PROCEEDINGS E OTH F of Hntiquanes of Scotland PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of antiquaries of Scotland SESSION MCMXXXVI.-MCMXXXVII. VOL. LXXI. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. XI . E PRINTESOCIETTH R NEILY COMPANYDB D FO LAN Y LTD. MCMXXXVII. TABL F CONTENTEO S PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 1936, ........... 1 Addres H.Mo st . King Accessio n Georgo . eVI n .......3 1 . A Further Note on the Roman Port at Croy Hill. By Sir GEOKGE MACDONALD, K.C.B., President, .............2 3 . Excavation of Bronze Age Burial Mounds at Quandale, Rousay, Orkney. By WALTER G. GRANT, P.S.A.Scot. Inventory of the Skeletal Remains. By Professor ALEXANDER Low, M.D., P.S.A.Scot., ..........2 7 . A Round Cairn near Achnamara, Loch Sween, Argyll. By Professor V. GORDON CHILDE, D.Litt., P.S.A.Scot., ............ 84 Two Unpublished H. Groat.C DAKERS y Jamef B so . sI , M.O., P.S.A.Scot., ..0 9 . An Unpublished Scottish Gold CoinBy .B RICHMON. D PATON, P.S.A.Scot., ..2 9 . Rait Castl d Barevanean Church, Naimshire . DOUGLAW y B . S SIMPSON, M.A., D.Litt., P.S.A.Scot., ............8 9 . A Neolithic Double-Chambered Cairn of the Stalled Type and Later Structures on the Calf of Eday, Orkney y CHARLEB . CALDERT . S , A.R.I.A.S., P.S.A.Scot. Reporn o t the Pottery. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, LL.D., F.S.A.Scot. Report on the Skeletal Remains. By Professor ALEX. Low, M.A., M.D., F.S.A.Scot. Report on the Animal Bones MARGERy B . PLATTYI , M.Sc., ......5 11 . The Dragonesque Figure in Maeshowe, Orkney. By W. MACKAY MACKENZIE, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., ...........7 15 . Late-Glacial and Early Post-Glacial Scotland. By W. J. MCCALLIEN, D.Sc., F.R.S.B., Glasgow University, ...........4 17 . A Bronze Hanging-Bowl from Castle Tioram, Moidart a Suggeste d an : d Absolute Chron- ology for British Hanging-Bowls. By H. E. KlLBKIDE-JONES, P.S.A.Scot., . 206 Short Cist and Urn found at Pindon, Parish of Urquhart, Ross. By J. J. GALBRAITH, M.D., D.P.H., P.S.A.Scot., ........... 248 Urn Burials of the Bronze Age at Brackmont Mill, Leuchars, Fife. By J. B. MEARS, L.R.C.P.Edin., ............2 25 . A Stone Industr , Potsherdyat a Bronz d fron an s Pi em Valtos, Uig. D . , A Lewis y B . LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot., ........... 279 Long Stalled Cair t Blackhammera n , Rousay, Orkney. J GRAHA y B . M CALLANDEK, LL.D., P.S.A.Scot., Director of the National Museum, and WALTER G. GBANT, F.S.A.Scot., ............7 29 . vi TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Hower PrehistoriA , c Structur Papn eo a Westray, Orkney y WILLIAB . M TRAILL, C.B., J.P., F.S.A.Scot., and WILLIAM KIRKNESS, F.S.A.Scot., ...... 309 Excavation of a Medieval Site on Donald's Isle, Loch Boon, Ayrshire. By ARCHIBALD FATRBAIBN, F.S.A.Scot., ..........3 32 . Karl Hundason, "Kin . TAYLORB . Scots.f gA o 4 y ,B 33 D.Litt." . , F.S.A.Scot. , Two Sets of Miniature Bagpipes in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland. By GILBERT ASKEW, F.S.A.Scot., .......... 342 ORelatioe nth n betwee nRaisea d MiddeIron Beace Islana e nth d Ag Lewisn hf an ndo o , Outer Hebrides DONALy B . D BADEN-POWEL7 34 CHARLE. d Lan . S ELTON . , Miscellanea Romano-Caledonica. r GEORGSi y B E . I MACDONALD , K.C.B., LL.D., D.Litt., F.B.A., H.R.S.A., President, ........3 37 . Crosses fro Rhinne mth Gallowayf so ANDERSON. G . Revy S B . .R . , B.D., F.S.A.Scot.8 38 . , Notes on (A) A New Discovery on the Line of the So-Called Catrail at Torwoodlee, Gala- Earln shielsA ) y (B BloomerIro;e nAg t Loanheaya Daviotf do , Aberdeenshirey B . H. E. KILBRIDE-JONES, F.S.A.Scot., ......... 397 Etruscan Gold Jeweller e Nationath n yi l Museu f Antiquitiemo f Scotlando s Misy B .s MART A. JOHNSTONE, B.Sc., F.L.S., ......... 406 Two Cup-Marked Stones from Claonaig, Kintyre. By ANGUS GRAHAM, M.A., F.S.A.Scot., 409 Two Notes on Scottish Coins. By H. J. DAKERS, M.A., F.R.N.S., St Albans, . 411 Excavation of Torrs Cave, Kirkcudbright. By S. V. MORRIS, F.S.A.Scot. With Report on Bones of Torrs Cave. By J. WILFRED JACKSON, D.Sc., F.G.S., .... 415 Index, ..............1 43 . LIS F ILLUSTRATIONTO S PAGE Fragment e Hea th Shafd f Crosa sdo an f o t • s Roman For t Croa t y Hill—Grou re-usef po d from Eilean Mor, Argyll, 15 stones on site of Granary, looking E., . 66 Carve Panelsk dOa , Scottish, 16th Century, 17 ——— ——— Fragments of vase of incised Bronze Cauldron from Flanders Moss, 21 Samianware . .., . .6. 7 Viking Bone Comb from Unst, Shetland, 22 ——— ——— Building-stone, e marketh n o d Roman Fort at Croy Hill—View of N. part face, ....... 69 of the Principia under snow, . 34 ——— ——— Fragmen a ver f o yt much worn ——— ——— Plan of the Principia, 36 grindstone, ...... 70 ——— ——— e Fort Plath f no . Plate I., ——— ——— Plans and Sections. Plates II. facing page 36 and III., .... facing page 70 ——— ——— View of paving in room immedi- Burial Mounds at Quandale: Map, . 73 ately B. of the Sacellum, 41 Steatit n froUr e mt Quana Moun8 . - No d ——— ——— Flooe Sacellumth f o r , 42 dale, ......8 7 . ——— ——— Foundatio r pie fo nf woodeo r n Steatite Amulets from Mound No. 8 at bridge ove rivee th r r Jagst, 43 Quandale, .....9 7 . ——— ——— Diamond-broached stone, built Cist witd withouan h t Cove n i Mounr d into lowest e coursinsidth f o e facf o e No. 10 at Quandale, .... 81 W e Principia. th wal f o l , near S.W. Burial Mound t Quandalea s , Plans. Plate corner, ...... 46 IV., .... facing page 82 —— ——— Remain f N.Eo s . corne f outeo r r Achnamara, Argyll: Plan of Cairn near, . 85 wall of the Principia, .... 47 ——— Cist 2, as discovered, ... 86 —— ——— N.E. corner of wall of Outer Court, 87 . ——— lookin2, . Cistand g s1 S. , showing lac f correspondenco k e between ——— Cist 3, sealed down, .... 88 foundatio superstructured nan , 48 ——— Perforated Pebble from . Cis , 3 t.8 9 —— ——— Built channel underneath the Ecu or Abbey Crown of James V., . 92 e Ambulatoryth floo f o r , showing con- Bronze Figurine of a Horse from Shetland, 93 struction, ...... 52 ——— ——— of Mercury, found in Perth, . 94 —— ——— Rounded angle of built channel ——— ——— of Eros, found in Edinburgh, . 94 underneath the floor of the Ambulatory, Rait Castle, Nairnshire: Plan f grouno s d contrasted with square N.W. corner of floofirsd an rt 9 floo9 r . of Palace, . foundation of wall of Outer Court, 53 ——— View of Palace from S.. 100 —— ——— VieSacellumthe wof , lookingS., ——— Entrance, ....1 10 . with stones laid across the entrance, 53 . frontW —— 2 f Palaced o s10 — an . Vie. N , f wo —— ——— Cobblin Praetoriaa Vi f go , covered ——— Windo Rounwn i d Tower. .10, 3 spreay b latef do r cobbling whicn o , h rest ——— Interior view of east window, south the feet of the standing figure, 56 side, ....... 103 —— ——— Fragment of gutter on S. side of ——— Vault in Round Tower, . .104 Granary, partially blocked by foundation ——— Plan showing Courtyard Buildings, . 106 of later buttress, lookin. , gE. 57 Barevan Church. .11 . : Plan2 . , Remains of W. wall of Granary ——— Lancet Windows, .... 113 and of buttress at N.W. corner, looking ——— Windo Soutwn i . h Wall.11 . , 4 N.E., ....... 59 CalfofEday: Key Map of Monuments, . 11'5 —— ——— Conduit beneath floo f Granaryo r , ——— Plan of Wall and Associated Structures, 116 lookin . towardgN 'rouge sth h wall,' 61 ——— Stalled Cairn: Plan and Sections, . 117 —— ——— Looking N.W. towards N.W. ——— ——— South-east corner of Outer Wall, 119 corne Granaryf o r , .... 61 ——— ——1 —12 Interio . f Chambero . , A r Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Cal Edayf fo : Stalled Cairn: Section showing Sketch-map of the lower part of Glen ITorsa, Occupation Level, . 122 Mull, showing the deposits of the valley ——— ——— Outer Wald Chambean l , B r glacier, and indicating their relation to the looking through Entrance Passage, . 123 Mesolithi9 18 . c raise . d beach. , ——— ——— Interio f Chambeo r r B, showing Sketch-map showin retreae gth t stagee th f so north Stalls, last ice-sheet in Scandinavia and the lands —— ——— Flint Implements, 126 aroun Baltice dth . ...2 19 . —— ——— Stone Axes from, 127 Balti Lake cIc e 3 abou19 t. 8800 . B.C., - Structure 3; Plan, .... 129 Sketeh-ma,p showin e e extenth th g f o t - ——— Interior of Chamber showing Pit, Toldia Sea about 7900 B.C., . 194 Mortar, and western Recess, . 131 The Littorina Sea at its maximum, about —— ——— Stone Implement, 132 4000 B.C., .....5 19 . —— Fragments of Carinated Neolithic Curv time-relationshipsd ean Scottise th f o h Pottery, ..... 136, 137 raised beaches, ..... 197 ——— Section f Neolithiso c Pottery, 140 Remain f o Bronzs e Hanging-bowl from ——— Iron Age Pottery, .... 144 ' Castl7 20 e . Tioram . , Moidart . , ——— Sections of Iron Age Pottery, 145 Scots Hanging-bowls: (1) Castle Tioram, ——— Section f Rimso f IroPotterye so nAg , 148 Moidart: escutcheon. (2) Fragmentary ——— Iron Age Pottery, showing method of from Ri m Tummel Bridge, Perthshire. building up the vessel, .... 149 (3) Sectio f Bronzno e Hanging-bowd an l ——— Sections of Bases and Wall Portions, Escutcheon (restored) from Tummel showing method of building up the' Bridge, .....8 20 . vessels, .... 150 Escutcheon from Roman Fort at New- The Maeshowe "Dragon". 158 stead, .....0 21 .
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