'.V- V T- FARMS FOR SALE AND ORGANS FOP. SALE I LOANS-MORTGAGES _ MANASQUAN. ^PIANOS I FIRST mortgage loans on improved real es- to Several farms for sale, ranging from 4*4 tate. In sums ranging from $2,000 Of acres; these Tarras are nicely situated, MANOS GUARANTEED QUALITY LOUIS SCHLESINOER, Inc,, Es- to 100 $10,000. within five-minute walk of the ocean, rail- LISTER’S sex Building. AT INCOMPARABLE LOW PRICEa __ road station and trolley, making not onlF for farming, but for COUNTRY FERTILIZER FIRST MORTGAGE loan wanted of $2,000 on valuable New 1190 un well. Prices ranging from upright pianos, up. FOR ALL SPRING CROPS. worth security first class; ESTATES New $875 up. properly $4,600; to $25,000. player-pianos, We are for all of Water a rate of no bonus. S3,250 headquarters lowest luterest possible; ONE OF THE MANY BARGAINS. celebrated brands of fertilizer in large and Address Box 98, Star ofttoe. £Numerous bargains In used piano.1'. LOAN, BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE of 53 •mall quantities for the Spring Crop®. Buy acres, all tillable, level land; fourteen- some and will be with the re- for Interest and I 8TEGKH A SONS. you pleased SECOND mortgages, money house, all modern improvements; hard- sults.. undivided estates; room 741-748 BROAI) 8T.. taxes; wood floors, hot water heat, hot and cold attention. BEAVER. 3» NEWARK. charges; prompt water, bath, etc.; large bam and all build- F. NOLL & CO. East st., New j. Forty-second York.______ ings in A I condition; situated on one of tlM USED PIANOS. N. J. main country roads; five minutes' walk from 116 MULBERRY 8T. NEWARK, MONEY TO IjOAN Different makes, all prices. trolley and ten minutes' walk from ocean; On Rond and Mortgage. f Fine for beginners. only $18,000. JACOB DOLL AND SONS FIEDLER CORPORATION. Bank Bldg., N. J SURE PROTECTION. Market i8bi. E. B. GREEN, Manasquan, 607 Broad St. Firemen’s Building. Phone l* 1*1 Op««. Evenings. HUNTERDON COUNTY, farm, 43 FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. TO LOAN ON FIRS’T MORT- Betuember tb*' name. MONEY acres, part woodland; good 7- GAGES. FROM $26,000 UP. WHALEN, DOLL & SONS. locks: room house; all outbuildings; Equip your doors with Segal OPP. HIGHLAND AV, STATION, ORANGE. guarantee that this lock positively cannot be some machinery; fruit; running ElTANOS tuned. $150; careTuf re- overlooking beautiful scen- skilfully opened not key. See brook; and at lowest prions; work by anyone having your railing polishing this wonderful lock ery; near Bloomsbury station, on trial convinces. WILLIAM C. at SALE If ?,ujninteed. BENJAMIN MYER COMPANY. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR REAL ESTATE WANTED main line of two railroads; worth 9 A Palisade av.. West Ho- VTLLH AUSEN, 468-70 Broad at. Phone 6000 Market. $4,300; price $2,400; part cash. lukao. ONLY $50 cash necessary, balance to re with two acres, all good till- ONE-FAMILY alxnit seven rooms, with H. H. FLOURNOY, 828 Broad st. j USKD-CAR BARGAINS. I BUNGALOWS, 1 house, SHEET metal wire wrought Two main on mortgage, choice of sixty lota or able ground; one mile gortb of Caldwell Eust Orange or Newark; good CASH BARGAINS and tubing, touring cars, suitable for delivery; in j driveway, Iron and manual training flrst-class 17th, 18th, 19th or 20th near Avon av Centre; a bargain at $2,800; new bungalow, neighborhood; near station; must be cheap for GOOD house, barn, ono acre •8-note player-piano, used. *295. pipe fittings, condition; cheap; also Mathewson benches, tool chests. WHY NOT; (silent) 6-cylinder. OWNER, Box G, Star Office. with one acre of ground, located in town; cash. H. H. FLOURNOY. 823 Broad st. ground; plenty of fruit; good % Good upright pluno, used. *75. 4-passenger; fully equipped ST FACTORY AND MILL SUPPLIES, condition- guaranteed; make offer. $3,500; one-family houses and apartments, blacksmith shop; fully equipped BTORY & CLARK. 101 HALSEY this 361 muat be In BUILDERS* HARDWARE, bonnbll motor oar company, BARNEGAT BAY—Excursion to visit from $18 up to rent. 0. B. CANFIELD, SMALL two-family house wanted; with machinery; located pros- section for sale of lots right Bloomfield Caldwell. Box Star office. village on Lackawanna — about April 81, *335—PLAYER-PIANO A I ’ON 1 »lT!ON. ‘Automobile Supplies." II you are thinking buy 273 Halsey st., Newark, N. J. 11; av., cheap. L., perous | down on the beach and Particulars and R. R.; lurge farming community DOLL & SONS BANISTER A POLLARD CO., mg a. car? bay. 206-208 Market St.. MARMON. Free tickets uddrees A. L. BECKHARDT, FIVE-ROOM cottage, plot 46x83, hot and cold to draw from; price $3,750 com- «**•• 607 Broad St. __ FIVE-PASSENGER; IN EXCEL- 1 THE HOME OF GOOD HARDWARE. IF you want big value for LENT 45 West 34th st.. Room 407. water, bath, gas; at trol ey and station; plete; part cash; good oppor- ^Evenings. CONDITION; COMPLETE EQUIP- _ Open terms. PHILIP JENNINGS, for blacksmith. W. E. Remember the name little money? MENT; AM FORCED TO SELL. JOHN $2,750; easy SUMMER tunity THIS IS A BARGAIN 738 Broad 845 Broad I DOLL & SONS. POT STOVES; CANVAS COVERS; RUBBER M’QUAID, 350 FERRY ST.. NEWARK. N. J. st. COTTAGES^ PRATT COMPANY, ALL IF haven't the read cash'' Finely located residence with garage; Newark, N. J. MATTING; OLD MATERIAL OF you ASBIIRTfARK DEAL BEACH st., oe A Forest Hill; owner leaving, positively must M’CHESNEY & CONROY, 293 Bloomfield av. i’ PLAYER-PIANO. 27 selected rolls, must KINDS PURCHASED. WALSH’S SONS TWOMBLY cycle car, very cheap. G. E. R., ALLEN HURST INTERLAKEN or CONSULT US sell now; 10 rooms, bath, steam, electricity, FARM, 175 acres; 55 In cultivation, balance seen to be appreciated: cheap for cash, CO., PASSAIC A CLAY STS. Bo* 97, Star office. Write for Booklet "S" or Summer Home*. _ two open fireplaces;' parquet floors through- L. J. PERRIN. 810 Bloomfield 27. timber; 16 acres grapes, 10 acres •Jltafrts payments, reliable party. PLAYER, Season of 1916. Trains met by appointment. good ap- and with our out; two porches; 50-foot plot; sacrifice, and orchard, 10 acres two- h Ut/x 61, Star office. NEW material got acquainted MAGNETOS—Bosch, Klsetnann, Remy and MILAN ROSS AGENCY. ples pear berries; ___ and second-hand building Ask 788 Broad. eaay payment plan. all other makes $8,500. FEIST & FEIST, story house, summer house, barn, wagon- bought and sold; highest prices paid for old repaired, with guarantee. EAST ORANGE Anbury Park (phone 406-407) AJlenhurst. of all makes tuned and GENERAL MAGNETO REPAIR house, henhouses; 3 horses, 2 cows, about 400 PLAYER-PIANOS buildings; 100,000 bricks for sale and twen- CO., 256 AT BROAD; located three-story FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. KARL A DOWE. 165 Highland Halsey at. centrally 1st, head of poultry; gusollne engine outfit; water repaired. ty-five large steel beams; contractor and and basement brick; plot; ten mod- South Maple Av.—Ten rooms and bath; new HOUSE, rented furnished, about May av. Phone 60-W II. B Formerly with large rooms, two instal'ed; cider and wine-making outfit; 500 | houaewrecker. MICHAEL PECCI, 105-111 rooms; hot water heat; steam heater and range; hardwood Boors, elec- for summer or longer; eleven IMPROVED PORTABLE STEEL ern, large, bright goes with farms; everything first-clasa Malvern st., Newark. Phone 3781 Mulberry. GARAGE worth owner sell at tric lot 60x200; space baths; modern equipment; three piazzas; gallons mKmmm._ MADE AND $10,000; says $11,250. lights, open fireplace; near good road; $8,500; PUT UP BY near station and town; residential condition; depot; price sell to consider tlie accom- Ask FEIST A FEIST, 788 Broad. for driveway; at coat to mortgagee; $8,500. quiet piano, beautiful tone, HAVE you stopped C. SHAFFER, N. J. part cash. F. FUCHS & 36 CllB- LAJJTER upright WIRE FENCES. You think the other fel- GAR EXCHANGE ANOTHER BARGAIN street. READY, Morristown, CO.f tor $50 cash; may bo seen by writing modation tlie MOTOR 147 MAIN ST.. EAST ton av. low’s property looks pip because of his nice ORANGE, AT CLINTON AV. on South av.; lot 50x140; ten rooms Box 95. Star of NEW JERSEY is offering by extending PHONE 2662 ORANGE. Maple PIANO, wire fence. Well, I’ll put some pip looks to Best 10-room residence; and at | office.__ CREDIT to the prospective buyers of auto- part; elegant bath, $6,500. AVON-BY-THE-SEA VERY CLASSY ESTATE. yours also, if you’ll just drop a card or pull strictly modem; stable; cost PRUDEN. WILTON R8 note, mahogany. mobiles? HAVE overhauling dorte now; large garage, AVON-BY-THE-SEA. | player-piano. the wire for 542 WM. WITTEL, 33 20% itaore want offer. FEIST & East ■ better. sell for any Waverly. saves $12,000; $8,500; make 180 Main Street, Orange. or small, good as new. nothing power guaranteed; you gas. oil; es- _ Desirable furnished cottage*, large Bergen County gentleman's farm and Sandford av., Irvington. FEIST, 738 Broad. cash offer. Address PLAYER, timates on ull work. ABELI, 63 et. at reasonable home; a beauty; 20 acres of hill, ^^agonab'e Liberty A 8NAP—Here Is your chance to buy a 13- prices. country L Hog *6. Star office. Tel. 7688 Market. MURRAY dale and .stream; marvelously fine orchards A N NOUNCEM ENT. HOUSE for sale, six rooms; part improve- room, two-family house, with gurage; lot Auto at Sta. MAIN ST. Phone conn. and charming house with rare old We l>eg to announce to the public that we i ments; near South Orange av.; must be 33 1-3x100; price $6,000.
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