Local Government Workplan Vote: 518 Kamwenge District Structure of Workplan Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2015/16 D: Details of Annual Workplan Activities and Expenditures for 2015/16 Page 1 Local Government Workplan Vote: 518 Kamwenge District Foreword This budget framework paper has been prepared, putting into consideration the need for bottom up participatory planning.It takes care of the key policies and priorities derived from lower local government consultations, District and regional planning/budget consultative issues. The planned out puts and activities in this Budget Framework paper were agreed upon in a Planning and budgeting consultative meeting held at District Head quarters on 30th December 2014 , comprising of Development partners, religious leaders, political leaders from sub county to District level, District Technical staff and other community representatives. The role of the conference was emphasised including the need for enhancing decentralisation and particpatory planning, emphasising disclosure of resource envelopes, and avoidance of duplication of activities. During the conference a number of issues were agreed upon including un funded priorities as listed below - completion of Administration block - Operationalisation of District farm at Byabasambu - Facilitation for Chief Administrative office, - procurement of vehicles for CAO office - completeion/furnishing of library, - Enhancement of local revenue collection including introduction of new taxes e.g. on trucks ferrying limestone from the Dura quarry, and - Completion of incomplete projects. The issue of roads was also emphasised. Members noted that most of the roads are in a critical condition and have become impassable. Some of these are those that were taken up by government but have hitherto not been attended to.It was recommended that all efforts must be made to restore these roads to ease communication and marketing so as to improve peoples incomes and enhance proserity for all. Other issues include Promotion of Sports in the District, ensuring that children of different special needs are placed in schools and adquatesupervision of Schools. The conference was guided by the National theme for the 2015 National budget that is''Enhancing strategic interventions to improve business climate and revitalise production to achieve prosperity for all'', in line with the investment priorities of the National Development plan and the following key priorities:employment generation, agriculture production and productivity, improving competitiveness, innovations and business climate, infrastructure(roads and energy) and Human and social development all aiming at enhancing Proserity for All. The issues or priorities in this document are presented in standard formats provided by the Centre and lower local government priorities are taken care of. Consideration has also been made of key unfunded priorities, as well as pointing out the key acheivements and challenges/constraints encountered in FY 2010/2011. Sector activities, out puts and required resources have been included by sector. Katehangwa Samuel Chief Administrative Officer Kamwenge Page 2 Local Government Workplan Vote: 518 Kamwenge District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget Dec UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 504,863 229,937 530,773 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,283,505 1,077,896 2,411,702 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 15,075,800 6,840,948 16,671,124 2c. Other Government Transfers 1,759,725 1,270,915 1,077,716 3. Local Development Grant 558,614 277,009 568,614 4. Donor Funding 1,793,478 93,016 516,782 Total Revenues 21,975,985 9,789,721 21,776,711 Revenue Performance in 2014/15 During the quarter we received Shs 5,363,589,000 which is 24% of the Budget. The Local revenue contributed 23% of the revenue and we I expect an increase in the second quarter. Other Government transfer received 56% which was mostly meant for the census activity which was concluded within the quarter. Donor funds funds received only 2% since most donor are not positive on continued funding. Planned Revenues for 2015/16 During the Financial year the revenue is expected to be 21,776,711,000 thereis a decline of about 200 Million from last fy Budget. This is due to decline in donor funding in this FY andOther government transfers since the funding for the census was utilised for the activity and will not send any more funding in that respect.The resource envelop remained as for the last financil year for all central government transfers save for funding under NAADs which is now controlled at the secretriat. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of Dec 1a Administration 2,415,111 1,048,716 2,246,082 2 Finance 202,603 88,151 252,114 3 Statutory Bodies 534,146 213,719 502,855 4 Production and Marketing 772,594 203,653 436,725 5 Health 2,273,419 1,052,581 2,846,515 6 Education 11,960,053 5,462,027 13,184,006 7a Roads and Engineering 1,414,726 436,388 822,184 7b Water 455,528 188,018 468,599 8 Natural Resources 164,575 41,732 182,598 9 Community Based Services 777,992 166,680 667,191 10 Planning 946,237 833,325 101,938 11 Internal Audit 59,002 35,716 65,904 Grand Total 21,975,986 9,770,705 21,776,711 Wage Rec't: 12,344,553 5,618,919 14,281,987 Non Wage Rec't: 5,766,455 3,242,229 4,735,369 Domestic Dev't 2,071,499 816,699 2,242,573 Donor Dev't 1,793,478 92,858 516,782 Expenditure Performance in 2014/15 The District received 95% of the central government transfers. There was 224% of funds received from other government transfers especially from UBOS for the census exercise.Local revue performance for the Quarter is at 90% which shows that collections are moving on well. However some revenue sources are far below average while others Page 3 Local Government Workplan Vote: 518 Kamwenge District Executive Summary have yeilded no revenue.Administration Department The department received UGX: 440,808,000= against UGX: 603,777,500= representing 73% budget out turn during the period under review. All the funds were spemt as per the approved Budget. Finance The Department in general received Shs 42,801,000 in the quarter which accounts for 87% of the expected revenue in the quarter. This is due to wages receiving 66% of the expected payment as some staff members are on half pay and others paid under Medical from PHC. The local revenue contributed 131% of the revenue since the revenue section had many activities. Council The department received more Locally raised local revenues and unconditional grant non wage because there were many movementsby the District Chairperson and speaker to Kampala and Jinja on ULGA and UDICOSA meetings, follow up in ministries on maters in health and roads. Production The department received NAADS funds worth 130,230,000 to pay salaries and gratuity of NAADS staff whose contracts were terminated, Production and Marketing Grant worth 24,257,000 About 45% of Production and Marketing grant was spent on supporting farmers with coffee seedlings and procurement of pest and disease control demonstration materials. Health During the quarter we received Shs 664,190,000 out of Budgeted 568,359,000 which represents 117%. The over reciept was due wage which was 135% which signifies that there was under estimation of PHC wage, We also received PHC of 142% . Education We have received funds as follows: UPE 174,692,000/=,USE 274,815,000/=,Tchinical school 50,277,000/-=,Techinical insitute 50,277,000/=, Inspection grant 13,052,000/=,Salaries for primary schools 1,660,388,471/= secondary saralies 311,043,609/=, Tertiary 48,099,573/=, salaries for distrct staff 32,466,106/= and ministry of education release of 1,250,000/= Works The department received 165,000,000 from Uganda Roadfund and was spent on road maintenance and,8672000 was received from un conditional grant for salaries Planned Expenditures for 2015/16 During the Budget conference priority spending was given to Education at 61% of the total Budget. Most of the funds was found to be None wage with Teachers Salary taking the highest percentage Medical is the second priority at 13% while Administration be third and will receive 10% majory since the council insisted on the completion of the District administration block. The fourth priority will be to Roads which will take 3.7% to ensure that road net work in the District is mortorable. Community Based services will be the Fith in order to ensure that communities own projects and support all development initaitive like youth development Fund. Challenges in Implementation 1. There is insufficient manpower to operationally run the activities of the sector as it is operating at 58 % of its authorized establishment. The Sector also suffers a problem of inadequate means of transport and communication. Furthermore an inadequate skill for the job on the part of some staff is evident. Inadequate funding to the department compounds all these problems. 2. Inadequate funds accruing to the district arising from negative attitude towards tax payment as well as unpredictable weather patterns, which affect farm outputs and incomes. As a result of this, the district was unable to raise sufficient funds to co-fund for the Local Government Management Service Delivery Fund and NAADS. The whole Department comprising of Council, Administration, and Human Resource, Information and office support services, has had inadequate funds to run the mandated activities, given that they are also under the non-PAF category.
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