LEIA, A PRINCESS OF ALDERAAN SOURCEBOOK v1.01 01-20-20 By +Oliver Queen and Company 1 Captain Raym!" Antill#" A NOTE FROM EMPEROR ' human male$ 1aymu 'n!ille hail &rom !he in&luen!ial and peace&ul plane! o& 'lderaan. =e i chooled in diplomacy and OLLIE become a capable !ar hip pilo!. 0ven!ually$ he come !o work &or Well I am back. Been awhile ince I relea ed ome!hin". The !he =ou e o& Or"ana$ bein" en!ru !ed !o !ran por! i! member rea on$ burn ou!. I had been workin" non- !op on pro%ec! $ a! lea ! acro !he "alaxy. ' uch$ he erve in !he command !a&& o& !ha! i how i! &el!$ &or nearly !wo plu year . ' o!her who have 2ena!or Bail Or"ana, hu band to Queen Breha o& Alderaan. #oward collabora!ed wi!h me can te !i&y (preach i! baby!*, I am a machine. I !he end o& !he Clone War $ 'n!ille pilo!ed !he C1D0 corve!!e "e! in!o a pro%ec! and i! con ume me. I crank ou! a ma ive #an!ive III for Bail. amoun! o& con!en! in a hor! !ime. +n&or!una!ely$ no! pacin" your el&, you gue ed i! lead to burn ou!. Cap!ain 1aymu 'n!ille ; all !a! 23 excep! &or; bla !er ?3+2$ Which lead u !o !hi ourcebook. Thi ourcebook wa ,-. dod"e ?3$ melee comba! ?3$ Enowled"e 23+2$ bureaucracy A3$ &ini hed TWO /0'12 a"o. 3urin" !ha! !ime$ I wa unable !o mu !er law en&orcmen! ?3+1$ plane!ary ys!em -3$ !ac!ic ; pace !he crea!ive ener"y !o &ini h i!. Bu no! i! done and I hope you are A3+2$ Mechanical ?3$ a !ro"a!ion A3+1$ command A3$ 2!ren"!h able to u e some o& i! in your game . 23$ #echnical 23$ &ir ! aid ?3. Move; 10. 0Cuipmen!; 'lderaanian I !hink I have a be!!er work-&low and hope&ully we won4! ee me naval o&&icer uni&orm, comlink. drop o& the radar and have a sourcebook relea e for a few year . May the Force Be Wi!h You) S""a A"$"""#n ' male 6illi!har member o& !he 'ppren!ice 8e"i la!ure in ? BB/. =e par!icipa!ed in a pa!h&indin" cla or"ani<ed &or member o& !he +Oliver Ollie 8e"i la!ure by Queen Breha Or"ana o& 'lderaan. Prince 8eia Or"ana no!ed hi par!icipa!ion in the cla wa unu ual, a serpen!- hoo!in"wompra! 7"mail.com like pecie uch a !he 6illi!har did no! u ually en"a"e in pa!h&indin"$ which wa mo ! popular wi!h humanoid . PUBLISHER'S SYNOPSIS I! i 8eia Or"ana9 i:!een!h bir!hday and he par!icipa!e in !he 2 amm ' h en; all !a! 23 excep! &or; 3e:!eri!y ?3+1$ !radi!ional ceremony where he declare her in!en!ion !o one day Enowled"e ?3+2$ alien pecie ?3+1$ bureaucracy A3+1$ !ake !he !hrone o& 'lderaan. Bu! she9 much more concerned abou! cul!ure ?3+2$ lan"ua"e ?3+3$ law en&orcemen! A3$ plane!ary !he way her paren! are ac!in" la!ely: lo! o& mee!in" and la!e y !em ?3+2$ cholar; "alac!ic hi !ory ?3+2$ urvival A3+1$ dinner and no! !alkin" !o her a much a !hey u ed !o. 0ven!ually repul orli&! opera!ion 23+2$ @ercep!ion ?3$ bar"ain ?3$ command he di cover !he rea on &or !heir ecrecy: !heir involvemen! in !he ?3+1$ inve !i"a!ion ?3+1$ per ua ion ?3+1$ climbin"B%umpin" increa in"ly or"ani<ed rebellion. When 8eia decide !o become ?3+2$ wimmin" A3$ compu!er pro"rammin"/repair ?3$ &ir ! aid involved her el& in the fi"h! a"ain ! the Empire$ whe!her her paren! ?3$ ecuri!y ?3+1. 2'; @rehen ile !ail$ adhe ive ecre!ion. 5ove; approve or no!, she will have to prove to them tha! she i a valuable F. ECuipmen!: a e! who mu ! be allowed to take a s!and, re"ardle o& !he ri k !o her el&. =er !and will al o pu! her a! odd wi!h a paci&i ! youn" R#"" Batt#n 'lderaanian man who "ive 8eia her &ir ! ki …and her &ir ! real ' &emale human &rom !he plane! 'lderaan who erved a a lo . lieu!enan! aboard !he #an!ive IG. 2he accompanied Prince 8eia Or"ana !o Crai! where !hey unknowin"ly came acro a ba e bein" opera!ed by Or"ana9 fa!her$ Bail Or"ana. She wa la!er brou"h! in!o CHARACTERS !he rebellion by Cap!ain 1aymu 'n!ille shor!ly be&ore !he flee! wa Harp Allor evacua!ed from Paucri Ma%or. ' human &emale &rom !he plane! Chandrila. 2pon ored by Winmey 8en<$ a Chandrilan enior ena!or$ 'llor become a 1e Ba!!en; all !a! 23 excep! &or; 3e:!eri!y ?3$ bla !er A3+2$ member o& !he 'ppren!ice 8e"i la!ure in ? BB/. 2he i de cribed by dod"e -3$ in!imida!ion ?3$ lan"ua"e ?3+1$ law en&orcemen! &ellow 'ppren!ice 8e"i la!or Prince 8eia Or"ana a bein" &riendly ?3+2$ plane!ary ys!em A3+1$ Mechanical ?3$ and over-prepared$ and i one o& everal 'ppren!ice 8e"i la!or !o commumnica!ion ?3+2$ repul orli&! opera!ion ?3+1$ pace par!icipa!e in a pa!h&indin" cla or"ani<ed by Queen Breha Or"ana !ran por! A3+1$ !ar hip hield A3$ command -3$ per ua ion o& Alderaan. ?3+1$ brawlin" ?3$ #echnical 23+2$ compu!er pro"rammin"/repair ?3+2$ &ir ! aid ?3$ ecuri!y ?3+2$ pace !ran por! repair 43. Move: 10. =arp 'llor; all s!a! 23 excep! for: alien specie 33+1, bureaucracy 0Cuipmen!: ?3$ lan"ua"e ?3+2$ law en&orcemen! ?3+2$ plane!ary ys!em A3$ urvival 23+2$ repul orli&! opera!ion 23+2$ pace !ran por! 23+2$ inve !i"a!ion A3$ per ua ion 23+2$ climbin"B%umpin" Brill 23+2$ &ir ! aid 23+2. Move; 10. 0Cuipmen!; 'ppren!ice ' &emale #ar un! en"ineer aboard !he !ar hip Mi"h!y Oak le"i la!ure uni&rom, da!apad, comlink. 'pocalyp e, cap!ained by the Wookiee Loh"arra. 2 Brill; all !a! 23 excep! &or; dod"e 23+2$ melee comba! 23+2$ 3alne9 predece or $ !he la!e @admM 'midala$ who wa in &ac! plane!ary ys!em ?3$ a !ro"a!ion ?3$ repu lorli&! opera!ion ?3$ Or"ana9 bir!h mo!her$ and !ha! he wa in!endin" !o in&orm !he pace !ran por! ?3$ !ar hip "unnery ?3$ brawlin" 23+2$ 0mperor o& hi idea. Bo!h women !hen bore wi!ne !o @anaka9 repul orli&! repair ?3+2$ pace !ran por! repair A3+2. Move; 10. a a ina!ion by !he @ar!i an $ narrowly e capin" dea!h by !he kin 0Cuipmen!; 2pacer ou!&i!$ u!ili!y bel!$ backpack !oolbo:$ da!apad$ o& !heir !ee!h when !he 5o&&9 chale! wa de !royed by a bomb. comlink. Thou"h haken by @anaka9 murder$ Or"ana encoura"ed 3alnM !o !ake !he oppor!uni!y$ be&ore ano!her Imperial "overnor wa C%&PO appoin!ed, to en&orce mea ure to pro!ec! miner on Naboo9 moon Onoam. Thou"h !he youn" Cueen wa kep!ical o& ac!ually ' year a&!er !he end o& !he Clone War $ C-?PO erved aboard ucceedin", she none!hele re olved to do her be !. 2ena!or Or"ana9 C1,0 corve!!e #an!ive IG$ which wa cap!ained by Cap!ain Raymu 'n!ille . When R2-32 re!urned from a olo mi ion !o rende<vou wi!h !he &ormer Hedi @adawan 'h oka #ano and brin" Queen 3alnM; all !a! 23 excep! &or; bla !er ?3$ dod"e ?3+2$ her to Sena!or Or"ana$ C-?PO bera!ed hi a !romech companion. Enowled"e ?3$ bureaucracy -3+1$ bureaucracy: Naboo D3$ law en&orcemen! -3$ urvival ?3+2$ @ercep!ion ?3$ command L3$ command; Naboo 1oyal Iuard D3$ con -3+1$ con; di "ui e -3$ 2ee-Theepio per ua ion L3+1$ climbin"B%umpin" ?3+1. 5ove; 10. 0Cuipmen!; #ype; Cybo! Galac!ica 3PO Human-Cybor" Rela!ion Droid 1oyal Naboo garb, holdou! bla !er (A3*. 30J#01I#/ 23 3od"e 43 Kier Do a)i ENOW803I0 53+2 'lien 2pecie D3$ bureaucracy F3$ cul!ure F3$ lan"ua"e 123$ ' human male &rom !he plane! 'lderaan who$ alon" ide plane!ary sys!em 63, survival 53+2, value 53+2 @rince 8eia Or"ana$ repre en!ed 'lderaan in !he 'ppren!ice 50C='NIC'8 33 8e"i la!ure in ? BB/. +nlike mo ! o& !he o!her 'ppren!ice 1eul orli&! opera!ion 43 8e"i la!or $ 3omadi did no! in!end !o &ur!her hi career in poli!ic $ @01C0PTION ?3+1 in!endin" !o become a hi !orian peciali<in" in !he Clone War . =e Bar"ain 63, con 53 par!icipa!ed in Clone War reenac!men! $ u ually playin" !he role o& 2#10KI#= 23 a clone 2C+B' !rooper.
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