Baseball o~c:~~uJ:t Coaching 'Here! 'fvstem! • ~ --====::.L: ~ -======!I . e.-> o-==== Vol. XI WAKE FOREST, N. C.,'SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1928 ~ No. 23 ==================~================================~==~=====================7===================7=.========~~~=== Wake Forest Debates Pi::!::;;!:tnnual KAPPA PHI KAPPA Gettysburg College CADDELL GETTING HIS EDUCATIONAL FRAT At St~ Mary's College Spring Election MEN READY fOR THE Eleven New Men Taken Into the Hopkins~ Robinson, and Carlton LENOIR-RHYNE GAME HEARS DR. BRYAN Speak for Wake Forest; Fraternity; Attorney Lynn Gettysburg Wins 2-1 of Durham Present Wake Forest Dean Speaks On Coach Caddell's Demon Deacon Subject of "Teaching 'As a Speaking before an audience Last Monday evening, promptly at 9 Baseballers Are Making beautiful girls and a number of out· o'clock, the Pi Beta Nu Law Fraternity Progress Profession" _ side visitors, speakers of a debating held their annual spring initiation. team representing Wake Forest Col· Eleven new men were taken in, and At the regular meeting of tbe Kappa lege debated a team of debaters from these men represent all parts of the These warm spring days have been Phi Kappa educational fraternity on .Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, 'Penn· state. working wonders with Coach John Monday night Dean Bryan gave an sylvania, on last Saturday evening in For some years past it has been the Caddell's Demon Deacon baseballers. unusually. interesting and practical the auditorium of St. Mary's College, custom of the fraternity to hold a reg- The rays of Old Sol have taken prac· lecture to men of the college )VhO are Raleigh. ular spring initiation, at which time tically all the kinl's out of the players' planning to enter the teaching pro· The query debated was: "Resolved, all men pledged during the latter part arms, charley-horses are now rarities, fession. This was an open meeting of That the· United States should cease of the first semester and the spring and the insufferable strained shoulders the fraternity, and several visitors to protect by armed force capital in· semester are initiated. and strained muscles are now things During. the early twilight there was of the past. were present. vested in foreign lands except after formal declaration of war." Gettys­ an undercurrent of something on foot, Every day for the past week the Dr. :Bryan took as his subject and as darkness came on the hurrying Baptists have been engaging in prac­ "Teaching As a Profession." "A pro­ burg upheld the affirmative side of the question, while Wake Forest defended hither and thither became more pro- tice games between themselves. These fession," -he Sqid, "signifies a compre­ nounced, anil the initiation was under contests have shown Coach Caddell hensive knowledge possessing its own the negative. The decision of the judges was two to one in favor of way. In the course of a few hours the strength and weakness of many technique and skillfully applied." the new members realized that the sea of his players. Several have fallen There are three undisputed profes­ the affirmative. limited to 375 The speakers who represented Get­ was quite calm once more. short of what was expected of them. sions, namely: Law, Medicine, and the As has been the custom in the past, Otbers have become formidable con­ be under the Ministry. A profession does not in­ tysburg were A. G. D. Wiles, W. V. of forty-five Davies, L. R. Tabor. The speakers the rpei:l initiated were men whose tenders ior places on the first team. clude commercialism, mechanical pro· record in the Law School is irreproach· For the rmst week the Deacon men­ and instruc­ duction, or agriculture. from Wake Forest were H. C. Hopkins, from Luther Robinson, Joe Carlton. able, men who stand for the highest tor has used Moss on first base, Dow­ The public attitude, widely preva· standards possible, and whose names tin on second, Clayton on short, Pete •••m>nt·v courses lent, is that teaching is not a profes· are a by-word of popularity on the .Joyner has been holding down the hot offered, and sion. But a teacher trains a profes· Phi.'s Debate On campus. corner, while Phelps and Kuykendall sional man, and teaching should be these There were several alumni present, 1 have been sharing the receiving duties. complete recognized as a profession. There Joint Improvement including C. L. Lynn, who is a a very For his outfield Coach Caddell has during the must be technical content and a spe­ St. Lawrence River prominent attorney in Durham. been calling upon Scarboro, Lassiter, time in earn- cial technique 4-n the teaching profes· The men initiated were S. A. Benton, and Dorsett for his first string. The sion as well as in law, medicine, and Laurinburg; R. C. Bridger, Jr., Bladen- regular pitchers have been James, the ministry. As a doctor must be Proposed That U. S. and Canada boro; William Douglass, ,Clinton; Jack Lanning, Key, Joyner, and Ott Person. trained before 'he is qualified to prac· Improve River for Navi­ Parker, Lasker; H. R. Harris, Sea- All these men received their uniforms tice, so must a teacher be trained board; W. G. Stroud, Kinston; Paul last Wednesday, in addition to out­ before he is qualified to teach. gation and Power Kitchin, Scotland Neck; Jule Flythe, fielder Foust and infielder Allen. The three prerequisites of a teacher Jackson; Arline Hauser, Winston-Sa- Coach Caddell is rapidly. getting his as set forth by Dr. Bryan were: Tuesday night the Philomathesian Iem; B. W. Brookshire, Roswell; N. M. team in shape for the opening game 1. A teacher must possess a body of Literary Society had a spirited debate and F. L. Carpenter, Gastonia. on Friday, March 30, with the Lenoir- knowledge which the masses do not on the query, "Resolved, that the Rhyne Mountain Bears. The game is have. A teacher of mathematics must United States and Canada should to be played on Gore Field. not only !mow his subject before he jointly improve the St. Lawrence Student Golf Club can teach it, but he must also possess River, 'between Lake Ontario and Mon· a special kind of technique. More treal, for navigation and power, in ac­ Plans For Spring Football Squad and more scholarship should be· re- cordance with the recommendations of Tourname~ts Loses Ton of Weight quired in the courses one is going to the International Investigating Com- STANLEY COFALL 1 teach. missions." Every Afternoon 2. The second prerequisite of a The first speaker on the affirmative Plans to Have Tournament Here teacher is technical information pro- tried to define the query and show the And to Send Foursome to Weighing. Members of Squad ·fessionally applied. _Courses in Edu- enefits that wouTh.\be derived from the The Demon Deacons Progress Sedgefield, April 14 cation do not. make teachers, but such joint action -of th'ei two nations. He Each Day Is Interesting courses can be made to assist in doing showed that the two countries were New Featme so. ,almost one :in every respect and that Rapidly In Notre Dame System· 1n a meeting of some twenty men I 3. The third .prerequisite is person· it would not be 'long before the two + who answered to the call meeting of ality. This is something nobody can would be one, and that such a move­ the Student Golf Club as announced An interesting feature of the new define, but we can all recognize it ment as proposed would hasten the Coaches Cofall and Miller Return thorough if not exciting. It is the by President Harry Hall, much inter· I Co fall regime. being introduced into plan of the new staff to get the men est was shown. 1 Wake Forest at11letics is the new sys­ when we see it. 1t consists in many juncture of two friendly nations. To Baltimore; Coach Miller things, things of the inner self as well The first speaker on the negative an­ used to their system of fundamentals. Frank ·woods was unanimously tern of weighing each member of the as things of the outer self. ticipated much which the affirmative Returns Monday These have been practiced day in and elected business manager of the club football squad, now out for spring Failure in teaching is often due to did not advance. And he advanced an day out. The players are slowly get· upon the recommendation of George football training, twice each day. In- a commercial attitude toward the pro· all-American plan, carrying the cargo The Demon Deacons have been pro- ting used to the Notre Dame method, Montague. After which the club de· teresting figures evolve from the chart fession. The greatest success comes through a canar"to New York. For the gressing rapidly in the Notre Dame but it is a long and tiresome system cided to meet next Tuesday night to which is kept in the locker room of to the teacher who has a spiritual following reaso:d!3 he made such asser­ system this past week. Although they and can't be learned in a day or two. make further plans as to the coming Ithe gymnasium, and which is attended attitude toward life; an attitude of tions: first, because it was shorter; have been without the services of both Forward passing has come in for spring tournament. The president ap· by a member of the staff of assistants purpose, helpfulness, of "getting second, because the St. Lawrence was Coaches Cofall and Miller, his assist· quite some consideration, as has pointed Jeff Rivenbark, John Powers, each afternoon. along." impossible for navigation during sev· ant, they have been tutored- in their charging low, and pivoting in the line.
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