Lt Governor Inaugurates 35 Power Projects Worth Rs 44.14 Cr In

Lt Governor Inaugurates 35 Power Projects Worth Rs 44.14 Cr In

()""")''# # #"! $ $""$" "& "!" "!"" !#" " #"!%"" ! $"'!"! #% $ !#"! JAMMU, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.195 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Lt Governor inaugurates 35 power projects PM inaugurates, lays worth Rs 44.14 cr in Jammu region foundation stones of projects worth 3<AC@7<5B7;30=C<21=; over Rs 1,500 cr in Varanasi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rmy opens fire after Pak quadcopter Aviation ministry issues draft rules to ensure spotted along LoC in Jammu Mobile phones, SIM 0/A71/::GA3<B4=@AC@ B3@@7B=@G /:=<5 B63 ease of using drones in India cards seized from ##* *" D37::/<13 =4 B63 /@3/ <B3@</B7=</: =@23@ 4=@;AB=0347::32B==>3@/B3 B632@=<3>=:71G3D3</4 /<13/113>B/<13=43F7AB7<5 B63GA/720:7<93@7<5 4@=;@<7/A31B=@0CB ," *" 2@=<3A 7< B63 1=C<B@G 6/A B3@B63/;;C7<1723<B0G 2@=<3A =>3@/B=@ >3@;7B )63@;G47@32=</ inmates in Jammu's E67B3:756BE/A23B31B @3B@3/B32 /4B3@ 7B E/A 033<@32C132B=A7F7<B63 6/D7<5/0/:/<132/>>@=/16 /CB6=@7A/B7=< =4 ' =@ %/97AB/<7 ?C/21=>B3@ 32<3/@B63/;;C7@ 47@32/B0GB63>3@A=< )6317D7:/D7/B7=<;7<7AB@G 2@/4B@=<3'C:3A 7< 03BE33<B6331=<=;7103< 5/<7A/B7=</<2ABC23<B@3 high-security /4B3@7BB@732B=D3<BC@3 =@13 (B/B7=< B63 <3:=4B63(<E6/B )6C@A2/G7AAC322@/4B@C:3A 1=;>/@7A=< B= 4=@;A 347BA/<2A31C@7BG1=<13@<A ;=B3>7:=B:713<137BA/72 7<B=B63<27/<B3@@7B= Kotbalwal Jail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