® California Constitutional/Statewide Officers Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Secretary of State Gavin Newsom (D) Eleni Kounalakis (D) Shirley Weber (D) State Capitol State Capitol, Room 1114 1300 I Street 1500 11th Street, 6th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-2841 (916) 445-8994 (916) 445-9555 (916) 653-6814 Treasurer Controller Insurance Commissioner Superintendent of Public Instruction Fiona Ma (D) Betty T. Yee (D) Ricardo Lara (D) Tony K. Thurmond 915 Capitol Mall, Room 110 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1850 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1700 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 653-2995 (916) 445-2636 (916) 492-3500 (916) 319-0800 Board of Equalization — District 1 Board of Equalization — District 2 Board of Equalization — District 3 Board of Equalization — District 4 Ted Gaines (R) Malia Cohen (D) Tony Vazquez (D) Mike Schaefer (D) 500 Capitol Mall, Suite 1750 1201 K Street, Suite 710 450 N Street, MIC: 72 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2580 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-2181 (916) 445-4081 (916) 445-4154 (916) 323-9794 ® LEGISLATIVE PICTORIAL ROSTER — 2021-2022 California State Senators Ben Allen (D), SD 26 — Part of Bob J. Archuleta (D), SD 32 Toni Atkins (D), SD 39 — Part Pat Bates (R), SD 36 — Part of Josh Becker (D), SD 13 — Part Los Angeles. (916) 651-4026. —Part of Los Angeles. of San Diego. (916) 651-4039. Orange and San Diego. of San Mateo and Santa Clara. (2026) (916) 651-4032. (2030) (2024) (916) 651-4036. (2022) (916) 651-4013. (2032) Andreas Borgeas (R), SD 8 Steven Bradford (D), SD 35 Anna Caballero (D), SD 12 Dave Cortese (D), SD 15 — Brian Dahle (R), SD 1 Alpine, — Amador, Calaveras, Inyo, Mono, — Part of Los Angeles. (916) — Merced, San Benito, part of Part of Santa Clara. (916) Lassen, Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Mariposa and Tuolumne, part of Fres- 651-4035. (2024) Fresno, Madera, Monterey and 651-4015. (2032) Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, part of El no, Madera, Sacramento, Stanislaus Stanislaus. (916) 651-4012. (2026) Dorado, Placer and Sacramento. and Tulare. (916) 651-4008. (2030) (916) 651-4001. (2024) Bill Dodd (D), SD 3 — Napa, Maria Elena Durazo (D), SD Susan Talamantes Eggman (D), Steve Glazer (D), SD 7 — Part Lena Gonzalez, SD 33 — Part of Solano, part of Contra Costa, 24 — Part of Los Angeles. SD 5 — San Joaquin, part of of Alameda and Contra Costa. Los Angeles. (916) 651-4033. Sacramento, Sonoma and Yolo. (916) 651-4024. (2030) Sacramento and Stanislaus. (916) 651-4007. (2024) (2028) (916) 651-4003. (2024) (916) 651-4005. (2024) Shannon Grove (R), SD 16 Bob Hertzberg (D), SD 18 Ben Hueso (D), SD 40 — Impe- Melissa Hurtado (D), SD 14 Brian W. Jones (R), SD 38 — Part of Kern, San Bernardino — Part of Los Angeles. rial, part of San Diego. — Kings, part of Fresno, Kern — Part of San Diego. and Tulare. (916) 651-4016. (916) 651-4018. (2022) (916) 651-4040. (2022) and Tulare. (916) 651-4014. (916) 651-4038. (2026) (2026) (2030) ® LEGISLATIVE PICTORIAL ROSTER — 2021-2022 California State Senators Sydney Kamlager (D), SD John Laird (D), SD 17 — San Connie Leyva (D), SD 20 Monique Limón (D), SD 19 Mike McGuire (D), SD 2 — Del 30 — Part of Los Angeles. (916) Luis Obispo, Santa Cruz, part of — Part of Los Angeles and San — Part of Santa Barbara Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, 651-4030. (2028) Monterey and Santa Clara. (916) Bernardino. (916) 651-4020. andVentura. (916) 651-4019. Mendocino and Trinity, part of 651-4017. (2028) (2026) (2028) Sonoma. (916) 651-4002. (2026) Melissa Melendez (R), SD 28 Dave Min (D), SD 37 — Part of Josh Newman (D), SD 29 — Jim Nielsen (R), SD 4 — Butte, Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R), SD — Part of Riverside. Orange. (916) 651-4037. (2032) Part of Los Angeles, Orange and Colusa, Glenn, Sutter, Tehama, 23 — Part of Los Angeles, (916) 651-4028. (2022) San Bernardino (916) 651-4029. Yuba, part of Sacramento. Riverside and San Bernardino. (2028) (916) 651-4004. (2022) (916) 651-4023. (2032) Richard Pan (D), SD 6 — Part Anthony Portantino (D), SD 25 Richard Roth (D), SD 31 — Part Susan Rubio (D), SD 22 — Part Nancy Skinner (D), SD 9 of Sacramento and Yolo. — Part of Los Angeles and San of Riverside. (916) 651-4031. of Los Angeles. (916) 651-4022. — Part of Alameda and Contra (916) 651-4006. (2022) Bernardino. (916) 651-4025. (2024) (2030) Costa. (916) 651-4009. (2024) (2024) Henry Stern (D), SD 27 — Part Tom Umberg (D), SD 34 — Part Bob Wieckowski (D), SD 10 Scott Wiener (D), SD 11 — San Scott Wilk (R), SD 21 — Part of of Los Angeles and Ventura. of Los Angeles and Orange. — Part of Alameda and Santa Francisco, part of San Mateo. Los Angeles and San (916) 651-4027. (2028) (916) 651-4034. (2026) Clara. (916) 651-4010. (2022) (916) 651-4011. (2028) Bernardino. (916) 651-4021. (2024) ® LEGISLATIVE PICTORIAL ROSTER — 2021-2022 California State Assembly Members Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D), AD 4 Joaquin Arambula (D), AD 31 Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (D), Steve Bennett (D), AD 37 Marc Berman (D), AD 24 — Lake, Napa, part of Colusa, — Part of Fresno. (916) 319-2031. AD 16 — Part of Alameda and — Part of San Luis Obispo, — Part of San Mateo and Solano, Sonoma and Yolo. (2026) Contra Costa. (916) 319-2016. Santa Barbara and Ventura. (916) Santa Clara. (916) 319-2024. (916) 319-2004. (2028) (2030) 319-2037. (2032) (2028) Frank Bigelow (R), AD 5 — Richard Bloom (D), AD 50 — Tasha Boerner Horvath (D), Rob Bonta (D), AD 18 — Part of Autumn Burke (D), AD 62 Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, Part of Los Angeles. AD 76 — Part of San Diego. Alameda. (916) 319-2018. — Part of Los Angeles. Madera, Mariposa, Mono, (916) 319-2050. (2024) (916) 319-2076. (2030) (2024) (916) 319-2062. (2026) Tulumne and part of El Dorado and Placer. (916) 319-2005. (2024) Lisa Calderon (D), AD Wendy Carrillo (D), AD 51 Sabrina Cervantes (D), AD 60 Ed Chau (D), AD 49 — Part of Phillip Chen (R), AD 55 — Part 57 — Part of Los Angeles. (916) — Part of Los Angeles. — Part of Riverside. Los Angeles. (916) 319-2049. of Los Angeles, Orange and San 319-2057. (2032) (916) 319-2051. (2028) (916) 319-2060. (2028) (2024) Bernardino. (916) 319-2055. (2028) David Chiu (D), AD 17 — Part Steven Choi (R), AD 68 — Part Ken Cooley (D), AD 8 — Part of Jim Cooper (D), AD 9 — Part of Jordan Cunningham (R), AD of San Francisco. (916) of Orange. (916) 319-2068. Sacramento. (916) 319-2008. Sacramento and San Joaquin. 35 — San Luis Obispo and part 319-2017. (2026) (2028) (2024) (916) 319-2009. (2026) of Santa Barbara. (916) 319-2035. (2028) ® LEGISLATIVE PICTORIAL ROSTER — 2021-2022 California State Assembly Members Megan Dahle (R), AD 1 — Lassen, Tom Daly (D), AD 69 — Part of Laurie Davies (R), AD 73 — Heath Flora (R), AD 12 — Part Vince Fong (R), AD 34— Part of Modoc, Nevada, Plumas, Shasta, Orange. (916) 319-2069. (2024) Part of Orange. (916) 347-7031. of San Joaquin and Stanislaus. Kern. (916) 319-2034. (2028) Sierra, Siskiyou, part of Butte and (2032) (916) 319-2012. (2028) Placer. (916) 319-2001. (2030) Jim Frazier (D), AD 11 — Part Laura Friedman (D), AD 43 Jesse Gabriel (D), AD 45 — Part James Gallagher (R), AD 3 Cristina Garcia (D), AD 58 of Contra Costa, Sacramento and — Part of Los Angeles. of Los Angeles and Ventura. — Glenn, Sutter, Tehama, Yuba, — Part of Los Angeles. Solano. (916) 319-2011. (2024) (916) 319-2043. (2028) (916) 319-2045. (2028) part of Butte and Colusa. (916) 319-2058. (2024) (916) 319-2003. (2026) Eduardo Garcia (D), AD 56 Mike Gipson (D), AD 64 — Part Lorena Gonzalez (D), AD 80 Adam Gray (D), AD 21 Tim Grayson (D), AD 14 — Part — Imperial and part of of Los Angeles. (916) 319-2064. — Part of San Diego. (916) — Merced and part of Stanislaus. of Contra Costa and Solano. Riverside. (916) 319-2056. (2026) 319-2080. (2024) (916) 319-2021. (2024) (916) 319-2014. (2028) (2026) Chris Holden (D), AD 41 — Part Jacqui Irwin (D), AD 44 — Part Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D), AD Ash Kalra (D), AD 27 — Part of Kevin Kiley (R), AD 6 — Part of of Los Angeles and San of Los Angeles and Ventura. 59 — Part of Los Angeles. Santa Clara. (916) 319-2027. El Dorado, Placer and Sacramen- Bernardino. (916) 319-2041. (916) 319-2044. (2026) (916) 319-2059. (2024) (2028) to. (916) 319-2006. (2028) (2024) ® LEGISLATIVE PICTORIAL ROSTER — 2021-2022 California State Assembly Members Tom Lackey (R), AD 36 — Part Alex Lee (D), AD 25 — Part of Marc Levine (D), AD 10 Evan Low (D), AD 28 — Part of Brian Maienschein (D), AD 77 of Kern, Los Angeles and San Alameda and Santa Clara. (916) — Marin and part of Sonoma. Santa Clara. (916) 319-2028. — Part of San Diego. Bernardino. (916) 319-2036. 319-2025. (2032) (916) 319-2010. (2024) (2026) (916) 319-2077. (2024) (2026) Devon Mathis (R), AD 26 Chad Mayes (NPP), AD Kevin McCarty (D), AD 7 Jose Medina (D), AD 61 — Part Kevin Mullin (D), AD 22 — Part — Inyo and part of Kern and 42 — Part of Riverside and San — Part of Sacramento and Yolo. of Riverside. (916) 319-2061. of San Mateo. (916) 319-2022. Tulare. (916) 319-2026. (2026) Bernardino. (916) 319-2042. (916) 319-2007. (2026) (2024) (2024) (2026) Al Muratsuchi (D), AD 66 Adrin Nazarian (D), AD 46 Janet Nguyen (R), AD 72 — Patrick O’Donnell (D), AD 70 Jim Patterson (R), AD 23 — — Part of Los Angeles.
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