NEWSPAPER OWNERSHIP KFSA -AM-TV Fort Smith -Licensed to KSRO Santa Rosa- Licensed to Finley WPTV (TV) West Palm Beach- Licensed to Fort Smith Broadcasting Co., subsidiary of Broadcasting Co. Ruth W. Finley, presi- Scripps- Howard Broadcasting Co. (See Southwestern Publishing Co., publisher of dent. is affiliated with Santa Rosa Press - WEWS [TV] Cleveland, Ohio). Fort Smith Times Record and Southwest Democrat. Operated independently of American. Donald W. Reynolds. owner, newspaper. also publishes Bartlesville Examiner and GEORGIA. Enterprise, Okmulgee Times (KOKL) all COLORADO WALE -TV Albany - Licensed to Herald Oklahoma: Las Vegas (Nev.) Review Jour- Publishing Co. (Albany Herald). See also nal (KORK and KORK -TV), Ely (Nev.) KLZ-AM -TV Denver Licensed to Time -Life WJHG -TV Panama City, Fla. Times, Blackwell (Okla.) Journal- Tribune, Broadcast Inc., subsidiary- of Time Inc., WSB- AM -FM -TV Atlanta -Licensed to At- Chickasha (Okla.) Express. Rogers (Ark.) publisher of Time, Life Fortune and lanta Newspapers Inc., publisher of At- News, Natchez (Miss.) Times, Guthrie Sports Illustrated. See also WFBM In- lanta Journal and Constitution. Same in- (Okla.) Leader and Fallon (Nev.) Stand- dianapolis, Ind., WOOD Grand Rapids. terests (James M. Cox) publish Dayton ard and Eagle. See also KBRS Springdale Mich., WTCN Minneapolis and KOGO San (Ohio) News and Journal- Herald (WHIG). and KFOY -TV Hot Springs, both Ark.: Miami News (WIOD), KOKL Okmulgee. Okla., KOLO -AM-TV Diego, Calif. Springfield (Ohio) KTVS (TV) Sterling- Licensed to Frontier News and Sun. See also WSOC Charlotte, Reno, KORK- KLRJ -TV Las Vegas. both N. C., KTVU (TV) Calif. Nev.; and KGNS -TV Laredo, Tex. Broadcasting Co. (See KFBC Cheyenne, and Oakland, -AM Wyo.). WLBB Carrollton- Licensed to Faulkner ICCAR Hope - Licensed to the Hope Broad- Radio, Inc. Owner James H. Faulkner is casting Co. A. H. Washburn, principal 100% owner of weekly Baldwin Times. owner, is editor and publisher of Hope WBHF Cartersville- Licensed to W. R. Frier, Star. The newspaper is operated iode- COAAECTICVT owner of weekly Bartow Herald. pendently of KXAR. WNHC- AM -FM -TV New Haven -Licensed WRBL- AM-FM -TV Columbus- Licensed to KFOY -TV Hot Springs-Licensed to South- to Triangle Publications Inc. (Phila- Columbus Broadcasting Co.. 51% owned eastern Operating Co., owned by Donald delphia Inquirer). See WFIL Philadel- by R. W. Page Corp. (Columbus Enquirer W. Reynolds (see KFSA Fort Smith. phia, Pa. and Ledger and Bradenton [Fla.1 Herald). Ark.). WGGA Gainesville -Licensed to Southern KTHV (TV) Little Rock Licensed to Ar- WSTC -AM -FM Stamford- Licensed to West- Broadcasting Co. Charles Smithgall. pub- - ern Connecticut Broadcasting Co. Kings- Gainesville Daily Times, is chmn kansas Television Co., 42% owned by Ra- ley Gillespie, of Stamford Ad- lisher dio Broadcasting Inc. and 32% owned by publisher of the board and majority stockholder. Arkansas Democrat Co. (Arkansas Demo- vocate, is president. See also WRGA Rome, Ga., and WAAX crat). Arkansas Democrat Co. is 10% Gadsden, Ala. owned by K. A. Engel and 16% by C. E. WKLY Hartwell- Licensed to WKLY Broad- Lowry. Principal owners of KTHS Identi- DELAWARE casting Co. Same ownership as weekly fied with Times Pub. Co.publisher of WDEL -AM -FM Wilmington-Licensed to Hartwell Sun. Shreveport (La.) Times (KWKFT Shreve- Delmarva Broadcasting Inc., same owner- WMAZ- AM -FM -TV Macon - Licensed to port). See also KWKH Shreveport, La. ship as Lancaster (Pa.) Intetligencer- Southeastern Broadcasting Corp., 49.8% Journal Era owned by Greenville (S.C.) News -Pied- KBRS Springdale- Licensed to N. W. Ar- and New (WGAL). Stations mont Co. See WFBC Greenville. S. C. kansas Bcstg. & Tv Co., subsidiary of operated independently. See WGAL Lan- caster, Pa. WNEX -AM -FM Macon -Licensed to Macon Southwestern Publishing Co. President is Broadcasting Co.; 16% held by the Tele- Donald W. Reynolds (see KFSA Ft. graph Publishing Co., publisher of Macon Smith). Telegraph and News. DISTRICT OF GOLURIBIA. WRGA Rome -Licensed to Rome Bcstg. CALTPORAIA WMAL- AM -FM -TV Washington Licensed Co Controlling stockholder Charles to Evening Star Broadcasting- Co. Inc.. Smlthgall, owner of Gainesville (Ga.) KBLA Burbank Licensed to Radio Station same ownership as Washington Evening Daily Times. See also WGGA Gainesville, KBLA, 80% owned- by George E. Cameron Star. See also WSVA Harrisonburg, Va. Ga. and WAAX Gadsden, Ala. WSFT Thomaston- Licensed to Thomas- Jr., who is 85% owner of Palm Springs WTOP-AM -FM Washington Licensed the (Calif.) Desert Sun. See also KDES Palm -TV - ton Broadcasting Co. J. B. Hardy. S. J. Springs, Calif. to Washington Post Co. (Washington Post Carswell co- owners, weekly Thomaston Newsweek Magazine and Art News and Times and Free Press, own 40% of station. KFRE- AM -FM -TV Fresno -Licensed to Tri- Portfolio). See also WJXT (TV) Jackson- WVOP Vidalia -Licensed to Vidalia Broad- angle Publications Inc. See WFIL Phila- ville, Fla. casting Co. R. E. Ledford. 50% owner. is delphia, Pa. publisher of weekly Spartan News and KMJ- AM -FM -TV Fresno Licensed to Mc- Vidalia Advance. Clatchy Newspapers. (See- KBEE Modes- FLORIDA to.) WESH -TV Daytona Beach - Licensed to Tel - KBEE -AM -FM Modesto -Licensed to Mc- red Inc., owned by Perry Publications, HAWAII Clatchy Newspapers: same ownership as Inc. (John H. Perry Jr. interests). Perry Sacramento Bee, Fresno Bee, Modesto newspapers are Palm Beach Post -Times, KALU (TV) Hilo- Licensed to Radio Hono- Bee. See also KMJ- AM -FM -TV Fresno Pensacola News- Journal, Deland Sun - lulu Inc., 50% owned by Honolulu Adver- KFBK -AM -FM Sacramento, both Califor- News, Ocala Star Banner Panama City tiser. (See also KONA [TV] Honolulu and nia, and KOH Reno, Nevada. KALA -TV Wailuku). News -Herald, Leesburg Daily Commercial, KHBC -AM -TV Hilo -Licensed to Hawaiian KTVU(TV) Oakland-Licensed to San Fran- Palatka Daily News, Melbourne Daily Ltd. See KGMB cisco- Oakland Television Inc., owned Times, Jackson County Floridian, Delray Broadcasting System by Beach News -Journal, Palm Beach Daily Honolulu. Miami Valley Broadcasting Corp. (James KGMB -AM-TV Honolulu- Licensed to Hon- M. Cox Jr. group). See WHIO Dayton, News, Playground Daily News, 47 ',íZ% of Inc. See also KHBC Ohio. Daytona . Beach Journal and News olulu Star Bulletin, (WNDB) and various weekly newspapers Hilo and KMAU -TV Wailuku, Hawaii. KDES Palm Springs - Licensed to KDES. in Florida. Perry interests also own All KGU Honolulu - Licensed to Advertiser Inc. George E. Cameron, president and Florida Tv Week Magazine (Sunday Publishing Co. Ltd.. publisher of Hono- sole owner; 95% owner of Palm Springs lulu Advertiser. See also KONA (TV) Desert Sun. See also KBLA Burbank, newspaper supplement). Honolulu. Calif. WNDB -AM -FM Daytona Beach - Licensed ICONA (TV) Honolulu- Licensed to Radio KPRL Paso Robles- Licensed to KPRL Inc. to the News- Journal Corp.. publisher of Honolulu Ltd.. 50% owned by Honolulu President Arthur C. Youngberg Jr. is own- Daytona Beach Journal and News (40% Advertiser. See also KGU Honolulu, er of Paso Robles Press. owned by Perry interests). See WESH- KALU Hilo and KALA Wailuku KRCR -TV Redding- Licensed to Sacramento TV Daytona Beach, Fla. KTOH Lihue- Licensed to Garden Island Valley TV Inc., owned 27% by Redwood WROD Daytona Beach-Licensed to Radio of Publishing Co. Ltd.. publisher of Garden Broadcasting Co. and 13.5% by Southern Daytona Inc., 100% owned by Frank J. Island (weekly). Oregon Broadcasting Co. Southern Ore- Russell Jr.. publisher of the Marquette KALA -TV Wailuku -Licensed to Radio gon is 50% owned by Redwood Broadcast- Mining Journal. See WDMJ Marquette. Honolulu Inc.. 50% owned by Honolulu ing and 50% by the estate of Amos E. (See KONA -TV Honolulu Voorhies, publisher Mich. Advertiser. also of (':rants Pass (Ore.) WFLM (FM) Fort Lauderdale Licensed to and KALU -TV Hilo). e Courier. See also KAGI and KGPO(FM) - KMAU-TV Wailuku-Licensed to Hawaiian Grants Pass, KBES -TV Medford, KOTI- The Findlay Publishing Co. Findlay Broadcasting System Ltd. (see KGMB TV Klamath Falls, KPIC(TV) Roseburg, (Ohio) Revublican Courier. See also all Oregon. WFIN Findlay, Ohio and WCSI Columbus, Honolulu) . Ind. KMVT -AM-TV Wailuku-Licensed to Mau KFBK -AM -FM Sacramento Licensed to Co., Ltd., publisher of Maui McClatchy Newspapers. (See- KBEE Mo- WJXT (TV) Jacksonville -Licensed to Publishing desto.) Washington Post Co., publisher of Wash- News. KXTV (TV) Sacramento-Licensed to Great ington (D .C.1 Post and Newsweek Maga- Western Broadcasting Corp. See WISH zine. See WTOP Washington, D. C. IDAHO Indianapolis. WPDQ Jacksonville Licensed to WPDO KCHU (TV) San Bernardino- Licensed to - KGEM Boise-Licensed to Gem State Broad- Inc.. owned by Brush -Moore Newspapers A. L. Glassmann Sun Co. of San Bernardino (San Ber- Inc. (see WHEW Canton, Ohio). casting Corp., owned by nardino Daily Sun and Evening Tele- interests (see KTVV(TV) Salt Lake City. gram). W7011-AM-FM Miami -Licensed to Miami Utah). KOGO- AM -FM -TV San Diego- Licensed to Valley Broadcasting Coro. Associated in KBAR Burley Licensed to Mini- Cassia Time -Life Broadcast Inc. See KLZ Den- ownership with Miami News (Cox). See Broadcasting -Inc., 80% owned by Dean S. ver. Colo WHIO Dayton, Ohio for other Cox news- and Kathryn C. Lesher, owners of Merced KRON -FM -TV San Francisco -Licensed to papers. - (Calif.) Sun -Star. Chronicle Publishing Co., publisher of W.Tfrn -TV Panama City- Licensed to Her- KVNI Coeur d'Alene- Licensed to Lake inn Francisco Chronicle. ald Publishing On (Alban" 1Ga.1 Herald 1. City Printing Co.. jointly owned by Duane KTIM San Rafael - Ticensed to Marin See also WALK Albany, Ga. B. Hagadone and Scripps League News- Rrnadcasting Co.: 37.5% owned A is president of Brown by Roy WPLA- AM -FM -TV Tamos- Licensed to Tri- papers Inc. Mr. Hagadone and wife who own San Rafael hune Co. (Tampa Tribune and Times). D. Coeur d'Alene Press.
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