DVD-Libre 2008-09 Os Wtd 47 Wwdes288 XMP167 As

DVD-Libre 2008-09 Os Wtd 47 Wwdes288 XMP167 As

(continuación 2) EasyTAG 2.1 - Eclipse 3.4 - Eclipse Graphical Editor Framework 3.4 - Eclipse Modeling Framework 2.4.1 - Eclipse PDT 1.0.3 - Eclipse UML2 2.2.0 - Eclipse Visual Editor 1.2.3 - Ekiga 2.0.11 beta - Elgg 1.0 - emesene 1.0 RC - EQAlign 2.0.4 - Eraser 5.86.a - Euler Math Toolbox 6.05 - eXe 1.04 - Exodus - Explore2fs 1.08 beta9 - ez Components 2008.1 - eZ Publish 4.0.1 - Fast Floating Fractal Fun 3.2.3 - DVD-Libre FBReader 0.8.17 - FileZilla 3.1.2 - FileZilla Server 0.9.27 - Firebird - Firebug 1.2.0 - Firefox 3.0.1 - FLAC 1.2.1.b - FMSLogo 6.21.0 - Folder Size 2.4 - FractalForge 2.8.2 - Fraqtive 0.4.4 - Free Download Manager 2.5.758 - Free Pascal 2.2.2 - Free UCS Outline Fonts 2006.01.26 - Free1x2 0.70.2 - FreeCAD 0.7.1514 - FreeDOS 1.0 Disquete de arranque - FreeMat 3.6 - FreeMind 0.8.1 - FreePCB - FreePCB 2008-09 1.353 - Fyre 1.0.0 - GAG 4.10 - Gambit 0.2007.12.04 - GanttProject 2.0.7 - GanttPV 0.9 - Gazpacho 0.7.2 - GCfilms 6.4 - GenealogyJ 2.4.4 - GeoGebra 3.0.0 - GeoLabo 1.25 - Geonext 1.71 - GIMP 2.4.7 - GIMP Animation package 2.2.0 - GIMPShop 2.2.8 - Git 1.5.5 - gmorgan 0.24 - GnuCash 2.2.6 - Gnumeric 1.9.1 DVD-Libre es una recopilación de programas libres para Windows. 2008.06.25 - GnuWin32 Indent 2.2.9 - Gpg4win 1.1.3 - Graph 4.3 - GraphCalc 4.0.1 - gretl 1.7.7 - Grisbi 0.5.9 - GTK+ 2.10.13 - Gtypist 2.8 - Guido van Robot 3.3 - Handbrake 0.9.2 - Hexplorer 2.6 - hotkeys 2.0.1 - HTTrack 3.42.3 - Hugin 0.7 beta 4 - iColor Folder 1.4.2 - icopy 1.43 - IE Tab 1.5 2008.08.23 - Infra Recorder En http://www.cdlibre.org puedes conseguir la versión más actual de este 0.45 XP - Inkscape 0.46 - Inno Setup 5.2.3 - Inno Setup Tool 5.2.1 - InstallJammer 1.2.7 - Instant Rails 2.0 - DVD, así como otros CDs y DVDs recopilatorios de programas y fuentes. El iRATE radio 0.5 - iSafer Winsock Firewall - ITALC 1.0.9 - Jalmus 1.2 - Java Runtime Environment 6 primer lunes de cada mes (salvo en agosto) están disponibles nuevas update 7 - JClic - jEdit 4.2 - Jelix Developer Edition 1.0.5 - JkDefrag 3.36 - jMemorize 1.3.0 - Joomla! versiones de las recopilaciones para su consulta y descarga. 1.5.6 - Juice Receiver 2.2 - K-Meleon 1.5.0 - Kana no quiz 1.9 - KDE-Windows Installer - KDiff3 0.9.92 - KeePass 1.11 Catalán - KeePass 1.12 - KeePass 1.12 Castellano - KeyJnote 0.10.2 - KeyNote 1.6.5 - Kicad 2008.07.15 - Kitsune 2.0 - Komodo Edit 4.4.1 - Kompozer 0.7.10 - Kompozer 0.7.10 Castellano - Programas incluidos en el DVD KVIrc 3.4.0 - Launchy 2.1.2 - Lazarus 0.9.24 - LenMus 3.6 - Liberation Fonts 2007.08.03 - lightTPD 1.4.19-1 - Lilypond 2.10.33-1 - Linux Libertine 2.8.14 - LockNote 1.0.4 - Logisim 2.1.6 - LPSolve IDE - Lynx 7-zip 4.57 - :R4 2008.08.11 - AbanQ 2.2 - AbanQ Módulos oficiales 2.1 - AbiWord 2.6.4 - AbiWord 2.6.4 Import/Export Plug-ins - AbiWord 2.6.4 Tools Plug-ins - Album Shaper 2.1 - Alice 2.0 2005.04.05 - Amaya 2.8.6 release 5 - LyX 1.5.6-1 - LyX 1.5.6-1 Bundle - Macanova 5.05 R3 - MALTED 2.5 - Mambo 4.6.5 - 10.0.1 - Amaya Diccionario Castellano - aMSN 0.97.2 - Anagramarama 0.1 - Analog 6.0 - Ant Movie Catalog Maxima 5.16.3 - MD5summer - Media Player Classic - MediaCoder - MediaInfo - Apache 2.2.9 - Apophysis 2.02 - AppServ 2.5.10 - AppServ 2.6.0 - Aptana Studio 1.1 - ArgoUML - MediaPortal - MediaWiki 1.13.0 - Memorize Words Flashcard System - Mercurial 0.24 - Argumentative 0.5.46 - Argunet 1.0.1 - Art of Illusion 2.6.1 - Aspell 0.50.3 - Aspell Diccionario 1.0.2 - Minimum Profit 5.0.2 - Miranda IM 0.7.8 - Miro 1.2.7 - Mixere 1.1.00 - Mixxx 1.6.0 - mod_python 3.3.1 Castellano 0.50.3 - Aspell Diccionario Catalán 0.50.3 - aTunes 1.9.0 - aUCBLogo 4.7 - Audacity 1.2.6 - (py 2.4 - ap 2.0) - mod_python 3.3.1 (py 2.4 - ap 2.2) - mod_python 3.3.1 (py 2.5 - ap 2.0) - mod_python AutoHotkey - AutoQ3D Community 1.38 - Avidemux 2.4.3 - AVStoDVD 2.1.0 - AxCrypt - 3.3.1 (py 2.5 - ap 2.2) - MonoCalendar 0.7.2 - monotone 0.40 - Moodle 1.9.2 - Mozilla Backup 1.4.2 Catalán - Babiloo 0.2.1 - Bacula 2.4.2 - BASIC-256 0.9.2 - Bazaar 1.6 - Berkeley DB 4.7.25 - Berkeley DB Java Edition Mozilla Backup 1.4.6 Castellano - Mozilla Backup 1.4.8 - Mozilla Sunbird 0.8 - Mozilla Sunbird 0.8 Català - 3.3.69 - Berkeley DB XML 2.4.13 - Bersirc 2.2.14 - Bitstream Vera 1.10 - BitTorrent 5.0.9 - Blender 2.47 - Mozilla Thunderbird - MP3Gain 1.2.5 - MPlayer 1.0 RC2 GUI - MS .NET Framework 1.1 - MS .NET Boa Constructor 0.6.1 beta - BOINC 6.2.18 - Buddi - C.a.R. 8.72 - CakePHP - Calizo Framework 2.0 - MS Excel ODF Add-in 2.0 - MS PowerPoint ODF Add-in 2.0 - MS Windows Installer 3.1 v2 - 0.2.2 - CamStudio 2.0 - CamStudio Codec 1.0 - CaRMetal 2.9.1 - CDex 1.51 - Celestia 1.5.1 - Chandler 1.0 - MS Word ODF Add-in 2.0 - muCommander 0.8.2 2008.04.25 - MuseScore 0.9.2 - MusikCube 1.0 - MySql CherryPy 3.1.0 - Childsplay 0.85.1 - ClamWin 0.93.1 - CMS Made Simple 1.4.1 - Cobian Backup - 5.0.67 - mySQL for Python 1.2.2 (py 2.5) - MySQL GUI Tools 5.0 r12 - MySQL WorkBench 5.0.24 - Code::Blocks 8.02 - ComiX - ConvertAll 0.4.2 - CubeTest 0.9.3 - Curved Spaces 3.0.4 - darcs 2.0.0 NetBeans IDE 6.1 - NetTime 2.0.b7 - NIS Edit 2.0.3 - Nmap 4.68 - Notepad++ 5.0.3 - NSIS 2.39 - Numerical - DB Designer Fork 1.4 - Debatabase Desktop Edition 1.2.315 - DejaVu 2.26 - Dev-C++ - Dev-PHP Chamaleon 1.6.0 - Numerical Chamaleon Actualización 2007.02.25 - NumPy 1.1.1 (py 2.4) - NumPy 1.1.1 - Dia - Disk Imager 1.4 - Ditto - Django 0.96.2 - DokuWiki 2008.05.05 - DOSBox (py 2.5) - NVDA 0.6.p2 - Nvu 1.0 - OCS Inventory NG 1.01 Cliente - OCS Inventory NG 1.01 Servidor - 0.72 - DosZip Commander 1.29 - Double Commander 0.3.5.alfa - Doxygen 1.5.6 - Drawing for children 2.2 - Octave 3.0.1 - One-Click Ruby Installer 1.8.6-26 - Open Clip Art Library 0.18 - Open Watcom C/C++ 1.7.a - DrawPile - Drupal 5.10 - Drupal 5.X Castellano - Drupal 5.X Catalán - Drupal 6.4 - Drupal 6.X Open Watcom Fortran 1.7.a - (sigue detrás) Castellano - DVD Flick - DVDStyler 1.7.0 - DVDx 2.10 - e107 0.7.12 - (sigue dentro) http://www.cdlibre.org Septiembre de 2008 Septiembre de 2008 de Septiembre (continuación 3) - Open Workbench 1.1.4 - OpenLaszlo 4.1.1 - OpenOffice.org 2.4.1 - OpenProj 1.3.1 - Paint.NET 3.36 - PARI/GP 2.3.4 - Partition Logic CD 0.69 - Partition Logic Disquete 0.69 - Password Safe 3.14 - PDFCreator 0.9.5 - PDFCreator 0.9.5 Castellano - PDFCreator 0.9.5 Catalán - PeaZip 2.2 - PECL 5.2.6 - pgAdmin3 1.8.4 - PHP 5.2.6 (zip) - PHP 5.2.6 2008.05.06 (instalador) - PHP-Fusion 6.01.15 - phpMyAdmin 2.11.9 - PicToBrick 1.0 - Pidgin 2.4.0 Català - Pidgin 2.5.1 - PIL 1.1.6 (py 2.4) - PIL 1.1.6 (py 2.5) - Planner 0.14.2 - Plone - poedit 1.4.1 - Pooter 4.4.2 - POPTray 3.2.0 - PosteRazor 1.5.2 - PostgreSQL 8.3.3 - PostNuke 0.763 Castellano - PSeInt 2008.07.11 - PuTTY 0.60 - PuTTY Tray 0.60 (r3) - py2exe 0.6.8 (py 2.4) - py2exe 0.6.8 (py 2.5) - PyChecker 0.8.18 - PyGame 1.8.1 (py 2.4) - PyGame 1.8.1 (py 2.5) - PyGTK 2.10.6-1 (py 2.4) - PyGTK 2.12.1-2 (py 2.5) - PyInstaller 1.3 - PyMedia (py 2.4) - PyOpenGL 3.0.0.b5 - PyOpenGL Context 2.1.0 a2 - pySQLite 2.4.1 (py 2.4) - pySQLite 2.4.1 (py 2.5) - PySyCache 3.1.b - Python 2.4.4 - Python 2.5.2 - PythonCard 0.8.2 - Pywin32 212 (py 2.4) - Pywin32 212 (py 2.5) - Qdacco 0.6.b - Qucs DVD-Libre 2008-09 DVD-Libre 0.0.14 - R 2.7.2 - RawWrite 0.7 - Reference Finder 4.0.1 - Regular Expression Editor 1.4.0 - Remove Empty Directories 2.1 - ReportLab 2.1 - Reveal 1.2 - RSS Bandit - RSSOwl 1.2.4 - S.M.A.R.T.

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