See Back Page LIVESTOCK MARKE TS-COUNTRY PRICES The JOURNAL gives the livestock grower the most comprehensive and reliable information obtainable in the most interesting and readable form. An invaluable service to anyone who raises livestock of any kind. Fruit, grain and field crops, dairymg, cattle sales, wholesale feed pr ices, vegetables, poultry and produce-all are covered in the JOURNAL, together VOL. I, NO. 30 10 CENTS A COPY w1th news events affecting markets. You NEED the JOURNAL. UNION STOCK YARDS, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 10 CENTS A COPY JUNE 28, 192J 2 Los Angeles ..... 835 4.00 9 Lo, Angeles oo .... I022 4.00 CATTlE MARKET IS I Kern ......» ...... • 760 3.50 LIVESTOCK YARDS CLOSED JULY 4 \Vcdncsday, June 27 HOG PRICES TAKE II PURCHASES FAT lAMBS FIRM AS PACKERS CONSIDER Imperial ............ 690 $4.00 The Los Angeles Union Stock DUll WITH THIN Yards ''ill be closed to trading CAXXERS AXD Cl'TTERS I Purchase~ of livestock at Los An­ \Vcdncsday, July 4. Incommg Thursday, June 21 DROP AT YAROS "'eles Cmon Stockyards for weck end­ SCARCITY BECOMES lh·cstock will be fed, watered and MEAT FOR HEALTH No County A v. \\' t. Price m~ June 26. STOCK STill lOWER 5 Kings oo ................ I09l:l $3.25 Cattle Cakes Hogs Sh'p MORE NOTICEABlE cared for as usual. 9 K tngs ................. 955 2 00 Cudahy .......... 740 85 790 2 FIRST OF WEEK Few Good Cows Top Market Kings 00 .............. 645 1.50 I fatt>er 3(.2 141 571:1 230 CAMPAIGN SUCCESS :\[on day, June 25 \V d'wrd-Ben't 245 35 380 Monday at $6.00 ; Some 14 Imperial ......oo .. ,... 915 Top Works Down From $9.25 Sacramento Valley Lambs Make $3.00 to \Vibon -- ......... 232 45 47I 345 WHOLE COUNTRY IS Educational Value Greatest Gain Feeder Demand 24 lmpenal .............. 8.27 1.75 Practical Limit of $8.50 Cal. D. B. Co. 217 !IS 13 15 r Tue-day, J unc 26 l"nion 73 in Opinion of Local I on Wednesday $ . Week PACKERS BALK AT Kern 0000 .... oo ......... l180 $3.00 c; lobe -- 0 •••• 4-J. a;tc~:d:f WATCHINGLOSANGElES Houses 7 Los An~elcs ...... 800 MEDIOCRE QUALITY 2.50 EASTERN "COME-BACK" :\C\\ ma rkct .. 4-J. 19-1 207 END OF CALIFORNIA 1 Los Angeles .... 870 ~!erchanb 20 HOT WEATHER CUTS 2.oo \\'edne-.day, June 27 FAILS TO HOLD UP Coast .. .3 7 82 SEASON IN SIGHT Los Angeles Yards Best Adver­ Feeder Buyers Insist On a 2 St.lllclard ___ ... DOWN CONSUMPTION Imperial ........00 .. 825 3 5 92 354 tised at National Conven­ Lower Market; Killen Want 1 Imperial oooo .......... I030 Othcrs . •oo .....00 228 Good Wethers Sell Saturday at 3.00· ° Ch ~ cago.' s Top Tuesday $7.45, ti6 -12 29 tion, Newspapers Say Retailers, Producer& and News­ Strictly Good Cattle With Kansas City Top $8.75 to $9.00, With Culls. papers Aid in Putting BULLS Wednesday at $7.15 Total ..... 2208 760 2524 084 at $7.10 to $8.00 Quality of cattle arrivintt at the Thursday, June 21 Los \ngl'les was the he st ad\'l:rtised C£mpaign Across .!\0. County Av. \\'t. city and tlw Los "\ngelcs Union Los Angelc,; Union Stockyards dur­ P11rc· f.'ollo\dng the recu1t advance in hog T H E WEEK'S RECE IPTS Hardly enough sheeo and lamh, are ing the past week has been plain for 4 Kings ...... oo .... oo ... 1450 $3.75 Stock\ ards the hest advertised stock­ ::-.reat ior Ilealt!: \~'~cl· . as far as 1 prict·s at eastern mark{'ts, there was Receipt at Los Angeles l:nion coming into the yards to gi\C the ,·ards. at the recent convention of the the most part. ln fact, most of the Kings ................. 570 2.75 Stockyai·ds ior \1 cek t·nding June 2G: Los Ang-elt·s is concerned, i, prudng Saturday, June 23 a setback the latter part of last W(•ck market a reliable test. 1\ string of X a tiona! Lt,·estnck Exchange com·cn­ arrivals could hardly be classed other and Kansas City's top \Vcdnesday Cattle Cakes Hogs Sh'p tion, held at Buffalo. a success. than stockers and feeders. Packer 2 Los Angeles ...... 12IO $3.50 \Vo.'dne-day .... 127 189 !100 good Sacramento \ allcv lambs last Tuesday, June 26 was only $7.15. The local market has That is the verdict of the llufialo That is the verdict of the majority buyers were not dis posed to take on been ell supplied with hogs and the Tbur-.day .... 212 J-18 535 133 Saturday sold at $13 15, ,dth good the thin stock and prospective country 1 Kern ... oo ........ -00.1320 $3.50 wethers at $9.00, culls at $7.10 to newspapers, copies of which were sent of Los Angell'S packers. Few had 1 local packers a rc getting a good manv Friday .......... 16 105 207 to the :Market Journal by the Los An­ buyers refused to pay the prices asked. Kern . .".... oo···---1290 3.50 Saturday . ____ , 177 18 I91 156 $8.00. Southern and central Califor- anticipated a grrater mt•at consump­ d irect from eastern markets. \Vith geles delegatl'S to the convention, As a result, the market has been dull \Vednesday, June 27 :\1onday . .. .. 1176 232 1385 206 nia are practically hare of fat lambs tion and the hot spell which arri\l•d I mperial .. oo .... oo .... l 870 the hot weather of the pres<'nt week, Chas. II. Hill, Ralph Coytc and Ilarry with only the better grades and $3.75 values took a tumble and Tuc~day's Tuesday ......... 313 74 543 and local buyers arc m the Sacra­ this week tend( d to cut down the in­ strictly canner stock movtng. mento Valley and farther north look­ Booth. Mr. Hill returned to the yards top dropped to $8.75, \\ith exception last week and the other deleg-ates are creasl'<l husinc.,s which otherwi ·e The demand for good cattle was CALVES Total ...... 202I 961 3821 q9 ing for killing stock. Thursday, June 21 of a part load at 9.00. Top Wednes­ expected to arrive some time this might ha,·e hcen expected. made apparent when two loads of day dropped to $8.50. Packing sows Prcv. Week 30-10 545 440!! 1301 week. strictly fat cows fmm San Benito 25 Kings 00·-oooooo ........ 128 $7.00 Representative Sales The greatc't value oi the campaign 2 Kings .................. 220 and roughs sold at the usual dis­ "All of the delegates wanted to is its educational feature, calling a t­ county scored $6.00 on Monday's 6 00 counts. LAMBS market, with another shipment at 108 A rizona .. ----·- 463 4.80 come to Los .\ ngelcs," said ~[ r. Hill, tention to the public that "~fl'at is Friday, June 22 Saturday, June 23 "so we had no trouble in landing the appetizing, sustaining, whoJe,omc. It $5.75. Buyers bid unevenly lower on Representative S ales I AT OTHER MARKETS l .l\o. I t he general run of half fat stock, bids 92 S. L. Obi,po........ 190 $10.25 Countv Av. \Vt. conycntion. Thcv arc interested in produces Yigor, \ itality anti enllur· 280 often appearing to be 25c to SOc lower. 8 1 Monterey ooooooo ..... 186 BUTCH ER HOGS Sacramento .... oo.. 74 $~;Ts ~he new st.ockyards here and greatly ancc." Many who had con~itll:red t'o.oo Forth Worth, Tex., June 26-(Spe­ · Interested 1n Los "\ngeks. The na­ Packer buyers refused to bid on many 35 Los A ngeles ...... 227 R 50 Thursday, June 21 \\'ETHERS ~ meat in the dtet unhc.tlthfnl had their tional exchange convention will at- of the thin cattle a nd feeder buyers 15 M ontercy ......... 00 27-J. 8.00 No. Av. \Vt. Dock Price cial \ Vire from Bureau of Agricultural 104 Sacramento 101 t') es opcnl'd during the c.tmpaign. $9.00 tract hundreds of delegates to Los Thos. Breslin, chairman of tlH' _\ !cat talked $5.00 to $5.50 on steers sellers 7 Monterey ............ 334 7.00 78 Colorado .• 00 ...... 00 179 $9.25 Economics.)-Cattle· receipts mod~r­ 205 Sacramento ........ 98 9.00 Angeles in the spring of 1924 and wt• for Ilealth campaign in this d istrict, had $5.75 to $6.25 "ideas" on. A good Saturday, J nne 23 71 Colorado ............ 252 8 50 ate; killing steers ~ l ow "ith this 25 S:~cramento ........ 120 many medium quality steers cleared 4 S. L. Obispo........ I !JO $10.00 235 8.75 want to entertain them rovallv. Buf- in a statement \\'ednesday morning-, Friday, June 22 wt·ek's decline 25c ifnd in some cases Kmgs ............. oo .. 101 8.75 falo was thrown "ide op.cn ·to the from $6.00 to $6.50, with good steers SO Arizona .......- ... 175 8.75 11 2 Colorado ............ 159 10 Sacramento ........ 115 was enthusiastic in hi~ derlaration $9.25 more. Cho•ce fed steer:. listed up to 8.00 delegah '· :t\ <'wspapers u:a vc the con- that the campaign "ould pro,·c nf from Tmperial Valley Tuesday at $7.25. 31 Arizona oo .... oo .... oo 335 li 00 95 Colorado oo .......... 169 9.25 25 Sacramento oo ...... 115 8 S. L. Obispo........ 300 $9.50; south Texas steers selling from 8 00 vcntion lots of .space and the whole immense bendit to the liv,·stock and Dulk of the p lain and medium cows 4.00 Saturday, June 23 $6.50 down; she stock about ~teady; 25 Kings oo .....
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