sssi01e Index.qxp 1/15/2008 2:41 PM Page 235 Index Agnew, Spiro T., 123, 129, 135 Billows, Ray, 34 Alciatore, Roy, 62 Birmingham Stallions, 189 Allen, Bruce, 203 Blanco, Kathleen, 218-19 Allen, George, 80, 187, 196, 201-3, Blanding, Ron, 196 209 Boggs, Hale, 47, 65-72, 217, 227, American Conference, 72 230-31 American Football League, 43, Boggs, Lindy Claiborne, 227 53, 55-58, 65-66, 68, 72-73, 77- Boggs, Tommy, 227 78, 86, 143, 217-18 Boston Breakers, 189 Amoss, Jim, 44, 148 Bowen, Tom, 102 Annapolis (U.S. Naval Boy’s Life magazine, 15 Academy), 24 Breaux, John, 233 Antoine’s Restaurant, 62 Brees, Drew, 211, 221 Anzelmo, Sal, 90 Brewster, Colonel, 24 Arizona Wranglers, 189 Briant, Peter, 83 Armstrong, Neill, 206 Briner, Bob, 113, 118, 120 Ashe, Arthur, 117 Brooks, Aaron, 210 Astrodome, 74 Brown, Victor, 165 Atkinson, Paul, 146 Buchholst, Earl “Butch”, 118 Atlanta Falcons, 13, 74, 195, 207, Bush, Reggie, 211, 221 220 Audubon Golf Club, 30 Campbell, Billy, 34 Cannon, Billy, 43 Baltimore Colts, 46-47, 49, 62, 77, Carmichael, Hoagy, 144 79 Carolina Panthers, 13 Banker, Bill, 171-72 Carrigan, Mark, 102, 151 Barthes, Pierre, 118 Carter, Anthony, 195 Bauerlein Agency, 41 Carter, Fr. Jim, 188 Becker, Boris, 116 Celler, Emanuel, 67-69 Benson, Tom, 53, 56-57, 69, 76, Chandler, David, 131 154, 205-13, 215-18, 221-22, 229 Charlton, Moose, 171 Bierman, Bernie, 172 Chicago Bears, 46-47, 49, 58, 74, Big League Chewing Gum, 15, 20 190, 202, 206-7, 209, 214 S 235 S sssi01e Index.qxp 1/15/2008 2:41 PM Page 236 236 S THE SAINTS, THE SUPERDOME, AND THE SCANDAL S Chicago Blitz, 189, 201-2 Dooley, Vince, 198, 200 Chicago White Sox, 19-21 Drysdale, Cliff, 118 Chicago World’s Fair, 16, 19 Duke, David, 120, 138-39 Christakis, Leo, 228 Duncan, Kitty, 224 Cincinnati Bengals, 157 Duncan, Walter, 187, 198-202 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 39-40, Dupre, Marcus, 195 51, 61, 182 Dykes, Jimmy, 21 Clay, Louis H., 25 Dyre, Braven, 22 Clay, Louis H., Jr., 21, 25, 160 Cleveland Browns, 13, 46 Early, Mike, 84 Comiskey Park, 19, 22 Edwards, Edwin, 35, 95, 120-21, Connick, Bill, 79, 152, 165 138-39, 149, 152, 155, 157, 232 Connick, Harry, 166 Ehrhart, Steve, 191, 197 Cowan, Walter, 84, 103, 146 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 124 Cowen, Scott, 181-82 Ellender, Benny, 173-74 Curtis, Nathaniel C. “Buster”, Ellis, John “Sonny”, 33 Jr., 27, 95, 102-3, 148, 151, 154- ESPN, 13, 190, 196, 219 55, 157, 169, 221-22 Evans, Hugh, 42, 46, 48, 52, 63, 76, 80, 219 Dallas Cowboys, 46-47, 53, 78, 80, 208, 210, 220 Fairbanks, Chuck, 187 Dallas Texans, 53, 55, 58 Fan Ownership Football League, Daniels, Bill, 188 204, 208 Daniels, Ed, 84 Favrot, Allen, 48 Davis, Arthur, 103 Fenner, Darwin, 43, 48, 56 Deas, Harry, 33 Ferguson, Charles, 148 Denver Broncos, 185, 195 Fielkow, Arnie, 215 Denver Gold, 189, 196 Finks, Jim, 53, 57-58, 190, 206-8, Detroit Lions, 46-47, 179 210, 212-14 Dickson, Rick, 181, 183 Finney, Peter, 58, 209-10, 227 Dietrich, Ted, 187 Fitzmorris, Jimmy, 85-86, 88, 229 Dietzel, Paul, 175 Flanagan, Ellen G., 34 Diliberto, Buddy, 45, 58, 81, 84, Folsom, Kissing Jim, 127 86, 145, 209, 211-16, 224 Ford, Gerald, 171 Ditka, Mike, 53, 202, 206, 208-10, Ford, William Clay, 46 214 Forman, Ron, 228 Dixon Plywood Corporation, 41 Fortier High School, 22, 24, 30 Dixon, David Frank (Dixon’s Fortier Tarpons, 189 father), 22 Foster, Mike, 218 Dixon, Eleanor, 16 Fountain, Pete, 228 Dixon, Mary Shea, 11, 13, 27, 30, Francis, Norman C., 226 34-35, 41, 47, 58, 73, 81, 109- Frank Magid & Associates, 83 10, 128, 132, 145, 148, 154, Friedrichs, Buddy, 174, 176-78 165, 185, 187, 212, 221 Donelon, Tom, 100 Garrison, Jim, 166 sssi01e Index.qxp 1/15/2008 2:41 PM Page 237 S Index S 237 Garvey, Ed, 185, 192 Ingram, Fritz, 174 Gehrig, Lou, 20 Geiger, Roy, 25 Jackson, “Shoeless Joe”, 19-20 Georgia Military Academy, 24 Jesuit High School, 33 Giants Stadium, 187 Jesuit High School Blue Jays, Gibson, Vince, 180-81 189 Gifford, Alec, 84 John Paul II, 169 Gilliam, John, 80-81 Johnson, Lyndon, 69, 124, 171 Glaudi, Hap, 84 Johnson, Vaughan, 207 Goodell, Roger, 69, 216-17 Johnston, Bennett, 231-32 Gordon, Dick, 152-53 Jones, Joseph Merrick, 39, 43 Great Southern Box Company, Joseph, Jim, 188 22, 33 Judell, Harold, 93 Green Bay Packers, 13, 59, 220 Gregson, J. Randolph, 115-16, 118 Kansas City Chiefs, 53 Kelley, Eamon, 182 Hackney, Sheldon, 173-74, 176- Kelly, Jim, 195 80, 182 Kelso, Iris, 146 Halas, George, 46, 77, 187, 206 Kleck, David, 51, 67-70, 85, 87-88 Hannan, Archbishop Philip M., Kratter, Marvin, 85-87 73-74, 80, 166-67, 169, 224 Kuharich, Bill, 208-10 Hardesty, Dan, 97 Kuharich, Joe, 209 Harris, Rufus, 37 Harvard University, 25 Landrieu, Moon, 35, 40, 93-95, Haslett, Jim, 210-11, 213 101, 152, 155, 157, 215 Healy, George W., Jr. See The Lautenschlaeger, Lester, 54, 175 Editor Lawrence, John, 84, 101 Hebert, Bobby, 195, 207, 210 Lay, Herman, 77-80 Hébert, F. Edward, 231 Leatherman, Jeanne, 34 Hebert, Jay, 33 Leavitt, Mel, 84 Helis, William G., Jr., 42, 52, 76 LeJeune, Francis, 77 Henderson, Jim, 84, 209, 226 Levy, Ben, 94-95, 152 Hill, Angela, 84, 224 Levy, Marv, 196 Hirt, Al, 144 Livingston, Bob, 230 Hoffa, Jimmy, 127 Lombardi, Vince, 27, 58-61 Holtz, Lou, 174-75, 184 Long, Earl K., 39 Hulme, Francis, 24 Long, Russell, 68-71, 73, 79, 217, Humphrey, Hubert, 124-25, 127- 232 29, 131-32, 135 Longenecker, Herbert, 46, 83 Hunt, Lamar, 53, 55-58, 61, 77, Loomis, Mickey, 14, 211, 219, 113, 115, 118, 120, 164 221-22 Hurricane Katrina, 13, 44, 133, Los Angeles Express, 189, 195 184, 211, 215, 219, 228-29 Los Angeles Rams, 57, 74, 81 Los Angeles Times, 22 Infante, Lindy, 184 Lott, Trent, 231 sssi01e Index.qxp 1/15/2008 2:41 PM Page 238 238 S THE SAINTS, THE SUPERDOME, AND THE SCANDAL S Louisiana Stadium and Exposition Monsted, Robert M. “Bobby”, District, 53, 91, 95, 99, 107, 109, 42, 52, 63, 76, 80, 145, 219 149, 151-52, 164, 166, 219 Moore, Dorothy Ecuyer, 16 Louisiana Superdome, 13-15, 27, Mora, Jim, 53, 196, 207-8, 213, 37, 57, 63, 65, 73, 75, 88, 90-91, 215, 220 93-95, 102-3, 105, 108-9, 111, Morial, Dutch, 52, 227 113, 119, 129, 146, 148-49, 151, Morrison, de Lesseps “Chep”, 153-55, 157, 159-60, 166, 169, 22, 35, 40-42, 56, 66, 80, 222, 171, 173, 177, 181-82, 201, 219- 227, 233 20, 222, 228-29 Mueller, Randy, 213 Louisiana State University, 133 Murchison, Clint, 53, 78 Luce, Claire Booth, 127 Muskie, Ed, 129 Luce, Henry, 127 National Conference, 72 Manning, Archie, 209-10, 212, National Football League, 13, 35, 215, 225 38, 41-47, 49-58, 61-63, 65-71, Marcoux, Harvey Lee, 27-29, 60 73, 76-78, 80, 83, 85-86, 88, 94- Marine Corps, 22, 25, 58, 159 95, 97, 107, 109, 137, 140, 142- McAllister, Deuce, 221 46, 149, 154, 159, 179, 182, McCrossen, Bill, 224 185-90, 192, 195-97, 199, 202-3, McDonough, Will, 200 205-8, 210, 212, 216-18, 220, 226 McElwee, Frank Dixon, 172 New England Patriots, 214 McKeithen, John, 22, 35, 65, 75, New Jersey Generals, 187, 189, 79, 84, 88-91, 93-96, 98, 100-1, 198, 201-2 105, 109-10, 113, 119-20, 123- New Orleans Arena, 45 25, 127-35, 137, 139-40, 144, New Orleans Breakers, 54 149, 151, 157, 166, 173, 186-87, New Orleans Country Club, 33, 211, 222, 227, 230-31, 233 89 McLendon, Gerald, 84, 101 New Orleans Hornets, 45 McPhillips, Julian L., Jr., 11, 134 New Orleans Pro Football Club, Mead, Lynda Lee, 34 42-43, 45, 47-48, 98, 145, 206 Mecom, John, Jr., 53, 55-56, 73, New Orleans Saints, 13-15, 27, 75-77, 79, 97, 137, 157, 205, 37, 52, 55-57, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73- 207, 210, 212-13 74, 79-80, 85, 90, 97, 107, 110, Memphis Country Club, 33-34 137, 145-46, 149, 151-54, 159, Memphis Showboats, 195 171, 195, 205, 207-8, 211-12, Meyerson, Harvey, 196 214-16, 218, 220-22, 226, 229 Miami Dolphins, 113 New Orleans Voodoo, 45 Michigan Panthers, 189, 193, 195 New York Giants, 58, 74 Middlecoff, Cary, 34 New York Yankees, 19-21 Milling, Anne, 229 Newcombe, John, 118 Mills, Sam, 195, 207 Nixon, Richard, 123-24, 127, 129, Mills, Wilbur, 68 132, 135 Minnesota Vikings, 58, 199, 207 Moeller, Gary, 179 Oakland Invaders, 189, 195 sssi01e Index.qxp 1/15/2008 2:41 PM Page 239 S Index S 239 Ochsner Clinic, 165, 224 65-67, 69-71, 76, 78, 80, 86, 98, Ochsner Foundation Hospital, 196, 209, 217 224 Ruth, George Herman “Babe”, Ochsner, Alton, 224 19-22 Ochsner, John, 165, 227 Ole Miss, 25 Salmon, Clark, 41 Salmon, Clark, Jr., 41 Palmer, Arnold, 33 San Diego Chargers, 188 Partin, Edward Grady, 127-28, San Francisco ’49ers, 195 130 Saturday Evening Post, 15 Paterno, Joe, 198 Scheps, Clarence, 176 Paul VI, 106 Schiro, Victor Hugo, 35, 57, 85- Payton, Sean, 14, 211, 219, 221- 88, 95, 99-100, 143 22 Schramm, Tex, 46, 54, 78, 80 Peabody Hotel, 35 Schuster, Shelley, 33 Pebble Beach, California, 33 Schwegmann, John, 108-11 Persia, Mike, 205 Shea, Catharine, 34 Phelps, Ashton, Jr., 44, 145, 148 Shea, John, 34 Philadelphia Eagles, 74, 195 Shea, John Jr., 34 Philadelphia Stars, 189, 207 Sheldon, 174, 181 Pilic, Nicki, 117-18 Simmons, Chet, 190, 206 Pittsburgh Steelers, 58, 195 Smith, Larry, 179-81, 184 Poitevent, Edward, 42, 46, 52, Spaht, Carlos, 91 63, 76, 78, 80, 219 Spanos, Alex, 188 Pollet, Agnes, 16 Spurrier, Steve, 196 Pollet, Howard, 16 St.
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