Appendix D: Biological Resources Inventory

Appendix D: Biological Resources Inventory

City of Merced – Merced Gateway Master Plan Draft EIR Appendix D: Biological Resources Inventory FirstCarbon Solutions R:\wpwin\Client (PN‐JN)\1566\15660010\EIR\3 ‐ 2nd Screencheck EIR\15660010 Sec99‐00 Appendices.docx THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1/11/2016 CNPS Inventory Results Plant List 32 matches found. Click on scientific name for details Search Criteria Found in 9 Quads around 37120C4 Rare Plant State Global Scientific Name Common Name Family Lifeform Rank Rank Rank Agrostis hendersonii Henderson's bent grass Poaceae annual herb 3.2 S2 G2Q Atriplex cordulata var. heartscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G3T2 cordulata Atriplex depressa brittlescale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G2 Atriplex minuscula lesser saltscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 Atriplex persistens vernal pool smallscale Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G2 Atriplex subtilis subtle orache Chenopodiaceae annual herb 1B.2 S1 G1 California macrophylla round­leaved filaree Geraniaceae annual herb 1B.2 S3? G3? Calycadenia hooveri Hoover's calycadenia Asteraceae annual herb 1B.3 S3 G3 Castilleja campestris var. annual herb succulent owl's­clover Orobanchaceae 1B.2 S2 G4?T2 succulenta (hemiparasitic) Centromadia parryi ssp. rudis Parry's rough tarplant Asteraceae annual herb 4.2 S3 G3T3 Clarkia rostrata beaked clarkia Onagraceae annual herb 1B.3 S2S3 G2G3 Convolvulus simulans small­flowered morning­ glory Convolvulaceae annual herb 4.2 S4 G4 Delphinium hansenii ssp. Ewan's larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb 4.2 S3 G4T3 ewanianum Delphinium recurvatum recurved larkspur Ranunculaceae perennial herb 1B.2 S3 G3 Downingia pusilla dwarf downingia Campanulaceae annual herb 2B.2 S2 GU annual / perennial Eryngium racemosum Delta button­celery Apiaceae 1B.1 S1 G1Q herb spiny­sepaled button­ annual / perennial Eryngium spinosepalum Apiaceae 1B.2 S2 G2 celery herb Boggs Lake hedge­ Gratiola heterosepala Plantaginaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G2 hyssop Hesperevax caulescens hogwallow starfish Asteraceae annual herb 4.2 S3 G3 Lagophylla dichotoma forked hare­leaf Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Navarretia myersii ssp. myersii pincushion navarretia Polemoniaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1T1 Navarretia nigelliformis ssp. adobe navarretia Polemoniaceae annual herb 4.2 S3 G4T3 nigelliformis Navarretia nigelliformis ssp. shining navarretia Polemoniaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2 G4T2 radians httNp:e//wowstwa.prafriaep claontlsu.csnapns.aorg/result.html?aCdvo=ltu&sqaua gd=ra37s1s20C4:9 Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 1/2 1/11/2016 CNPS Inventory Results Neostapfia colusana Colusa grass Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 San Joaquin Valley Orcuttia inaequalis Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Orcutt grass Orcuttia pilosa hairy Orcutt grass Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Phacelia ciliata var. opaca Merced phacelia Boraginaceae annual herb 3.2 SH G5TH Hartweg's golden Pseudobahia bahiifolia sunburst Asteraceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 Puccinellia simplex California alkali grass Poaceae annual herb 1B.2 S2S3 G2G3 perennial Sagittaria sanfordii Sanford's arrowhead Alismataceae 1B.2 S3 G3 rhizomatous herb Sidalcea keckii Keck's checkerbloom Malvaceae annual herb 1B.1 S2 G2 Tuctoria greenei Greene's tuctoria Poaceae annual herb 1B.1 S1 G1 Suggested Citation CNPS, Rare Plant Program. 2016. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (online edition, v8­02). California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA. Website [accessed 11 January 2016]. Search the Inventory Information Contributors Simple Search About the Inventory The Calflora Database Advanced Search About the Rare Plant Program The California Lichen Society Glossary CNPS Home Page About CNPS Join CNPS © Copyright 2010­2014 California Native Plant Society. All rights reserved. 2/2 Selected Elements by Scientific Name California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Natural Diversity Database Query Criteria: Quad is (Atwater (3712035) or El Nido (3712024) or Haystack Mtn. (3712043) or Merced (3712034) or Plainsburg (3712023) or Planada (3712033) or Sandy Mush (3712025) or Winton (3712045) or Yosemite Lake (3712044)) Rare Plant Rank/CDFW Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Agelaius tricolor ABPBXB0020 None None G2G3 S1S2 SSC tricolored blackbird Agrostis hendersonii PMPOA040K0 None None G2Q S2 3.2 Henderson's bent grass Ambystoma californiense AAAAA01180 Threatened Threatened G2G3 S2S3 SSC California tiger salamander Antrozous pallidus AMACC10010 None None G5 S3 SSC pallid bat Athene cunicularia ABNSB10010 None None G4 S3 SSC burrowing owl Atriplex cordulata var. cordulata PDCHE040B0 None None G3T2 S2 1B.2 heartscale Atriplex minuscula PDCHE042M0 None None G2 S2 1B.1 lesser saltscale Atriplex persistens PDCHE042P0 None None G2 S2 1B.2 vernal pool smallscale Atriplex subtilis PDCHE042T0 None None G1 S1 1B.2 subtle orache Branchinecta conservatio ICBRA03010 Endangered None G1 S1 Conservancy fairy shrimp Branchinecta lynchi ICBRA03030 Threatened None G3 S3 vernal pool fairy shrimp Branchinecta mesovallensis ICBRA03150 None None G2 S2 midvalley fairy shrimp Buteo regalis ABNKC19120 None None G4 S3S4 WL ferruginous hawk Buteo swainsoni ABNKC19070 None Threatened G5 S3 Swainson's hawk California macrophylla PDGER01070 None None G3? S3? 1B.2 round-leaved filaree Calycadenia hooveri PDAST1P040 None None G3 S3 1B.3 Hoover's calycadenia Castilleja campestris var. succulenta PDSCR0D3Z1 Threatened Endangered G4?T2 S2 1B.2 succulent owl's-clover Charadrius montanus ABNNB03100 None None G3 S2? SSC mountain plover Clarkia rostrata PDONA050Y0 None None G2G3 S2S3 1B.3 beaked clarkia Commercial Version -- Dated January, 5 2016 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 1 of 3 Report Printed on Monday, January 11, 2016 Information Expires 7/5/2016 Selected Elements by Scientific Name California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Natural Diversity Database Rare Plant Rank/CDFW Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Delphinium recurvatum PDRAN0B1J0 None None G3 S3 1B.2 recurved larkspur Dipodomys heermanni dixoni AMAFD03062 None None G3G4T2T3 S2S3 Merced kangaroo rat Downingia pusilla PDCAM060C0 None None GU S2 2B.2 dwarf downingia Emys marmorata ARAAD02030 None None G3G4 S3 SSC western pond turtle Eryngium racemosum PDAPI0Z0S0 None Endangered G1Q S1 1B.1 Delta button-celery Eryngium spinosepalum PDAPI0Z0Y0 None None G2 S2 1B.2 spiny-sepaled button-celery Eumops perotis californicus AMACD02011 None None G5T4 S3S4 SSC western mastiff bat Falco columbarius ABNKD06030 None None G5 S3S4 WL merlin Gambelia sila ARACF07010 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 FP blunt-nosed leopard lizard Gratiola heterosepala PDSCR0R060 None Endangered G2 S2 1B.2 Boggs Lake hedge-hyssop Haliaeetus leucocephalus ABNKC10010 Delisted Endangered G5 S2 FP bald eagle Lagophylla dichotoma PDAST5J070 None None G1 S1 1B.1 forked hare-leaf Lasiurus blossevillii AMACC05060 None None G5 S3 SSC western red bat Lasiurus cinereus AMACC05030 None None G5 S4 hoary bat Lepidurus packardi ICBRA10010 Endangered None G3 S2S3 vernal pool tadpole shrimp Linderiella occidentalis ICBRA06010 None None G2G3 S2S3 California linderiella Lytta molesta IICOL4C030 None None G2 S2 molestan blister beetle Mylopharodon conocephalus AFCJB25010 None None G3 S3 SSC hardhead Myotis yumanensis AMACC01020 None None G5 S4 Yuma myotis Navarretia myersii ssp. myersii PDPLM0C0X1 None None G1T1 S1 1B.1 pincushion navarretia Navarretia nigelliformis ssp. radians PDPLM0C0J2 None None G4T2 S2 1B.2 shining navarretia Commercial Version -- Dated January, 5 2016 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 2 of 3 Report Printed on Monday, January 11, 2016 Information Expires 7/5/2016 Selected Elements by Scientific Name California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Natural Diversity Database Rare Plant Rank/CDFW Species Element Code Federal Status State Status Global Rank State Rank SSC or FP Neostapfia colusana PMPOA4C010 Threatened Endangered G2 S2 1B.1 Colusa grass Northern Claypan Vernal Pool CTT44120CA None None G1 S1.1 Northern Claypan Vernal Pool Northern Hardpan Vernal Pool CTT44110CA None None G3 S3.1 Northern Hardpan Vernal Pool Oncorhynchus mykiss irideus AFCHA0209K Threatened None G5T2Q S2 steelhead - Central Valley DPS Orcuttia inaequalis PMPOA4G060 Threatened Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 San Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass Orcuttia pilosa PMPOA4G040 Endangered Endangered G1 S1 1B.1 hairy Orcutt grass Perognathus inornatus AMAFD01060 None None G2G3 S2S3 San Joaquin Pocket Mouse Phacelia ciliata var. opaca PDHYD0C0S2 None None G5TH SH 3.2 Merced phacelia Pseudobahia bahiifolia PDAST7P010 Endangered Endangered G2 S2 1B.1 Hartweg's golden sunburst Sagittaria sanfordii PMALI040Q0 None None G3 S3 1B.2 Sanford's arrowhead Sidalcea keckii PDMAL110D0 Endangered None G2 S2 1B.1 Keck's checkerbloom Spea hammondii AAABF02020 None None G3 S3 SSC western spadefoot Taxidea taxus AMAJF04010 None None G5 S3 SSC American badger Thamnophis gigas ARADB36150 Threatened Threatened G2 S2 giant garter snake Tuctoria greenei PMPOA6N010 Endangered Rare G1 S1 1B.1 Greene's tuctoria Vulpes macrotis mutica AMAJA03041 Endangered Threatened G4T2 S2 San Joaquin kit fox Record Count: 56 Commercial Version -- Dated January, 5 2016 -- Biogeographic Data Branch Page 3 of 3 Report Printed on Monday, January 11, 2016 Information Expires 7/5/2016 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1566.0010 Merced Gateway IPaC Trust Resource Report Generated January 11, 2016 07:00 PM MST, IPaC v2.3.2

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