T H E L A T T E R D A Y S A I N T S " MILLENN IAL S TAR E S TABL I S HED I N 1 840 VOLUME 104 AN HYPOCRITE WITH HI S MOUTH D ES TROYE TH HIS NE I GHBOUR " BUT THROUGH KNOWLED GE S HALL T HE JUS T D I R D — BE EL VE E . Proverbs HI ED ITOR " JAMES P . LL FOR S ALE I N ALL THE D IS TRICTS OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS T OF L ATTE R-D AY S AINTS I N GRE AT BRITAIN ' IT RIAL " 149 N1 GHT 1 NG AL E LANE A HAM ED O OFFICE , B L , O D N I Z N O S .W . L , INDEX Armed Forces , Message to Men in ' A Blessing by First Presidency A P J .R . by Heber . Grant Duties Above the Av erage Arrivals M Editorial Allison , Doris . P . by James Hill Astin , Emily G . r Abram of U Bellamy , Ada A C entury of Achievement Beverley , Briton w m n L a . by Amy Bro n Ly Buchanan , William r Add esses of Branch Presidents Burton , Cyril ' ‘ 1 1 20 22 24 52 Ph li 6 , 60 , 8 , 4, 0 , 3 Clayton , yl s K . 4 1 2 44 48 M 6 , 43 , 5 , 688 , 8 00 , 8 Coleby , Violet . H. Addresses of District Presidents Dale , Sylvester 1 1 2 224 240 52 A 6 , 60 , 08 , , , 3 Evans , George . 1 4 2 44 8 48 4 6 , 3 , 5 , 68 . 800, 8 Fitton, Mable B . - a t r a E . Addresses of L te d y Saint Fletcher , Rose Meeting Places in Britain Foster , Evelyn 1 1 2 144 1 6 L 48 , 80, 96 , 2 , 1 8 , , 7 Foster , illian 4 5 5 672 702 784 M r S 272 , 00 , 60 , 6 6 , , , Foster , y tle . 4 1 f 4 8 28 8 6 . A Declaration of Belie , 5 , Gent , Grace E i t I m f a n N . Air Attacks , De ence Ag s Gittins , Joyce b Griffith M . possi le , Gladys rman Alcohol Hawkes , No D I L innet t G . by Robert ngersol , Elsie A G merica oes to War Makin, Kate An n r . astasiou , A d e K Maybury, Edna c Editorials Mc ormick , Joyce K . 8 1 52 2 16 248 31 2 344 92 f , , , , , , 3 Moore , Wini red 4 2 5 2 4 648 6 0 7 1 0 L 80 , 5 0 , 5 , 58 , , 8 , Moorhead , Doreen . 2 44 24 40 7 8 , 7 , 776 , 8 , 8 Patterson , Marion uc Greetings Ripley , L y Working with the British Smith , Martha 242 262 Missionaries , T G . homas , Harold A P cke nastasi W . ou ou , Marie Van , Mavis M Prayer for Peace Walton , Julia . R f S . V . elie ociety Centennial Ward , Dorothea J M . k d, Anderson , ac Wil Alice Annie “ " 1 " Gold Plates in Me ico Williams , Eva M Anderson, Wendell B . Woodford , Hilda . Mormons in Washington Articles of Faith nn al A u Statistical Report 84 4 1 3 , 96 , 5 2 , 592 , A Perfect Reproduction 624 4 , 6 0 , 7 1 8 , 732 by Wayne Stout A Talk for the Times Appointments by C . Hartley v G A . E ans , eorge Au" iliary Section Gardner , Edna 4 1 06 17 2 4 1 4 , , 0 , 3 , 3 5 , Gent , Grace 524 587 667 2 , , , 73 , Woodhead , Ivy A rm of Fellowship Needed A Voice Whispers in My Ear O by Elvin W . rme by Luther ES pl ey 103 B Short, David m J t 544 S ith , ane Mary B W . nr ackman, Joseph , J . Spencer Michael 702 Truth Versus Tyrants , S tolworthy " daughter" 1 03 l Bai ey , Ethel O 7 02 Timms , live 245 Prepare Thyself for the Ministry Vine Anise Margaret 7 02 — , Story The Reconciliation 182 544 Watson , David William H 2 . Thom a 70 Bailey, George White , s Anthony 367 ° Editorials Willmott , Heber John g t 624 Greetin s Woodthorpe , Pa ricia Margaret We Shall Come Through Blinkers U nconquered Editorial P b J . Bannatyne , Anne y ames Hill —I n Story Time of Need l r ni A z Bo d i , . Vincen o Baptisms in Belfast The Strength of Ten B k An Berrett, William E . oo of Mormon , Ancient Work E M cG avin Doers of the Word by . Cecil Best Foot First Book of Mormon and Peace in E . M cGav Editorial by Cecil P Book of Mormon, A Witness for the by James . Hill Bible nn al Birmingham District A u M in 762 806 by E . C ecil cGav , Conference B k b Q oo of Mormon, Bi le uotations Birmingham District Conference in the M cGavin Scheduled by E . Cecil " Blessings Book of Mormon , Comple Literary Styles in Brown, Beatrice Ann 103 “ E M cGavin 8 by . Cecil Carter , Rosalie Myrtle 26 L 2 Book of Mormon, iterary Gems in Cater , Roger Edgar 6 4 E M c Gavin i by . Cecil Challis , S dney R ose 368 , B ook of Mormon— Nephite Record Clarke , Maureen Grace 367 2 Abridgement Collins , Martin Richard 68 M avin 502 535 E . cG 4 by Cecil , Cook , Colin Reginald 54 368 B k R 693 Cunningham , Myrtle May oo of Mormon elic Purchased D ewsnu 702 p , Michael John Heywood E . Bowen, Albert _ Dunn , Elaine Ann 103 Meek Shall Inherit the Earth , 759 Good , David James The 66 G oundr F 367 y , lorianne Whom Say Ye That I Am ? 594 J 480 Graham , John oseph Brickmakers in Egypt 405 Grant, George Philip 688 Gwenne 88 t nnual 390 . 6 A Grant, Marshall Bris ol District Conference W d 5 12 Hammond , Keith Harold oo s Bristol District Conf erence Ha es Kath1e en 624 y , Scheduled Hill Micha e1 368 , Vincent British Mission Progress Hugo , Loretta Edith . 624 t a n " Johnson " daughter" 656 Bri ish S i ts Prepare Editorial Johnson, Michael Joseph 702 b K A tasio . na s u Kulini y Andre ch , Olga Violet 6 24 Brown , Hugh B . Long , Georgina Mary 79 Mount " son" 544 Letter from About Palmer , Ruth May 103 4 Paterson , James William 62 Builders All O 1 P i Reed , Janet live 90 by James . H ll Rippen, Wendy Freda 702 Burton, Ralph 480 Rudd , Mavis Fullerton Letter from a Returned Ann uise 480 Shears , Lo Missionary C Conducting Services ' Caffeine in Cola Drinks Courage , This Is A Editorial by John . Widtsoe P A by James . Hill Callis, Charles . An Humble and a Contrite Heart 578 Cumorah , Peaceful The Testimony of Our Conscience 722 by Ruby Price Weeks R Cunningham , James . Camm , Douglas Arthur About Editorials A Solider " s Faith Greetings The Gift e . Cannon, Georg Q Editorial Glory Found in Opposition 808 H Editorial Dale , Sylvester . 631 794 Honour Thy Mother Faith Promoting Instances , Oh h Carry , Britis Mission Deaths L by Lee . Frodsham Allen , Frederick " Cease Fire Bell , William P M r by James . Hill Bliss . s . Character Boreham , William T J . by ohn Miller Clarke , Joseph Levi f n f r Chil e S M . d , u fer Little Clews , ' . G d v by Edna ar ner Da ies , Arthur Clarence Christnfas 1 942 B , iston , Ralph I v z Christmas n itations Dyer , Eli abeth s M r s . Christmas Me sage Eccles , b J . a r uis e y Heber Grant F rme , Alice Lo Christmas Spirit Fielding , John Edward Christmas Tree , The First Gamon , Ian Christmas , Wartime Gear , Arthur — Story Edith Russell Graham , Esther Chronology of the War Green , Herbert Church and the Present War Green , Lucy M K O . c a by David y Hilton , Hannah Emerald On w n Church Moves , The La so " John G . , G Church oing to Lees , William E Editorial Lloyd , George . P by James . Hill G Long , eorgina Mary c Chur h Report of the British Marsden , Jack 1 941 M William Mission for c , James Editorial Merrill, Emily Traub K Ana t i . s as ou by Andre Morris , Mary Phillips nr . J . J Clark , Reuben, Mount , Gertrude Annie Editorial Nurse , Margaret Mary Sacrament Meetings Owens , Roy Wilson Message from the First t z b Pres on , Hannah Eli a eth S chofi l z Presidency e d, Eli abeth Jane 370 386 , 402 418 8 1 7 . 834 nn , , , Seckington , A a. s F Message to Men in the Armed Simp on , rederick Hubert m z Forces S ith , Eli abeth , B S t lifi e B Clawson udger u c , Clara . - A . 1 79 M r Tribute to the Relief Society Taylor , . 466 Blessings of the Priesthood Thorley , William C M . oleby , T omlin§on — , St ory Ye Shall Know the Truth 5 656 v Tryphena Harriet Racy Comparati e Missionary Report Walker, Clara 366 50 1 605 630 678 75 1 8 12 , , , , , Waters Emma 190 ‘ Corn etitors A11 75 T p Webster , . 367 44 " White , Clemence 5 Forward 56 White , Mary Ann Grant 6 Editorial i b P . Wh tfi eld . , John Teasdale y James Hill 416 L . Willis . James Frodsham , Lee On District Activities Carry , British Mission 63, 78 , 95 , 102 , 125 , 143, 190 , 208 From the Middle East 22 4, 230 , 269 , 366 , 4 14 , 431 , 479 , 495 Fulkerson, Roe 5 12 542 556 623 654 686 70 1 7 16 — I , , , , , , , Editorial deals 1 ‘ 75 , 846 Fulness of Times 269 1 3 199 226 0 347 41 0 District Conferences Scheduled 3 , , , 30 , , 442 47 1 5 1 6 550 57 2 6 18 Doers of the Word .
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