***** tJ«»e6 8. Established SATURDAY IN SEPTEMBER June 23,1862. Tol. 7. PORTLAND, MORN G, 19, 1868. Terms $8,00 per annum, in ad tat nee. 1 HLK PORTLAND * EOUS. DAILY PRESS is published CO I A KTNE B8IIIP N OTICES. J1I8CELLAN SCHOOLS. TO LET. I'll paralleled Railroad Prsureu. every day (Sunday excepted,) at Ko. 1 Printers’ Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. DAILY PRESS. The Pacific railroad hastens toward com- N. A. Practical Bu.siue.ss Store to Let. FOSTER, PttOPBfElOK. Ii. TWOMBLYH Preparation, pletion. No enterprise of ancient or Notice. s, T0I4E now peaceful Dollars a C S. 'iEttMs:—Eight yeaT in advauce. IiAY and KVWffili occupied by T. Cobb, 3S5 Congress ('OHTLANO, Copartnership SESSIONS. Street. Possession in modern times was ever prosecuted with such Single copies 4 cents. given about one week.— Apply to J, s. CUSHMAN. energy and The two mountain We have this day formed a under the septl7dlt 1 persistence. TiiE MAINE STATE is copartnership INSURANCE AGENCY! PariB Street. PRESS, published at the firm name ot' IFIRE Corner’s Commercial i Morniiu, 19, 1868. ranges ol the Continent have been succeslul- sum*» bice every Thursday morning at $2.50 s year: College, Saturday Septeml-er it paid in advance $2.00 a To Let. ly and we shall have year. JAMES & WILLIAMS, BOSTON. crossed, within n year Cottage, containing e'glit rooms, with alia l Elect inn. Noe. '.kl. unbroken York Rates of Advertising.—One inch ot space, tn ful Preside Tuesdau, communication between New lor the tor 11,0 very generous reliance in ANEWStable attached, lor $2<H). Apply to bvigth ol column, con-tiluteaa “square." transaction ot tlie of Fire Insuraco at Fair Rates. reposed and Han All Kinds 111111 a of a iho sub GEO. K. DAVIS «Xr CO., Francisco. At the latest dates there SI.5U per square daily lirst week. 75 cents per ! imor-‘ quarter century, ■,c hopes, with increased experience and umir- seplG-dlw Dealers in Ke il Estate remained wu:k after; three insertions, or less. $1.00; continu- mg ptrotls;.1 only a gap of r>go miles between the tor ihe interests of his stud nts, to merit : JVoniimilioiiH. um every other day alter first week, 50 cents. Wood. Coal and Lumber business! iina Kaslcrn and levelvy a eonti-mance of c -nlhlence. Piano to Let! Western lions. The line is Halt square, three inseriions or less, .5 cents: one Corn Iai§« M. pot AT I Exeliesige Comp9y Y., GEORGEN. COMER. A M Prea’t. extended week, $1 00; 50 cents per week atter. SEVEN Octave Piano to let. App’y to being Ironi both directions as last as Under head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per square A GEO. It. DAVIS & ,, CO, means us or $1.50. 3 ££ Com mere in 2. foot of Park labor and can crude and the p°r week; three insert! less, Stmt) CATALOGUES and CIRCULARS, full in- sepMdlw No 1 Morton Block. lay track, Special squ ire ior the first and giving Notice**, $!.•■5 per Capital Surplus, $555,025.00. listo' Mr. Comer’s works oil PEN- Argus copy the Central Pacific and 25 cents ncr lor each PEBLEY’S WHARF. wixro?.".’.,sr,tl1 Company having in-onion, square subse- MANSHIP, BJOKKE RING, NAVIGATION, miies in a quent insertion, maiI> «r la- had free at the pit! dawn six single day. Adverfiscments inserted in llie E. 15. James. R. W. JJ.'.'A may College, Office Boom to Let. By “Maine State Williams. corner ol n Slrret, West this it is Press’’ (which has a large circulation in 7 Street, the close of year, thought the gap every part 1868. Insurance Co. hinilsli lurnitnre If wanted ot the State) tor $1.00 lor first insertion Portland, Sept. I, saptlGi2w Hoimmenial Fire. Baltimore, Apply at 79 per square “h*1""_aug26cod2' CANCommercial scp&V.>w‘ can be reduced fo less tltau S00 miles, possi- a id 50 cents per square lor each subsequent Riser st._ 6*oii. Notice. Capital and Surplus, $230,050.77. IPopflJsaafid Academy ! bly to less than 200. Copartnership T O llius the Pacific Wo .3 ft A- 3(» Dlitldl Nff’cct. LET! far, Central Company BUSINESS CAi£».%- have have sold their own First Mortgage Bonds, undersigned tiiis day formed a copart Atlantic Fire and Marine Ins. Baltimore. of Institution will comnicnco fpHE Comp’y, *r Ter,.n X net under the firm name i. aud Store No 57 ship of continue 12 weeks Only a limited Exchange St., as fast, or taster .ban they received the cor- b' :‘nd par'ieular allentimi -TOS. A. Capital and shciMn"1 r‘*Vive’1 on LOCKE, Surplus $,‘120,000. sausiaeiioii. Parents Mow Occupied by ii. I.. BuBcy. responding U. S. Bonds the road built, GREEN, FOGG Ac CO., 1l !, ene wishing lo eo lliui children to a ATTOHNEY AT | Private School, are renut sl- and an some cases it has been necessary to LAW, tor tlie purpose ot carrying on tlie beforc J. I> di F. Policies Issued ana Losses Paid at this Office. 1-riva1 e inaitr,ht I>rl",cil’:l1 ending elsewhere. FESSENDEN. lOO Street. Slvm in all branches issue Certificates calling lor the former, as Exchange lei ms ^ Aug 17-iltf $j.oo per week. •epl7-d2w* Coni, Hour a:id Fet’d Thanking the Public for the, r very liberal patronage soon as the Company could deliver them. It The is not that the whole QMKV 1*1'StE SMITH, Evening School connected wilh the above is improbable, therefore, business, a!. Stoic *0. 177 th? would solicit a continuance non open to the §toi*e lo Commercial Ht., past year, respectfully of public where any loanehes mav he ILel! of First Loan will Ik1 near the loot ot Cross, wheie will he to at the FOR PRESIDENT, their Mortgage disposed AT they pleased pursued option ol ihe student. Particular ar- COUNSELLOR LAW, wait upon their old friends and former their customers, favors, 0l*u ofbelore the through connection is made, Kooiu W, Old Hip.lf House, and all who may iavor them with a call. 2d over G. W. GREEN I'or lurllier Story Store, ULYSSES S. and perhaps before January next. The ad- ne|»9M8dlyr BOSTON, MASS. OFFICE 30 EXCHANGE particulars address, Phillips’ Drug GRANT, __ J. L. A I FOGG, ST., ,i’- ARRARKE, a. B. of these as well as much In- II. C. FREEMAN. ,,,„ 15 todtl Princi|ial, being 100 by 42 feet, and Laving in it OF ILLINOIS, vantages Bonds, Au, p. o. Box 933, DANA Portland, August 17,18G8. septlld2w PORTLAND, ALE. formation concerning the Road, is set forth FULLER, & FITZ TWENTY LARGE W1 NDO WS July 10-cod3m Oread FOR in our IMPORTERS OF Collegia’e Institute lor VICE-PRESIDENT, advertising columns of this issue. 1> i H s o I K J i O ti with a Iron, Steel, Tin Plates, Sheet very largo entrance on Middle St. Iron, Young Sadies! %Voaii«-ii rn f*riut«*r*. BEBfOVAIiS. lost Amt eowfttif. An Elevator in Ihe Item* uo<l SCHUYLER and Metals, firm of Jlanterlon A* Affleck. W lloiatiu" Ap- COLFAX, rpHE BAKERS, ORCESTER, MASS. at X at No 8 Anders n is this parntuN l*'ront Door. The is to be street, day dissolved by OF INDIANA. co-operative principle applied HO North fet., Aioston, mutual und the l“L;ins September 10.18(18. .send for consent, bu-iuess will be continued P4.LL,Term a » S.OSt! It is the best in c in San Francisco women in new at the old stand by JOHN B. MASTERTON S* sa LVE o V /\ W* K* GRfilSM, Principal. place the ity lor a wholesale Shoe, by dcpait- OFFER FOR SALE Sat22* °i«ne*(13in H it or Goods or All personsowing the 1 tie firm will make payment Sunday evening about 7{ o'clock, sonic where July rancy Store, any other light busi- meat of labor. Not since Mrs. Agnes B. Bast Refined Bar Iron, Tin ness, and will be let low. to For long Plates, to Mr. Mu'terton, who assumes all debts of the firm. ONbetween Dow and Park Streets, on Congress very Apply 1'lpclorKt Hoops, Bands and Scrolls, Terne Pin lei lor Roofing, Tba-kml for past Mr. MasUrton fff. M B R B W E B, Sn eer, a BLACK CRAPE VEIL. Phe finder will be Peterson, with a number of other respectable patron.ige. bc*s KaY’rOJV W. at Largu—GEORGE L. BEAL. Plate, Annie and T Iron, Eng. *»nd AmerlcanSlicet a continuance ot same. to re wanted it li- will F. PHILLIPS & CO. the ’(vac- essor J. Smith .& Co j suitably leave it at this office. women from the Kasteru Stales, arrived in Rivet Irvin. Swart lion. Iron, JOHN B. MASTERTON, September 14. dtf August 8,1808. cod2tu SAMUEL P. STRICKLAND. Bolt Iron, Spike Iron, Rusiaand RG Sheet Iron JAMES S. AFFLECK. & San and endeavored lo obtain em- and Railroad Family Bay School 1 e< District—'WILLIAM HO'tSON. Francisco, Ship Spikes. Imitation and French Pol- Sept 5,186S. sei 7dd3w* Manufacturer of Leather Joost! Oval and half round ished >.hcet Iron. Belling, Korridge Maine. TO 2«1 District—AMOS NoURSE. ployment as printers, they having learned the iron, Has removed board the Steamer Montreal (10m on nock, IjET. Shoe Shapes, Ho;so Galvanized Sheet lu Boston, Nails, Iron, Monday a sum of 3*1 District—DENNIS L. Ml LI I KEN. trade before to C'aliiornia. an * Sweeds lion Sheet ON night, money. As ii was all thoroughly going Norway Copper and Zinc.
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