Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 12-23-1970 UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Jacksonville University WKU Athletic Media Relations Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Sports Studies Commons Recommended Citation WKU Athletic Media Relations, "UA19/17/1/2 Basketball Program - WKU vs. Jacksonville University" (1970). WKU Archives Records. Paper 2596. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/2596 This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HILLTOPPER You'll Always Find AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS BASKETBAll PROGRAM 1910-1911 NAME BRANDS I'repared and F.dited by the orrice or Public Affairs a nd Public Relatiolls PROGRAM CONTENTS ONE HOUR AT Page Western Athletic Committee ____ ______________________ 1 DRY CLEANERS Western Kentucky University __________________ __ ____ 2 Athletic Director Ted Hornback __ __" "_________________ 3 Hilltopper Coaching Staff ____________________________ 4 WKU Team Captain __ ____ __ __ ____ __ __________________ 5 'UJ.e :JineJt jn QUALITY SERVICE 1970 - Hilltoppers - 1971 _________ __ ____ _ 6, 8, 9, 10, 26 and Program Feature _____________________________________ 11 SHIRT LAUNDERING Hilltopper Hotline ________________________ ____________ 13 WKU Roster and Scorecard ~ ____________________ __ __ __ 14 4 locations Serving Visitor's Roster and Scorecard ________________________ 15 Tonight's Opponent __ ______ __ ________ __ _______________ 16 Bowling Green Hilltopper 100 Club ___ __ _____ __ ______ ______ __ _________ 18 and The WKU Cheerleaders _______ ~ ____________________ ~ _ 19 Western Kentucky University WKU Basketball History ____ _ ~ ____ __ ___ ____________ 20-21 The E. A. Diddle Arena ______ __ ___________ ___ ____ __ __ 23 Downtown WKU Team Managers __ _ ________________________ _ 24 1032 Sta te SI. The fashi()n Center ()f The 1970-71 Freshmen ________________________________ 25 Phone 842-1362 WKU All-OVC Players _______________ .______________ _ 27 S()uthern ~en t u( ~y WKU All-Americans ____ . __ ___ __ __ ~ ___________________ 28 14th SI. & 31-W By-Pass FACULTY ATHLETIC COi\lMITl'EE: Dr. John Ph one 843-9283 Minton (Chairman), Douglas Alexander, Bennie Beach, Dean Robert Cochran, Wilbur Jones, Harry Largen, Dr. Ronald Nash, Owen Lawson, Dr. John 492 Fa irview !' iOlza Scarborough. Shopping Center Downtown Bowling Green Phone 842-9705 UlLLTOPPER TIP·OFF is the official program 400 E. Main St. Mall fo r homc bask etball gamcs of Western Kentucky Western Ga teway University. P repared and cdited by the Office of Phone 843-4366 Phone 781-4366 Public Affairs and Public Relations, Robert G. Shopping (cilier Cochran, Dcan; Ed Gammon and Pi Kappa Alpha Phone 843-9 286 d istribution. P rogram Managcr J olm Minton, Jr. Western Kentucky University 1 WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY PLAY TO WIN WITH Wcstl'rn K entucky University w as cs­ now consists of 185 acres. Seven other you're tabliB heu by an act of t he Legislature major s tructurcs are currently being of Kentucky in 1906. Originally crc;llcd built or will be starled in early 1911. number one for the sole purpQsc of training teachers fo l' th" elementary and sffondilry schools These will mOre than triple the numrn-r with us! of Kentllcky, Western has steadily in­ of buildings on Western's campus in HI55 SPORTS EQUI PMENT crci\sed the scope of its academic proO­ and, together w ith other improvements, from , grams to meet the cx])anding lI('cds of w ill raise the t otal value of the physical L & M BOOK STORE its students. plant to over 594,000,000. 1409 C ('ntcr Street Designated as a university by the K en_ \ Vestern's campus is recognized as one tucky G eneral Assembly on F cbmary 6, of th(' most beautiful in the n .. lion and 1966, Western now con sis t..~ of six CoO l­ is crowned by a commanding hill from SPORTS lcg(' s: The Bowli ng Green College of w hich Hilltopper athletic teams derive C011llllerCe, The College of Applied A rts their nickname. It .. ffords a view of the HOWE. PAINT and HC <l lth &'I'viccs, The College of Edu_ University from almost <l ny approach to DR. II, H. CHERRY State & Tenth cation. The Ogden College of Science and the city of Bow ling G reen, a community Wcslern·s Founder Technology, The Potter College of L ilx-ral of approximat('ly 36,000 people. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Arts, "nd The Graduate Colleg£!. T he Athletic Director University now offers fou r fou r -year unuer gr ntlU;l\c degrees, tw o two-year TED HORNBACK undergraduate degn.'es, and nine graduate d egrees, with course offerings in thirty_ Ted Hornb;lck is a veteran of 32 years on four different dep a rtment ~. GO HJLLTOPPERS! Wester n's athletic staff, He graduated from W('stcrn in 1929 and, aft(' r a successful st int. in Ih(' high school coaching ranks, returned The enrollment at Western for the fall to assist Hilltoppcr basketball coach E. A, semestc,· of the 1970_11 ..ead em;e year Diddle in 1939. He held this position until w"s 10,960. The fi gures do not include the end of the 1963_64 season. H e w as also students enrolled in the Jones-J aggers h c"d of W('stern's Department of Physicll\ Education Health and Recrealion from 1947 L.lbora\ory SchooL or students enrolled until 1965, when he was named athletic in e xtension eJasscs conducted away from director. the campus. T he enrollment shows a PROVIDING Hornback also coaches the Hilltopper slight decrease in last year's estimated SAFE TRANSPORTATION tennis \('am, which has h ad phenomenal suc­ 11,000 students_ a record number in FOR ALL HILLTOPPER cess, winning 14 Ohio Valley Conference Western's history. ATHLETIC TEAMS championships while ," ...,<,o rding four unde­ feated seasons. Fourteen years ago the University's Unde r H ornback's able guidance, Western physic,,! pl'lIlt consisted of twenty major Charter Ke ntucky has won the ove's All-Sports buildings on a campus of 128 acres with Trophy for five of the past six years. Bal­ anced excellence and overall strength are a total valu(' of $10,000,000. Since th"t Service readily reflected by the Hilltoppcr's wining time, thirty-thr('e rna j 0 r facilities have or finishing among the leaders in Ihis com­ been constructed on a campus which petition so consistently since H ornback look Anywhere over direction of Western's athl('!ic program. MARGIE HELM LIBRARY 651'h E. 12th 843·9893 GO HILL TOPPERS OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 PM to 10:30 PM • 956 FAIRVIEW AVE . BOWLING GREE N, KY . GO WITH BORDERS Phone 781·2045 DELICIOUS DAIRY PRODUCTS , Official Basketball Program Wester n K entuck y University 3 WKU TEAM CAPTAIN HILLTOPPER COACHING STAFF GATEWAY "We need BARBER you~ head ~n our Head Coac h - JOHN OLDHAM SHOP business" In six seasons as head coach at West- ern, John Oldh:lm has posted an im­ pressive 122_35 record and has guided the Hilltoppers to a post-season tourna­ ment berth (our times (three times re­ Fidelity Union Life Iniuunc~ Co. presenting the Ohio Valley Conference in the NCAA and one trip to the NIT). Oldham, who coached nine seasons at David PaV"1I Tennessee Tech, h::ls an enviable 1S-year Insurance programs available :3T.-\ Y '1'I":,n:D TO college coaching record of 240-118, His for college me.n and women. acoomplishmellls as a college coach cap a career that has seen him excel at every Guaranteed by a top co mpany. Royal Crown level of the game- high school player. college player, professional player, high Nowar clause(in basic policy). Di et Rite school coach and college coach. Exclusive benefits at special Oldham, recognized as one of the na­ • tion's top basketball strategists, graduated ra tes. Mikll Tvrell Sports Network from Western after a spectacular athletic career topped by his selection as an AlI- Fu ll aviation cove rage. American in 1949. During his [our years Gateway Shopping Center iii as II member of the Western varsity, the Premium deposits deferred \\' F,S STK'\DF. ll Hilltoppcrs won 10'2 games, lost only 13 until you are out of sch ool. "The Barber Service and appeared in the NIT three times. Nearest To The WKU Campus" Hours: 7:30 - 5:30 - MONDAY - SATURDAY HILLTOI'PER Assistant Coach - BUCK SY DNOR 781 -3675 JIM McOANIELS 44 7-0 Sr. SI'OnTS-IN-ACTION Buck Sydnor was a veteran of 15 years of successful - Company Representatives- Scottsville, Ky. high school coaching when he joined the Western st.aff on in the fall of 1964. Stints at Oaviess County. Hopkinsville and Bowling Green High Schools earned him a well­ deserved reputation as a great teacher of sound basket­ ALTERNATE CAPTAIN ball fundamentals. Sydnor's main responsibility is to de­ velop the potcntial of the Hilltopper frcslunen. H e also Go Toppers' fulfills other coaching, scouting and recruiting duties. WKCT He was an outstanding guard on the first two Western teams to play in the NIT, in 1942 and 1943. GOOD LUCK 930 KC Ch arles Denny from Assista nt Co ach - JIM RICHARDS "Andy'" Wedge Anderson Jim Hichards is serving his third year as an assistant • PRE-GAME SHOW coach at Western Kentucky University after compiling with COACH FEIX a brilliant high school coaching record. In eight years, his tcams at Aubum and Glasgow High Schools won 186 games.
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