Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:51 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . SEPTEMBER 20. 2016 -Sunbula 30, 1395 HS CEO rejects “negative” rumors, supports peace deal with HIA AT Monitoring Desk that took place 15 to 20 minutes later, killing at least eight police- KABUL: At least eight Afghan men.” He added that this check- National Police (ANP) troops point was located in the Saki area By Farhad Naibkhel were killed in a US airstrike tar- of Trinkot. He added that it was geted their checkpoint in central for around ten years that this KABUL: The Chief Executive Uruzgan province, a provincial checkpoint was there in a bid to Abdullah Abdullah on Monday official said on Monday. The maintain security in the area. More- rejects all what he called “nega- checkpoint in the Saki area of over, US military spokesman Gen. tive rumors” and declared sup- Tirinkot, the provincial capital on port of the peace deal with the Charles Cleveland said the raid was Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan the Uruzgan-Kandahar road was conducted after a group of mili- (HIA) party led by Gulbuddin bombed on Sunday evening, tants attacked Afghan security Hekmatyar. Abdullah said that Highway Commander Haji Ra- personnel in Tirinkot. “I can con- “we have no tension about himullah told Pajhwok Afghan firm that we conducted an airstrike peace and its result with any News. Two raids were took against individuals firing on, and group.” “Our tension is about place, he said, adding that once posing a threat to, our Afghan part- war, because war puts negative police officer was killed in the ners in Tarin Kot (Trinkot) on 18 impacts on everyone and first raid, while seven others were September. We don’t have any fur- snatches opportunities from killed in the second airstrike. “Tal- ther information on who those in- people.” He assured that since iban had raised their white flags dividuals might have been or why beginning of the peace deal pro- in nearby areas, but their posi- they were attacking ANDSF forc- cess with HIA, he had been fol- tion was not pounded by the es. U.S., Coalition, and Afghan lowing it eagerly and sincerely. American,” he furthered. Further- forces have the right to self-de- “We have been involved in all more, provincial council member fense, and in this case were re- processes of the negotiations Zahir Naderi told Afghanistan sponding to an immediate threat. I and serious for the outcomes,” Times that there were two strikes would refer you to the Afghan in- he addressed a cabinet meeting. in the checkpoint. “First raid had He insisted that: “we were seri- terior ministry for any more infor- ous in reaching peace, which is no causality, but the second raid mation.” a big dream for people.” He highlighted that there was no point against the national inter- Three uprising ests in the HIA peace deal, thus NDS kills five Pakistani Kabul set to discuss Pakistan's it require us to be serious in im- members killed plementation of this agreement in future. Signing the deal would terrorists in Zabul in Faryab anti-terror policy at UN have positive impacts, but all problems won’t be solved, so known as Daesh militants, were AT News Report AT Monitoring Desk Afghan Second Vice President its responsibility for all to work arrested in eastern Nangarhar prov- together to cope with the chal- ince, officials said in that time, add- KABUL: Three members of the na- Sarwar Danish is likely to raise KABUL: The National Director- the issue of terrorism and Paki- lenge across the country in fu- ate of Security (NDS) said that its ing that they detained militants tional uprising forces were and nine ture, he mentioned. According were transferring classified docu- Taliban militants were killed in clash- stan's role in fighting the issue at operatives had killed at least five a UN General Assembly meeting to some reports, the peace coun- Pakistani terrorists in a Special ment to the group. The suspected es erupted between security forces cil had earlier said that the agree- Pakistani women were arrested in and militants in northwestern Fary- in New York on Tuesday. ment would be signed be the end Forces operation in southern Zab- According to Danish's media ul province. Kot district. ab province, provincial officials said of the week. It had said that The seized document con- on Monday. Police Chief, Brig. Gen. advisor, Mohammad Hedayat, technical issues of the draft “The operation was carried in Danish is representing Afghani- Naseran village of Mizan district tained information how to make Abdul Nabi Alham, told Pajhwok Af- were solved and it will be signed explosive devices and other weap- ghan News Taliban attacked several stan at the meeting. soon. Negotiation process be- of the province against al-Qaeda security posts in Ghormach, Almar, This comes as Afghan lead- terrorist network cell which was ons. There is no denying to the tween government of Afghani- Pashtonkot, and Khowaja Sabzposh ers have stepped up efforts to stan and HIA party has been operating in province, in which fact that Pakistan intelligence agen- districts of the province late on Sun- cy is making all out efforts to inform the world about challeng- started five months ago and fi- five Pakistani terrorist were killed,” day night. “Five uprising members es facing the war-torn nation – nally both side reached to agree- it said Monday in a statement. strengthen the foothold of Daesh were also wounded in the attack in ment over a draft comprised of group in Afghanistan. especially that of insurgency. According to statement, NDS Khowaja Sabzposh district,” he said, Government leaders are also 25 articles. HPC also said that also seized a number of weapons However, the arrest of two adding that five militants were also the peace deal between Hezb- Pakistani women, loyal to Daesh seen to be calling for more pres- and explosive devices during the received injuries. In another district, sure to be put on Pakistan to fight e-Islami and the Afghan govern- operation. is the clear indication of Pakistani’s Almar, he said that two more mili- ment was due to be signed be- support to the group. The Afghan terrorism. Kabul has for a while Pakistani militants are at large tants wounded during fight with se- insisted that Islamabad uses ter- fore the Eid holidays, but it was in country where they (militants) officials always pointed out blame curity forces. “Hundreds of Taliban peace and security and the war ers attending the summit meet at a postponed because of some finger toward Pakistani and its role rorism as a tool and that it is not against terrorism. Meanwhile, time that the scale of violence in despite standing beside Taliban militants equipped with mortar, fighting the trend with sincerity - technical issues. Hezb-i-Islami and al-Qaeda militants, they also for igniting war in Afghanistan. It rocket, machine guns and other heavy some Afghan political commenta- the militancy-riddled nation is hit- Afghanistan (HIA), led by Gul- is also provide that Pakistan pro- weapons stormed the Khowaja Sabz- claims Pakistan has always re- tors have urged the Afghan leader- ting new heights amid a surge in buddin Hekmatyar, had nodded stand with Daesh militants to fur- jected. "At the UN we will raise ther fuel insecurity in the country. vided safe hideouts to the Taliban, posh district yesterday (Sunday) ship to use the UN as an interna- Taliban insurgency and Pakistan's around five months ago to join as all high-profile Taliban leaders night,” Pajhwok quoted Ahmad a red card against terrorism, ter- tional platform to increase global alleged continued backing of the peace process and started ne- Earlier, two Pakistani women, ror backers whether it is Paki- loyal to the Islamic State, also were killed there. Fayaz, one of the uprising group pressure on Pakistan to fight ter- group. But a slight shift in tone by gotiation with the Government commanders, as saying. After rein- stan or someone else who sup- rorism honestly. "The US senate Washington towards Pakistan has of Afghanistan. Afghan govern- forcement dispatched, the Taliban ports the terrorists," said He- isolated Pakistan for the second been seen in recent weeks. ment welcomed the prepared- insurgents forced to push back, he dayat. Danish is expected to de- time, this time it was more seri- However some political ana- ness of HIA for peace parleys. REFUGEES RETURN IN said. “In a bid to stand against insur- liver a speech at the UN's 71st ous, Pakistan moves toward po- lysts have criticized President Recently people and some trib- gents, the related officials should fa- General Assembly on Tuesday litical isolation, and also the Af- Ashraf Ghani for not attending the al elders from different part of cilitate uprising groups with mod- afternoon and will reportedly ghan government is trying to in- summit as the majority of member Afghanistan also welcomed RECORD NUMBERS ern weaponries,” Fayaz said, adding highlight a number of key issues crease political pressure on Paki- nations are expected to be repre- peace deal with HIA and they that supping uprising forces is im- pertaining to Afghanistan and the stan," said political analyst Saleh sented by presidents. announced support from HIA Sayed Hussain Alemi Balkhi, Min- pendent directorate for housing portant in fight against militants. world including international Mohammad Registani. World lead- (ToloNews) joining to reconciliation process. ister of Refugees and Repatriation, development, said that Barikab on Monday said at the inaugura- town in Parwan province will be tion ceremony of Barikab Hous- built for return refugees.
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