• r>>» i • l e a t h e r HIb. Hex. Pr«o, IS - "0,00" !—6t 88 0.001 ___ <2 7S U l KSTAu* t r ^ .s a at 0,00 (hn***y* aw*ft ® ___58 74 0.00 fKffir; aw. », ~ ZZZn 77 0,00 SHR aw.. 10, ___ea S4 Tree* j W AWS »1 frEIGHTHYEAR-~No,< 10c per Copy - SUBSCRIPTION $3.00 PER YEAR County 4 H Show Bonds Okayed Petition for Cleaning Underway at Rural lit Light Vote . Village President-Donald AlbeV and members of the ViilagerCouri- Activities Center cil were given.a decided “vote of confidence” - in-Monday Veiectiim on the $286^000 bond issue forex- A nnual Event ; pansion of’chelsea’s sewage treat­ Club _ ment plant, The vote was 133 Cost of Project Runs Through "yes” and 12 "no.” Interest Rate Members’ Wives President Alber, speaking for Friday Evening the Council, said the necessary -j- Given as Reason Guests at Pumfa arrangements for: the bond issue Increased oh Washtenaw county d * H cli? will be processed a s . quickly, ah By Opposition j . Approximately 8(f":'iftiwanians Savings Deposits members are holding their annua possible in order that w.ork on the Three members of the Washten­ and guestsTWOre: present for the sewage plant expansion may be Chelsea State Bank announced C«unty 4*H Show this week at the annual Kiwanis club picnic anc aw County Board of Supervisors, jrtral Activities Center on Saline- undertaken at an early date.' " this week that it is increasing'its acting as an official Board of De­ Ladles’ Night, held Monday eve Voter approval a t. Monday’s interest rate on savings accounts, Ann Arbor road. The show began ning at Cavanaugh Lake. The af­ termination, decided that “the yeetetday and continues through election cleared the way for im­ to three per cent, effective Sept. 1. drain is not necesaary/as petition- fair w„as held at the home of Mr. mediate action* regarding the ad­ Present rate is two per cent; tomorrow. and Mrs. Harold Jones. ed” following a public meeting at Members are exhibiting live dition of the necessary expansion This'rate has beeh in effect since Guests of the club, in addition the McKinley road intersection of rtf.fr, fond preparation, food urea which the State ' Health Depart­ .Dflcember,' ,1955;: ,y --------- --------- thfl Mill Creek Consolidated Drain. to Kiwomans’ wives; were My 7ana ment has been recommending. The exvation, vegetable, flower and Mrs. Robert Wagner, Tom Oliver The three supervisors, all ex­ ainy other projects sewage plant .expansion has" been perienced drain authorities,- are who is a Hillsdale Kiwariian,"am urged the jpast four years and on iy>night^s feature attraction is Harold Glazier; Community Erwin Frederick of Lodi township, -thB'horse show. June16 the HealthDepartment' in- Russell Hughes of Bridgewater, fiVWe'd the" Village. Council that, judging oLbeef,' DO YOmREMEMBER • WHEN ? Joseph^ba* members that the-barbers’ working day in~the and-Sylvester Leonard of Augusta poultry took'place at 9 a.m because of the - existing (conditions Fair Flans"! township, - ■»—- “ at the sewage treatment plant, ban, Chelsea barber for ^33 yettrs, appears at the Detroit7 shop was from 8 a.m, until 8 p,in. Monday to^tjr; home economics exhibits FFA Club left in the above photo taken in '1917 when, at the through. Friday, ■ Saturdays the closing hour was The meeting; Which took place trtctor, conservation, photograph; construction permits for additional Thursday, was held for the pur-, ^ sewers', in the Village would not be age of 16, he worked as an apprentice in a Detroit supposed to be l l p.m. but. they were kept busy Underway tad horses were.,-to be judged 'at barbershop, learning the trade he has followed ever pose of determining the necessity . '9:80a.in.j- judging of other sheep Boys Plan granted - until—definite- steps-had for hours after that^by the men who flocked to (he £ Chelsea’s a n n u a 1 Community of the project aft petitioned— 1 r ytu scheduled for 1 p.in. arid judg- been t aken to provide the adequate since. The barber at the other chair was Michael shop, when the saloons closed, Sundays, the bar- Fa.iJTls~Sflheduled£fdr3ther^acond cleanlng out the drain from ap­ ‘fi|‘ of fabbits“ a t “7 p.m; - M treatmentifacilities^requiredr _Spies, owner of the-shop-whlcbrwas -locaied-at hers worked from 8 a;ifirfintlt HObn; Bo WglomcrF week in September. Dates aro Wed- proximately 'the center of - Section Judging of flower, garden; ant Summer Trip Detailed plans and specifications Macomb and Russell street, in Detroit. Spies was could attend church freshly shaved. Haircuts were nesday, Thursday, Friday' arid Sat­ 32, Lima township- <Lima - Genter) crop exhibits began at 5 p.m had been completed und .approved a friend of Laban’s father, Julius Labpn, who 35 cents for mfen and 25 cents for_children. Shaves urday, Sept. 9, 10, 11 and 12, with north and west ^through the Luick, Sixteen . members . of ■ Chelsea by. the Council after they were yesterday, soon -after all' exhibits brought his fanjily to America' from his nativ.e were 15 cents... Those ^ere “the good old days” the annual Amateur Night pro­ Mill Creek and'Letts' Creek drain, Highj’schooPs Future Farmers of ordered prepared in. 195?. 3. ■ - vere in place. Austria-Hungary, The father, now 85, lives with for the customer but rough on the barber. Laban gram scheduled for Thursday, Sept. across Chelsea ' and then ' south ' Special program last night was America Chapter will leave by bus If voters had failed to approve another son, on a fBrnt near ArnttBa.- Laban re- is now employed in Red, Eder’s .shop heref- ^ : ^ 10, with- a - total of- '6100 in prizes along the Mill Creek extension to the 4-Htraetor-operating contest. at 6:30.a.m. Sunday for the an­ the bond issue Monday,- construe;-, offered. ■ ' * Chrysler. - Proving Ground. - Tomorrow morning, beginning at nual FFA trip. tion of the, necessary sewage-fa­ ;Padl F. Niehaus, who is in Members of the,, board of de- 9 o’clock, dairy and swine exhibits cilities would -have been delayed charge of - the Amateurs-Showpsaidh -terminationHViewed-.the- drain -in- Included in the group will be while the Health Department in­ New Students Should Enroll Rod and Gun Club yesterday that, anyone who plans its present condition at. all road will be.; judged and the Friday Richard Irwin, Dave Geer, Charles t night program, .beginning a t 8 stituted proceedings to i-force the to enter- the contest "should send crossings along the drain route Xoehn, „:Pauri'Frisinger, Duane Will Sponsor o’clock; will be-the showmanship village to comply.- ; — - in an entry form aB'soon* as" pos­ and also listened to all arguments;, - - Weiss, Kenneth Wenk, Albert Now at High School Office ;for or ^gainst as presented at the contest in dairy,' beef, shebp aht ~<f> sible. Dejadline for sending .in en- SchaVer,' Dale* Horning, Kenneth Charles Lane, __ Chelsea ' High Booth at Fair_- try=forms is Sept. 1, he said.-They public'- meeting, before coming to ... swine, _ LmdQW) Donald— Wenk, -Donald -AH" 4 Jl^club membersTfir "the school ^-principglT7- annouhced~thir between-8t30-a;mr afidv4:30 p.m. Chelsea Rod and“Gun_Clob held should—be—sent-to—his- home^ad^ their.decision. — ■ - Laie'r, Max- Mock, Ned Heydlauff, Monday,—Aug.W 24r and—seventh the-monthly-meeUngHfue8day^eve=-[-dl^ s'T;M09-Jeffer80iKStreet, -county=will=be-expected-to--spen< Ron Walter, RicKar3~Harvey, Paul week'that he wjll- bo at hi Saturday at the show site to as graders from 8;80 a.m; until 4:30 ning at the 'American Legion A form for the' purpose is dents attended the meeting—an d --: Rothfus8,-Don--Ou3iey,-and-Stanley in the^new-high-school every-week p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 25.' :: v:.," 7 Home with 50 members and three printed elsewhere on page one of the—majority of these voted m list in the general clean-up.; Ex Dyer H old 21st WbitoreTcteduled to be released day from* 9 a.m; until 4 p.m. to : ' All books that' were in use. last" guests, present. One of the guests this issue of The Standard, ; against granting, the petition. -*■ • by 9:30, a,m. Their destination is Dewitt; la., enroll students new to the system year will be good for this, year; was Richai^ Lyons who has re­ ' Farmers arid others in the com­ . Cost of the' project in relation where_they will , camp at a state munity wh(r'plan:to "enter exhibits to the number-of—people directly — Annual Picnic this year. however, an additional English cently returned from* Heidelberg, AmU-_ or county park. They will learn book- will be required in the 11th Germany. The twp other, guests at the fair should alsq, send in benefitte<jl appeared to - be the - ’i";; .v 1 heir itinerary after1 their arrival Any student who' will be new entry.-blanks as~sbon^ds -possjbler -reason.mo8tof-those-presentwere-— mat and present to the ChelaeaTSChoohsystomrwith" and^l2th-grades^Pricea-of—new were Larry. Koch-and-Glenn-Schilr me* Band since^Norm air Goodwin, Clinton supervisors picnic-was held- . Sun­ books-are-not known-«i«iTt.hiB -tlmw ler who were sponsored _bv the The premium Jist, together with “opposed-to the project. A number county. Iowa, agricultural agent, day at the Farm Council llural the exception ‘ of those^whO^will Chfilsfia_R<wL- &_Gun_Clubltq-at- the names of superintendents of expressed concehi because dt the be entering from St. Mary’s achool, but students _wl_U.
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