LIGHTING-LIP TIME 537 P.M. <fe*1fc attlr (MwM $a% INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 22—NO. 5 HAMILTON. BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1937 3D PER COPY 40/- PER ANNUM MADRID DEFENDERS HURLED BACK WITH SERIOUS LOSS MOORS STORM TRENCHES "CAVALIER" WILL GIVE GRAVE VIEW TAKEN IN To Represent Local Volunteer BERMUDA IN 1937's SPEED AND LUXURY LONDON OF CIVIL WAR Forces at the Coronation CENTENARIES THEY SAY UNDER COVER OF SWIFT Thjat if there isn't an election this Bermuda - New York Service Foreigners Landed In Spain Captain W. E. Cooper, acting O.C. Eighteen hundred and thirty-seven week a lot of prophets will be con­ TANKS the Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps was the year of the accession cf founded. Flying Ship:Two Decks Give Britain Cause to Wonder In the absence of Major A. T. Gosling, Queen Victoria; and it was also an * # * and Sergeant F. Minors, of the important year in tbe careers of That as a matter of fact it is doUars RANGE OF 1,000 MILES LONDON, Jan. 5. (BOP)—In Lon­ Bermuda Militia Artillery, have been some famous Governors of Bermuda. to dough-nuts there wiU be one. don a very grave view is taken offi­ Fascists Claim Further Victories- chosen as representatives of the Ber­ Sir WiUiam Lumley was promoted * * * cially of the continued arrival In muda' Volunteer Force Association general that year. A decade earlier That a Uttle shake-up never did 'Cavalier/ one of Imperial Air­ Spain of foreign nationals and ves­ at the Coronation of King George he had been Governor and Com­ much harm. German Commander Issues Ultima­ ways 28 flying-boats, Is being as­ sels. Telegrams have been sent to sembled at the Darrell's Island air- VI next May. mander-in-Chief at Bermuda and both Berlin and to Rome in which That the Roosevelt Birthday base here and within a few weeks Representations were made to the had several times come into' con­ Ball tum—Eden in Peacemaking Efforts the request of His Majesty's Govern­ should be a big event. will begin flying over Bermuda. Colonial Office concerning the size flict with the churchwardens of ment is conveyed to the German and the parish of St. George. Tbe result 'Cavalier* is one of the first of the of this representation, but the Col­ ItaUan Governments for replies to of one case, which was taken to Lord That some people foolishly insist new flying-boat fleet to be completed onial Office was emphatic that Ber­ MADRID, Jan. 5. (CP)—The Government defence lines were the Anglo-French agreement by the Chief Justice Tenderden, was a ver­ that this is mixing up to poUtics. and tested successfully in flight. muda should not have more repre­ reported today hurled back from Majadahonda toward the El Escoral end of the present week at the latest. dict of £1,000 damages against the * * * Slstercraft of the new 'C class which The French Government has been sentatives than other Colonies. highway. The communique said the Socialists left more than Governor. That nothing could be further from have also been launched and flown informed of the British action. two hundred dead on the field at Majadahonda alone. Bulletins Sir Charles Elliot (who was Gover­ the truth. * * * are 'Canopus' and 'Centaurus,' which In view of the meetings of the PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT TO nor of Bermuda from 1846 to 1854) That it is a recognition of a great -from the front said the Socialists put up a desperate resistance, are already in regular commission international committee and of became to 1837 chief superintendent man's work to a noble cause. barraging their advancing lines with an artillery bombardment and on Mediterranean sections of the joint British and French representa­ ADDRESS CONGRESS TODAY and plenipotentiary on the China I * * * Empire air-lines, and the long- tions at Christmas in Berlin, Rome, rifle fire. It was one of the hottest engagements since the seige trade commission; and that famous! That it is also a timely appreciation range boat 'Caledonia,' which is to be Moscow and Lisbon, urging immed­ lines were drawn around the capital. Cavalry in reconnoitering for­ Governor, Sir Robert Michael Laf- of warm-hearted neighbours. employed in long-range test flights iate measures to prevent the inflow Annual Message on State of Union ays prepared the path of advance. Shouting Moors under heavy fan (who died at Bermuda to 1882) * * * prior to preliminary operation on the of "volunteers" which have so far broadcast at 3 became that year a second Ueutenant That the railway company did a good Socialist fire stormed trench after trench following swift tanks North Atlantic route. not been answered by the German to the Royal Engineers. job last year. which cut openings in the barbed wire entanglements. The other flying-boats of the 'C* or Italian Government, it is felt in * * * class will be completed and put into London that the most recent land­ President Franklin D. Roosevelt will Another celebrity who died at Fascist headquarters Tuesday That yet the financial situation is service on different parts of the ings of foreigners in Spain are un- be heard personally delivering his Bermuda (ta 1841) was Sir Thomas claimed their troops had cut the not too promising. GERMAN MILITARY WORK Imperial Airways routes at intervals timely manifestations far from con- message on the state of the Union Harvey, who was promoted to the highway northwest from Madrid I before a joint session of the Senate * * * of less than a month. rank of vice-admiral in 1837, and isolating the capital from Socialist HAMPERED BY STRIKES forming with the spirit of the non­ and the House of Representatives became three years later Ccmmand- That this is because the original intervention agreement, even if they outlay was so very heavy. troops at El Escorial and the Guadar­ MADE LIKE SHIPS in the House chambers at Washing­ er-to-Chief ta the West Indies, thus rama Mountains. The road is re-| PARIS, Jan. 5. (CP)—The con- do not violate its letter. ton, D.C, today over the National securing an appointment held pre­ * * * garded as highly important in the struction of German military bar- Broadcasting Company and ColumDia viously by his father, Sir Henry, and That the optimistic are still looking It gives a new conception of aircraft There is no official confirmation capital's defence and was reported racks and subterranean airports at Broadcasting System networks. cousin, Sir John. forward to a race track on the construction to watch the great in London of the reports circulating Marsh FoUy. dominated by the seizure of Las Lake Constance are being seriously The first broadcast to be heard is Sir John Henry Lefroy became a hulls of these new flying-boats rising to the statement of the landing of a * * * Rozas, ten miles northwest of the I hindered by repeated strikes of Ger­ on their stocks Uke the hulls of ships further ooo ItaUans in Spain, and at 1.00 p.m. Bermuda time, and wiU lieutenant in the Royal Artillery 6i take place as the House of Represen­ That an inland piece of water could city. man workers demanding higher wages, with skUled craftsmen working all i thought some confusion may to 1837, and was sent to Chatham, it S tatives convenes for a roU caU. This be made to serve its purpose. BERLIN, Jan. 5. (CPi—The Com­ Genevieve Tabouis, poUtical com- over them—just as one might watch j^e arisen with the arrival of about where he speciaUy devoted himself j mentator, reported Tuesday in broadcast will be heard over the NBC * * * mander of the "Koenigsberg" in I the busy scene in any shipbuUding oo ItaUans to help General Franco to the study of practical astronomy. "L'Oeuvre". The workers have been 5j0 Blue network. Later the CBS net­ That there might even be a horse Spanish waters dispatched a warning yard. For the first time huge British wiuch occurred on December 22nd This knowledge stood him ta good | i Spanish Government at Valen- 1 confined in large numbers in con- work wUl broadcast from the new race and a speed boat race at the passenger-carrying flying-boats are I 4.ooo of these were disembarked I stead when, ta 1871, he became Gov­ last Supreme Court BuUding a description ernor and Commander-in-Chief of same time. * * * cia Tuesday demanding the release centration canps at Dachau and being produced on Unes sirrular to Cadiz from the transport "Lorn-| at of its imposing structure and interior. Bermuda, where he undertook met­ That seriously the present site could of the cargo of the "Palos" by eight Neufhausen when they struck on those employed in the construction bardia" on New Year's Day, and would j Listeners will then be taken to the eorological and magnetic observa­ be converted into a beauty spot. a.m. Friday. Jan. 8th. If the demand j work vital to Germany's programme of big ocean-going ships. is not compUed with, two Spanish of rniUtarizmg the Franco-Swiss therefore bring the number of Ital­ House chambers to time to hear the tions. He coUected and pubUshed To examine the hull of "CavaUer," ians joining the insurgent forces in entire speech by the President. two volumes of early history of the That planting of beautiful trees steamers wiU be seized by Germany ] frontier region on a scale more than reminds one, irresistibly, of the huh a period of ten days to a total of about President Roosevelt is expected to colony, with pictures and charts.
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