ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority Vol. LXXXVI, No. 23 7th MARCH, 2008 Price $5 000 000,00 General Notice 44 of 2008. ELECTORAL ACT [CHAPTER 2:13] Addresses of Constituency Elections O fficers IT is hereby notified that the Chief Elections O fficer has, in term s of section 4 of the Electoral Regulations, 2005, published in Statutory Instrum ent 21 of 2005, appointed the persons specified in the first column of the Schedule to be constituency elections officers in the constituencies specified in the second column of that schedule at the addresses specified in the third column thereto. L. C. SEKERAMAYI. ' Chief Elections O fficer, 7-3-2008. Zimbabwe Electoral Com m ission. Schedule SENATORIAL CONSTITUENCY ELECTIONS OFFICER BULAWAYO METROPOLITAN PROVINCE Senatoricd Constituency elections officer' Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) Dube Elkanah Scot Emganwini Nketa Pre-School, Stand No. 6878, Nketa 6, Bulawayo. M thembo Esnath G. Gwabalanda Luveve Housing O ffice, Stand No. 1346, Luveve. Khumalo Thumamina Khumalo Bulawayo Poly Tech, M ain Campus, Park Rd/12th Ave, Bulawayo. NdlovuR.N.Z. M abuthweni Pelandaba Housing O ffice, StandNo.61225, Bekezela St, Bulawayo. Sibanda G oliath M. T. M asotsha Ndlovu M agwegwe Housing O ffice, Stand No. 5944, Next to C linic, Bulawayo. Nyathi M ichael Goyo M zUikazi W estgate Training Center, 13thAveExtension,Bulawayo. HARARE METROPOLITAN PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M asawi Clemence dukomo Town House Chipatiso Fennie C hisifriti M t. Pleasant H all Tanyanjiwa Geofrey Chitungwiza Chitungwiza M unicipality Chinhanga W ilbert Chizhanje M abvuku H all Tasaranarwo Temba Hwata Zimbabwe H all M ukoseia Felix M vurachena W aterfalls HaU MANICALAND PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M akoni John Buhera M urambinda D istrict Council Boardroom , M urambinda Growth Point. P. C. Sabwe Isiah Chim anim ani D istrict A dm inistrator’sBoardroom ,Chhnanim ani V illage. Chipinge D istrict A dm inistrator’s Boardroom ,Chipinge Government Com plex. 157 i 158 Zimbabwean Government Gazette Extraordinary, 7th March, 2008 Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) Muwandi Jason Njodzi Makoni Makoni E>istrict Council Boardroom, 396 Stockton Str, P.O. Box 255, Rusape. Kuwengwa Tobias Moses M utare District Administrator’s Boardroom, 437 Tembwe Street, M utare. Chindawande Smart Nyanga-M utasa DistrictAdm inistiator’sBoardroom,DistrictAdministtator’s Complex, Nyanga. MASHONALAND CENTRAL Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M azai M ungororo Bindura-Shamva Functions Room, Bindura M unicipality,565 Thurlow Avenue, Bindura. Chitehwe Elias Guruve-M bire St. Francis Secondary School, Guruve. M abika W itney Mazowe Amandas Primary School, Concession. M anyara Alfred M t. Darwin Dotito Primary School, Dotito, Gwenzi Chenjerai M uzarabani Centenary Secondary School, Centenary. MASHONALAND EAST PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M unakira Japhet Chikomba-Seke Uebenberg Secondary School, Qdvhu. Makombe Juliet Goromonzi Ruwa Rehabilitation Centre, Ruwa. Chinjeke Peter M arondera-W edza M arondera High School, M arondera. :■ M achanzi Charles Mudzi-UMP Mudzi Rural D istrict Council Boardroom, Kotwa. 1 M ashinya Curthbert Garikai Murewa Murewa D istrict Council Boardroom, Murewa Centre. r Zembe Clifford Mutoko Mutoko Rural D istrict Council Boardroom, Mutoko Centre. !. "1 MASHONALAND WEST PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) ! M udihla George Chegutu Chegutu RDC Office. Mukwenya Janet Hurungwe DA’S Office. Kazingizi Binda Dan Kadoma Kadoma RDC Office. Karichi Pauline Kariba DA’S Office. Pfunye Taona Makonde Makonde RDC Sub Office M atoranjera H all. Mhuma Gabriel Zvimba DA’s Office Government Complex. MASVINGO PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) Zimuto F. Bikita Rural D istrict Council Boardroom, Nyika Growth Point. M ateko T. A. C. Chiredzi Public ConstructionBoardroom,330Lion Drive, Opposite Delta, Chiredzi. HoveR. Chivi-M wenezi Rural District Council Boardroom, Chdvi Growth Point. Muzenda M.P. Gutu Rural Di strict Council Boardroom, Mupandawana Growth Point. Chipika G. M asvingo Rural D istrict Council Boardroom, Nemanwa Growth Point, M asvingo. Zindove N. 2^a Rural D istrict Council Boardroom, Jerera Growth Point. MATEBELELAND NORTH PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M athe M buliswa r Binga D. A.’s Office, Binga Growth Point M uringa Edinath S. Bubi-Umguza Bubi Council Chambers, Bubi Growth Point. Ngwenya Charles Hwange Hwange D.A’s Office, Coronative Drive/Thomas Coulter Road. Hwange. Dube Patrict K. Lupane Lupane Community Hall, Lupane Growth Point Moyo Pritchard Nkayi Nkayi Rural D istrict Council Chambers, Nkayi Growth Point. Luphahla M athias Tsholotsho DDF Complex, Tsholotsho Growth Point MATEBELELAND SOUTH PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M ulea Renias Beitbridge Beitbridge Rural D istrict Cotmdl Chambers. Shumba Jullian Bulilima-Mangwe Bulilima Council Boardroom. Zimbabwean Government Gazette Extraordinary, 7th March, 2008 159 Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) Dube M athamsanqa Gwanda Gwanda Rural D istrict Council Cham bers. Zhou Tazviona Ihsiza Irisiza Rural D istrict Council Boardroom . M asunda Jam es K. M atobo D istrict Registry, K ezi. M uthunzi Jephias Umzingwane Umzingwane Rural D istrict Council Cham bers. MTOLANDS PROVINCE Senatorial Constituency elections officer Senatorial Constituency Address (Command Centre) M adzndzo Tsitsi C. P. Gokwe North Government Complex, Government Complex Building, Gokwe N orth. M urumhi Cephas Gokwe South Gokwe Prim ary School Staff Room along Old Gofcwe- Kwekwe Road, Gokwe Centre. Dube M iriam S. Gweru-Chirumhanzu Chaplin High School, School Avenue, Gweni. N hliziyo Ngeletu Kwekwe Zibagwe RDC Boardroom , Stand No. 1211/1214, Robert M ugabe W ay, Kwekwe. Nyamawondo Abraham M berengwa M agistrate Court DA’s O ffices, M berengwa. Zvimba Getrude Z. Shurugwi/Zvishavane Government Com plex Canteen, Governm ent Complex Building Robert M ugabe W ay, Zvishavane. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY ELECTIONS OFHCERS BULAWAYO METROPOLITAN PROVINCE Constituency elections officer Constituency Address (Command Centre) Moyo Barbara Bulawayo Central Bulawayo Polytech Beit HaU, George Silundika/11-12th Avenue, Bulawayo. M azani Collen Bulawayo East H illside College, Cedi Avenue, H illside, Bulawayo. Ncube Leonard Bulawayo South TshabalalaHousingOffice,StandNo.63039,ofFTshabalala D rive. Moyo M arko Emakhaneni-Entumbane Entum baneHousingOffice,StandNo.30100,offLuveve , Road, Bulawayo. I M ahwana M onica Lobengula Lobengula Youth Qub, StandNo. 73429, off Siyapam bili D rive, Bulawayo. ' M aguraT. S. Luveve M afakela Prim ary School, off Luyeve Road, Bulawayo, Bhebhe Cost M agwegwe M agwegwe Housing O ffice, Stand No. 5944, next to clinic, Bulawayo. M arovatsanga Tsvagai M akokoba M zilikazi W omen’s Club, Taylor Avenue, M zilikazi, Bulawayo. Chigaru Thenjiwe Nketa NketaHousingOffice, StandNo. 6875, Nketa 6, Bulawayo. M guni Ashton Nkulumane Nkulumane Housing O ffice, Stand No. 5C820, Sekusile, Bulawayo. Nkunziwalela Fungai Pelandaba-M popoma M popoma Housing O ffice, Stand No 24814, M popoma, Bulawayo. I Phiri M aria Pumula Pumula Housing O ffice, Old Pum ula, Bulawayo. HARARE METROPOLirAN PROVINCE Constituency elections officer Constituency Address (Command Centre) Chikowore W ilson Budiriro Budkiro Community H all. Chikura Kermeth Chitungwiza South Chitungwiza Community H all. Runesu Tazvivinganga J. Chitungwiza North Seke Teachers’ College Lecture Theatre No. 2. M utshida Justin Dzivarasekwa Dzivarasekwa Community H all. Karambwe Simon Epworth Epworth Local Board O ffices. Kapisa Nelson Glen Norah Glen Norah Community H all No. 2. Guzha Addmore Glen View North Glen View Community H all (O ld). M udawaiima Kennedy Glen View South Glen View Community New H all. Dewa Johnsai . Harare Central Roosevelt G irls ’ High School. M uzariri Norman Harare East O riel Boys’ High School. Kamhuka G abriel Harare North Qreystone Park Prim ary School. M ukoko Stephen Harare South DDF M anyame Training Centre. M tetwa Charles Harare W est M abelreign G irls’ High School. M aramba Grace H atfield H atfield G irls’High. Raza Stephen H ghfieldEast Cyril Jennings. M ujeni Gordon HighfieldW est Kwayedza High School. M arume Esau Kambuzuma Kambuzuma Community H all. M atingo Onias N. Kuwadzana Kuwadzana High School No. 2. 160 Zimbabwean Government Gazette Extraordinary, 7th March, 2008 Constituency elections officer Constituency Address {Command Centre) M idzi Tariro Kuwadzana Bast Kuwadzana D istrict Office H all. M atiza JeanT. M abvuku, Tafara M abvuku High School. M usakambeva M artin M bare M ai M usodzi H all. M ukova V alerio M ount Pleasant M ount Pleasant High School. Muguwe James M ufakose Rutendo H all. M aphosa Joyces. Southerton Southerton Primary School. Mukombami Alexio St. M ary’s Pfumo Primary School. Zuweni Davy Sunningdale Sunningdale Community H all. Siyahamba Bias W arren Park Magamba H all. Chinyowa Enock Zengeza East Seke H igh 1. M aiimo
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