Historic Fleetlists.Xlsx

Historic Fleetlists.Xlsx

Fife Scottish Omnibuses Limited (trading as Fife Scottish) Fleet 1996... 35th Anniversary Fleet strength up to 315 (21 more than in 1991) Reduction in minibuses as new small single decker 'midibuses' are introduced, including the first Dennis vehicles in the company's history, to the town networks in Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy Indicating the short live span of original minibuses only six remain in use that were in the 1991 fleet Success in winning school contracts sees a number of secondhand vehicles brought in, including the reintroduction of Bristol double deckers 13 years after the last native examples withdrawn Introduction of Stagecoach Express network in 1993 sees continued growth in the number of coaches in use The popular Volvo B10M has joined the fleet in single decker bus and coach format. Later in 1996 articulated 'bendibus' coaches built on this chassis will also join making them a first in Scotland Central Workshops at Kirkcaldy have been closed although part of Kirkcaldy Depot is given over to major repairs * LF next to a fleet number indicates it is low floor/wheelchair accessible ** Seating code shows a bus, dual purpose or coach (starts with a B, DP or C) followed by number of seats and then F (for front entranced) a 't' at the end means toilet fitted *** Double decker seating is shown 'H' followed by the upper deck seating/lower deck seating and then the door code (F for front entranced). Open top vehicles start 'O' MINIBUSES (Active total 32) 1996 Fleet Depot Registration Chassis Vehicle Seats** Year Notes Number* Alloc Number Type Type New 50 ua F790PSN MCW Metrorider MCW DP25F 1988 previously registered F70RFS 55 ua F55RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 56 ua F56RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 57 ua F57RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 58 ua F58RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 60 ua F60RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 61 G F61RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 62 G F62RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 66 G F66RFS MCW Metrorider MCW B25F 1988 67 G F67RFS MCW Metrorider MCW DP25F 1988 68 G F68RFS MCW Metrorider MCW DP25F 1988 69 G F69RFS MCW Metrorider MCW DP25F 1988 70 AL M770TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 71 C M771TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 72 K M772TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 73 K M773TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 74 K M774TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 75 C M775TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 76 C M776TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 77 G VLT77 Mercedes Benz 811D Reeve Burgess Beaver B33F 1989 ex Selkent in 1994, previously registered F396DHL 78 K M778TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 79 G M779TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 80 AL G280TSL Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1990 ex Bluebird Northern in 1992 81 G G281TSL Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1990 ex Bluebird Northern in 1992 82 G M780TFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 85 STA K485FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 86 STA K486FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 87 STA K487FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 88 STA K488FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 89 AL K489FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 90 AL K490FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 91 AL K491FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 92 AL K492FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 93 AL K493FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 94 AL K494FFS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 95 G N95ALS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 96 G N96ALS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 97 G N97ALS Mercedes Benz 709D Alexander Sprint B25F 1994 SINGLE DECKERS & COACHES (Active total 167) 1996 Fleet Depot Registration Chassis Vehicle Seats** Year Notes Number* Alloc Number Type Type New 104 C TMS404X Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 122 AL XMS422Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 123 K XMS423Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 138 G WFS138W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 139 K WFS139W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 140 K WFS140W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 141 K WFS141W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 142 D WFS142W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 147 D WFS147W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 148 ua WFS148W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 150 STA WFS150W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1980 158 D CSF158W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1981 159 K CSF159W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1981 160 D CSF160W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1981 180 D PSX180Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 181 D PSX181Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 182 STA PSX182Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 183 D PSX183Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 184 C PSX184Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 185 D PSX185Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 186 AL PSX186Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 187 AL PSX187Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 188 K PSX188Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 189 AL PSX189Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS B53F 1982 200 C XMS420Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 205 D TMS405X Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 206 K TMS406X Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 207 D TMS407X Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1982 ex Ribble Motor Services 1992 261 K CSF161W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 262 D CSF162W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 263 G CSF163W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 264 C CSF164W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 265 D CSF165W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 266 K CSF166W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 267 C CSF167W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 268 C CSF168W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 269 C CSF169W Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1981 270 K NFS170Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 271 AL NFS171Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 272 STA NFS172Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 273 K NFS173Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 274 D NFS174Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 275 D NFS175Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 276 K NFS176Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 277 K NFS177Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 278 D NFS178Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 279 D NFS179Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 282 ua GSO82V Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1980 ex Stagecoach Scotland 1994 283 ua GSO83V Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1980 ex Stagecoach Scotland 1994 284 ua GSO84V Leyland Leopard Alexander AYS DP49F 1980 ex Stagecoach Scotland 1994 290 D RSC190Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 291 C RSC191Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 292 C RSC192Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 293 G RSC193Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 294 G RSC194Y Leyland Leopard Alexander AT DP49F 1982 301 C L301PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 302 C L302PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 303 C L303PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 304 C L304PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 305 C L305PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 306 C L306PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 307 C L307PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 308 C L308PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 309 C L309PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 310 C L310PSC Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1994 314 AL M314PKS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS DP48F 1995 315 AL M315PKS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS DP48F 1995 316 K N316VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 317 K N317VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 318 K N318VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 319 K N319VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 320 K N320VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 321 K N321VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 322 G N322VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 323 G N323VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 324 G N324VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 325 G N325VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 326 G N326VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 327 G N327VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 328 G N328VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 329 G N329VMS Volvo B10M-55 Alexander PS B49F 1995 399 LF K N141VDU Volvo B10L Alexander Saffle B44F 1995 on loan from Volvo 412 G D512CSF Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 413 D D713CSC Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 414 D D614ASX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 415 C D615ASX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 416 C D516DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 417 D D517DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 418 D D518DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 419 D D519DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B61F 1987 420 STA D520DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B57F 1987 421 STA D521DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B57F 1987 422 STA D522DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B57F 1987 423 D D523DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B57F 1987 424 D D524DSX Leyland Tiger Alexander P B57F 1987 441 STA GSU341 Leyland Tiger Alexander TC C49F 1985 previously registered B207FFS 442 STA GSU342 Leyland Tiger Alexander TC C49F 1985 previously registered B208FFS 443 STA GSU343 Leyland Tiger Alexander TC C49F 1985 previously registered B209FFS 444 C GSU344 Leyland Tiger Alexander TC C49F 1985 previously registered B210FFS 445 AL

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