Kanghaeng Wiw¿*Nhoe. (٢٠٠٠). ٢١-Segi

Kanghaeng Wiw¿*Nhoe. (٢٠٠٠). ٢١-Segi

.segi kug¿*hak ¿*i kwaje. S¿*ul T**¿*kpy¿*lsi, W¿*rin-٢١ .(٢٠٠٠) .segi Kug¿*hak ¿*i kwaje" Kanghaeng Wiw¿*nhoe-٢١" ( Delft, s.n. al-Lughah al-Mu&#x٠٢bc;*ab*iyah f*i naqsh M*isha* : dir*asah *sawt*iyah *sarf*iyah dal*al*iyah .(٢٠٠٠) .Ab*abinah, Y. h* muq*aranah f*i *daw&#x٠٢bc; al-fu*s*há wa-al-lugh*at al-S*am*iyah. Mu&#x٠٢bc;tah, J*ami*at Mu&#x٠٢bc;tah, *Im*adat al-Ba*hth al-*Ilm*i wa-al-Dir*as*at al-*Uly*a. al-Lughah al-Mu**ab*iyah f*i naqsh M*isha* : dir*asah *sawt*iyah *sarf*iyah dal*al*iyah muq*aranah f*i .(٢٠٠٠) .Ab*abinah, Y. h* *daw* al-fu*s*há wa-al-lugh*at al-S*am*iyah. Mu*tah, J*ami*at Mu*tah, *Im*adat al-Ba*hth al-*Ilm*i wa-al-Dir*as*at al-*Uly*a. F*i u*s*ul al-*hiw*ar wa-tajd*id *ilm al-kal*am. al-D*ar al-Bay*d*a*, al-Markaz al-Thaq*af*i .(٢٠٠٠) .Abd al-Ra*hm*an, T. a. a* al-*Arab*i. .Mas*alik al-dal*alah bayna al-lughaw*iy*in wa-al-u*s*ul*iy*in. Fès, *A.al-*H. al-*Alam*i .(٢٠٠٠) .Alam*i, A. a.-H. i* .Mas*alik al-dal*alah bayna al-lughawiy*in wa-al-u*s*ul*iy*in. 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T¿*ky¿*, Yagi Shoten .(٢٠٠٠) .tomo, H., Maeda Ikutokukai., et al*¿ Disorder versus order in brain function : essays in theoretical neurobiology. Singapore ; River .(٢٠٠٠) .rhem, P., C. Blomberg, et al*© Edge, NJ, World Scientific. ٣B : Central Greece from the Megarid to Thessaly. Ed. by P. M. Fraser,E. Matthews .A lexicon of Greek personal names = Vol .٢٠٠٠ with ass. of, R. W. V. Catling and the coll. of many scholars. Oxford: Clarendon Press . Acquisition and the lexicon. Ed. by Michael Broe, Janet B. Pierrehumbert . Cambridge: Cambridge UP. (Papers in laboratory .٢٠٠٠ . .(٥ ,phonology :Areal and genetic factors in language classification and description : Africa South of the Sahara. Petr Zima (ed.). München .٢٠٠٠ . .(٤٧ ,LINCOM Europa (Lincom studies in African linguistics Aspektualität in germanischen und slawischen Sprachen. Hrsg. von Andrzej Kątny . Poznań: Wyd. Naukowe Uniw. im. Adama .٢٠٠٠ . .(٤٦ ,Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Seria Filologia Germańska Assessing ethnolinguistic vitality : theory and practice. Ed. by Gloria E. Kindell ;, M. Paul Lewis . Dallas, TX: SIL International .٢٠٠٠ . .(٣ ,Publications in sociolinguistics) . Česká bible Hlaholská (bible Vyšebrodská). Vyd. Ludmila Pacnerová . Praha: Euroslavica .٢٠٠٠ . Ed. Zdeňka Hladká, Petr Karlík .١٩٩٩ .١١ .١٩-.١٧ Sborník konference ve Šlapanicích u Brna : ٢ Čeština - univerzália a specifika .٢٠٠٠ Brno: Masarykova univ. / Clitic phenomena in European languages. Ed. by Frits Beukema, Marcel den Dikken . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Linguistik aktuell .٢٠٠٠ . .(٣٠ ,Linguistics today Complementation : cognitive and functional perspectives. Ed. by Kaoru Horie . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Converging evidence in .٢٠٠٠ . .(١ ,language and communication research Degrees of restructuring in creole languages. Ed. by Ingrid Neumann-Holzschuh, Edgar W. Schneider . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٠ . .(٢٢ ,Creole language library) . .Diachronic syntax : models and mechanisms. Ed. by Susan Pintzuk ;, George Tsoulas ;,Anthony Warner. Oxford: Oxford UP .٢٠٠٠ .Events as grammatical objects : the converging perspectives of lexical semantics and syntax. Edited by Carol L. Tenny, James D .٢٠٠٠ . .(١٠٠ ,Pustejovsky . Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications (CSLI lecture notes Evidentials : Turkic, Iranian and neighbouring languages. Ed. by Lars Johanson, Bo Utas . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Empirical .٢٠٠٠ . .(٢٤ ,approaches to language typology ,; Functional approaches to language, culture and cognition : papers in honor of Sydney M. Lamb . Ed. by David G. Lockwood .٢٠٠٠ . .(١٦٣ ,Peter H. Fries ;, James E. Copeland . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory History and perspectives of language study : papers in honor of Ranko Bugarski . Ed. by Olga Mišeska Tomić ;, Milorad .٢٠٠٠ . .(١٨٦ ,Radovanović . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory . .(Jazyk o jazyke. Pod obščim rukovodstvom i red. N. D. Arutjunovoj. Moskva: Jazyki russkoj kul´tury (Studia Philologica .٢٠٠٠ Kommentiertes Wort- und Formenverzeichnis des altkirchenslavischen Codex Assemanianus = Linguae Slavicae veteris dialecti .٢٠٠٠ Codicis Assemaniani indicem verborum et formarum commentario ornatum. Unter Mitw. von Eva-Maria Kintzel und, Anke Schröder . .(٤٣ ,erstellt von, Christoph Koch . Freiburg i. Br.: Weiher (Monumenta linguae Slavicae dialecti veteris. Fontes et dissertationes :Language and politics : Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Scotland. Ed. by John M. Kirk, Dónall P. Ó Baoill . Belfast .٢٠٠٠ . .(١ ,Cló Ollscoil na Banríona (Belfast studies in language, culture and politics Language awareness : a history and implementations. Ed. by Lana J. White ;, Bruce Maylath ;, Anthony Adams ;, Michel .٢٠٠٠ Couzijn . Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP. (Studies in language & literature). Language change and language contact in pidgins and creoles. Ed. by John H. McWhorter . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Creole .٢٠٠٠ . .(٢١ ,language library Language processing and simultaneous interpreting : interdisciplinary perspectives. Ed. by Birgitta Englund Dimitrova, Kenneth .٢٠٠٠ . .(٤٠ ,Hyltenstam . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Benjamins translation library Lexical specification and insertion. Ed. by Peter Coopmans ;, Martin Everaert ;, Jane Grimshaw . Amsterdam: Benjamins .٢٠٠٠ . .(١٩٧ ,Current issues in linguistic theory) .Ed .١٩٩٨ Lexicology, semantics and lexicography : selected papers from the fourth G. L. Brook symposium, Manchester, August .٢٠٠٠ . .(١٩٤ ,by Julie Coleman, Christian J. Kay . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory Metaphor and metonymy at the crossroads : a cognitive perspective. Ed. by Antonio Barcelona. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Topics .٢٠٠٠ . .(٣٠ ,in English linguistics . .Polysemy : theoretical and computational approaches. Ed. by Yael Ravin, Claudia Leacock . Oxford: Oxford UP .٢٠٠٠ . .Portuguese syntax : new comparative studies. Ed. by João Costa . Oxford: Oxford UP .٢٠٠٠ Possessive markers in Central Pacific languages. Ed. Steven Roger Fischer . Berlin [cont. of ZPSK], Berlin: Akademie Verlag .٢٠٠٠ . .(٤-٣/٥٣ ,Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung) Processes of language contact : studies from Australia and the South Pacific. [Ed. by] Jeff Siegel . Saint-Laurent: Fides (Collection .٢٠٠٠ champs linguistiques). .Ed .١٩٩٦ ,Research in Afroasiatic grammar : papers from the third conference on Afroasiatic languages, Sophia Antipolis, France .٢٠٠٠ . .(٢٠٢ ,by Jacqueline Lecarme ;, Jean Lowenstamm ;, Ur Shlonsky . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory Stability, variation and change of word-order patterns over time. Ed. by Rosanna Sornicola ;, Erich Poppe ;, Ariel Shisha-Halevy .٢٠٠٠ . .(٢١٣ ,Amsterdam: Benjamins (Current issues in linguistic theory . Studi di dialettologia araba. A cura di Lidia Bettini . Roma, Roma: Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino (Oriente moderno : rivista .٢٠٠٠ . .(١/١٩ ,mensile d'informazione e di studi per la diffusione della conoscenza dell'Oriente sopra tutto musulmano. Nuova serie Tense and aspect in the languages of Europe. Ed. by Östen Dahl . Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Empirical approaches to language .٢٠٠٠ . .(٦ ,typology Textsorten : kommunikationslinguistische und konfrontative Aspekte. Wolf-Dieter Krause (Hrsg.). Frankfurt am Main: Lang .٢٠٠٠ . .(٣٣ ,Sprache) The king’s dictionary : the Rasûlid hexaglot : fourteenth century vocabularies in Arabic, Persian, Turkic, Greek, Armenian and .٢٠٠٠ Mongol. Transl. by Tibor Halasi-Kun ;, Peter B. Golden ;, Louis Ligeti ;,Edmund Schütz ; with introductory essays by Peter B. ,Zentralasien .٨ .Golden ;, Thomas T. Allsen ; ed. with notes and comment. by Peter B. Golden. Leiden: Brill (Handbuch der Orientalistik . .(٤ The lexicon-encyclopedia interface. Ed. by Bert Peeters . Amsterdam: Elsevier (Current research in the semantics/pragmatics .٢٠٠٠ . .(٥ ,interface . The proceedings of the thirtieth annual child language research forum. Ed. by Eve V. Clark . Stanford, CA: CSLI .٢٠٠٠ Translating native Latin American verbal art. Ed. by Kay Sammons ;, Joel Sherzer . Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution .٢٠٠٠ Press . Ed. by Andrew Chesterman, Natividad .١٩٩٨ Translation in context : selected contributions from the EST congress, Granada .٢٠٠٠ . .(٣٩ ,Gallardo San Salvador, Yves Gambier . Amsterdam: Benjamins (Benjamins translation library .Ukrajins´ka mova : encyklopedija. [Red. kolehija: Rusanivs´kyj, V. M. (spivholova) ; Taranenko,,O. O. (spivholova) ;,Zjabljuk, M .٢٠٠٠ P. (zastupnyk holovy) ; Karpilovs´ka,, Je. A. (vidpovidal´nyj sekretar) ; Vychovanec´, I. R.,,Hrycenko, P. Ju. ; Jermolenko, S. Ja.,,Zadunajs´ka, L. M. ; Klymenko, N. F.,,Mel´nyčuk, O. S. ; Nimčuk, V. V.,,Pivtorak, H. P. ; Skljarenko, V. H.,,Tkačenko, O. B.]. Kyjiv: Ukrajins´ka encyklopedija . Han-Zang, Miao-Yao tongyuanci zhuanti : ٢ = Han-Zangyu yanjiu de lishi huigu : ١ = Han-Zangyu tongyuanci yanjiu .٢٠٠٤ ;٢٠٠١ ;٢٠٠٠ . Han-Zangyu yanjiu de fangfalun tansuo. Bāngxīn Dīng ;, Hóngkāi Sūn zhu bian. Nanning: Guangxi minzu chubanshe : ٣ = yanjiu . A cura di Elda Morlicchio .٥-١ .LEI: Lessico etimologico italiano : germanismi = Vol. I, Fasc .٢٠٠٩ ;٢٠٠٧ ;٢٠٠٣ ;٢٠٠٢ ;٢٠٠٠ Wiesbaden: Reichert (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz). .Al-bad*i' f*i 'ilm al-'arab*iya .(٢٠٠٠) A b- st*ir, M. a. i. M. h. a.-Š. a. i. a.-G. i. A. u. a.-S. a. a. M. g. a.-D. i. i.

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