PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOL. 44, PART 4, NO. 35, PP. INDEX TO VOLUME 44 ADAMS, A. E. , on Lower Carboniferous Beaumont lead mine, Allendale, 4 Renalcis from Cumbria, 327-331 Beckermonds Scar Borehole, 59 ff. Aegirine, 356 Asbian and Holkerian foraminifera from, Agrenocythere pliocenica, 317, Fig. 4.3 103-108; Alisocysta margarita, 356, 359, Fig. 2 correlation with Raydale Borehole and Allenheads Borehole, 102 Wharfedale, 62, Fig. 2; Allerston Quarry, Hackness Hills, 258 Dinantian macropalaeontology of, 86- Alston Block, 480 f£; 88; subsidence of, 191 ff. mineral flats in Dinantian of, 83-86; Alton Coal, 40 petrography of pre-Carboniferous rocks Alum Shales, 45 in context of magnetic anomaly at Alveolar texture, 172 site, 89-98, PL 7, figs. 1-4, PL 8, figs. Ammonites, zonation of the Upper 1 & 2 Oxfordian of the Vale of Pickering, vitrinite reflectance determinations from, Yorkshire, 53-58 99-102 Amoeboceras bauhini, PI. 6, fig. 1; Beedale Quarry, Hackness Hills, 258 A.freboldi, PI. 6, figs. 4 & 5; BENTON, M. j. & TAYLOR, M. A., on marine A. masoni, PI. 6, figs. 8, 9 & 10; reptiles from the Upper Lias (Lower A. rosenkrantzi, PL 6, fig. 2; Toarcian, Lower Jurassic) of the York• A. schulginae, PL 6, fig. 6; shire coast, 399-429 Amoeboceras sp., PL 6, figs. 3 & 7 BERRIDGE, N. G., on the petrography of the Antimony, trace element in galena, 153 pre-Carboniferous rocks of the Becker• Apatite, 438 monds Scar Borehole in the context of Apectodinium hyperacanthum, 358, 359, Fig. the magnetic anomaly at the site, 89-98 2 Birrenswark lava field, 190 Archaediscus grandiculm, PL 9, fig. 12; 'Blackshale Coal', 34. 37 A. stilus, PL 9, fig. 5; Blow Gill, 367 A. tataricus, PL 10, fig. 16 Blowgill Member (Middle Jurassic), 365- Arfvedsonite, 356 373 Arenig, in Beckermonds Scar Borehole, Bohemograptus bohemicus bohemicus 67 ff.; (Barrande), 381, Fig. 4 A-D isograptids from, 219-248 Boles, load induced bedding in, 37 Arsenic, 431 ff. Boltby Scar, Corallian succession at, 263 Asbian, foraminifera from Beckermonds Boreholes: Scar Borehole, 103-108 Allenheads, 102 Ashfell Sandstone, 64, 87 Beckermonds Scar, 59 ff. Askrigg Block, 480 ff.; Bottesford, 2, 37 aeromagnetic map of, 60, Fig. 1; Brown Moor, 372 mineralisation of, 153 ff. Caldon Low, 189 Asteroarchaediscus sp., PL 9, fig. 8 Charlestown, 286 Crystal Palace, 358 Egypt Plantation, 37, 39 Bairdia sp., 321, Fig. 6.33 Harlequin, 34 Ball Beds, 252 Harton, 102 Banded Tills, 133 Heath Lane, 34 Barium carbonate, in brick making, 502, Plungar, 34 506 Raydale, 59 BARKER, R. D. , on geophysical surveys Redmile 1, 37 near Goxhill, South Humberside, 119- Sproxton, 34 129 Three Shire Oak, 34 'Bathyal lull', 185, 200 Bos worth Clay and Silts, 131 519 520 INDEX TO VOLUME 44 BOTT, M. P. H., SW1NBURN, P. M. & LONG, Renalcis, from Lower Carboniferous of R. E. , on the deep structure and origin of Cumbria, 327 ff. the Northumberland and Stainmore Westphalian, volcanic rocks from Troughs, 479-495 Nottingham, 29-44 Bottom Black Clay, Humberside, 501 ff.; Cardioceras aff. altumeratum, PI. 21, fig. 6; Atterberg limits, 503, Table 1; C. angusticordatutn, PI. 22, figs. 6 & 7; chemical analysis of, 505, Table 3; C. bukowskii, PL 20, fig. 3; PI. 21, fig. 1; cumulative grain size distribution in, C. cordatum, PI. 22, figs. 1 & 10; 502, Fig. 1; C. costicardia, PI. 21, fig. 11; mineralogy of, 503, Table 2; C. excavatoides, PI. 20, fig. 6; workability chart, 504, Fig. 2 C. gloriosum, PL 20, fig. 7; Bradleya dictyon, 317, Fig. 4.15; C. aff. gracile, PI. 21, figs. 2, 3 & 4; B. favosa, 321, Fig. 6.16; C. harmonicum, PL 20, figs. 1 & 2; B.forbesi, 321, Fig. 6.25 C. paucicostatum, PL 18, figs. 1, 2 & 3; Bravoite, 153 C. persecans, PL 22, figs. 2, 3 & 11; BRIDGES, p. H., on the origin ofcyclothems C. phillipsi, PL 20, figs. 8 & 9; in the late Dinantian platform carbonates C. plasticum, PL 22, figs. 4 & 5; at Crich, Derbyshire, 159-180 C. praecordatum, PI. 19, figs. 1, 2, 3 & 4; Bridlington Crag, 315 C. reesidei, PL 20, figs. 4 & 5; Brown Moor Borehole, 372 C. scarburgense, PL 18, figs. 4, 5, 6 & 7; Brunsia spirillinoides, PI. 10, fig. 5 C. aff. sequanicum, PL 21, fig. 5; BRUNTON, c. H. c, see Mundy, D. J. C, C. subexcavatum, PL 19, fig. 5; & Brunton, C. H. C. Cardioceras sp., PL 22, figs. 8 & 9 BUCKLEY, A., on anomalous uranium in Castle Hill, Scarborough, succession in, superficial deposits overlying Wasdale 256 Head Granite, Cumbria, 431-442 Cayton Bay, 251, 257 Bude formation, 195 Chalcopyrite, 155 BURGESS, i. c, on the stratigraphical Chalk, 119 ff. distribution of Westphalian volcanic Chalky Till, 133 rocks to the east and south of Notting• Charlestown Borehole, 286 ham, 29-44 Chee Tor Limestone, 343 Butterknowle Fault, 481 Cheviot Block, 480 Butterly Marine Band, 285 ff.; Cheviot Granite, 481 trace fossils from, PI. 23, PI. 24 Cheviot Hills, field meeting report, 207- Bythoceratina scaberrima, 317, Fig. 4.5 209 Chevronichnus, 290 Churchway High Delf Coal, 11, 18 Cladarocythere apostolescui, 321, Fig. 6.14; Cadeby Sand and Gravel, 131 C. hantonensis, 321, Fig. 6.13 Calcareous Grit, Lower, 249 ff. Clay Cross Marine Band, 33, 34, 37 Calcispheres, 66 Climacammina sp., PL 9, fig. 9 Caldon Low Borehole, 189 Coalfields, earliest workable coals in, 194 Caledonian suture, 191 Cobalt, 157 Candona cliffendensis, 321, Fig. 6.1; Cochlichnus, 298, PL 24 F C. daleyi, 321, Fig. 6.2 Cockermouth lavas, 190 CANN, j. R., discusses paper by Wilson, Coleford High Delf Coal, 11, 18 A. A. & Com well, 1. D., 97 Coleoptera, 141 Carbonkola, trace fossils as evidence in the Commensalism, an example from the evolution of, 283-303 Upper Lias of Yorkshire, 45-51 Carboniferous, Asbian and Holkerian Cone, from the Speeton Clay of York• foraminifera from the Beckermonds shire, 205 Scar Borehole, 103-108; Coneygarth Hill, 367 Dinantian, cyclothems in platform car• COOPER, A. H., leader of field meeting to bonates at Crich, Derbyshire, 159- Permo-Triassic of Ripon area, 209-211 180; CORNWELL, j. D. , see Wilson, A. A. & Dinantian, Holkeria gen. nov., a Corn well, J. D. foraminifer from the Holkerian stage, COX, B. M. & RICHARDSON, G., On the 145-151; ammonite zonation of Upper Geographical changes in Britain during, Oxfordian mudstones in the Vale of 181-203; Pickering, Yorkshire, 53-58 INDEX TO VOLUME 44 521 Copper, ore minerals from Cumbria and Mollusca from, 390-392; North Yorkshire Pennines, 153 ff. Ostracoda from, 392-394; Coversands, in the English Midlands, 131 summary of stratigraphy, palaeobotany ff. and radiocarbon dates, 388, Fig. 3 Crackington Group, 195 Dinantian, in Beckermonds Scar Bore• CREANEY, s., on vitrinite reflectance deter• hole, 61 ff; 86 ff; 103 ff,; minations from the Beckermonds Scar a new genus of foraminifer from, 145 ff.; Borehole and the Raydale Borehole, platform carbonates at Crich, Derby• Yorkshire, 99-102 shire, 159 ff; Cretaceous, Speeton Clay, a cone from, photomicrographs, Pis. 13-15; 205 thickness variations on the Askrigg Cribrospirapanderi, PI. 9, fig. 13; PI. 11, fig. Block, 79 1; Dinoflagellate zonatioh, 355 ff. C. pansa, PI. 11, figs. 2 & 3 ?Dinosaur, from the Upper Lias of the Crich inlier, 159 ff. Yorkshire coast, 418 Cristobalite, 506 Diplocraterion burrows, 371 Crocodiles, from the Upper Lias of the Discinisca infraoolithica, 45 ff, Pis. 4 & 5 Yorkshire coast, 404 ff. Dolerite, quarried as roadstone, 341 Crystal Palace Borehole, 358 Dolomite, crystals in Dinantian of Becker• Cunstone Nab, 257 monds Scar Borehole, 63 ff. Curie temperatures, 75 DOUGLAS, T. D., on periglacial involutions Cushmaniaea haskinski, 321, Fig. 6.18; and evidence for coversands in the C. stintoni, 321, Fig. 6.17; English Midlands, 131-143 C. wightensis, 321, Fig. 6.19 Dracodinium simile, 359, 360 Cyamocytheridea herbertiana, 321, Fig. 6.23; D. varielongitudum, 359, 360 C. purii, 321, Fig. 6.22; Drape folds, 190, 201 C. subdeltoidea, 321, Fig. 6.21 DUNHAM, A. C. & MWAKARURWA, G. M., On Cyclothems, in the late Dinantian the mineralogy of brickmaking at platform carbonates at Crich, Derby• Broomfieet, North Humberside, 501- shire, 159-180 517 Cypria dorsolata, 321, Fig. 6.4 DUNHAM, SIR KINGSLEY, discusses paper by Cyprideis pannonica, 317, Fig. 4.11; Fig. Wilson, A. A. & Cornwell, J. D., 98 4.12 Dunsil Coal, 40 Cypridopsis bulbosa, 321, Fig. 6.5; C. hessani hantonensis, 321, Fig. 6.3 Cythere lutea, 317, Fig. 4.1 Cytherella compressa, 321, Fig. 6.30 EAGAR, R. M. C, OKOLO, S. A. & WALTERS, Cytherelloidea lacunosa, 321, Fig. 6.20 G. F. , on trace fossils as evidence in the Cytheretta porosacosta, 321, Fig. 6.27; evolution of Carbonicola, 283-303 C. rhenana headonensis, 321, Fig. 6.24; Ebbw Vale, Sopwith's model of, 21 ff., PI. C. teshekpukensis, 306, Fig. 1 2, fig. 2 Cytheromorpha bulla, 321, Fig. 6.9 Egypt Plantation Borehole, 37, 39 Cytheropteron latum, 317, Fig. 4.8; Elled Coal, 22 C. testudo, 317, Fig. 6.2 Eller Beck Formation, its relation to the Cytherura pulchra, 321, Fig. 6.10 supposed Blowgill Member (Middle Jurassic) of the Yorkshire Basin, 365-373 Endostaffella cf. delicata, PI. 9, fig. 15 Endothyranopsis crassa, PI. 10, fig. 14 Dacryomya ovum, with attached Discinisca Ennerdale Granophyre, 431 ff. infraoolithica, PI. 4, figs. 1-6 Eocytheropteron weatherelli, 321, Fig. 6.29 Danny Bridge Limestone, 61, 65, 86 Eostaffella parastruvei, PI. 10, fig. 1 Dartmoor granite, 196 Epeirogeny, 200 DEARMAN, w. R. , see Turner, S. & Epidote, in Arenig of Beckermonds Scar Dearman, W. R. Borehole, 70 Deep Main Coal, 39 ff. Eskdale Granite, 431 ff. De la Beche, Henry, 2, 4, 9 Etruria Marl, 40 Devensian, 131 ff.; Eustatic sea-level changes, 198 ff.
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