Acta Geographica Silesiana, 16. WNoZ UŚ, Sosnowiec 2014 s. 33–44 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Diana M. Burlibayeva1, Christian Opp2, Ivan Kirvel3 1Kazakh National Agrarian University, Department of Water Resources and Land Reclamation, Abay str. 8, 050010 Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan; e-mail: [email protected] 2Philipps University, Faculty of Geography, Deutschhausstraβe 10, 35032 Marburg, Germany; e-mail: [email protected], 3Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Partyzantów str. 27, 76-200 Słupsk, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] TEMPORAL CHANGES IN HYDROCHEMICAL REGIME OF TRANSBOUNDARY IRTYSH RIVER Burlibajewa D. M., Opp Ch., Kirwiel I. Zmiany reżimu hydrochemicznego transgranicznej rzeki Irtysz. Irtysz płynie przez obszar trzech państw: Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej, Republiki Kazachstan i Federacji Rosyjskiej. Stanowi naj- większy dopływ rzeki Ob. Obecnie ważnym zagadnieniem jest nie tylko ilość wody w tej rzece (Irtyszu), ale przede wszystkim jej jakość. Zatem przedstawiono charakterystyki współczesnych zmian reżimu hydrochemicznego rzeki Irtysz. W analizach uwzględniono szeregi obserwacyjne o zróżnicowanych długościach: 1) punkt Boran – 1941–2009 r. (ogólna mineralizacja wody), 1963–1996 r. (chemiczne zużycie tlenu), 1976–2009 r. (metale ciężkie); 2) punkt Semej (dawny Semipałatyńsk) – 1965–2010 r. (ogólna mineralizacja wody), 1965–1996 r. (chemiczne zużycie tlenu), 1984–2009 r. (metale ciężkie); 3) punkt Semijarka – 1957–1996 r. (ogólna mineralizacja wody), 1963–1996 r. (chemiczne zużycie tlenu), 1968–1996 r. (metale ciężkie). Бурлибаева Д. М. Опп Х., Кирвель И Временная динамика гидро-химического режима трансграничной реки Иртыш. Река Иртыш течет по территории трех стран: Китая, Казахстана и Российской Федерации. Является самым большим притоком Оби. В настоящее время существенным вопросом выступает не только количество воды в Иртыше, но – прежде всего – ее качество. Так, в данной статье даются характеристики совре- менного состояния изменений гидрохимического режима реки Иртыш. Для анализа взяты ряды наблюдений различной протяженности: 1) с. Боран – 1941–2009 гг. (общая минерализация воды), 1963–1996 гг. (химическое потребление кислорода), 1976-2009 гг. (тяжелые металлы); 2) г. Семей – 1965–2010 гг. (общая минерализация во- ды), 1965–1996 гг. (ХПК), 1984–2009 гг. (тяжелые металлы); 3) с. Семиярка – 1957–1996 гг. (общая минерализация воды), 1963–1996 гг. (ХПК), 1968–1996 гг. (тяжелые металлы). Key words: hydrochemistry, hydrochemical regime, the Irtysh river, Kazakhstan Słowa kluczowe: hydrochemia, reżim hydrochemiczny, rzeka Irtysz, Kazachstan Ключевые слова: гидрохимия, гидрохимический режим, река Иртыш, Казахстан Abstract INTRODUCTION The Irtysh river flows through the territories of three Ecology of the present time is a complex of different countries: Peopleʹs Republic of China, the Republic of Ka- sciences, because environmental problems are very zakhstan, and the Russian Federation. The Irtysh river difficult, and include relations between systems of is a major tributary of the Ob river. Therefore, not only living organisms and inanimate nature. a question of quantity, but especially quality of water is Chemical processes are the basis of life, to con- very important at present time. In this paper changes trol the dynamic equilibrium of the biosphere, it is ne- in hydrochemical regime of the Irtysh river are pre- cessary to understand chemical processes occurring sented. River sections of varying lengths are taken for analyses: 1) the village of Boran, in 1941–2009: total in different systems (CHIBISOVA, DOLGAN, 1998). dissolved salts (TDS), in 1963–1996: chemical oxygen de- At present hydrochemical studies have become mand (COD), in 1976–2009: heavy metals; 2) city of Se- one of the most important parts of environmental mey – in 1965–2010: TDS, in 1965–1996: COD, in 1984– survey in the context of domestic activities. Water 2009: heavy metals, 3) Semiyarka village – in 1957–1996: quality control and its future condition prediction TDS, in 1963–1996: COD, in 1968–1996: heavy metals. are the main aims of environmental protection policy. 335 Physico-geographical characteristics of gatai and Saur. The predominant altitude of mono- the Irtysh river basin lithic Tarbagatai ridge is 2 000–2 500 m a.s.l., and on- ly in the central part its height increases up to 3 000 m. The highest point of Saur range is Mustau moun- Relief tain (3 816 m a.s.l.) located in the eastern part. In the Kazakhstan part of the Altai mountains has mainly centre altitudes are 2 200–3 000 m, and to the west mountainous relief with a great variety of surface they are lower (1 800–2 000 m). In the NW from the forms and very complex orographic structure. Saur low ridge Manrak is separated by the Uidene ri- Orographic structure of this territory represents ver valley. folded mountainous region with altitudes from 200 Zaisan hollow is a vast depression surrounded by to 4500 m a.s.l. The right bank of the Irtysh river is the mountains of Southern Altai, Saur-Tarbagatai characterized by general rise of ridges and bottom and Calba. Its borders are clearly expressed in the of valleys from the NW to E and SE to the main north and south. To east a continuation of the valley mountain sites of the Altai. The western (left) part is a vast valley of the Black Irtysh river, and to west is characterized by gradual rise of altitude – from it smoothly passes into hills of the Central Kazakh- hills and low mountain areas of Kazakh rolling (un- stan. The depression has a character of flat plains dulated) country in the north and west to midland (abs. altitude of Zaisan lake is 380 m). The surface is and mountainous relief in the south. The other cha- slightly sloping to the center of the hollow, where Zai- racteristic feature of the landscape is domination of san lake is located. Endorheic hollows, occupied by mountain ranges that are oriented to the W and NW. ephemeral salt or swamped lakes are also present The five geomorphological regions in the western here. part of the area (the left bank of the Irtysh river) may The Irtysh plain. This area is characterized by be distinguished: low undulate or hilly relief and low altitudes (most- 1) hills of Kazakh rolling (undulated) country, ly less than 200 m abs.). Closed dish-shaped endo- 2) Chingiz-Tau and Saur-Tarbagatai ridges, rheic depressions occupied by small lakes are often 3) Zaisan depression, found here. There are lots of sandy ridges separa- 4) the Irtysh territory plain, ted by wide shallows. To the north the Irtysh plain 5) Kalbinsky ridge. smoothly changes into Kulundinskaya steppe, and Hills region is located in the NW part of the area. its continuation to the SE is the Altai foothills. The surface of this region has been formed by weathe- Kalbinsky ridge is the left continuation of the ring of ancient mountain ranges up to the plain stage, Altai mountain ranges. To the east it gets behind with small mountains and hills. Low (500–600 m a.s.l.) Narymsky ridge like coulisses, itʹs a cause of a deep hills, often grouped into ridges, alternate with isola- bend of the Irtysh river valley. Next the ridge stre- ted low raises and vast plains. tches in latitudinal direction to the Char river valley, In the NE hills smoothly change to the Irtysh plain where it deviates to the NW and ends with a series and in the SW are surrounded by low mountain ran- of low ridges 40–60 km from the Irtysh river. ge of Chingiz-Tau. To the E and S of Kalba there are numerous Chingiz-Tau range is a horst rise of Kazakh un- mountain ranges of the Altai. Five types of geomor- dulated country. It extends from the NW to SE for phological landscapes are clearly distinguished on more than 200 km, and stands up above surroun- the Altai territory by the nature of the terrain and ding terrain at 500–600 m a.s.l. (abs. height up to other natural features: 1 150 m). The structure of the ridge is asymmetric – 1) high Alpine landscape with developed glacial forms the NE slopes are highly dissected and steep, and 2) ancient peneplain or ancient surfaces of flattening; the SW consist of three hollow steps. Kanchingiz pa- 3) middle-mountain erosion relief; rallel ridge moves away from Chingiz-Tau to the 4) low-mountain erosion relief; north, and Akshatau ridge (1 300 m a.s.l.) – to the 5) intermontane valleys and foothills with a predomi- south. The whole Chingiz-Tau range is characterized nance of accumulative relief forms. by alternation of low linear mountains and hills, se- The Southern Altai is an area of intensive lifting parated by wide valleys. In the SE Chingiz-Tau is and tectonic faulted, in huge trough of it there are connected with Tarbagatai ridge by the hill zone. valleys of the rivers Narym and
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