Z. Kristallogr. 219 (2004) 391–446 391 # by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Mu¨nchen Twenty years of structure research on quasicrystals. Part I. Pentagonal, octagonal, decagonal and dodecagonal quasicrystals Walter Steurer* Laboratory of Crystallography, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich and MNF, University of Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland Received November 11, 2003; accepted February 6, 2004 Pentagonal quasicrystals / Octagonal quasicrystals / 5.2.4 High-pressure experiments on decagonal Decagonal quasicrystals / Dodecagonal quasicrystals / phases ........................ 434 Quasicrystal structure analysis 5.2.5 Surface studies of decagonal phases ..... 434 5.3 Dodecagonal phases . ............ 435 6 Conclusions ........................ 437 Contents References......................... 437 1 Introduction ....................... 391 2 Occurrence of axial quasicrystals ......... 392 Abstract. Is quasicrystal structure analysis a never-end- ing story? Why is still not a single quasicrystal structure 3 Crystallographic description of axial known with the same precision and reliability as structures quasicrystals ....................... 393 of regular periodic crystals? What is the state-of-the-art of 3.1 Pentagonal phases ................. 395 structure analysis of axial quasicrystals? The present com- 3.2 Octagonal phases ................. 395 prehensive review summarizes the results of almost twenty 3.3 Decagonal phases ................. 396 years of structure analysis of axial quasicrystals and tries 3.4 Dodecagonal phases. ............. 397 to answer these questions as far as possible. More than 4 Limits and potentialities of methods for 2000 references have been screened for the most reliable quasicrystal structure analysis ........... 398 structural models of pentagonal, octagonal, decagonal and dodecagonal quasicrystals. These models, mainly based on 5 The structure of axial quasicrystals ........ 401 diffraction data and/or on bulk and surface microscopic 5.1 Octagonal phases ................. 402 images are critically discussed together with the limits and 5.2 Decagonal phases ................. 403 potentialities of the respective methods employed. 5.2.1 4A and 8A periodicity ............. 406 Al––Co........................ 406 Al––Ni ........................ 407 1 Introduction Al––Co––Cu ..................... 408 Al––Co––Ni ..................... 411 At the end of 2003 more than 22 million different chemi- 1 Al––Co––Pd ..................... 421 cal substances were known . For approximately 400.000 2 Al––Fe ––Ni ..................... 422 of them the crystal structure was determined . Apart from Al––Me1––Me2 (Me1 ¼ Cu, Ni, Me2 ¼ Rh, Ir) 423 the existence of a few hundred incommensurately modu- 3 Zn––Mg––RE (RE ¼ Y, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) 423 lated structures (IMS) and composite structures (CS) , 5.2.2 12 A periodicity .................. 424 there was no reason to doubt that the ground state (i.e. the d-Al––Mn...................... 424 thermodynamic equilibrium state at 0 K) of all these com- d-Al––Mn––Pd................... 426 pounds and of condensed matter in general is represented 5.2.3 16 A periodicity .................. 430 by a periodic crystal structure. d-Al––Pd....................... 431 Al––Fe........................ 432 1 see CASTM at http://www.cas.org/ d-Al––Me––Pd (Me ¼ Fe, Mg, Mn, Os, Ru) . 432 2 see data bases: organic and metalorganic structures, CSDTM TM d-Al––Ni––Ru.................... 434 at http://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/; inorganic structures, ICSD at http://www.fiz-informationsdienste.de/en/DB/icsd/; intermetallic phases, CRYSTMETTM at http://www.tothcanada.com/; Pauling FileTM at http://www.paulingfile.ch/ 3 partly contained in the data base ICSDB at * e-mail: [email protected] http://www.cryst.ehu.es/icsdb/ 392 Walter Steurer On April 8th, 1982, D. Shechtman discovered a novel –– Structures of real QC (i.e. the experimentally studied phase with icosahedral diffraction symmetry in rapidly samples) closely resemble quasiperiodic structures at solidified Al86Mn14. This was the discovery of quasicrys- least at high temperatures and on time/space average. tals, which fundamentally changed our understanding of –– The structure of some QC can be quite well structural order on atomic scale. Quasicrystals (QC) rang described by cluster decorated quasiperiodic tilings, in a paradigm change (Kuhn, 1962) in crystallography. coverings and/or by the higher-dimensional ap- The completely new thing on QC is that they cannot be proach. described properly by a periodic basis structure and a peri- –– Many QC seem to be thermodynamically stable at odic modulation with incommensurate ratio of length scales least at high temperature. such as IMS, or as an incommensurate intergrowth of two The present review updates the article “The structure of qua- or more mutually modulated periodic structures such as CS. sicrystals” published in Zeitschrift fu¨r Kristallographie four- However, QC, IMS and CS have in common that they can teen years ago (Steurer, 1990). Since then the number of be described as three-dimensional (3D) irrational sections of publications on QC raised from approximately 1800 to nD(n > 3) translationally periodic hypercrystal structures more than 8000. Several books have been published as well (see Steurer, Haibach, 2001, and references therein). All either focusing on physical properties of QC (Goldman, three of them form the class of known aperiodic crystals. Sordelet, Thiel, Dubois, 1997; Stadnik, 1999; Dubois, Even twenty years after the first publication on icosahe- Thiel, Urban, 1999; Belin-Ferre, Berger, Quiquandon, 2000; dral Al––Mn (Shechtman, Blech, Gratias, Cahn, 1984) and Suck, Schreiber, Ha¨ussler, 2002; Trebin, 2003) or on mathe- more than 8000 publications later, there is still not a single matical aspects (Axel, Gratias, 1995; Axel, Denoyer, Ga- QC structure known with the reliability that is normal in zeau, 1999; Baake, Moody, 2000; Kramer, Papadopolos, standard structure analysis. This is reflected, for instance, in 2003). A number of comprehensive review articels appeared the long-lasting and still ongoing discussion about the struc- in the last years on general aspects of QC (Yamamoto, ture of decagonal Al––Co––Ni, the best studied decagonal 1996b), decagonal QC (Ranganathan, Chattopadhyay, QC model system so far (see chapter Singh, Kelton, 1997), surface studies on QC (Diehl, Ledieu, Despite the more than 2000 papers on structural prob- Ferralis, Szmodis, McGrath, 2003; McGrath, Ledieu, Cox, lems of QC, only a few out of the approximately 50 stable Diehl 2002), electron-microscopic studies of QC (Hiraga, ternary and binary QC structures have been studied quanti- 2002), and many more. However, there was never a review tatively so far. The accurate knowledge of the structure since Steurer (1990) critically discussing the progress in and dynamical properties of at least one QC as a function structure analysis of QC in a comprehensive way. of temperature and pressure, however, is one of the prere- The review on QC structures will be published in two quisites for answering fundamental questions such as: parts. The present part I is dedicated to axial QC. In part II –– What governs formation and stability of QC? the structure of icosahedral QC will be reviewed. These –– Are QC entropy-stabilized high-temperature phases two reviews are aimed at taking stock of two decades of or are they a ground state of matter (thermodynami- combined effort of the QC community to solve the struc- cally stable at zero K)? ture of QC and to understand their formation and stability. –– Is the structure of QC quasiperiodic in the strict sense? –– Why only 5-, 8-, 10-, and 12-fold symmetries have been observed in QC (so far)? 2 Occurrence of axial quasicrystals What makes QC structure analysis so demanding is that it comprises the determination on atomic scale of both the QC, i.e. phases with diffraction patterns closely resem- short-range order (SRO) and long-range-order (LRO). bling those of quasiperiodic structures in the strict sense, SRO mainly refers to the atomic arrangement inside a unit have been found in approximately one hundred metallic tile or cluster (i.e. a recurrent structural building unit), systems. According to their diffraction (Fourier space) LRO to the ordering of the unit tiles or clusters them- symmetry, they are classified as icosahedral (i-), pentago- selves. The LRO of 3D periodic structures can definitely nal (p-), octagonal (o-), decagonal (d-) or dodecagonal be described by one of the 14 Bravais lattice types. In (dd-) phases. Also a few QC with crystallographic symme- case of QC, there are infinitely many different “quasilat- try, such as cubic, are known (Feng, Lu, Ye, Kuo, With- tices”, i.e. strictly quasiperiodic arrangements of unit tiles ers, van Tendeloo, 1990; Donnadieu, Su, Proult, Harmelin, or clusters, not to speak about other types of aperiodic Effenberg, Aldinger, 1996; Donnadieu, Harmelin, Su, Sei- structures (see, for instance, Axel, Gratias, 1995). Another fert, Effenberg, Aldinger, 1997). Quite a few QC were problem is that the inherent (?) disorder has to be consid- found to be stable at least at high temperature as far as it ered in structure analyses as well. A satisfactory QC struc- can be experimentally proved. Besides, there is a large ture solution will be based on experimental data from elec- number of metastable binary and ternary QC known, which tron microscopy, spectroscopy, surface imaging methods, can only be prepared by rapid solidification techniques. high-resolution diffraction methods and will include quan- Stable QC can reach a very high degree of perfection (sev- tum-mechanical calculations as well. eral micrometers correlation length). Large, millimeter- or Based on the structural studies published to date one even centimeter-sized single crystals have been grown of can summarize that: i-Al––Mn––Pd, i-Al––Pd––Re, i-Cd––Yb, i-Zn––Mg––Dy, –– The degree of perfection of several QC is compar- i-Zn––Mg––Ho, d-Al––Co––Cu and d-Al––Co––Ni.
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