Your Denial Health... ITiUiain Laurence, D.D.S. the smoking vice you've given isHLBOYGAN I'RLSS, Saturday, June 21, 1969 up. (NEA) Electric Strike OK $36,000 Study Meeting Fixed MADISON (AP) - A $38,000 Title Questioned Please send your questions grant for a Milwaukee urban 2 More State Smokers Run Oral Cancer Risk For Wednesday problems study was approved MANILA (UPI)-The World about dental health to Dr. Law- Friday by the Advisory Council. GIs Are Killed Boxing Association received a Mix any one of these statistics rence in care of The Sheboygan MILWAUKEE (AP)-Negotia- The grant includes $12,000 in request Friday to strip brought her to the doctor before of half the upper jaw, including state funds with the rest com- WASHINGTON (AP) - The with your favorite tobacco and entire larynx became involved the eye. Press. While he cannot answer tions between the Wisconsin flyweight champ Hiroyuki Ebi- each letter personally, letters of ing from Washington. Pentagon announced Friday hara of Japan of his title for take a deep drag — that is, if and forced removal of voice Why play Russian roulette Electric Power Co., and strik- The Milwaukee project Is box. Biopsy report: Cancer of general interest will be an- that two more Wisconsin men failing to defend it within a your conscience allows: with yourself? Life's much too ing members of Local 2150 of known as the Urban Observa- have been killed in action in reasonable tirot. vocal chord. Treatment: Radia- sweet to mess it up in that awful swered in this column. tory. • About 15,000 new cases of tion therapy. the International Brotherhood of Vietnam. Lope Sarrcal Jr, business oral-pharyngeal cancer occur way. Take my advice and do Electrical Workers will resume They were Army First Lt. manager for Bernabe Villacam- each year. Mr. Z had nose bleeds and the following: The cuttlefish, a relative of Wednesday, it was announced. 15 Southeastern Wisconsin coun- Jerry A. Ashburn, son of Mr po of the Philippines, also • Two out of three new cases later developed a swelling on Throw all tobacco out of the the squid and octopus, camouf- The meeting, called by fed- ties Sunday. and Mrs. George W. Ashburn, asked that his fighter's bout will be dead within five years. left side of roof of mouth. Biop- house. lages itself by changing color in eral mediator Eugene Mylneck, Besides improvement? in Wisconsin Rapids, and Marine with Berkrerk Chatoanchai of Of all major sites of primary sy report: Cancer of sinus If you feel sorry for yourself, two-thirds of a second. Or it can will be the first since the 1.100 wages and fringe benefits, the Corps Pvt. Richard B. Pro- Thailand, which he is arranging cancer, only cancer of the lung Treatment: Radiation therapy merely add a bit to each of screen itself with a brown-black maintenance and construction union is asking a voice in forma- veaux, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- for July 12, will be considered and stomach carry a lower sur- and, some weeks later, removal your other vices to make up for ink that artists use for pigment. workers walked off their jobs in tion of safety and work rules. lis Proveaux, Milwaukee. for the title. vival rate than oral cancer. • Cigarette smokers run four times the risk of fatal oral can- cer compared to non-smokers. • Pipe and cigar smokers run three times the risk of fatal oral cancer compared to non- smokers. These statistics alone should scare any smoker. But if that isn't enough, just consider what could and sometimes does hap- pen to the life of a person who develops cancer in the oral- pharyngeal region. Mr. X has a "sore" on the gum behind a molar tooth. Many weeks later, when it swells and hurts, he goes to the doctor. Biopsy report: Cancer of the jaw. Treatment: Radia- tion therapy to reduce cancer. Some weeks later, half the jaw is removed. Since cancer spread into lymph nodes of neck, these were removed in ra- dical neck dissection. Mrs. Y complains of hoarse- ness. Since she's smart, and also lucky, this early symptom Take advantage of big savings on 24 Super Specials! Items for home and •Jacobys family at Monday Only reductions! Join the smart shoppers and SAVE! On Bridge By Oswald and Jim Jacoby EXPERT TRICKERY TRICKS EXPERTLY We are turning today's co- lumn over to Jacoby Senior to tell the actual story about yes- terday's hand. Here it is. This hand was played in the semifinals of the 1936 Grand National. I was South at table 1 and since my team, the Four Aces, used point count I had no problem putting my partner, the late David Bruce, in seven. He played the hand against the best defense as described yes- terday but it did our opponents 9 no good. Dave was always a Sleep Women's Support Shifts and Boys Men's good guesser and he picked up Culottes Sandals Panty Hose Pant Shifts Terry Robes the queen of spades and made Knit Shirts the grand slam. 3.67 3.33 1.63 4.66 1.22 4.97 At the other table the late Sleeveless, lace trim, permanent Italian made, various styles, Slight irregulars of "Famous Mak- Zipper or button fronts, sleeveless, 100% combed cotton, rib neck, Easy care 100% terry cloth robes, Jimmy Maier sat West. There press, floral print, S-M-L white, tan, brandy, 5-10. er summer shades, petite to extra in beautiful prints. hemmed sleeves and bottom, sol- full cut for comfort. Assorted col- is no telling how good Jimmy Lingerie Family Shoes tall Hosiery Sportswear ids. 8-18 ley*' Wear ors S M L Men's Wear would have been if he had lived past 30. He was the toughest op- ponent I ever faced and a mig- KOBTH VAKQ 4Q1072 _ WEST EAST 4852 6Q743 V8432 ¥965 • 83 4965 *10986 *754 SOOTH (D) 4A106 VJ107 • AKJ4 +K32 North-South vulnerable Men's Boys9 Ban Roll-On Excedrin Ban Spray Room Size Wett North East South Tablets 1N.T. Pajamas Knit Shirts Deodorant Deodorant Nylon Rug Pass 7N.T. BBS! Pass 1.16 Pass 2.77 1.17 640 Gives fast pain relief of headaches, 970 8.77 Opening lead— 4k 10 100% cotton, ad|iistable wattt Polyester/cotton, mock turtle neck, Leaves you feeling fresh all day. body aches, or colds and many Extra protective deodorant in 7- 90% viscose/10% nylon. 8'xll', band, long sleeves and legs, wash- perma press, solids or stripes, 3-7. 1.5 ounces. more discomforts. 100 count. ounee aerosol can. in assorted tweeds. hity good man to have on the fast colors. A-B-C-D. Men's Wear Children's Wear SundriM Sundries Sundries Budget Domestics other half of my team. The late Sherman Stearns who sat East was also one of the best. Sherman got nd of a spade on the 4th diamond and so did Jimmy. From then on they fol- lowed suit but Jimmy played his clubs in rather peculiar fashion. He dropped the six and eight and carefully hung onto the nine. South noticed this and knew that Jimmy was deliberately giving him the information that he held the last club and had started with three spades to his partner's four. "Why this help" mused South. "Does he want me to play him for the queen of spades or 9-ineh "Hot Wheels" It" Mirro 8-Position Home-Shop doesn't he?" Paper Cups Paper Plates Metal Cars Fry Pan Blender Vacuum Cleaner South would have been well- advised to toss a coin and at 630 "~'« 1.38 17.97 22.77 least have an even chance to Perfect for all hot or cold bever- Handy for those summer outings, Fastest metal ear m the world! 'ucfed of aluminum end tough H«rr Hoi Beach, 44-ot. container, Ste»! d-um. I-HP motor with 6' make his grand slam. But South Mi on Can be used with metal r«rrov«b'e cutting urnt 6 ' nozzle, adaptor cloth and ages. 50 count ISO count white Toft had too much pnde for that He Paper Goads tools Hovsc wufai Small Electrics 4 I'e Hardware) tried to outguess Jimmy, played him for the queen and went down. — (NEA) Q— Ihe bidding ha« beau Weil North *» What do you do now? A-4M one spe*. Ye* food ho*. Bid H TO/DATS QUESlKWt Your partner raises to two What do you do now? Dining Oswald Jacoby shares his Charcoal Off Admit Rubber "Self-Mount** bridge tips and techniques m Briquets Insect Spray Life Vest Canopy Waders Photo Albums his booklet, "Win At Bridge." iWb. You'll be a winner, too, if yon 18.11 9.9«P 2.62 send for our personal copy. W 1*1 8 pre-r<gg*d nylon guy I ne» Smokeless, odorless, long burning, Keeps mosquitoes away, long last- Keeps your head above w*'«- 100'- waterproof, chest high deep Need* no p^oto corners or q'ue Available to readers of The She- ad,us+«ble center pole, and (omted cleated rubber sole double »ul- Pf-o*oi p-otected utder acetate fast lighting, 100% select hard- ing ingredients. 14 5 oz economy Kapofc f lied, yoke type des gn steel corner pole 12 x 12 . boygan Press by sending your wood* 0»fd«« Shop size. VVVVJM Swop universal me Spotting G">ods can led. Sportmg Goods cov t Cameras name, address wifli zip code woods and 50 cents to: The Sheboygan Press, Box 4M, Dept A, Radio City Station, New York, N.
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