HomeLifeStyleHomeHomeLifeStyleLifeStyle FairfaxFairfax Page 9 Former Fairfax City Mayor Scott Silverthorne enjoying Old Town Square, which was ap- proved and built during his tenure. Classified, Page 14 Classified, ❖ Entertainment, Page 16 ❖ Opinion, Page 6 Silverthorne Is Home Again News, Page 3 Democrats, Republicans Elect State Finalists News, Pages 10-11 Cappies Gala Honors High School Theater News, Page 15 Photo by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection www.ConnectionNewspapers.comJune 15-21, 2017 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comFairfax Connection ❖ June 15-21, 2017 ❖ 1 5 2017 Special VIP Offer for your Toyota ALEXANDRIA TOYOTA 2 ❖ Fairfax Connection ❖ June 15-21, 2017 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Silverthorne Is Home Again Former City mayor sentenced to time served. By Bonnie Hobbs The Connection so many ways, a changed man – and in some ways, a much better man.” here’s rejoicing in the City of Briefly explaining what happened, Fairfax and among Scott Drummond said Silverthorne’s life was dif- TSilverthorne’s family members ficult, the past few years. A job loss in 2015 and friends. After being sen- led to financial problems and, eventually, tenced Friday to the three months in jail he’s Silverthorne lost his home and filed for already served on a drug-distribution charge, bankruptcy. As if that weren’t enough, he he was released to begin his life anew. also battled cancer. Through it all, he car- The former City mayor knows he has an ried out his mayoral duties. But one of the uphill battle to stay clean and away from ways he dealt with all these problems, said the meth addiction that, ultimately, caused Drummond, was “to suspend reality and use his previous life to implode, but he vows to a drug that was a temporary fix, but led do just that. And now that his family and him to ruin.” friends know about it, they’ll be there to “But let’s be clear – Scott Silverthorne is help him. They couldn’t before, because he not a drug dealer,” said Drummond. “This hid it from them. one transaction was totally out of charac- “I was in complete denial, truth be told, ter and would never have occurred if not that I had a problem,” said Silverthorne, 51. for a well-crafted, sting operation by law “And while it wasn’t a path I would’ve cho- enforcement. Virginia’s drug-distribution sen to get better, in terms of the arrest, I statute is very broad and encompasses be- will tell you that it probably saved my life.” havior ranging from persons manufactur- Although he didn’t flaunt it, those closest ing and distributing drugs for [financial] to him knew he was gay, but the drug use profit to our children and loved ones … to took everyone by surprise when it was re- people like Scott, who wasn’t profiting from vealed – and in dramatic fashion. Caught After being released from jail, Scott Silverthorne (on left) answers re- it, but just hoped to use a small amount.” in a police sting last August, Silverthorne porters’ questions while his attorney, Brian Drummond, listens. Drummond noted the many people who was arrested for selling less than a gram of Photos by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection wrote letters to the judge on Silverthorne’s crystal meth to undercover detectives who behalf, including prominent politicians, a he was led to believe would participate in college president and citizens whose life group sex with him and other men in ex- Silverthorne’s leadership improved. He then change for the drug. pointed to a large box containing the hun- Silverthorne spent most of his adult life dreds of cards and letters Silverthorne re- in public service to his hometown, the City ceived in jail from people encouraging him of Fairfax. He served 18 consecutive years to “hang in there” and “stay strong.” They on City Council and, in May 2016, was re- told him they still care about and are there elected to his third, two-year term as mayor. for him. So his arrest sent shockwaves through the Drummond then asked the 65 or so City and abruptly ended his career and life people – many wearing “silver for as he knew it. Silverthorne” ribbons – who’d come to court that day to support Silverthorne, to stand LAST FRIDAY, June 9, in Circuit Court, up, and they did. “These are people who Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney didn’t have to be here,” said Drummond. Kathleen Bilton said Fairfax County police “They wanted and needed to be here, to let detectives received information [last July] Scott know they’re here for him and won’t that Silverthorne was using a website “to give up on him.” trade meth for sex.” So an undercover de- He requested no special favors, just that tective set up a fake profile on that site to Carroll abide by the state sentencing guide- tempt him with the types of activities he lines, which recommended probation for was seeking. Silverthorne. “He has over 25 years of self- When Silverthorne responded, a meeting less, community service and has the love was arranged at a Tysons Corner hotel. The and support of nearly the entire commu- detective was to get a room there and bring nity,” said Drummond. “So I ask you to give another man with him, and Silverthorne him time served and probation.” was to bring two people and provide the drugs. But the whole thing was a set-up. Scott Silverthorne stands in front of the fountains at Old Town Square. SILVERTHORNE then stood and ad- On the evening of Aug. 4, 2016, two detec- dressed the judge. “Last August, my life tives gave him $200 which he used to buy changed forever,” he said. “But that change a bag of crystal meth from two other men turned, he attended Narcotics Anonymous that characterization of his client couldn’t and my public humiliation was probably the inside the hotel. After giving the bag to the meeting regularly. He also worked full time be further from the truth. best thing that ever happened to me. It was detectives, he and the two others were ar- in a hardware store in Maryland to make Calling Silverthorne one of the most a blessing in disguise because it forced me rested and charged with meth distribution. ends meet. But after pleading guilty in “well-liked and respected mayors in Fairfax to accept and admit that I’m an addict – Although released on personal recogni- court, March 13, he was immediately sent City history” and noting the many accom- and it’s the first time I’ve said that in pub- zance, Silverthorne resigned as mayor – to jail to await sentencing. plishments during his tenure, Drummond lic.” which was a huge blow to someone who In court last Friday, Bilton said he’d be- said Silverthorne “never, ever,” thought he’d He said he’s gotten help from drug-rehab loved the job as much as he did. But in- trayed the community’s trust and, instead be in in court this way. “Yet here we are,” professionals and support from friends, fam- stead of pitying himself, he was determined of protecting it, was “poisoning” it with said Drummond. “Scott is no longer mayor. ily and the community. But, he stressed, “I’m to change his ways. drugs. She then asked Judge Grace Carroll He’s a convicted felon, a victim of the de- a living example that addiction can affect He underwent residential meth-addiction to incarcerate Silverthorne for two years. mons that consumed him – of an addiction treatment in Minnesota and, when he re- But defense attorney Brian Drummond said that he long denied, but no longer. He is, in See Silverthorne, Page 4 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection ❖ June 15-21, 2017 ❖ 3 News ‘He Can Start Living His Life Again’ Silverthorne’s friends, family react to his sentence. By Bonnie Hobbs The Connection Minich said, “To admit your addiction to yourself is one thing, but doing it in public he night before Scott is another. If you hide it, you’ll keep on do- Silverthorne was to be sen- ing that. I think his sentence is fair, and I’m T tenced for a drug charge, a happy to have him physically back in our fellow jail inmate gave him a lives.” Lee Child novel to read. When he saw that Also delighted with the outcome was the title was “Gone Tomorrow,” he took it Silverthorne’s attorney, Brian Drummond. as a sign that, hopefully, the next day he’d “We were hopeful that Judge [Grace] be freed. Carroll would follow the Virginia sentenc- Yet there was no guarantee; and, both by Bonnie Hobbs/The Connection Photo ing guidelines for alternative punishment worried and excited, he couldn’t sleep that and give him time served and probation,” night, But on June 9 – to the great joy and said Drummond. “We’re pleased that she relief of Silverthorne and his supporters – did. Scott felt truly humbled – it’s humbling he was indeed released, after serving three to be in jail. This is a great day; Scott’s not months behind bars. only my client, he’s my friend.” “I feel like I can breathe again,” said his Also there was Antonio Lopez, who’s been sister-in-law, Mary Silverthorne, immedi- friends with Silverthorne for more than a ately afterward. “I’ve always felt like the decade. Lopez came to court last Friday person he hurt the most was himself.
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