, sulfate-reducing prokaryotes; EPS, exopolymeric sub- lakes (McGenity et al., 2000; Malone et al., 2012) usually rely on stances; AOM, anaerobic oxidation of methane; SAMS, South American Monsoon + + Na /H antiporter systems that maintain neutral pH in the cell solu- System. ∗ tion under extreme alkalinity (Elanskaya et al., 2002; Summerfield Corresponding author. and Sherman, 2008). The antiporter consists of a protein catalyst E-mail address: [email protected] (M.M. McGlue). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecon.2018.11.002 2530-0644/© 2018 Associac¸ ao˜ Brasileira de Cienciaˆ Ecologica´ e Conservac¸ ao.˜ Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 10 R.L. Guerreiro et al. / Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 17 (2019) 9–18 Box 1: The Pantanal wetlands Box 2: Lakescapes in the Pantanal ◦ ◦ The Pantanal (16–20 S, 55–58 W, <200 m asl mean eleva- Though the Pantanal is defined by the presence and flood- tion) forms one of the largest neotropical lowland interior ing cycle of the Upper Paraguay River, the wetlands are home wetlands in the world (Assine et al., 2015). Spanning the bor- to many thousands of lakes with different origins, morpholo- ders of Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay, the Pantanal forms the gies, and aquatic characteristics (Por, 1995). From a geological headwaters of one of South America’s largest watersheds, perspective, the headwaters of the Paraguay-Paraná basin the Paraguay-Paraná basin (Fig. 1). A floodplain-savanna type owes its existence to the formation of the Andes cordillera wetland, the Pantanal’s hydrology is controlled by the Upper and the development of the central Andean foreland basin. Paraguay River, which flows along the western margin of The Pantanal sits >500 km from the Andean foothills in a shal- the basin (McGlue et al., 2011). Seasonal flooding of the low, kidney-shaped sedimentary basin known as a back-bulge Upper Paraguay controls a host of ecological interactions and depozone (Horton and DeCelles, 1997). Back-bulges are char- biochemical processes in the wetlands, including floodplain acterized by their low gradients and alluvial, fluvial, lacustrine primary production, carbon cycling, fish spawning patterns, and palustrine sedimentary environments (Cohen et al., 2015). bird migrations and rookery development, and predator-prey Low gradients in the Pantanal make the basin particularly sus- interactions (Hamilton, 2002). The Pantanal is home to a ceptible to floodwater inundation, hydrologic connectivity, and remarkably diverse set of flora and fauna, and it is famous for energy flow among lotic and lentic ecosystems. The largest its rich and abundant birdlife, as well as its predators, which and deepest (up to 9 m) lakes in the Pantanal are located on includes the jaguar (Panthera onca) and giant otter (Pteronura the basin’s western margin; typically these lakes are hydro- brasiliensis) (Carter and Rosas, 1997; Junk et al., 2006; De Pinho logically open, fresh, and seasonally connected to the Upper and Marini, 2012; Soisalo and Cavalcanti, 2006). Recognition by Paraguay River (McGlue et al., 2011; Lo et al., 2017). By con- Ramsar and UNESCO-World Heritage Center has placed a spot- trast, the saline/alkaline (“soda”) lakes of Nhecolândia are light on the Pantanal ecosystem in the past several decades, completely isolated from the Upper Paraguay River and its and conservation efforts have been made to protect threatened flood pulse. The soda lakes of Nhecolândia are situated on a animal and plant life. Today, deforestation and other land cover fossil megafan lobe south of the present-day Taquari River. changes on highlands adjacent to the Pantanal are prompt- These small saline/alkaline lakes are very shallow, hydrologi- ing changes in riverine sediment loads, discharge, nutrient cally closed, and surrounded by sandy ridges covered by trees. content and contaminants, which threaten the natural ecosys- Interestingly, both freshwater and oligohaline ponds exist in tem (Bergier, 2013). In addition, deforestation in the Amazon close proximity to the soda lakes, and strong evidence exists threatens to modify precipitation in the Pantanal, as do cli- to show that groundwater flow paths and the presence of matic changes that alter the South American Monsoon (Bergier cemented soils in the subsurface helps to control hydrochem- et al., 2018). Geological archives of environmental change, istry in these small lentic ecosystems (Furian et al., 2013). The though still relative uncommon for the Pantanal, show that biota of the soda lakes is restricted and often contrasts sharply the region has been at times considerably drier than present, both with macrophyte-covered freshwater lakes of Nhecolan- particularly in the early Holocene, when low insolation in the dia, as well as the deep lakes found adjacent to the Paraguay southern hemisphere tropics weakened the monsoon (McGlue River (Guerreiro et al., 2018; Benito et al., 2018). Perhaps most et al., 2012; Novello et al., 2017; Guerreiro et al., 2018). The intriguing, measurements reported in Bergier et al. (2016) show human population in the Pantanal is low but growing,
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