r ~~....- __ ".. _-.-., ~.". ...,..,.,.-.:-_~.- - __.. ,...-- ~........... r .... I· ,.. ;P-,.._....... ~ -~·r_ .-"t~ .~_~ ..... , ••,·....... ~.,••~....-l"._7.. ~~....."'"'," --.... :JC'-~....". -.. ........~....~.S-,_~-=-~;.CQ"'.~~,~:1-=4:2l'-~J"'"*~~,_" ........ --. d I Mid-school welcomes Nearly! !, new teachers, aides See story, Page 8A See story, Page 6A I .1..t' \. I' ,I NO. 38 IN OUR 44TH YEAR 35¢ PER COpy 1'. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1989 CGpyr1ght C 1;1111 Rallon Publbhlng Inc. RUIDOSO, NM 88345 o'. i. '1 ! Bear problellls analyzed !- .- by RICHARD A. HARROLD and transported to the Clovis zoo, County have Unproved foraging Ruidoso News Staff Writer said Killgo. conditions for other animals, such Federal and' state employees As far as ADC activities go, only as deer, the food supply for bears have killed ..20 adult black bears in one bear was killed in the entire will not improve and can only get Lincoln County in the past month. state duting all of fiscal year 1988. worse, said Killgo. Efforts to protect sheep on pri­ That bear killed was listed as a Bears are omnivorous, which vate ranches also resulted in one non-target species in the ADC an­ means they will eat anything from bear cub's death; that cub was nual report, which means the bear berries, to grubs, ants, and dead killed by a Lincoln County rancher. was not an intended kill. animals. Larry Rillgo , district supervisor The one bear destroyed last year "A bear will also chase down an­ for the Animal Damage Control was killed with an M-44 cartridge, other animal to kill and eat," said Program (AllC) of the U.S. Depart­ a spring loaded device which injects Killgo. ment of Agriculture (USDA), said sodium cyanide into an animal Sheep are easy prey for bears the ADC agents were issued' when it bites into the bait. Killgo and in the Arabela and Encinosa permits by the Department of said the M-44 is normally canine areas of Lincoln County there are a Game and Fish (G&F) to go out and specific, used mainly to kill coyotes. multitude ofsheep ranches. destroy the marauding bears. The. bear killed in 1988 was Killgo said it was Wlcertain how Killgo said more activity is ex­ killed on private land according to the recent killings of bears by ADC pected. Another report of a black the annual report. agents will impact the resident pop­ bear was turned in to the Roswell The bear invasion into the sheep ulation, but talk has started of ADC office from a different ranch in ranches this year is the outcome of curtailing or even eliminating the . the same area. a mild winter with minimal snow­ bear hunting season in the area. The area being invaded by fall, and drought conditions during Ron Porter of the State G&F hungry bears is to the west and the spring and early summer. said in an Associated Press article north of the Capitan Range in cen­ "The bears have simply run out released Thursday he was leaning tral Lincoln County, areas that tra­ of their food supply," said Killgo. toward calling the bear season off Indian summer ditionally make the most calls to Acorn nuts) prickly pear cactus all together. t ADC with predator complaints, fruit, and other staples of a bear's Contrary to reports on televised With a brisk morning like today's persing from the monsoons and will ,f said Killgo. diet did not ripen this year. there's no telling when the first visits by soon gather to bring-wait a 1 One bear cub was captured alive While recent rains in Lincoln Please see Bear, page 2A Jack Frost will be. The clouds are dis- minute snow? I wonder. t. - Hospital auxilary provides time, lllOney& equipment :bws .,... I by RICHARD A. HARROLD $96,633.69 on: hospital equipment 1989-90. l Ruidoso News Staff Writer from September 1988 through Au­ The new auxiJiary president is The Lincoln County Medical gust 1989. Emadaire Jones, replacing Inez Center Auxiliary, also known as the The announcement was made Tanner. Dorothy Tally is the new Pink Ladies and· Men, announced during a luncheon for the install~ they spent or pledged a total of ment of new auxiliary officers for Please see Hospital, page 2A I 1 Mules parade Mules at the three-day mule race meet at Ruidoso ,Downs Race Track on the weekend are readied for the pa­ rade before the ground­ stand. In the lower photo maidens/non­ starters break from the gate without undue New officers installed in the Lincoln Tally, vice president, Thena Clarke, commotion in the fourth County MedicC\1 Center Auxiliary are (from treasurer, and Marcell Lotz, secretary. The race, Saturday. left) Emadaire Jones, president, Dorothy ceremony was at Cree Meadows. .~ r + .- ~ , :_, . - . .. ;-:..". ~ Area groups to meet this week The Ruidoso Board of Education County Courthouse in Carrizozo. -Consideration of Resolution September 11, in the com­ has a regular meetiiIg scheduled for The agenda will include a dis­ 89~21 reganling community devel­ missioners meeting room in the 7 p.m. Tuesday, September 12, in cussion of how interest from county ~pment block grant funds for Main Lincoln County Courthouse in Car~ the administration office. investments is handled, including S~~. " rizozo. Items on the agenda include: interest from mill levy funds. -A report form the Contract The agenda, includes a public -Financial business, which in­ OverBite Committee regarding the hearing on proposed amendments cludes the architect's report, the 89­ Airport Land Lea~e. to the Lincoln County, New Mexico ·,""., ••• ••• ••• , . 90 final budget, and an update on -An authorization to request zoning ordinance, and the RUidoso­ i Lincoln County Extraterritorial .... the bond .eleCtion. proposals for an architect for the >! proposed convention center. zoning ordinance. ' , ~ -Capsule reports from the The Ruidoao Village Council will '1 , \ school principals. , meet in a regular meeting at 6:30 .\ \ ' --Personnel issues, including p.m. September. 12, in council ••• ••• ••• ~ ••• ••• ••• \ . two resignations: one by Paula chanibers ,at the Ruidoso Municipal .. •.. R¢ed., a teacher's aide at WMES, Administrative Building. Mayor Lloyd L. Davis has called , " .. ajld the other by Jan Mullican, the Items on the agenda include: The Ruidoso Downs Board of a special meeting of the: Ruidoso -A public hearing on Ordinance , ,ectetary at the central office. Trustees will meet at 7:30 f.m. Village Coiincil at 5 p.m. Monday, · , t -Superintendent's report, 89-4 regarding the personnel board. today (Monday), September 1 , in September II, in the eoUI1ci1 cham.. twhich includes a review of resolu~ -A public hearing on the transfer the meeting room at Ruidoso bers of the RuidQso Municipal Ad.. tion 75~ 1, the reasonable notice of of ownership of a dispensers liquor Downs Municipal Building. ministrative Buil~g. public meetings. license for Allsup's Convenience ':" Meetings of the ~lage ftovern­ 'l'he pu:rpos~ 'of the me,.etingis to . '....·0· -A closed session. Storcs, Inc. ' Ing body are open to, the pUblic. deWtn\me- whether'or-·not:-,tocaU;fot . .. _ c... ~ -A public hearing on the transfer a.t:ere~ep:~~el~oIX on ~ae 01;- ••• ••• ••• of ownership of a dispensers liquor din.Qnte,$g.;2. .'. _ _. .'. -, ?\ license for John Petty ~ Inc. ••• ••• ••• Aceoftli~ n. _ \ to village ·cletkT&n\- , ~. I .. , ---Consideration a grant offer ~e: ~fb~:' tlg()~ .~Wt1 The Board of Finance for Lincoln fir , , ~: om .. ' .. .county has a meeting scheduled for from the Federal Aviation Adminis­ ~oard 'simi~..,~ The Lincoln County 'of a.llemoo'. 11,,th'6re',"ere 339' . 5,.p.m. Monday, September 11, in {ration for 'the .Sierra Blanca Commiss'ione): has a regular meet­ t~8, \temm~ng' 'on· the, ;petiti<tiX . , Aitpbrt~ the meeting.room at the· Lincoln Regional ing .dchtRiuled forB pim.~Mtlnda11' "hich'eNl.ed:. '., .tot the.,"~..",rerettmdum."'. - ~~t 1, ' , . ,.",' _ • c~'- • ;. - .I.' , •• ' .. , .-•• " -. " ..... ', .. L ," ..... ,~. ~..... ,',. , , .. , ~ ~: ~ ...... ., ... ,;' .'.' ......"". ~ .",~ ._" '''.'''' o. ".~, _. ""'.'.''''..._... , ... .... .. .. , ,.," \., r , • • ,, 2A I The Ruidoso News I Mondey. September 11, 1989 , ',i' Hospitlll-----.--------~,.............-..---.:..- Five defendants appear . BolUtl ofTroateas. Other LCM(lad~ ler, , Continued from page 1A milUstrative personnel,' special HI! amo said the average stay for vice president, Thena Clarke the pets. anf;lnew n!emhers W(lre a phraician is s~yea~, • treasurer, and Marcella Lotz the ptesentlllso.' \.. .. ". >. ,. ' ~~'al:e Otlt'l'~«:l:Uiting very. secretary. ., During liisilpeecll, $ller desp!l!ately," said!Wller,' In 12th District Court About 60 anxjIiaty J:IIeuibers mnarked I;b,atth9:' deParf;1u'fl .of Williams said during his s~ech were present for the· ipa,tallation physicians -&:On! b,ospitals .ia noth- that flQme physioiarill 'lYll:~. W18h to by BRIAN BLALOCK -Pete Maldonado was given a pled no contest of a charge of es­ .ceremonies, wbich·were .condllcted 108 new. Sid~ ~97.i~pblSi~!ls . stll,y ~ Rui~osor~eim~g tel do Ruidoso News Staff Writer one year deferred sentence on cape .from the penitentiary, The at Gree Meadows on.wednesday. have come .and~ne· ~ tOMCl, llome otthe~ailt1ties thatlire re­ Robert Mattson of Ruidoso ThurBday aller returning from a plea was part of a elea. aisposition Lincoln County Medical Center he s.l,Iid. .' . quiredit1~ hospitals in: gellilral. Downs, appearing before District 60-<l.ay evaluation at the Western alP'eement where charges against (LCMC) achl:rlnistratqr'Steve Keller "Please l'lllhlltnber Whep. 'a .Co~lIaredtootbllt1'Ut81hQapi­ Judge Richard A Parsons in a jury Correctional Facility in Grants. NIeto in Otero County were dis· was present, as well as Dub Wil· physician comes 1;0 <LCMC) the:v'retala".LCMO is in very good shape, trial last week, was found not -Bryan B. Stegall waived extra­ mi$sed. Nieto was given a three­ Iiams, chairman of the LCMC leaving another hospital," Jl!rld Rel- .
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