PROPER NAMES "INTELLIGENCER" SHIP NAMES 1 Surname First Name Middle Name Issue A.J.Fuller (ship) 1961-nov-4 A.M. Acken (schooner) 1969-aug-33 A.R. Weeks (schooner) 1972-may-130 Aalhoun, R. M. 1996-feb-133ff Abbot, George C. 1995 -nov- 98ff Abbott, Brian 1992-may-inbcov Abbott, George C. 2004-feb-inbcov Abbott, George C. 2004-may-171 Abbott, George C. 1995-nov- 98 Abbott. George C. 2004-feb-142ff Abby K. Bently (schooner) 1971-feb-84 Abby, L. Pease 1987-aug-44 Abby, Levi 1987-aug-44 Abel, 1992-feb-152fn Abercrombie, Ralph (U.S. consul) 1977-feb-85ff Abigail (ship) 2000-may-114 Abner Taylor (schooner) 1972-may-130 Abraham Barker (bark) 1971-aug-12pc Abram Barker (bark) 1971-aug-11 Abram Barker (bark) 1971-aug-23fn Abram Barker (whaler) 1967-may-74fn Abram Barker (whaler) 1979-nov-60 Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1998-aug-35 Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1998-aug-37fn Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1999-feb-147 Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1999-feb-148ff Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1999-feb-150fn Abruzzi, (Duke of ) 1999-feb-157 Ackerman, Roxanne 1987-feb-132fn Acor (Portuguese gunboat) 1964-aug-137 Active (ship) 1997-feb-137fn Active (ship) 1997-feb-138fn Active (ship) 2003-feb-148 Active (ship) 2003-may-174 Active (U.S. Revenue cutter) 2004-may-203 Active (U.S. Revenue cutter) 2004-may-203fn Active (U.S..Revenue cutte) 1972-may-118 Active (whaler) 1977-feb-82 Acton, Wallace 1982-aug-23fn Acushnet (Coast guard cutter) 1975-aug-17 Acushnet (Coast Guard cutter) 1996-aug-13pc Acushnet (whaler) 1977-feb-70 Acushnet (whaler) 1979-may-206 Acushnet (whaler) 1980-nov-74fn Acushnet (whaler) 1984-nov-83fn Acushnet (whaler) 1985-aug-45fn Acushnet (whaler) 1986-may-48 Acushnet (whaler) 2004-may-204 Acushnet (whaleship) 2003-aug-21 Acushnet, (whaler) 1980-feb-117 Acushnet, (whaleship) 1979-nov-49ff Acushnet, (whaleship) 1979-nov-51pc Acushnet, (whaleship) 1979-nov-54pc Acushnet, (whaleship) 1979-nov-57pc Acushnet, (whaleship) 1979-nov-58pc Ada Ames (schooner) 1972-may-130 Adadourian, (Mr.) (Rev?) 1985-aug- 25 Adadourian, (Rev.) 1985-aug-25 PROPER NAMES "INTELLIGENCER" SHIP NAMES 2 Adadourian, Haig (Rev.) 1961-feb-7ff Adaline (brig) 1992-may-237ff Adams, (Br.) 1982-feb-130 Adams, (Pres.) 1992-nov-89 Adams, (Sister) 1985-feb-131 Adams, "Reformation John " 2003-may-200 Adams, "Reformation John " 2003-may-201 Adams, "Reformation John " 2003-may-202 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1960-aug-10ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1977-feb-109 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1977-feb-109fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1979-aug-35ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-may-152ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-may-153fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-44 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-47ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-48fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-51ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-53pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-54fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-55pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-56ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-57 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-67ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1980-nov-80 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1981-feb-93 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1982-aug-35 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1982-feb-129ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1984-aug-37 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1985-may-146ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1985-may-147pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1988-nov-38 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1988-nov-41 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1988-nov-41fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1988-nov-42fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1990-aug-35 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1990-nov-91ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1990-nov-93fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-121ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-123fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-131pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-134fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-142ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-146fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-147fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-148 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-fcov pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-feb-infcov pc Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-may-188ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-may-188fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-may-192fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1991-may-193fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1992-aug-56ff Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1992-aug-56fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1992-aug-58fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1992-feb-165fn Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1996-nov-91 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1996-nov-94 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1998-feb-107 PROPER NAMES "INTELLIGENCER" SHIP NAMES 3 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 1998-feb-137 Adams, "Reformation John "(Rev.) 2001-may-171 Adams, (family) 1961-aug-11 Adams, (family) 1974-nov-53 Adams, (family) 1981-feb-113 Adams, (family) 1988-feb-133 Adams, (Mr.) 1996-nov-93 Adams, (Sisters) 1980-nov-74fn Adams, (Sisters) 1983-may-139 Adams, (Sisters) 1988-feb-133 Adams, (Sisters) 2004-may-181ff Adams, Abigail 1976-aug-10 Adams, Abigail 2003-feb-129 Adams, Abigail 2003-feb-149 Adams, Abigail 2003-may-176 Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John ) 1997-feb-138 Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John ) 1997-feb-142ff Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John ) 2003-may-179 Adams, Abigiail (Mrs.John) 1997-feb-138ff Adams, Alice ( Mrs.) 1985-nov-61 Adams, Althea 1991-may-157pc Adams, Byron 1993-may-173ff Adams, Byron 1993-may-177pc Adams, Calvin M. 1982-may-162 Adams, Calvin (Capt.) C. 1982-may-162 Adams, Calvin (Capt.) 1965-may-197fn Adams, Celia 1979-aug-19 Adams, David B. 1960-feb-12 Adams, David B. 1960-feb-13 Adams, David (Capt.) B. 1960-feb-14 Adams, David (Capt.) Blake 1971-nov-65 Adams, David (Capt.) L. 1982-feb-132 Adams, David (Capt.) 1985-nov-61 Adams, E. G 1992-aug-57fn Adams, Eliashab 1993-feb-127 Adams, Eliashib 1979-aug-15ff Adams, Eliashib 1988-feb-133 Adams, Eliza 1965-may-199fn Adams, Eliza 1977-feb-102pc Adams, Frank 1963-may-70ff Adams, Frank 1963-may-74 Adams, Fysh 1993-may-173ff Adams, Fysh 1993-may-177pc Adams, George W. 1979-aug-40ff Adams, George 1981-aug-42 Adams, George W. 1977-nov-43 Adams, George 1980-aug-11ff Adams, Henry 1989-nov-56fn Adams, Henry 1989-nov-64fn Adams, Henry 2004-nov/2005-feb-59ff Adams, J. S. 1982-may-163fn Adams, J. ( Br.) I.I. 1983-nov-81fn Adams, James F. 1961-aug-11 Adams, James 1997-aug-13ff Adams, James 2002-feb- infcov Adams, James 1979-aug-16ff Adams, John Quincy 1982-feb-106 Adams, John Quincy 1983-nov-76 Adams, John Quincy 1992-may-190 PROPER NAMES "INTELLIGENCER" SHIP NAMES 4 Adams, John Quncy 1994-may-159 Adams, John 1980-aug-35ff Adams, John 1980-aug-36 Adams, John 1988-feb-133 Adams, John 1993-feb-139 Adams, John 1993-feb-139fn Adams, John 1993-may-171 Adams, John 1993-may-171ff Adams, John 1996-aug-19ff Adams, John 1996-aug-44 Adams, John 1996-aug-44ff Adams, John 1996-feb-130 Adams, John 1997-feb-138 Adams, John 2002-nov-78ff Adams, John 2003-feb-149 Adams, John 2003-may-176 Adams, John Isaac 1982-aug-35 Adams, John ( Br.) 1982-aug-34 Adams, John ( Pres.) 1982-feb-92 Adams, John ( Pres.) 1990-nov-91 Adams, John ( Pres.) 1992-may-190 Adams, John (Capt) 1993-nov-88ff Adams, John (Capt.) 1965-may-185 Adams, John (Capt.) 1965-may-197fn Adams, John (Mrs.) 1980-nov-54fn Adams, John (Mrs.) 1991-feb-124ff Adams, John (Mrs.) 2003-may-200ff Adams, John (Pres.) Quincy 1988-aug-217 Adams, John (Pres.) Quincy 1990-may-201 Adams, John (Pres.) 1962-may-17 Adams, John (Pres.) 1992-nov-92ff Adams, John (Pres.) 1997-feb-143 Adams, John (Pres.) 2003-may-182 Adams, John (President) Quincy 1989-aug-47 Adams, John (President) Quincy 1989-aug-47fn Adams, John (President) Quincy 1989-feb-57 Adams, John (President) 1989-feb-47 Adams, John (President) 2002-aug-57 Adams, John (Rev.) 1980-nov-74 Adams, John (Rev.) 1983-nov-81fn Adams, John (Rev.) 1989-feb-59fn Adams, John (Rev.) 1989-feb-87 Adams, John (Rev.) 1989-may-134ff Adams, John (Rev.) 1989-may-134fn Adams, John (Rev.) 1989-may-135fn Adams, John (Rev.) 1992-may-236f Adams, Joseph S. 2001-nov-72 fn Adams, Lily 1966-aug-14pc Adams, Love 1985-aug-11ff Adams, Lucretia ( Miss ) 1960-nov-18ff Adams, Lucy Palmer 1979-aug-15ff Adams, Lucy Palmer 1979-aug-23pc Adams, Lucy Palmer 1979-aug-24pc Adams, Lucy Palmer 1979-aug-44 Adams, Lucy 1960-nov-12 Adams, Lucy 1979-aug-20pc Adams, Lucy 1979-aug-21ff Adams, Lucy 1979-aug-21fn Adams, Lucy 1993-nov-88 PROPER NAMES "INTELLIGENCER" SHIP NAMES 5 Adams, M. (Mrs.) 2004-may-164 Adams, Martha 1978-feb-95 Adams, Mary (Mrs. Mayhew) 2005-may-130ff Adams, Mayhew 1979-aug-15 Adams, Mayhew 1985-aug-10 Adams, Mayhew 1985-aug-10 Adams, Mayhew 1988-feb-133 Adams, Mayhew 1993-feb-127fn Adams, Mayhew (Capt.) 1985-aug-11 Adams, Mayhew (Capt.) 2005-may-115 Adams, Mayhew (Capt.) 2005-may-119pc Adams, Moses 1977-may-143 Adams, Moses 1980-nov-74 Adams, Moses ( Capt. & Mrs.) 1983-may-139 Adams, Moses (Capt.) 1979-aug-15ff Adams, Moses (Capt.) 1979-nov-59 Adams, Nancy ( Mrs.) 1985-nov-60 Adams, Nancy (Mrs.) 1981-may-162ff Adams, Nehemiah 1991-aug-38fn Adams, Peter J. 1971-nov-63 Adams, Polly 1993-may-173 Adams, Polly 1993-may-173fn Adams, Reformation John (Rev.) 2000-may-124 Adams, Reliance Mayhew 1993-feb-127 Adams, Sam 1976-aug-11 Adams, Sam 2002-nov-77pc Adams, Sam 2002-nov-79 Adams, Sam 2002-nov-81ff Adams, Sam 2002-nov-95ff Adams, Samuel 1996-aug-46ff Adams, Samuel 1996-feb-130fn Adams, Sarah Butler 1979-aug-15ff Adams, Sarah Butler 1979-aug-23pc Adams, Sarah Butler 1979-aug-24pc Adams, Sarah 1979-aug-20pc Adams, Sarah 1979-aug-21ff Adams, Sarah 1979-aug-21fn Adams, Sarah 1993-nov-88 Adams, Susan Palmer 1979-aug-15ff Adams, Virginia M.
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