COLORADO IDAHO KANSAS MONTANA NEBRASKA Proud members of PROBE www.RMDsing.org Barbershop Harmony Society Classic Collection, 1982 International Quartet Champions Storm Front, 2010 Vol. 33, No. 3 Published by the Rocky Mountain District Association of Chapters June/July NEW MEXICO SOUTH DAKOTA UTAH WYOMING RMD Senior Quartet Champs RMD Collegiate Quartet Champs RMD Spring Novice Quartet Champs After School Foundation Teton Range Albuquerque University of Northern Colorado Rexburg QUALIFIED FOR INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED FOR INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIED FOR INTERNATIONAL Ignition! The Crew The Elements Denver Mile High & MountainAires Denver Mile High Wasatch Front & Denver Mile High Small Chorus trophy awarded to 2010 RMD Barbershopper of the Year Durango Narrowgauge Chorus, Amy Barrett, director Rod Sgrignoli, Denver Mile High BOARD OF DIRECTORS and OPERATIONS TEAM (VP’S) President Imm. Past President Exec. Vice President Secretary Treasurer Society Rep. 2011-12 Lee Taylor Woody Woods Kevin Pape Dick Stark Dave Myers Bill Biffle 801 576-9384 719 528-8702 303 775-1054 303 986-3026 303 448-9422 505 246-9090 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chapter Support Chorus Director Contest & Judging VP Events VP Financial & Member Marketing & PR VP Leadership Training Development VP John Coffin Duane Bosveld Services VP John Elving CARA Coordinator Bob Fox 303 922-3804 303 469-9437 Dr. Tony Pranaitis 605 381-9680 Brett Foster 303 980-1870 [email protected] duanebosveld 303 233-6234 [email protected] 406 661-1538 [email protected] @hotmail.com [email protected] [email protected] Music & Performance VP Youth In Harmony Editor Webmaster Dr. Dan Clark Paul Dover Steve Jackson James Harper 308 436-5548 303 520-7466 215 Cheyenne St. Lot 18 303 664-1796 [email protected] [email protected] Golden, CO 80403 [email protected] 720 389-8739 [email protected] RMD Vision Statement — Enriching lives in the Rocky Mountain District through singing in harmony Vocal Expressions is published five times yearly and Advertising Rates Per Issue VE Deadlines posted online. Send articles, photos, ads, business Center spread Two pages $200.00 cards, news, etc. to editor by posted deadline, please, Jan/Feb: Dec 20 Full page 7.25 x 9.75 $125.00 in ASCII text, jpgs, text only, pdf, or Word documents. March/April: Feb 20 1/2 page 4.75 x 7.25 $ 75.00 Non-member subscription price is $5.00 per year. June/July: May 20 1/3 page Ver/Hor 7.25 x 3.50 $ 50.00 Member subscription rate is $3.00. Aug/Sept: July 20 1/4 page Ver/Hor 3.50 x 4.75 $ 40.00 Unless carrying a byline, all articles are by editor Nov/Dec: Oct. 20 and may or may not reflect the views of RMD. Business Card 1.75 x 3.25 $ 5.00 RMD VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 3 JUNE/JULY 2011 District President Lee Taylor RMD Quartet Heroes While attending the spring convention at Northglenn, I was reminded of the special reverence we hold for contributions made by our top quartets. In the early days of the district, we needed a quartet to give us credibility. After all, we had zero history and there we were, coequal with fifteen other districts in North America. The Classic Collection stepped up and gave us immediate relevance. Within a couple of years (in 1982) they brought home our first gold quartet medals. Our shiny new dis- trict had no need to apologize to anyone. Classic Collection & Storm Front in Northglenn A decade later, in 1992, One More Time won the Interna- George, Darin, Terry, Syd, Larry, Jim, Curt, and Jeff clowning tional Seniors contest. This was followed by Rockies IV taking the International Seniors competition the next year. I don't think it up at the Spring Convention — look ma, we won! any other district has managed that. Sally Davidson, photo Then, after a nine year hiatus, Reprise won the International Collegiate Quartet contest in 2001. After another a long dry spell, our own Storm Front won the 2010 quartet contest in Philadelphia. To all Rocky Mountain District barber- shoppers who compete. By district This year, our spring convention featured a Show of Champi- policy, the contest entry deadline for ons on Saturday night. We do this each year, but this one was a competition is four weeks. This special. After we viewed a home movie of Jim Clark singing means a quartet or chorus competi- with champions Classic Collection, the CC and Storm Front tor's CJ-20 entry form must be re- shared the stage at Northglenn. That “Sing with the Champs” episode was reprised at the afterglow. It was a thrill to see and ceived by the RMD VP C&J on or hear the two gold medal quartets, essentially a generation apart, before the Friday four weeks prior to mixing and matching members and songs. a published contest start date. This policy can be found in the RMD Operations Manual in Of course, many fine quartets, while not bringing home the sections 20 (Competions) & 21 (Conventions). gold, continue to represent the RMD in competition at every lev- el. Many more foursomes bring our message to the public on Since the RMD Fall Convention is Oct 7-9, 2011, the shows and in local performances. Many of our great choruses entry deadline for this competition is Sep 9, 2011. also sing and compete with distinction. But our gold medal quar- Thanks! tets hold a special place in our hearts, and through their work, John Coffin, Contest & Judging VP spread the word that the Rocky Mountain District, no longer the newest district, is serious quartet country. Thanks for the memo- ries. For booking information, contact George Davidson [email protected] For more information visit www.stormfrontquartet.com 2010 International Quartet Champions RMD VOCAL EXPRESSIONS PAGE 4 JUNE/JULY 2011 RMD Marketing & PR VP Considering that it will take a little time for the editorial staff of the VE to make certain changes, it is not some- John Elving thing which will happen overnight. However, it will happen. We will be publishing it in a different format so that you don’t need to wade through everything to read just the arti- cles you want or get to the registration forms. You’ll be Vocal Expressions Going able to click on a link and it will take you to where you On Line Full Time! want to go. The form of what we will do isn’t ironed out yet, but rest If you have read somewhere else, or have been in- assured that Steve Jackson will still be the editor. He will formed by your chapter members who attended the House be asking for the help of all in getting the news to him in a of Delegates (HOD) meeting at the RMD Spring Conven- timely manner. (Remember, his job is to edit – your job is tion, and who may have voted on the matter, you will know to write the articles. I’ve asked him to not necessarily go that there are some changes coming in the Vocal Expres- searching for the news as a reporter, but to gather and sions (VE). Your HOD voted unanimously to change how edit.) we publish the VE, and how you receive it. Here’s the full story. In that light, we are also looking for three very capable and willing people to take on the positions of digesters. As the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the What is a digester? (No it’s not someone who has eaten RMD states now, we must publish the VE twice yearly in a and is now processing the food.) We need one person printed format so that each member will have access to from the New Mexico area, one from the Colorado area the forms for Spring and Fall Conventions, Leadership and one from the Utah area to collect all the chapter news Academy and Rocky Mountain Harmony College. Of and digest it down to a shorter, pithier article for each course the SOP was originally written before people had chapter in that area and submit those to Steve for publica- access to the internet as they do today. That made sense. tion. The amazing thing is that you get to keep abreast of However, with the advancement of technology, we can get all that is happening in all the chapters you are getting the news, including those registration forms, to you much news from. You will be the one with the most knowledge faster and easier by way of the internet. as to what’s happening in your area. You will become a The printing and mailing costs of those two issues of resource for all barbershoppers in the RMD. Awesome! the VE were costing the district between $5,300 and As always we are looking for ways to communicate $5,500 a year. The HOD felt that there were other, more better and faster with all of the members of the Rocky pressing things that needed that money to keep things Mountain District. We believe that this is the way we can where they should be financially. Therefore, the discussion do it at the present time in such a wide-spread district. and vote to suspend the printed version of the VE and go Please keep us informed about what is happening and to an all-electronic version. how we can make things better for you in our communica- What does this mean to all of you? It means that you tion efforts. We want all of you to know what’s going on at will be getting notification of the Vocal Expressions being all times.
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