fcHiSiea Wees PRICE TEK CENTS OL. XXII—NO. 31 FORDS, N. J.» THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I, On Elmretlay riitman, .modio lav Go 'chase, Industrial ts May Merge » New Position QODBRIDGE — An ordin- establishing- the position ownship Business Adminis- . "will be introduced at the a Committee meeting Sep- Damage >cr 6, according to Commit- .an John Evanko, chair- of the Administration In.Edison Firej mittee. EDISON — An estimated! though Bernard M. Hart- $65,000 damage was done Mop-j Jersey City, is admittedly day night when a fire that! WOOD-BRIDGE — A police radar team to check speeding) he lead for the new post. started in a parked trailer re- in Woodbridge Township, will begin September 6, according] Committeeman Evanko frigeration unit at Eastern Ex- to Police Commissioner David T. Miller. Mayor Frederick M. Adams press, Inc., Route 1, burned Meanwhile, the team is operating each day m various!' there is ''no firm commit-' , j sections of the Township, handing out warning notices. | . ayor Adams admitted the th* t,.,,,n™ t.™™,., m° i Sgt. Albert Martin and Patrolman William Reid are WOODBRIDGE — Neat •y for the new Admmistra- the t-iucking teimmal s man-opei.attas the radar equipment ___ Wednesday at 7 P. M., at the will '"be in the neighbor-' agei James Hearn, 4 Kooseveit under ^ dil.ection Qf Lieut.! ,T ., Municipal Building has been of $12,000 to $14,000" be- I en ace, Fords. Joseph McLaughlin. • ill AGPnP> NsmfUfi set as the time and place for e. he said, "we found alii ed with candy. The seconwasd load- was'! . ,B^.., . ch6c!cs wiu beaiade as|»W8CUC iictJIIOT (the first public hearing in the :annot get a qualified man v - ij investigatiog n of Township af- stocked with oleomargine. .Thef° ° " T| £§<?•#* j*j fairs, Lewis S. Jacobson, special ess than that sum." Icargos were valued at $' September 6, Rahway Avenue,; i Woodbridge; Carteret Road,- ^ counsel, announced today. >wever, Mr. Evanko reveal- 'each 1 he Committee is studying-, The nio tractor-trailers •Port Reading; New Dover Road. EDISON — The B. C. Morton Subpoenas will be issued to- possibility of consolidating1 Colonia. : Organization, which admin- morrow, Mr. Jacobson said, but were valued to- September 7, New Brunswick other posts with the Ad- gas isters a cpast-to-coast network he refused to reveal names un- at $45,000. The Avenue, Fords and Hopeiawn of 77 investment offices, has strator's position, thus IJdUis Ih VVHi-Ri!, IHfc KilCI&rv Wl^L lit,. lieiueil, bad.mil., Mountainside, a developer m this are<s mho « volun- said to be worth til the witnesses are served. ig two salaries. One of the teering to coordinate replacing the burned home of t)avid Jackson and his 11 children, is shown going" «%pr plan? with $5 000 and Main Street, Fords. |announced.the appointment of: However," the attorney said, ions is expected to be that some .members of the committee. Above, left to right, are Joseph Fennelly. Mayor Frederick M, Adams. Mr. Granich, • Accd'mg to Ray Vllet, in- September 8. Route'35, Wood-[Paul Kosene, 205 Market Street "the witnesses will be question- dustrial Commissioner now Mrs. Walter Zirpolo, chairman of the Jackson Family Fund Committee; Mr, Jackson, and Miss Ruth Wolk, of Thp spectoi lor the Edison Fire De- bridge: Green Street, _ Iselin; [Perth Amboy, as manager of itsjed as to the manner of keep- by David Gutman, who Independent-Leader staff. ipaitmem the gas truck was re- Middlesex."'-Avenue. Iselin andjlocal outlet here. The new unit!ing records, checks on purchash - Colonia'.: iwill be located at 1980 Route es and payments of items and appointed by the Demo- a motors atop the trailers September 9, "West Avenue,i27. before they went out of; «'hic openue their refngera-| ; commodities." Sewaren and port Readjng and is. co-publisher and December 31. jRailway Avenue, Av.enel. He further stated he has met , Evanko refused to re- The in e broke out, -j I"™-"") i^vwji^v., *i..^j.«^i. (executive editor of the Mutual with the Township auditor and •'I Septembeptember 10, InmaInman Ave- [Fund Reporter,' a monthly news "some of the material is in- the other position, but Pre-Fab House for / *i a utility man, Ronald! (Continued on Page 2) iservice covering the nation's hi- dicative that the probe will be "we are giving it a critical Ko»^l of Jersey'City, started j "/vestment company field. Another late Democratic [the motor on the candy trailer! [productive." J After attending Middlesex •'Not less than six nor more intment was that of Pur- • which he had just finished! Junior College and New York ing Agent held by Michael fueling. A spark from thei than eight persons will be 1 University, Kosene served on subpoenaed for each session," nodio, but Mr. Evanko de- Ordered, hut motoi, Vliet said, apparently ithe editorial staffs of the Perth to comment on the pos- •touched off gas fumes. Mr. Jacobson continued. "How- 'Amboy Evening. News and the ever, sometimes only one or two ty of transferring those WOODBRIDGE - -'Two large " $25.00 j total in the fund is $3,773 66,'Sunaay School loom of the Co-; Although- all three vehicles', lillll I Miami. Fla., Herald. He later ss to the Business Admin- donations received this week S. Buddy Harris, Ladies' Aux-lwhich leaves little with which to'loma Baptist C> urch and takino weie totall„y destroye„. „ d „b„ y —the i 'iio,riorf hit n,™ ^ w i ,.,„ 'Persons may be heardd, dependdd- ere s c itor. iliary of Iselin VFW. 'finish the interior of the house (meals with A have made it possible for the and rovi ^^•J^^P^ * ^ ™ «>*»H WOODBRIDGE._ The newi^ff ^™ ™ j^^ ing on the amount of teatt- it- 1960 budget only has Jackson Family Fund Commit- S10 00 ! P de plumbing, heating'Jackson earns- jut <Q a week ;and no one was injured. -zorra« rrdiraJice recom-fji^v jmony. Each session will ad- 500 for additional salaries' tee to order the pre-fabricated Luke's Delicatessen of Avenel. a™l electricity, sorely needed jHe lost hifc * lu d udbirthi TV n.p wi-Mwl vat by tlarV-, '" " M., or as close e : : der administration, but 8incej^V)sheiWr M^r™Si"be'tt1eba8fcito - " $5.00... ': ! Meantime, several buude^approximatc*. * . • • nrrffn«i» «innnt ho n'««9ri , f ^ we IMM>.W. : ,-',__, landIhav e contractorindicated sthe ayi thesuppl areay. IndependenDonationst ma- ? be sent to Theg , oiamanee cajmor oe passed a new. home for David Jacksonv James J.Kusko. AvenelHTard-!jsom- e materials and labor, also Stieet, Woodbridge Checksjfor I12 hours. The fire was in announced due to the largei,mf™ber£&i? ln tile Publlc ally until September y20, there ^ motherless children.jware. SSM. Society of America, the and lx {several individuals also have should be drawn m the name of the teimmal yard, an estimated volume of secretarial work from the ige1 bte t sufficieno pay 'atn moneadministratoy in thre The ^ donations wWchi Treat Shop Delicacies. [volunteered to contribute labor, the Jackson Family Fund. 1,000 feet from the company unfinished, Mayor Frederick City of Hope and the Young til the end of rhe year. helped to swell the fund to the; Police Department, $2.00 j The shell, will be delivered in; The Jackson Family Fund building. M. Adams said today, Man's Philanthropic League of Arnold Houser and Robert extent that the shell could. be; • three weeks and will be put up Committee, of which Mrs. Zir- | He was not certain whether jw order"' were, $500 from Mr.j Schreiber Family. 'Thompson, have been assigned iby Weyernauser, Inc., in a day. polo is chairman, hopes the var- jthe ordinance will be Intro- [to Mr. Jacobson. an$10d0 :fro _sm. WalteWilliarm ZirpoloNemeth, and, all!j $1.00 a Platoons Cole's Corner Grocery and! The Jackson home was de- ious organizations, which did jduced at, the following meet- HPl I D jt j "The Township Engineer and of Colonia. ISalyia's Grocery. stroyed by a flash fire early this not meet during the summer,! ;ing", September 20, or at an ad- 1 JQUFlOW JtltCS the Township Auditor have al- Other donations received this! The pre-fabricated shell will summer. Since then the fam- will send in donations after journed meeting so the public! jso been made available to me," Police week were as follows: {cost approximately $3,000; The ily has been sleeping in the.then' first meeting this month. hearing- could be held apart the counsel revealed. "Paul from the regular Township Held Yesterday Burnt,: Newark, a certified court ffOODBRIDGE — A new EDISON—Applications must meeting. i reporter has also been assigned, stem, designed to give the to take the court reports and. wnship better police protec- Paper's Tax\Lone 'Candidates'Night'peaihReveate -Edison Township Recreation operate the recording machine." n. will go into effect Sunday, man Tanzman, chairman, an- 35, wife of-associate Middlesex [Department for the first open! County Agricultural agent War- It is understood, that wit- lice Commissioner David T. nounced that the Board, by a nesses will have the right to Her announced. golf tournament to be spon- 5 to & vote, had appiwed zon- ner H. Thurlow, 100 Lloyd \ patrol force has been or- Stand Target Aim of Women's League\$59 sored by the Department. The! Street, Nixon, were held yes- ask for private hearings. Such ing of the Route 1 and Ford s p td M nized, with three separate WOODBRIDGE — The Town SEWAREN — Cash found in tournament will be open to both Avenue site for business to a terday in the Jaqui Funeral requests.
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