MI-CAREME CONCERT SUNDAY VOL. IX GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C, MARCH 15, 1928 No. 21 LARGE DONATION FO'CASTLE CLUB GLEE CLUB TO GIVE MID-LENTEN TO NEW INSTITUTE SPEAKERS CONCERT MARCH 18th IN GAST0N The Fo'castle Club has been fortu- New Jersey Man Donates $250,- nate in obtaining as speakers at their Splendid Program is Triumph for Classical Music—Unprecedented 000 to Chemo-Medical Research banquet, which is to be held at the Madrillon tomorrow night, the Hon- Activity in Three Weeks of Rehearsals to Master New Numbers Institute—Father Coyle, S.J., in orable Senator H. Shipstead and Mr. Shows Earnestness of Members—Musical Critics of Both Wash- Charge of Organization—Plans Andrew Furuseth. Mr. Furuseth is ington and New York Are Enthusiastic in Their Comments—Co- Call for Building Adjacent to president of the International Sea- operation is Essential to Success of Affair. New Medical School. men's Union. He is also a delegate to each conference of the League of Once more Georgetown's Glee Club will give a concert in Gaston Hall, on Sunday Rev. George L. Coyle, S.J., announced Nations, representing the seamen of the world. Dr. T. H. Healy, Assist- evening, March 18. This presentation will be the second of the season, and it is the gift of $250,000 towards the endow- thereby hoped that a precedent will be created. From the splendid program which ment fund for the Georgetown Chemo- ant Dean of the school, shall also be a guest of the club. has been arranged the Glee Club bids fair to give a concert which will far surpass Medical Research Institute. The dona- even its previous appearances. With the marked success which has attended the tion came from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. debating teams, it is proper that Georgetown should be well represented in other Maloney, of Waldwick, N. J. Mr. Ma- fields of intellectual and cultural endeavors. It is the Glee Club of Georgetown's loney is a former president of the Amer- students, and Georgetown students should take pride in its success and attend Sunday's ican Tobacco Company and is greatly in- CHEMISTRY TALK concert. terested in the aims of the proposed in- The splendid program which has been stitute. BY DR. SULLIVAN arranged, gives promise of maintaining The gift, which was received Tuesday, the high standard of the mid-winter con- is the first major contribution to the fund, Speaker Discusses Various Func- GEORGETOWN MEN cert. Musical critics have commented although many donations of smaller tions of Chemicals Necessary very favorably on the splendid program of amounts have been received in the past in Diet—Shows Relation Be- HONOR QUEEN the Mid-Winter Concert of several weeks six months. The aim of the organizers ago. As the Washington Star has ex- is to reach the $4,000,000 mark. The tween Biology and Chemistry. pressed it: "It represented the aim of nature of the institute is such that no Dean Healy Receives Portrait of Marie of Roumania for Levia- Georgetown officials, the presentation of income will be derived, while the ex- The guests and members of the Chem- a successful program in which 'jazz' mu- pense of material, salaries, etc., will ne- istry Academy on Tuesday evening, than—Fr. Walsh and Profes- sic would be noticeably absent." Thus cessitate $3,000,000 and an additional mil- March 6th, were accorded the pleasure of sors Labat and Haag Attend has the Glee Club triumphed by present- lion for the erection of the building. listening to a most learned and interesting Ceremonies. ing a successful, cultural entertainment in The plans call for the building to be discussion delivered by another prominent which the jazz, so customarily associated erected adjacent to the new Medical with college glee clubs is absent. The chemist in the person of Dr. M. X. Sulli- Ceremonies abroad the S. S. Leviathan School. The school is expected to be van of the U. S. Hygienic Laboratory. Glee Club is continuing its classical en- located on the college grounds and a at New York recently, attended by of- deavors by presenting another program The speaker, who is no stranger to start in its erection will probably be made devoid of jazz. Their efforts to this end Georgetown, selected as his subject for ficials of Georgetown University as guests this spring. are laudable. discussion "Chemistry and Health." He of the United States Shipping Board, (Continued on page 12) (Continued on Page o) exhorted all to have the greatest respect revived memories of the hospitality ex- for their bodies, pronouncing them the tended a group of Georgetown students most efficient chemistry laboratories in and professors who visited Rumania last ART FEATURES OF existence, stating their ability to bring G. U. DEBATERS TO about the most wonderful substantial summer. The occasion was the unveiling ANNUAL DISCUSSED changes in the foods ingested, converting of a portrait of Queen Marie of Ru- MEET LAFAYETTE them into so many complex compounds mania. Members of the Shipping Board Georgetown Will Uphold Nega- Final Make-up of Volume is De- with such evident ease and harmony that and the Rumanian legation went to New we are totally unaware of their accom- tive of Same Subject as Before cided at Last Meeting of Edi- plishments. He thereupon briefly por- York for the ceremonies. torial Board — Joseph Porter —Members of Team Hard at trayed the digestion of the various food- At the request of the Shipping Board Work to Prepare Speeches— Edits "Ye Cracke O'Doome." stuffs "and their metabolism. He then last summer, Dr. Thomas H. Healy, as- Debate Will be Held in Gaston mentioned the fact that most people are sistant dean of the Georgetown Foreign acquainted with the needs of the body in Hall on March 31st. Last week representatives from the Service School, obtained from Queen Bureau of Engraving, of Indianapolis, reference to fates, carbohydrates, pro- and Shilling Press, of New York, visited teins and water, but few are aware of the Marie, when he visited Rumania, a por- Georgetown's Varsity debating team, the College for a conference with the edi- crying need of the various inorganic trait of herself to be placed in the Levia- after a period of rest from its recent vic- tors of the Doomesday Booke... At a sals and vitamines. Laying stress on the than in honor of her trip to the United tory over the team representing New formal meeting of the entire staff, a defi- necessity of these salts in the diet, he de- States as a passenger aboard the liner. York University, will resume its activi- nite understanding was reached, as to voted some time in driving this fact home From this portrait a large oil painting ties by meeting Lafayette University on the final make-up of the book, and the citing how the body sends out its pecu- was made and given the placeof honor the 31st of this month. The subject for art features to be included. A great de- liar distress S. O. S. signal in the form in the Leviathan, the original photograph the debate is the same as that of the gree of cooperation was manifested by of the strange hunger we experience for being retained also for the ship. previous one, viz.: "Resolved, That the all departments, and the advertising cam- the common ordinary table salt. In this Dr. Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., regent of United States should refuse to protect paign, while not complete, is being care- regard' he disclosed the startling infor- the Foreign Service School and vice pres- with armed forces American investments fully carried out. The entire student mation that in certain uncivilized tribes, ident of the university, who was a guest abroad." Once again, Georgetown will body came through excellently, in the sub- that are strict vegetarians, the men bar- at the ceremonies, made one of the ad- uphold the negative side of this discus- scription campaign, and the downtown ter their children and wives for an allot- dresses. Prof. Jean J. Labat and Dr. sion^ with the same team which was vic- schools responded to an almost equal de- ment of common table salt. Healy also were present from the school, torious in the past, composed of Mr. gree. Dr. Sullivan then took up the discus- as well as Prof. Alfred H. Haag, head James P. Quinn, Jr., '29, of Missouri; "Ye Cracke o'Doome," a feature of sion of endocrine glands and their secre- of the international shipping department Mr. Joseph E. Green, '28, of Iowa, and last year's Doomesday Booke, is to be tions, relating how they influence our of the school. Mr. Leo N. McGuire, '28, of the Dis- continued this year, under the manage- well-being, and ended his very fine talk The Minister of Rumania, who was trict of Columbia. This team, encouraged ment of Mr. Joseph Porter, '28, the Col- by sponsoring the value of poise or good accompanied by his daughter; A. C. Dal- by its victory over the hitherto unde- lege Editor. The Freshman Class has nature in our every-day life. ton, vice president and general manager feated New York University speakers, cooperated, in the person of Mr. Coff- At the next meeting of the Academy, of the United States Shipping Board has already begun preparations for its man, '31, who drew a cut for the book. the date of which is to be announced Merchant Fleet Corporation; former forthcoming debate with Lafayette. This The Moderator, Father O'Brien, S.J., has later, motion pictures relating the "Story Commander Hartley of the Leviathan debate is tentatively scheduled for March given the editors much helpful advice.
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