1 CONSERVATION BULLETIN INDEX Index to Conservation Bulletin Issues 1–56 and Supplements (1987 to 2007) by Cherry Lavell and Ann Hudson Issue numbers are given in bold , so that 18 :16–17, 22 indicates pages 16–17 and 22 of issue 18; a reference such as 22 :suppl (with page numbers where they exist) indicates a supplement stapled into, or in one case separate from, the issue noted. STRS 1 , 2 and 3 are the three issues of the Scientific and Technical Review supplement. Figures or tables are denoted by ‘Fig’ or ‘Tab’ following the relevant page number; there may also be textual reference at that point. The filing order is word-by- word. All issues are available electronically from the English Heritage website (http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/server/show/nav.11241); however, issues 1–40 have been scanned from the hard-copy originals and page numbers may not correspond to those in the index. Indexing is not exhaustive, i.e. passing mentions are not normally indexed. Subject entries have been made only for topics that form the main subject of an article or of a substantial section. Aspects of English Heritage policy are to be sought under specific entries, e.g. ‘buildings at risk’. The Corporate Plan supplements in issues 9, 12 and 15 have not been indexed in detail. Book reviews are indexed under title, author, and name of reviewer, and longer reviews also under subject. Notices of books published have title and author entries only, and brief listings have only title entries. It did not appear worth while to break down long ‘strings’ of page references for certain prolific authors, for whom it is quicker to search by the topic written about. ‘News’ sections have been indexed selectively. Advance notices of conferences, symposia, exhibitions, etc are not included, though any resultant publications are indexed. The entry ‘London (inner)’ covers the cities of London and Westminster and the London boroughs of Camden, Greenwich, Hackney, Hammersmith, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Lambeth, Lewisham, Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Wandsworth. Locations in outer London are filed in the main sequence with cross-references from ‘Greater London’. Issues 1–30 and Supplements were indexed by Cherry Lavell; Issues 31–56 were indexed by Ann Hudson, who also re-edited the complete index. 2 AA Command: Britain’s Anti-Aircraft Defences of the Second World War 44 :63 AARG see Aerial Archaeology Research Group Abbey Dore (Herefs), Dore Abbey 43 :38–9 Figs Abbey Farm Barn, Snape (Suff) 42 :38–9 Figs Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Sheffield (S Yorks) 27 :18–19 Fig abbeys see monasteries and monastic sites Abingdon (Oxon) causewayed enclosure, evidence for prehistoric dairying 45 :25 Tab street paving 15 :15–16 abolition of slave trade, 2007 bicentenary 55 :4, 7, 24–5 Fig ABSA see Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts Academy for Sustainable Communities (ASC) 53 :28–9 Fig access see disabled persons; presentation and interpretation of historic sites; public access; tourism Access to Archives (A2A) website 44 :52; 51 :33 Access to the Historic Environment: Meeting the Needs of Disabled People (1997), reviewed 34 :20 Access to Training in Conservation see ATTIC Accrington (Lancs), Market Hall 2:8 acid rain, recommendations for damage survey 2:2 Acle (Norf), Manor House, pillbox 44 :10 Figs, 11 Acomb (York), Royal Observer Corps HQ 44 :5 Fig, 45–6 Fig Action Factory Arts 55 :33 Fig Acton Burnell (Shrops), stone quarry 36 :6–8 Fig Acton Court (S Glos) 7:13–14 Fig; 23 :31; 49 :30–1 Fig Acton Court: The Evolution of an Early Tudor Courtier’s House 46 :48 Adam, Robert (18th-century architect) 5:6–7; 13 :5–7 Adam, Robert (modern architect) 19 :18 Adams, A T, review of book by 26 :22 ADAS see Agricultural Development Advisory Service ADCA see Association of Diocesan and Cathedral Archaeologists Adebowale, Maria 55 :3, 31–2 ADFs see Area Development Frameworks Adisham (Kent), Holy Innocents 35 :22 Fig Adlib Information Systems Ltd 44 :55 ADS see Archaeology Data Service Advantage West Midlands 38 :18 aerial archaeology aerial LiDAR survey 45 :6–7 English Heritage aerial survey projects 39 :8–11 Figs in Europe 50 :10 Fig Aerial Archaeology Research Group (AARG) 50 :10 aerial photography Cawthorn Camps 45 :10–11 Figs NMR collections Aerofilms Collection 55 :44 Fig defence sites 44 :50–1 Fig Military Oblique Aerial Photograph Collection 47 :34–5 Fig training for archaeologists 40 :45 Aerofilms Collection 55 :44 Fig affordable housing, rural 54 :15–16 Figs 3 After the Storms – the Achievements of the Grant Schemes for Storm Damage Repair in Historic Parks and Gardens 33 :21 Age of Optimism, Post-war Architecture in England 1945–70 , exhibition 22 :14–15 Agenda 2000 , reform of Common Agricultural Policy 37 :32; 42 :6, 7, 16 aggregates English Heritage directory 28 :5–6 see also Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund; marine aggregates industry; mortar Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) 48 :13–15; 54 :39–41 Figs agri-environment schemes 41 :57; 42 :16–21 Figs; 54 :35–6 Agri-Environment Regulation (European Commission) 22 :19 and rural landscapes 54 :12, 17 see also Countryside Stewardship Schemes; England Rural Development Programme; Environmental Stewardship scheme; Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme Agricultural Development Advisory Service (ADAS), Integrated Land Management Plans 42 :18 agriculture Agricultural Revolution, Launceston evidence STRS 3 :14–15 dairying in prehistoric Britain 45 :24–5 debate on future of farming 42 :4–8 Figs DNA research on prehistoric farming 45 :41 farm survey presentation grants 20 :4–5 Farm Woodlands Scheme 18 :17 plough damage to archaeological remains 42 :22–3 Figs and post-war landscape change 56 :15–17 Figs and preservation of ancient monuments 1:11 and rural landscapes 54 :10–14, 55–7 set-aside, and archaeology 22 :18–19 see also agri-environment schemes; Common Agricultural Policy; Conservation of Scheduled Monuments in Cultivation project; countryside; farm buildings; farmsteads; Foot and Mouth Disease; Historic Landscape Characterisation; ridge and furrow earthworks; Single Payment Scheme Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Ministry of see Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food AHDS see Arts and Humanities Data Service AHF see Architectural Heritage Fund Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive 51 :34 AHRB see Arts and Humanities Research Board AHRC see Arts and Humanities Research Board (later Council) AIHV see International Association for the History of Glass Ainsworth, Stewart 39 :16–17 AIP see Archaeological Investigations Project Airborne LiDAR Backscattered Laser Intensity Prediction of Organic Preservation project 54 :41 aircraft crash sites see aviation sites airfields and airports see aviation sites AKSA Housing Trust 55 :33 Fig Albarella, Umberto STRS 3 :14–15 Albert Memorial, The (2000) 39 :35 Alconbury (Cambs), USAF base 44 :40–2 Figs, 43 Fig Aldbrough (E R Yorks), Ringborough Battery 39 :23 Fig; 44 :12 Fig Aldeburgh (Suff), Slaughden, Martello tower 48 :12 Fig Alder House, Allerton (Lancs) 23 :31 Aldous, Tony, review of book by 12 :17 Alexander, Pam 32 :16 Fig; 33 :1–2; 35 :1–2; 36 :1–2 Alexandra Cottage Estate, Bromley (Gtr London) 14 :suppl ivFig; 15 :13–14 Figs 4 ALGAO see Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers Allerton (Lancs), Alder House 23 :31 Allerton Park (N Yorks) 36 :9 Fig Allnutt, A G, review of book ed by 25 :22 Alnwick (Northumb), Park Farm 42 :31 Fig ALSF see Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund AMAC see Ancient Monuments Advisory Committee AMB see Ancient Monuments Board Amenity in Action 8:15 amenity societies and e-planning 51 :10–11, 17–18 grants from Heritage Grant Fund 37 :27 relationship with English Heritage 49 :14–15 see also Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies; individual societies by name America, North see Canada; United States of America American Friends of English Heritage 39 :24 American Military Cemetery, Madingley (Cambs) 44 :57–8 Fig AML see Ancient Monuments Laboratory Anastēlōsē tōn Archaiōn Mnēmeiōn stē Neōterē Ellada, Ē (1998), reviewed 37 :36 Ancestry.co.uk 51 :28 ancient monuments Ancient Monuments Division, reorganisation (1991) 12 :16 archaeological recording 2:4–5; 7:9, 14 Circular 8/87, on ancient monuments and their settings 12 :1 damage during World War II 37 :16–19 Figs fabric consolidation 20 :7–8 Figs farmland management agreements 1:11 grants, annual figures 1986 1:5 1987 3:4; 4:13 1987/8 2:5, 12; 5:14 1988 6:11; 7:6 1988/9 8:7; 11 :10 1989/90 11 :10 Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act (1953) 14 :16 management review 3:8–9; 4:10; 20 :4–5 nature conservation and 14 :9–11 see also Monuments Protection Programme; Monuments at Risk Survey; repair grants; scheduled ancient monuments; headings below Ancient Monuments Advisory Committee (AMAC) and archaeology in advance of Crown developments 20 :21 Backlog Working Party 23 :11 and coastal archaeology 39 :10 and Holme next the Sea timber circle (‘Seahenge’) 37 :6–7 and rescue archaeology funding 14 :8 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act (1979) effects of Transport and Works Act (1992) 19 :6–7 and guardianship 54 :46 management options 20 :10 prosecutions under 6:15; 20 :15–16 Schedule 17 agreement 13 :10 5 Ancient Monuments Board (AMB) and creation of English Heritage 49 :4–5, 8 in World War II 37 :18 Ancient Monuments in the Countryside: An Archaeological Management Review 3:8–9; 20 :4–5 reviewed 4:10 Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings Directorate (DAMHB) 49 :4 Ancient Monuments Laboratory (AML) conservation of archaeological
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