...CHESSPROBLEMS.CA Contents 1 Originals 584 2017 Informal Tourney....... 584 . ISSUE 13 (DECEMBER 2017) Hors Concours............ 588 2 ChessProblems.ca Bulletin 2016 Award 591 3 CPB Tourneys: Announcements 597 4 Articles 598 Arno T¨ungler:Series-mover Artists: Gy¨orgyBakcsi......... 598 Nicolas Dupont: Ordered classification of twelve series genres............. 601 Klaus Wenda & Andreas Thoma: Welcome to KLAN...... 610 Arno T¨ungler:Record Breakers V. 613 Cornel Pacurar: Series-Movers Visualizations II 615 Adrian Storisteanu: Variations on a stalemate motif 649 5 Recently Honoured Canadian Compositions 651 6 Last Page 665 Zoltan Sarosy............ 665 Editor: Cornel Pacurar Collaborators: Elke Rehder, . Adrian Storisteanu, Arno T¨ungler Originals: [email protected] Articles: [email protected] Correspondence: [email protected] Protection needed pawn ISSN 2292-8324 [Mixed media on paper, c Elke Rehder, http://www.elke-rehder.de. Reproduced with permission.] ChessProblems.ca Bulletin IIssue 13I ..... ORIGINALS 2017 Informal Tourney T352 T353 ChessProblems.ca's annual Informal Tourney Branko Koludrovi´c Branko Koludrovi´c is open for series-movers of any type and with T351 Paul R˘aican Paul R˘aican any fairy conditions and pieces. Hors concours Arno T¨ungler Arno T¨ungler Arno T¨ungler compositions (any genre) are also welcome! £ £ Send to: [email protected]. 2017 Judge: Paz Einat (ISR) ¡ 2017 Tourney Participants: 1. David Antonini (FRA) ! ! 2. Alberto Armeni (ITA) ¤ ! ¤ 3. Gy¨orgyBakcsi (HUN) ¢ ¢ 4. Erich Bartel (DEU) 5. Ivan Bryukhanov (UKR) 6. J´anosCs´ak (HUN) ¡ ¡ 7. Bernard Delobel (FRA) 8. Oleg Diatlov (UKR) C+ (2+6)ser-+43 C- (15+10)ser-hsZa1257 C- (13+11)ser-hsZa1225 9. Nicolas Dupont (FRA) Circe Circe Circe 10. Jean-Christian Galli (FRA) 11. Jeff Coakley (CAN) T351 (Arno T¨ungler): 12. J´anGolha (SVK) 1.Ka1-b1 11.Kb8-a8 12.b3 a4 23.Kb1 a2[Sg8] 27.Kd3 d4[Bf8] 31.Kf7 f8 38.Ka6 a5[Sb8] 39.Ka5 b4[Pb7] 43.a7 b8=S + 13. Emil Klemaniˇc (SVK) × × × × × × × 14. Vladim´ırKoˇc´ı (CZE) T352 (Branko Koludrovi´c,Paul R˘aican, Arno T¨ungler): 1.c5-c4 2.Ra2 b2 3.Ka4-a3 5.Ra4-b4 7.Ka4-a5 9.Ra4-a2 11.Ka4-a3 13.Ra4-b4 18.Kb7 c7[Pc2] 23.Ka4-a3 25.Ra4-a6 27.Ka4- 15. Branko Koludrovi´c (HRV) × × 16. V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec (CZE) a5 29.Ra4-b4 35.Kc1-d1 36.d6 e5 42.Ka4-a5 44.Ra4-a2 46.Ka4-a3 48.Ra4-b4 55.Kd6 e7[Pe2] 62.Ka4-a3 64.Ra4-a6 66.Ka4-a5 68.Ra4-b4 76.Ke1 f2 84.Ka4-a5× 86.Ra4-a2 88.Ka4-a3 90.Ra4-b4 99.Kf7 g7[Bc1] 108.Ka4-a3× 110.Ra4-a6 112.Ka4-a5 114.Ra4- 17. S´ebastienLuce (FRA) × × 18. Karol Mlynka (SVK) b4 119.Kb1 c1 124.Ka4-a5 126.Ra4-a2 128.Ka4-a3 130.Ra4-b4 142.Kg5 h4[Sg1] 154.Ka4-a3 156.Ra4-a6 158.Ka4-a5 160.Ra4-b4 169.Kf2 g1× 178.Ka4-a5 180.Ra4-a2 182.Ka4-a3 184.Ra4-b4 197.Kh4× h3 210.Ka4-a3 212.Ra4-a6 214.Ka4-a5 216.Ra4-b4 19. Vladislav Nefyodov (RUS) × × 20. Vito Rallo (ITA) 224.Ke1 f1[Sb1] 228.Kc1 b1 232.Ka4-a5 234.Ra4-a2 236.Ka4-a3 238.Ra4-b4 243.Kb7 a8[Rh1] 248.Ka4-a3 250.Ra4-a6 252.Ka4- a5 254.Ra4-b4× 257.Ka3-a2× & 1.Rh1 a1[Bf8]+ Ka2 a1 z × 21. Paul R˘aican (ROU) × × 22. Manfred Rittirsch (DEU) T353 (Branko Koludrovi´c,Paul R˘aican, Arno T¨ungler): 23. Ivan Skoba (CZE) 1.b7 c6[Pc2] 2.Ka2-b1 3.Ra5-a2 7.a3 b2 8.Ra2-a6 12.Ka4-a5 14.Ra4-a2 16.Ka4-a3 18.Ra4-b4 25.Kd7 e7[Pe2] 32.Ka4-a3 34.Ra4- 24. George P. Sphicas (USA) a6 36.Ka4-a5× 38.Ra4-b4 46.Ke1 f2 54.Ka4-a5× 56.Ra4-a2 58.Ka4-a3 60.Ra4-b4 69.Kf7 g7[Bc1] 78.Ka4-a3× 80.Ra4-a6 82.Ka4-a5 25. Adrian Storisteanu (CAN) 84.Ra4-b4 89.Kb1 c1 94.Ka4-a5× 96.Ra4-a2 98.Ka4-a3 100.Ra4-b4 112.Kg5 h4[Sg1] 124.Ka4-a3× 126.Ra4-a6 128.Ka4-a5 130.Ra4- 26. Jaroslav St´uˇnˇ (SVK) b4 139.Kf2 g1 148.Ka4-a5× 150.Ra4-a2 152.Ka4-a3 154.Ra4-b4 167.Kh4×h3 180.Ka4-a3 182.Ra4-a6 184.Ka4-a5 186.Ra4-b4 27. Pierre Tritten (FRA) 194.Ke1 f1[Sb1]× 198.Kc1 b1 202.Ka4-a5 204.Ra4-a2 206.Ka4-a3 208.Ra4-b4× 213.Kb7 a8[Rh1] 218.Ka4-a3 220.Ra4-a6 222.Ka4- 28. Arno T¨ungler (DEU) a5 224.Ra4-b4× 225.Ka5-a4× & 1.Rh1 a1[Bf8]+ b2 a1 z × × × ChessProblems.ca Bulletin IIssue 13I December 2017 http://Bulletin.ChessProblems.ca 584 ORIGINALS T354 S´ebastienLuce Pierre Trittten T355 T356 T357 Dedicated to Chris Feather Vladislav Nefyodov Vito Rallo Vito Rallo T351: New length record for 8 units and these conditions starting with white king ¡ march from corner to corner and almost back. (Author) ¡ £ T352: New overall Circe record for this stipulation with promoted force. It cannot be fully tested but with a black Berolina pawn ¢ on a7 it is C+. (Authors) T353: New overall Circe record for this # stipulation with normal force. It cannot be fully tested but with a black Berolina pawn C+ (1+13)ser-#29 ** C+ (9+2)ser-h#8 C+ (6+5)ser-h#14 C+ (4+5)ser-h#9 on a7 it is C+. Probably one of the longest AntiNewK¨oko 2 Solutions series-movers without promoted pieces! (Authors) T354: Moves visualization: T354 (S´ebastienLuce, Pierre Trittten): 1.g8=S 2.Sf6 3.Se8 4.S c7 5.Se8 6.Sd6 7.Sc8 8.Sa7 9.Sc8 10.Sb6 11.S a8 12.Sc7 13.Sa6 14.Sc5 15.Sb3 16.Sc5 17.Sd3 18.S f2 19.Sd3 20.Se5 21.S c6× 22.Se5 23.Sc4 24.Se3 25.S f5 26.Se3 27.Sc2 28.S× e1 29.S f3 # × × × × × T355 (Vladislav Nefyodov): 1. Sc7#, 1. Bc4# 1.c b5 2.b a4 3.a3 4.a2 5.a1=S 6.Sc2 7.Sd4 8.Sc6 Bc4 # 1.c5× 2.c4 3.c× d3 4.d2 5.d1=B 6.Bh5 7.Be8 8.Bc6 Sc7 # × T356 (Vito Rallo): 1.Bb1-a2 2.Ba2-e6 3.Be6 f5 4.Bf5 g4 5.Bg4 h5 6.Bh5-f3 7.h6-h5 8.h5-h4 9.h4-h3 10.h3-h2 11.h2-h1=S 12.Sh1 f2 13.Ke4-e3 14.Sf2-e4 Sd4-f5 # × × × × T357 (Vito Rallo): 1.Ba5-b6 2.Bb6 d4 3.Bd4-b6 4.d5-d4 5.d4-d3 6.d3-d2 7.d2-d1=B 8.Bd1-f3 9.Bf3-b7 Sd7-b8 # T356: Selfblock, underpromotion, bishop × does everything. (Author) T357: Switchback, selfblock, underpromotion, Umnov pursuit. (Author) ChessProblems.ca Bulletin IIssue 13I December 2017 http://Bulletin.ChessProblems.ca 585 ORIGINALS T358 T359 T360 T361 V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec Erich Bartel S´ebastienLuce T358: Switchback of kangaroo d6. (Author) Moves visualizations: ¥:¥#Lp :4XXjX! C+ (4+3)ser-==30 C+ (2+6)ser-h#34 C+ (2+7)ser-h#10 C+ (2+3)ser-=30 Madrasi Rex Inclusiv L Couscous Circe p p = Kangaroo 3 = Taboo Grasshopper = Grasshopper Black Follow My Leader L ( = Moose = Kangaroo T358 (V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec): 1.KAc7 2.KAf4 3.KAg3 4.Gg2 5.Gd5 6.Gf7 7.KAf8 8.Gf4 9.Gd6 10.KAc7 11.KAf4 12.Gf6 13.Gd4 14.KAc4 15.Gf6 16.KAf4 17.KAb4 18.Gd4 19.KAf4 20.Ga4 21.Gc4 22.Gf7 23.KAf8 24.Gf4 25.Gd6 26.Ga3 27.Gc5 28.KAa3 29.KAd6 30.KAe7 == T359 (V´aclavKotˇeˇsovec): 1.Rh4 2.Re4 3.K3c6 4.K3b7 5.K3f3 6.Rf4 7.K3f6 8.Rg4 9.Rg2 10.K3h1 11.Rf2 12.K3f1 13.Re2 14.Re1 15.K3c1 16.K3g1 17.K3h1 18.Re2 19.Rf2 20.K3f6 21.Rb2 22.Rb7 23.K3a8 24.K3g2 25.Rf7 26.K3f8 27.K3f4 28.Rg7 29.Rg3 30.Kg4 31.K3g5 32.K3g6 33.Kf5 34.Rg4 e4 # T360 (Erich Bartel): 1.a2-a1=Q 2.a3-a2 3.Qa1-e1 4.a2-a1=B 5.Qe1 e7[+wPd8=Q] 6.c2-c1=R 7.c3-c2 8.Rc1-f1 9.c2-c1=S 10.Rf1-f5 Qd8 e7[+bQd1] # × × T361 (S´ebastienLuce): T359: C+ VKComposer. (Author) 1.TGa5 2.TGc5 3.ELd6 4.TGe7 5.ELf7 6.TGg7 7.ELa1 8.EL h7 9.ELf6 10.TGe5 11.ELe4 12.ELd6 13.TGc7 14.ELc8 15.ELb6 T361: Long grasshopper and moose 16.TGa5 17.ELa4 18.ELb1 19.ELa3 20.TG a2 21.TGa4 22.ELb5× 23.TGc6 24.ELd6 25.TGe6 26.ELf7 27.ELe5 28.TGe4 29.ELf3 rundlaufs, in order to reach the final stalemate 30.TGg2 = × position where the taboo grasshopper cannot be captured. (Author) ChessProblems.ca Bulletin IIssue 13I December 2017 http://Bulletin.ChessProblems.ca 586 ORIGINALS T362 S´ebastienLuce T365 Dedicated to Christian Poisson T363 T364 S´ebastienLuce and Pierre Tritten Jeff Coakley Branko Koludrovi´c Dedicated to Jacques Rotenberg T362: Four mates given by Q, R, B, S. " (Author) ! ! ! White Sting Chess: Only one time during the #" solution, white can place on an empty square a piece of the same nature as the last black ¥ ¡ piece which moved. A pawn cannot be placed on the first and last ranks. ¥ T363: Grotesque full army massacre with ! ideal mate.
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