OUR SUPREME TASK by Bishop Freeman WITNESS CHICAGO, ILL., MAY 23, 1935 S , - — I I ilÄZi K THE NEW CHAPEL At the Bethlehem Cathedral x x xc - txzxxzjx yx y x xx y x s s y y xx nf r Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue. Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 826 Tribune Building, New York City. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS OF THE CHURCH SCHOOLS SJlje (general ©^enlngiral HE best Secondary Schools in SAINT MARY’S HAIL T the country are maintained Protestant Episcopal. 69th year. Junior and Seminary Senior High School. Accredited college prep­ by the Episcopal Church. If you aration and comprehensive general courses. Three-year undergraduate course are thinking of sending a son or Junior College. Beautiful new buildings, modernly equipped. Gymnasium and out-of- of prescribed and elective study. a daughter away to school this door sports. Catalog. Miss Katharine Caley, Fourth-year course for gradu­ Fa * I and care to have information A. B., Box W, Faribault, Minn. ates, offering larger opportunity about these schools merely send for specialization. a note to the editorial office of Provision for more advanced work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. THE WITNESS, 826 Tribune CHATHAM HA and S.T.D. Building, New York. Age, part A Church School _ in Southern Virginia of country preferred and price for Girls ADDRESS range will help us to get you Rev. Edmund J. Lee, D.D. more accurate information. Rector TH E DEAN Chatham Virginia 4 Chelsea Square New York City ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE For Catalogue Address the Dean Raleigh, North Carolina AINT JAMES SCHOOL An approved Church College for Negro Youth offering courses leading to degrees of B.A., Washington County, Maryland Episcopal Theological School and B S., College Preparatory (last two years of High School) ; also Training Schools for School for Boys CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS Nurses and for Women Church and Welfare The Mother of Church Schools Workers. iFIliatiog with Harvard University offers on the English Plan •«.usual opportunities in allied fields, such as For catalog and Information Address (The Registrar) Adrian H. Onderdonk, M. A. philosophy, psychology, history, Headmaster sociology, etc. Far Catalogue Address the Dean Berkeley Divinity DIVINITY SCHOOL IN School CATHEDRAL CHOIR SCHOOL New Haven. Connecticut New York City PHILADELPHIA Affiliated with Yale University A hoarding school for the forty boys o'/ Undergraduate and Graduate Courses Address DEAN W. P. LADD the Choir of the Cathedral of Saint Johr Privileges at University of Pennsylvania 86 Sachem Street the Divine. Careful musical training anc' daily singing at the cathedral services. SmalT Address: classes mean individual attention and higi BARTLETT, 42nd and Locust Street* standards. The School has its own buildinp and playgrounds in the Close. Fee— $250.0( per annum. Boys admitted 9 to 11. Voice The Protestant Episcopal SHATTUCK test and scholarship examination. Addres' The Precentor, Cathedra] Choir School Theological Seminary in Virginia » » SCHOOL «c « Cathedral Heights, New York City. For Catalogue and other information A ciiurch bcnooi tor boys, with high stand­ address the Dean ing in sound scholarship and development of manly character and Christian citizenship. KXV. WALLACE E. ROLLINS. D.D. College preparatory. Military system. 18 'theological Seminary Alexandria. Va. buildings. All sports. 74th year. Episcopal Schools for Girls Address the Rector, Under the Diocese of Virginia Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn. St'. Catherine’s School, MODERN PLAN OF Richmond, Virginia. EDUCATION An Honor Christian School with the highest Girls successfully prepared for leading col­ St. Anne’s School, academic rating. Upper School prepares for leges East and West. High scholastic rec­ university or business. ROTC. Every modern ords. Strong faculty. , Charlottesville, Virginia. equipment. J unior School from six years. General courses include : Domestic Science, Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue, Music, Sculpture, Painting, Costume Design, Both schools offer College Preparatory Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. Interior Decora Lion, Emphasis on Current Events in relation to History. and General courses. For catalogues Leisure interests developed by athletics, Dra­ WILLIAM SMITH COLLEGE matics, Studio, Choir. Shop, etc. please address the Headmistress of FOR WOMEN Junior School— Grades 3 to 8. Progressive each school. methods. Geneva, New York For catalog address Co-ordinate with Hobart College. Four year Liberal Arts Course leading to the degrees The SISTERS OF ST. MARY, of A.B. and B.S. Box 25-E HOLDERNESS For catalog and Information address M A L l*6sye*n In the White Mountains. College Prepara FAYE HUNTINGTON KLYVER, Ph.D., Dean tory and General Courses. Music and Crafti IMPER KENOSHA *WISC. For boys 12-19. All sports including riding 200 acres of woods. New fireproof building SECKFORD SCHOOL ST. FAITHS SCHOOL Individual instruction. Home atmosphere Woodstock, Virginia Day and Boarding School Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector Authorized by the Episcopa) Church, A school for younger boys. Second grade Box W Plymouth, N. H through Junior High School. In Shenandoah Chartered under the Board of Regent*. Valley. Limited enrollment. Fifty dollar* Kindergarten to College. Special Courses— monthly. Art, Music, French, Secretarial. 44th year Tuition *450 year. Opens Sept. 19th. 1934. EDMUND BURKE WHELAN, Apply to Rev. Dr. F. ALLEN SISCO. Headmaster Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Stuart Hall Virginia Episcopal School An Episcopal girls’ school of fine pM TRINITY COLLEGE traditions and high standards in the beau­ Hartford, Conn. Lynchburg, Virginia tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ Prepares boys for college and university. tory, general courses, and secretarial Offers a general cultural education, with Splendid environment and excellent corps of courses. Two years beyond high schooL special emphasis on the Classics, Modern teachers. High standard in scholarship and Music, art. expression. Graduates success­ ¡.languages, English, Economics, History, Phil- athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. ..'«ophy, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics, the mountains of Virginia. New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Rid­ Biology and Pre-Medical, or Pre-Engineer­ For catalogue apply to ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T, ing. For information apply. The Dean, Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Carr, A.B., Box A. Staunton, Va. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Associate Editors Irving P. Johnson Managing Editor THE WITNESS Frank E. W ilson W illiam B. Spofford James P. DeW olfb Literary Editor A National Paper of the Episcopal Church Robert P. Kreitler G a r d in e r M. D a y Voi. XIX. No. 37. MAY 23, 1935 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is pubJished weekly by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, €140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscription price is $2.00 a year; in bundles o f ten or more for sale at the church, the paper selling, at five cents, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter April 3, 1919, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under act o f Marchi 3, 1879. Our Supreme T ask By JAMES E. FREEMAN The Bishop of Washington L O N E L Y Saviour, despised and rejected of men, ened concern and the munitions and armament manu­ A has overspread the world with His mighty Gos­ facturers gloat over conditions that give promise of pel. What is lacking today in our Christian house­ increased earnings and augmented dividends. It is a hold is His courageous spirit. We reverently bow situation that challenges the Church and Christian men before His cross, but the sacrifice it implies we cau­ and women everywhere. Those who promote and abet tiously and lightly assume. We come to His table and the war spirit, discount our influence and set at naught receive the gifts it imparts, but we fail to espouse our power. His cause when it affects our convenience or lays upon our personal interests a heavy or costly toll. We main­ E R T A IN L Y the time has come when the Church tain a discreet silence in the presence of wrongs and C of every name must call into militant action all injustices, and forget that He drove with knotted whip its forces to resist those who would treat with contempt cords from the sanctuary, those who made a pretence the teachings and ministry of the Prince of Peace. of religion. We pay homage and deference to the We abdicated our office and allegiance in the late war. favored and the privileged, waiting for the crumbs We forsook our principles and became propagandists that fall from their ladened tables, rather than rebuke for a cause that has issued in confusion worse con­ them for practices that bring shame and distress to founded and sown the seeds of bitterness and hatred multitudes of helpless and defenceless men, women the world over. To advocate peace along sane and and little children. Better that we suffered and starved rational lines has brought down upon its advocates for awhile, nourished only by His spirit, than that we everywhere, the scorn and derision of war-mongers, betrayed His cause and by our apathy and indiffer­ crafty diplomats, selfish politicians and those who ence hindered the progress of His Kingdom. It may profit at the cost of the thousands of our youth who be that the time is at hand when men who believe in are ruthlessly slaughtered at their behest. Christ’s teachings may have to exhibit courage, yes, These instigators of war are safeguarded by reason and suffer humiliation, dishonor and pain, that His of age and position from its cruelties. They make no cause may prevail. reckoning of its awful horrors and tragedies. To them Christian men and women must take cognizance of the survival of the fittest, means the security of selfish the ominous and threatening clouds that hide the fair interests at the price of human sacrifice.
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