The Technical Bulletins of Dianetics and Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard FOUNDER OF DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY Volume XI 1976-1978 _____________________________________________________________________ I will not always be here on guard. The stars twinkle in the Milky Way And the wind sighs for songs Across the empty fields of a planet A Galaxy away. You won’t always be here. But before you go, Whisper this to your sons And their sons — “The work was free. Keep it so.” L. RON HUBBARD L. RON HUBBARD Founder of Dianetics and Scientology EDITOR’S NOTE With Technical Volume XI, L. Ron Hubbard is giving Scientologists everywhere one of their most precious possessions—his remarkable technical achievements of the last two years. 1977-1978 have been spectacular years of Dianetics and Scientology discoveries, filled with numerous breakthroughs made by him. Volume XI continues from where Volume VIII ended with bulletins issued through July 1976. Preceding these latest issues from August 1976 through September 20, 1978 contained herein, there are presented 35 issues (dated 1959 onward) that were not included in the earlier Technical Volumes but which can be published now. These bulletins are listed at the start of the Chronological Contents on page xvi. As in the original Technical Volumes, if an issue has been revised, replaced, or cancelled, this has been indicated in the upper right-hand corner along with the page number of the issue which should be referred to. The Chronological Contents shows at what point on the time track each issue in this volume was released, and the Long Contents gives you a breakdown of the subject content of each separate HCOB or issue. In the Subject Index at the back of this volume, main entries appear in boldface type to make it easy to find any subject. If the title of a bulletin is known but not the date of issue, the Alphabetical List of Titles may be consulted to locate the issue fast. Lastly, the Cancellations and Revisions lists show you which issues in previous Technical Volumes have been cancelled or revised by issues presented in this present Volume XI. The Editor i TECHNICAL BULLETINS 1976-1978 CONTENTS 1959 20 May Know to Mystery Straight Wire for Extreme Cases 1 1962 3 May R ARC Breaks—Missed Withholds (revised 5 Sept. 1978) 2 28 June R Dirty Needles—How to Smooth Out Needles (revised 5 Sept. 1978) 6 12 Sept. R Security Checks Again (revised 5 Sept. 1978) 8 8 Nov. R Somatics—How to Tell Terminals and Opposition Terminals (revised 5 Sept. 1978) (reissued 9 Oct. 1978) 10 30 Dec. R Routines 2-12 & 2-10—Case Errors—Points of Greatest Importance (revised 5 Sept. 1978) 14 1963 8 June R The Time Track and Engram Running by Chains—Bulletin 2— Handling the Time Track (revised 3 Oct. 1977) (reissued 21 Mar. 1978) 25 1964 10 Mar. Basic Auditing—Non-Reading Meters—Meter Flinch 31 1966 12 Oct. Examinations (HCO PL) 32 1968 23 Aug. Arbitraries 33 23 Aug. Workability of Tech 34 26 Aug. The Class VIII Course 35 10 Sept. Case Supervisor—Admin in Auditing 36 10 Sept. Flunks 37 10 Sept. “Standard” Tech Data 38 10 Sept. Valence Shifter (amended 20 Sept. 1968) 39 11 Sept. C/S Instructions 40 15 Sept. Pc Looking or Continually Feeling Tired 41 15 Sept. The First Thing I Learned About Teaching a Class VIII Auditor 41 16 Sept. End Phenomena 42 ii 1968 (cont.) 22 Sept. Rehabs 43 23 Sept. Violation of the Laws of Listing and Nulling 44 26 Sept. The Study of the “Well Done” LRH C/S Folder 44 29 Sept. List Correction (amended 29 Oct. 1968) 45 4 Oct. Advance Courses 46 4 Oct. Pre-OTs 46 5 Oct. ARC Break Needle 47 21 Oct. R Floating Needle (revised 9 July 1977) (corrected and reissued 15 July 1977) 48 1 Nov. Overt-Motivator Definitions 49 5 Dec. Unresolving Cases 50 15 Dec.RA L4BRA—For Assessment of All Listing Errors (re-revised 11 Apr. 1977) 51 1969 2 Apr. RA Dianetic Assists (revised 28 July 1978) 55 17 Apr. R Dianetic Case Supervision (revised 25 July 1978) 58 23 Apr. RA Dianetics—Basic Definitions (re-revised 20 Sept. 1978) 59 24 Apr. RA Dianetic Use (re-revised 20 Sept. 1978) 64 24 Apr. R Dianetic Results (revised 20 July 1978) 68 26 Apr. R Somatics (revised 11 July 1978) 69 28 Apr. R High TA in Dianetics (revised 20 Sept. 1978) 71 7 May R Floating Needle (revised 15 July 1977) 72 8 May Important Study Data (reissued 23 Jan. 1977) 73 8 May R Teaching the Dianetics Course (revised 31 Mar. 1977) 74 9 May RA Case Supervising New Era Dianetics Folders (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 75 11 May R Meter Trim Check (revised 8 July 1978) 77 18 May R Erasure (revised 3 Aug. 1978) 78 23 May R Auditing Out Sessions—Narrative Versus Somatic Chains (revised 11 July 1978) 79 28 May RA How Not to Erase (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 80 28 June RA C/S—How to Case Supervise Dianetics Folders (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 82 17 July RB New Era Dianetics Command Training Drills (re-revised 4 Sept. 1978) 86 19 July RA Dianetics and Illness (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 91 21 July One-Hand Electrodes 93 22 July R Auditing Speed (revised 20 Sept. 1978) 94 24 July R Seriously Ill Pcs (revised 24 July 1978) 95 2 Aug. R “LX” Lists (revised 4 Sept. 1978) 96 3 Aug. R LX2—Emotional Assessment List (revised 22 Aug. 1978) 98 iii 1969 (cont.) 9 Aug. R LX1 (Conditions) (revised 21 Aug. 1978) (reissued 4 Nov. 1978) 99 9 Aug.RA Case Folder Analysis, New Era Dianetics (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 100 17 Oct.RA Drugs, Aspirin and Tranquilizers (re-revised 20 Sept. 1978) 104 5 Nov. R LX3 (Attitudes) (revised 4 Sept. 1978) 107 15 Nov. R Case Supervision—Auditing and Results (revised 27 July 1978) 108 23 Nov.RB Student Rescue Intensive (re-revised 4 Sept. 1978) 110 21 Dec. Solo Auditing and R6EW 112 1970 27 Feb. Group Engram Process 114 11 Mar. Important Note on Group Engram Intensive 115 15 Mar. Double Folder Danger 115 25 June RA Glossary of C/S Terms (C/S Series 12RA) (revised 6 Oct. 1978) 116 30 June RA VIII Actions (C/S Series 13RA) (re-revised 9 Apr. 1977) 118 15 July R Unresolved Pains (revised 17 July 1978) 122 16 Aug. R Getting the F/N to Examiner (C/S Series 15R) (revised 7 July 1978) 124 11 Sept. Solo Assists 127 11 Sept. R Chronic Somatic, Dianetic Handling of (C/S Series 18R) (revised 7 July 1978) 127 1971 8 Mar. R Case Actions, Off Line (C/S Series 29R) (revised 25 July 1978) 128 27 Mar.RA Dianetic Erasure (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 130 5 Apr. Triple and Quad Reruns (C/S Series 33RA-1) (reissued 6 Nov. 1976) 132 11 Apr.RC L3RF—Dianetics and Int RD Repair List (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 135 21 Apr.RC Dianetics (C/S Series 36RC) (revised 25 July 1978) 141 26 Apr. Solo Cognitions 145 9 June RA C/S Tips (C/S Series 41RA) (re-revised 28 Mar. 1977) 146 29 June RA Steps to Speed Student Product Flow (W/C Series 7RA) (reissued 27 Sept. 1977) 149 5 July RB Assists (C/S Series 49RB) (re-revised 20 Sept. 1978) 150 17 July R Out of Valence (C/S Series 51R) (revised 6 July 1978) 152 23 July R Assists (revised 16 July 1978) 153 28 July RA Dianetics, Beginning a Pc on (C/S Series 54RA, NED Series 8R) (re-revised 22 Sept. 1978) 155 16 Aug. R Training Drills Remodernized (revised 5 July 1978) 157 8 Sept. R Case Supervisor Actions (revised 20 May 1975) 163 14 Sept. R Dianetic List Errors (C/S Series 59R) (revised 19 July 1978) 192 25 Sept.RB Tone Scale In Full (revised 1 Apr. 1978) 193 24 Oct. R False TA (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 194 12 Nov.RA False TA Addition (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 198 iv 1972 15 Feb. R False TA Addition 2 (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 199 18 Feb. R False TA Addition 3 (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 200 19 Mar. C/Sing or Auditing Without Folder Study (HCO PL) 202 4 Apr. R Ethics and Study Tech (HCO PL) (revised 21 June 1975) 203 24 Apr. Auditor Recovery (LRH ED 176 INT) (reissued 11 Apr. 1977) 205 3 May R Ethics and Executives (HCO PL) (Exec. Series 12) (revised 18 Dec. 1977) 207 16 June RA Auditor’s Rights Modified (C/S Series 8 RA) (re-revised 7 Dec. 1976) 213 1973 11 July RB Assist Summary (re-revised 21 Sept. 1978) 215 16 Nov. Study Tech & Post (HCO PL) 221 23 Nov.RA Dry and Wet Hands Make False TA (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 222 1974 28 Mar. R Expanded Dianetics Developments Since the Original Lectures— Cancellation (Exp. Dn. Series 21R) (cancelled 9 May 1977) (corrected 11 May 1977) 224 23 Apr.RA Expanded Dianetics Requisites (Exp. Dn. Series 22RA) (revised 1 Oct. 1976) 225 31 Aug.RA New Grade Chart (C/S Series 93RA) (re-revised 9 Apr. 1977) 226 1 Nov.RA Rock Slams and Rock Slammers (revised 5 Sept. 1978) 229 1975 16 Jan. R Past Life Remedies (revised 6 July 1978) 232 23 Apr. R Vanishing Cream and False TA (revised 26 Jan. 1977) 235 29 Oct. Special Rundown Lectures (29 Oct.-8 Dec.
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