School Annual of the J.B. V.M. in Australia Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission by Post as a periodical. December, 1957 ror~to i11 wfi icA is inc01poratecf I Gucafyp tus GBfossorns I I I ( tsS6- '/924) 8choo f e,,4nnua f o/ tfie e9.Gf3.7J .3tl. in e,,4ustralia " T ache, toi, d'etre uaillante et bonne - ce sont !es grand es t qualites des femmes. " t -Fenelon. i I I "/)ece111Cer l .9:i 7 I 1 i t I t 1 •.•~t 1 - l - l - fl -l l -.-t l _ l __, __ .._..~---- · - · ~--- 1 --- · - · -- 1 - 11 - 11 -1 1 _ 1 __1 _ 1__ ._ ll- Cl- I·:·' The Novitia t e : In the right foreground is the m a in Convent building, to which the Novitia t e is joined by a covered w a y. Looking towa rds t he Harbour from a balcony. The Bridge is in the ba ckground on the left. [Kindly photographed by R ev. R. Nolan. The Novitiate of the 1.8.V.M. (Loreto), Australia, at Loreto Convent, Normanhurst, Sydney. - tl-t l-l)- t)- 11- ll- ll_ O _ ll- tl- t lo+!• -r·- ··-··-·- ··-·-·- ··-·- ··-· i i i I i I i i MARY W ARD Foundress of the I B.V.M. I I I i I ( 1585-1645) i i i i i i I I i i I i i I I I Editorial ... i I i I The Loreto Federation of Australia is to hold its second i i i annual conference in Adelaide in November. Reference to its i I programme is made on another page of this magazine, which 'i i I I goes to our readers under the patronage of Our Lady and of the i Venerable Mother Mary Ward. i I i I The theme of the conference is THE LORETO GIRL IN THE i I WORLD TO-DAY-a theme that should appeal not only to Loreto I I Old, and present, Girls, but also to the parents of all our pupils. I In its wider implication the theme means, of course, THE I Ii I CATHOLIC WOMAN IN THE WORLD TO-DAY. i I I i W e shall be pardoned if we1give our attention to cultivating, I i with care, our own plot so that we may contribute a valuable I I I I crop to the general harvest of good works in Australia. We i should often bring back our minds to the fundamental truth, i I that we DO good by BEING good. At least .we shall make a cell I I I of good living in a materialistic world. i I i I In every State in Australia Loreto Old Girls are an encour­ i I aging influence in civic life. That is one of the reasons why I I I the Loreto Federation should be a rallying point for all our past i I pupils. The forthcoming conference in Adelaide, with its i promise of a thoughtful interchange of ideas, will touch not only i I women educated at Loreto, but the whole community of Catholic I women in Australia. I I - I ·:·~- ) - ) - \) - l l - fl _ l _ f l - l l - tJ - 11 -~~ ) - ) - l) __l _ f) - ·) - l) -~ l l - ll - ll - ll - ll - f~ - \) - ) - l ) - ) -~ ) ~~~u.-..·:· l-·--·--·- ··- ··- ·- ··- ··-··- ··- ·- ··- ·- ··- ··- ·- ·- ··- ·- ··- ·- ·- ··- ··- ·- ··- ····-·- ·- ··- ·- .. - ·· - · -- · -·--i,~ I CONTENTS 1 ~ , EDITORIAL . 3 I Ii THE LORETO FEDERATION OF AUSTRALIA 5 I i PICTURES: MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT 6 i I SCHOOL VIGNETTES 8 O' r Lady of Altoetting. The Fathers' Club, Marryatville. I A Garland of History (celebrating Kirribilli's Jubilee). I School Diaries. I PICTURES : LORETO, DAWSON STREET, BALLARAT 16 ~ · THIS AUSTRALfA: 21 I The Salvado Saga, by M. lVI. Aiden, l.B.V.M. I I Speak for Australia. I (Address given at the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce) . I Other School Contributions. I PICTURE: LORETO, PORTLAND 27 I THE HOME CIRCLE . 28 I PICTURES: LORETO, NORMANHURST 30 I TRAVELLERS' TALES 34 PICTURES: LORETO, KIRRIBILLI 40 MEMORY PICTURES 45 PICTURES: LORETO, CLAREMONT .. 51 VIEWS AND OPINIONS .. 53 FROM THE EDITOR'S ANTHOLOGY: 58 I Horses on the Camargue (illustrated by Mary Nathan) I PICTURES: LORETO, NEDLANDS 59 INTERESTING PEOPLE: 62 I Cinema Report from Madrid. I I My Missionary Brother (the Rev. H. Hendricks, S.J.). Group-Captain Cheshire, V.C., D.S.O., D.F.C. Letter from David Wilson Fletcher (English author in India) School Contributions. 70 I 71 76 Loreto's Interest in the Dalai Lama of Tibet. Greeting from Princess Shanti of Nepal. I Goodbye to the Cedars. I Loreto (I.B.V.M. ), Mauritius. I I PICTURES: LORETO, TOO RAK 81 I AMONG OUR OLD GIRLS: 90 I Reports from the Associatiom. I I The Loreto Free Library and the Theresian Club. I I A World of Books by Philippa O'Leary, B.A. I I PICTURES: LORETO, BRISBANE 95 I PICTURE: ST. MARY'S HALL . 99 i I OBITUARY 100 ! L---·--:~:~ .=~~~:.~=~:~~. ~. : . :::~:::.~:.~ . __ _:_ __ J LORETO The Loreto Federation of Allstralia REPORT FOR 1957 Upon r eading the Third Annual R e port of the Federation early this yea1· His Excellency the Apos­ tolic D elegate to Australia, Dr. Romolo Carboni, wrote to u s in flattering term . In his le tter h e said "The firm link be tween the past students of Loreto Convents throughout Australia is an example and an inspiration." This statem e nt is a great compli­ ment lo such a young body, and it also sp eaks highl y for the manne 1· in which the Federation was estab­ lished and illustrates the ready co-ope ration and lively interest on aJl sides which have assiste d u s in Adelaide. During 1956 the Federation ask ed its m e mbe rs and aJl present pupils to pray for Lore to in India. A special day- August 15th- was set aside for this pur­ po e and the i·esponse to our r equest was most grati­ THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE LORETO fying- 1850 past pupils and 14.75 present pupils FEDERATION offered prayers for our s pecial inte ntion. Of this BACK ROW: Mrs. Bryan Rofe (W .A.), Mrs. Ansell Britten J ones effort His ExceJlency said in his le tte r, " I was delight­ (Mary's Mount), Mrs. V. A. Hart (Kirribilli) , Miss M. Murray (Brisba ne), Mrs. J . Pian to (Marryatville) , Mrs. F . K elly ed to note that special efforts for the Miss ions in (Normanhurst), Mrs. RI. Harman (Dawson St.) . India were made during the past year. The mis­ FRONT ROW : M iss J . H oll a nd (Executive Officer), Miss R. B. Rice North (President), Mrs. K. M. O gglesby (Treas urer), Mrs. sionary duties, obligations and privileges of Austra­ D . R. Coles (Toorak) . lian Catholics towards the countries to the near North and towards Asia arc becoming b ette r known and appreciated. Congratulations are therefore deserved The second conference of the Federation will be by the Loreto Federation in spreading the awareness h eld in Adelaide in November of this year. The of the essential missionary c harac te r of the Church." the m e of the Confere nce which will be dealt with This year the spiritual aim of the Federation is to in a series of talks and discussions will be "Th e pray for aJl peoples oppressed by Communism and Lore to Girl in the World Today." The various talks again August 15th has been set aside for tha t pmpose. unde r this h eading will be " H er Place in the Home., The appeal for the n ew Novitiate at Norman­ to be given by a delegate from Brisbane. " Her Place hurst which the Federation sponsore d among the in Church Activities- h er public and private activ­ constituent A ssociations brought in a total of ities" (Dawson St.). " H er Role in Community and £2,636-0-2, the individual donations being: Civic Affairs" (Weste rn A ustralia ) . " The Creative Arts in Her Life" (Mary's Mount) . "Th e Catholic \Vcste n1 Au£tralia .. £ 330 19 3 Student" (Normanhurst ) . "Th e Career \Voman .. Dawson Stree t, Ballarat 181 0 0 (Kirrihilli ) . "Th e Catholic Woman in PoliticE-·· (Toorak ) . " Her Apprecia tion and Participation in Brisbane .. 50 0 0 the Liberal Arts" (Marryatvillc). Marryatville . 50~ 18 7 The suggestion that a section b e set aside in the Toorak . ... £1119 2 4 magazine for reports from the past pupil associations Normanhurst .. 34.5 0 0 came from the F ederation. The ed itor r eceived thi ~ Kirribilli . 100 0 0 idea with graciousn ess and enthusias111 and this is the The code for the b ehaviour and entertainment first edition of the magazine to have this section. W e of young p eople drawn up at the Melbourne Confer­ hope that the magazine will nov,r find its w ~v into the ence was circulated to all Past Pupil Associations and homes of those past pupils throughout Australia and Parents and Friends' Associations connected with our even be yond our shores who have not the interest of Convents with suggestions for spreading its message sons and daughters at Lore to. as widely as possible. W e hope that the combin ed RITA B. RICE NORTH, influence of all our m embers and the pare nts of President. present pupils themselves wiJl in due course be fell North Adelaide, in society. South Australia. 5 LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA MATRICULATION, LEAVING AND INTERMEDIATE CLASSES BACK ROW (left to right) : J.
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