Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Vedic Heritage Portal RGVEDA

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Vedic Heritage Portal RGVEDA

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts Vedic Heritage Portal Database on RGVEDA (Source: Kalanidhi Reference Library) IGNCA 1 Rajawade, ed. Rigveda-samhita / Edited by Rajawade.--2nd ed-- Poona: Vaidika Samsodhana Mandala, 1972. 5v; 26cm. (Vedic Research Institute). Library has v.1 and 3-5 only. 294.5921 RGV 1. HINDUISM-SACRED BOOKS 2. VEDAS I. Rajawade, ed. BS/-/BS/ 2 De Nicolas, Antonio T. Four-Dimensional Man: Meditations through the Rigveda / Antonia T. de Nicolas.-- New York: Nicholas Hays, 1976. xvii, 284p.; 24cm. Includes index. ISBN : 0-89254-004-4. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-DEN G1780 1. Hinduism - Sacred Books 2. Vedas 3. Hindu Meditations BS/ 3 Sehgal, S.R. Sankhyana Grhyasutram : Belonging to the Rigveda: A Treatise on Religion, Sociology and Folklore / S.R. Sehgal.--2nd rev. ed.-- Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1987. xviii, 203+xvp.; 22cm. (Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series ; no.42). Text in Sanskrit. Includes index. ISBN : 81-7030-0193. Rs.150. 294.59212 SEH 6497 1. Civilization, Indic 2. Vedas 3. Hinduism - Liturgy 4. History - Europe 5. India - Civilization 6. Europe - History BS/ 1 4 Griffith, T.H., tr. The Hymns of the Rigveda / Translated by T.H. Griffith; Edited by J. L. Shastri.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1986. x,707p; 25cm. ISBN : 81-208-0046-X. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG 3074 1. HINDUISM-SACRED BOOKS 2. VEDAS I. Griffith, T.H., tr. II. Shastri, J. L., ed. BS/-/BS/ 5 Chakraborty, Chhanda Common life in the Rigveda and Atharvaveda : An Account of the Folklore in the Vedic period / Chhanda Chakraborty.-- Calcutta: Punthi Pustak, 1977. xii, 278p.; 21cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p.267-271. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.5921 CHA 7349 1. Folklore- India 2. Hinduism - Sacred books 3. Vedas 4. Social life and customs - India 5. India - Folklore 6. India - Social life and customs BS/ 6 Bergaigne, Abel Vedic Religion : According to the Hymns of the Rigveda / Abel Bergaigne; translated by V.G. Paranjpe.-- Poona: Aryasamskrti Prakasana, 1973. 3v.; 23cm. Includes index. Contents: vol.1. 1969 (Rs.12) (xxviii, 328p.) - vol.3. (379p.) Rs.12. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-BER 10438-10439 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas I. Paranjpe, V.G., tr. BS/ 7 Vishva Bandhu, ed. Index of the Rigveda-mantras / edited by Vishva Bandhu ... [et al.]-- Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1976. 140p.; 26cm. (Vishveshvaranand Indological series; no.26(a)). Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-VIS 5724 1. Vedas - Indexes 2. Hinduism - Sacred books 3. Indexes I. Vishva Bandhu, ed. BS/ 2 8 Verma, Virendra Kumar, revi. Rigveda-pratisakhya of Saunaka, along with Uvatabhasya / Revised by Virendra Kumar Verma; Translated by Virendra Kumar Verma.--2 Samskarna-- Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, 1986. 18,960p; 23cm. (Vrajayivana Prachyabharati Granthamala ; no. 11). 294.59212 RIG 2234 1. HINDUISM-SACRED BOOKS 2. VEDAS I. Verma, Virendra Kumar, revi. II. Verma, Virendra Kumar, tr. BS/BEN/ 9 Venkatasubbiah, A Satyaloka in Rigveda : A Study / A. Venkatasubbiah; edited by S. Bhaskaran Nair.-- Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Institute, 1974. xxi, 500p.; 25cm. (Vishveshvaranand Indological series ; no.48). Includes index. Rs.110. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-VEN 5748 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas I. Venkatasubbiah, A. II. Nair, S. Bhaskaran, ed. BS/ 10 Prakash, Buddha Rigveda and the Indus Valley Civilization / Buddha Prakash -- Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Institute, 1966. xlvi, 179p.: ill.; 22cm. (Woolner Indological series; no.12). Includes index. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-PRA 5683 1. Civilization, Indic 2. Hinduism - Sacred books 3. Vedas 4. India - Civilization BS/ 11 Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas Pastoral Symbolism from the Rigveda / Sadashiv Ambadas Dange.-- Poona: University of Poona, 1970. 135p.; 24cm. (Bhau Vishnu Ashtekar Vedic Research Series ; v.3). Includes index. Rs.15. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-DAN 2165 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Sanskrit literature 3. Vedas 4. Pastoral literature, Sanskrit I. Dange, Sadashiv Ambadas BS/ 3 12 Shendge, Malati J. Civilized Demons : The Harappans in Rigveda / Malati J. Shendge.-- New Delhi: Abhinav Publications, 1977. xv, 439: ill.; 24cm. Includes index. Rs.120.00. 934 SHE 10122 1. Civilization, Indic 2. Mythology, Indic 3. Vedas 4. India - Civilization 5. India - History BS/BS/ 13 Jhala, G.C. Asvina in the Rgveda and other Indological Essays / G.C. Jhala.-- New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1978. xxii, 439p.; 22cm. Includes indedx. Bibliography: p.421-430. Rs.120. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.5921 JHA 3830 1. Hinduism- Sacred books 2. Sanskrit literature 3. Vedas 4. Ramayana I. Jhala, G.C. BS/ 14 Caland, W., tr. Sankhayana-Srautasutra : being a major Yajnika text of the Rigveda / translated by W. Caland; edited by Lokesh Chandra.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980. xxiv, 483p. 245m. Rs.150. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 SAN 3071 1. Hinduism - Sacres books 2. Vedas I. Caland, W., tr. II. Lokesh Chandra, ed. BS/ 15 Vishva Bandhu, ed. Rigveda: with commentaries of Skandasvamin, Udgitha, Venkata-Madhava and Mudgala / edited by Vishva Bandhu.-- Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1965. 8pt. ; 27cm. (Vishveshvaranand indological series/ V.V. Research Institute Publication; no.19, 334). Text in Sanskrit. Contents: pt.1. (xx, 577p.) Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-VIS 5716 1. Vedas 2. Hinduism - Sacred books I. Vishva Bandhu, ed. BS/ 4 16 प्रह्राद कु भाय ऋग्वेदे अरंकाया: / प्रह्राद कु भाय.-- नई दद쥍री: भुन्शीयाभ भनोहयरार ऩब्लरशसस, 1977. 7, 259p.; 23cm. Includes index. Rs.75. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.5921 RIG-PRA 3846 1. Vedas 2. Hinduism - Sacred books BS/ 17 Das A.C. Rigvedic India : Cultural History of India as depicted in the Rigveda / Das A.C.-- New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1987. v17. pt.2 ; 22cm. Bibliography: p.592-598. Contents: xxii, 318-598p. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.5921 RGV-DAS 9429 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas BS/BS/ 18 Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Rigveda as land-nama-bok / Ananda K. Coomaraswamy.-- Delhi : Bharatiya Publishing House, 1980. viii, 39p.: ill.; 22cm. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-COO 6860 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas 3. Indo-Aryans BS/ 19 Chakravarthy, G.N. Concept of Cosmic Harmony in the Rigveda / G.N. Chakravarthy.-- Mysore: University of Mysore, 1966. xvi, 138+38p. ; 22cm. Includes index. Rs.7 113 CHA 7463 1. Harmony of the Spheres 2. Cosmologyt 3. Vedas BS/ 20 Shah, Umakant P. Vrsakapi in Rigveda / Umakant P. Shah.-- Baroda: Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, n.d. 41-70p.; 25cm. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-SHA JD164 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas BS/JD/ 5 21 Peterson, Peter, tr. Hymns from the Rigveda / translated by Peter Peterson.-- 8th ed.-- Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1974. 342p.; 22cm. (Bombay Sanskrit and Prakrit series ; no.xxxvi). Sanskrit text. Included index. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG 10492 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas I. Peterson, Peter, tr. BS/ 22 Das, A.C. Rigvedic India : Cultural History of India as depicted in the Rigveda / A.C. Das .-- New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 1987. xxii, 317p. ; 22cm. (Indian historical researches; v.17(i)). Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-DAS 9428 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas 3. Philosophy, Hindu 4. Rigveda - Criticism, interpretation, etc. 5. Cultural history - India BS/ 23 Saraswati, Satya Prakash, tr. Rigveda Samhita / translated by Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar.-- New Delhi: Veda Pratishthana, 1977. 12v. in 11; 24cm. Includes index. Contents: vol.1. Introducation and Index (270, 132p.) - vol.2. (540p.) - vol.3. Book I, Hymns 122-191 (543-898p.) - vol.4. Book II, Hymns 1-43, Book III, Hymns, 1-62 (900- 1357p.) - vol.5-6. Book IV, Hymns, 1-58, Book V, Hymns, 1 87 (1360-1952p.) - vol.7. Book VI, Hymns 1-75 (1954- 2338p.) - vol.8. Book VII, Hymns, 1-104 (2341-2808p.) - vol.9. Book VIII, Hymns, 1-40 (2810-3176p.) - vol.10. Book VIII, Hymns 41-103 (3179-3582p.) - vol.11. Book IX, Hymns 1-114 (3585-4056p.) - vol.12. Book X, Hymns 1-86 (4059-4460p.) Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-SAR 5959-5969 1. Vedas 2. Hinduism - Sacred books 3. Rigveda I. Saraswati, Satya Prakash, tr. II. Vidyalankar, Satyakam, tr. BS/ 24 Maurer, Walter H., tr. Pinnacles of India's past : Selections from the Rigveda / translated by Walter H. Maurer.-- Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 1986. xi, 350p.; 22cm. (University of Pennsylvania studies of South Asia ; v.2 ) Includes index. 6 Bibliography: 328-341. ISBN : 0-915027-83-6. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG G2499 1. Civilization, Indic 2. Vedas 3. India - Civilization I. Maurer, Walter H., tr. BS/ 25 Gonda, J. Hymns of the Rigveda not employed in Solemn Ritual / J. Gonda.-- Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing, 1978. 138p. 27cm. (Vernande Lingender Koninklijki Nederlandese Akademicvan Wetenschappen, Afd Letter Kunde, Meuwe Reeks ; deal 95). Includes index. ISBN : 0-72-04-844-1-3. 294.59212 GON 12712 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas 3. Vedic literature BS/ 26 Griffith, Ralph T.H., tr. Hymns of the Rigveda: translated with a popular commentary / translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith.--4th ed.-- Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1963. 2v. ; 24cm. (Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies; v.35). Includes index. Contents: vol.1 (xvi, 707p.) - vol.2. (672p.) Rs.40 (set). Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG-GRI S1436-S1437 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas I. Griffith, Ralph T.H., tr. BS/SKC/ 27 Rigveda Samahita.-- Kalikata: Ramesacandra Datta, 1292. 764p 20cm. Sanskrit text. Alt. Title : Vedas. 294.59212 RIG S7422 1. HINDUISM-SACRED BOOKS 2. VEDAS BS/BENG/BS/ 28 Velankar, H.D. Rigveda Mandala vii / H.D. Velankar.-- Bombay: Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, 1963. xxxii, 288p.; 26cm. (Bharatiya vidya series; no.23). Includes index. 294.59212 RIG-VEL S1440 1. Hinduism - Sacred books 2. Vedas BS/ 7 29 शास्त्री, याकेश ऋग्वेद के ननऩात : ननश्चमाथसक चौदह ननऩातⴂ का अध्ममन / याकेश शास्त्री.-- दद쥍री: ऩरयभर ऩब्लरकेशन्स, 1991.

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