Volume 47 • Number 3 2019 ASA Election Results SA is pleased to announce the 2020, following a year of service Committee on Committees, six inside Aresults of the 2019 as President-elect and members of the Committee on ASA election. Thank you Vice President-elect Nominations, and three members to all the candidates who (2019-2020). Morris will of the Committee on Publications 2 Bessen-Cassino Selected generously volunteered chair the 2021 Program In announcing the results of the as the Next Editor of their service, and con- Committee that will election, Secretary Nancy Lopez Contemporary Sociology gratulations to the new shape the ASA Annual and Executive Director Nancy Kidd members of our leader- Meeting program in extended their heartiest congratu- Melamed and Vuolo ship team. Chicago, August 7-10, lations to the newly elected leaders 2 Named the New Aldon Morris, 2021. and their appreciation to all ASA Northwestern University, Aldon Morris Members also elected members who have served the Editors of Sociological has been elected the 112th four new Council Association by running for office Methodology President of the American Members-at-Large: Ruha and voting in this election. Sociological Association, Benjamin (Princeton President-Elect 5 Bystander Intervention and Rhacel Salazar University), Laura Prevention Strategies as Parrenas, University of Hamilton (University One-year term as President-Elect, a Solution to Addressing Southern California, of California-Merced), one-year term as President, and one- Sexual Harassment and has been elected Vice Maria Krysan (University year term as Past President Assault President. of Illinois at Chicago), Aldon Morris, Northwestern Professors Morris and Rhacel Salazar Parreñas Vincent Roscigno (Ohio University Parrenas will assume State University). Also Congratulations to Our their respective offices in August elected were four members of the Continued on Page 14 6 New Minority Fellows! Announcing MFP Cohort 46 Task Force on Contingent Faculty 2019 ASA Award 7 The Latino Population in New York City Employment in Sociology Report Recipients he ASA will present the 2019 Thank You, ASA Gets Strong Support from Council 8 Tawards at this year’s Annual Members! n early 2016, ASA Council The American Sociological Meeting in New York City on Iappointed a task force “to explore Association Task Force on August 11. Congratulations to all of the dynamics and implications of Contingent Faculty was our distinguished winners. the recent growth of contingent appointed to address the ongo- W.E.B. Du Bois Career of employment among sociologists in ing shift in academia toward Distinguished Scholarship Award the context of the broader structural contingent faculty employ- transformations now underway in ment. According to the GAO, Harvey L. Molotch, New York Announcements ................................. 16 U.S. universities and in compar- between 1995 and 2011, full-time University Obituaries .............................................. 21 ison to other disciplines.” And in tenure-track positions fell from The W.E.B. March 2019, Council approved the 42% to 28% of all instructional Du Bois Award final report from the Task Force on positions in the United States. recognizes an Contingent Faculty The task force And according to 2015 data from ASA mem- was co-chaired by the late Dan the Integrated Postsecondary ber whose Clawson and Louis Edgar Esparza, Education Data System, part- cumulative and included members Marisa time and full-time non-tenure body of work has significantly Allison, Celeste Atkins, Michael track faculty comprise 61% of Harvey L. Molotch Burawoy, Jay R. Howard, Penny instructional positions at four- advanced the Lewis, Ruth Milkman, Catherine year institutions, 84% at two-year discipline. This Moran, Gillian Niebrugge-Brantley, institutions, and over 99% at year’s awardee, Harvey Molotch, Nicholas Pagnucco, and Victor Perez. for-profit institutions. This has embodies this criterion. As his 10 The Executive Summary of the profound implications for faculty nominators eloquently expressed in report articulately and concisely working conditions, career their letters of support for him, he outlines the richness of the material prospects for graduate students, is a giant in the discipline who has in the full report: helped to move established fields Continued on Page 17 Continued on Page 4 footnotes To view the online version, visit <www.asanet.org/news-events/footnotes/> 1 American Sociological Association footnotes.asanet.org ASA and Advocacy Efforts for Social Science and the Humanities in Washington, DC n spring 2019, ASA supported ties. In addition, ASA sponsored an attendees who Iseveral advocacy efforts for social exhibit at the Coalition for National would meet science and the humanities in Science Funding (CNSF) Capitol Hill with members Washington, DC. As an organiza- Exhibition and Reception. In each of Congress tional member of both the National instance, staff members from the or their staff. Humanities Alliance (NHA) and ASA office attended or hosted events Advocates the Consortium of Social Science and worked directly with NHA, also met with Associations (COSSA), these efforts COSSA, and CNSF colleagues to their groups to included attending NHA’s 2019 highlight sociology’s contribution to discuss strategy, Annual Meeting and Humanities present and future policy priorities. logistics, and Day and taking part in COSSA’s At NHA’s Annual Meeting and compelling Social Science Advocacy Day activi- Humanities Day, March 11-12, examples Advocates at the COSSA Social Science Advocacy Day. meeting of National of another sociologist, Lori Peek, attendees heard Endowment for the Humanities University of Colorado-Boulder, presentations (NEH)-supported work and impact titled “CONVERGE: Coordinated on making the areas to educate Congress about the Social Science, Engineering, Natural case for study- role of the NEH. The Humanities Science, and Interdisciplinary ing the human- Advocacy Day participants urged Extreme Events Research.” For more ities, then Members of Congress to sign on to information on CNSF, visit cnsf.us. broke out into letters requesting increased funding That same week, COSSA held its smaller training for humanities programs, resulting largest-ever Social Science Advocacy sessions on in significant bipartisan support. For Day, on May 1. More than 70 social promoting more information about NHA, visit and behavioral science researchers, the human- www.nhalliance.org. stakeholders, and advocates met ities designed The Coalition for National Science with their members of Congress or Michael Massoglia, University of Wisconsin-Madison, presenting at the for those Funding (CNSF) held its 25th their staff to advocate for funding for 2019 CNSF Exhibition. Annual Exhibition and Reception federal agencies and programs that on Capitol Hill, titled “Building support social and behavioral science Sixth the Future: Federal Investments in research. Advocates from 20 states Edition! Science, Engineering and Education,” converged on Capitol Hill, complet- ASA Style Guide on April 30. The event annually ing 77 individual meetings. Materials 163 pages, March 2019, ISBN 978-0-912764-55-9 showcases research made possible used to help articulate the value of $15 ASA members; $30 non-members (includes shipping) by the National Science Foundation social science research are available (NSF), and this year ASA sponsored on the COSSA website (www.cossa. The expanded sixth edition of the an exhibit by Michael Massoglia, org.) The previous day, COSSA ASA Style Guide features guidelines University of Wisconsin-Madison, hosted an Advocacy Day seminar, for the most common situations titled “Linking Violence and featuring a kickoff presentation encountered by authors and editors Migration: Evidence from Mexico.” from Alan Leshner, CEO Emeritus in the ASA journal publication In addition, the 2019 CNSF of the American Association for the process. It is designed to serve as the exhibition also included the work Advancement of Science. authoritative reference for writing, submitting, editing, and copyediting manuscripts for journals and other 2019 Guide to Graduate Departments materials using or requiring ASA of Sociology style. 408 pages, April 2019 $34 ASA members; $54 non-members; $24 student members New features include additional Purchase your copy of the 2019 ASA Guide to Graduate Departments of Sociology today! A best seller for many years, this invaluable information on grammar and style, reference has been published by the ASA since 1965 and provides comprehensive information for academic administrators, advisers, revisions to reference formatting, and the use of electronic, digital, faculty, students, and a host of others seeking information on social and social media sources. science departments in the U.S., Canada, and abroad. Included are listings for 191 graduate departments of sociology. In addition to name and rank, faculty are identied by highest degree Order your copy today from the ASA store at held, institution and date of degree, and areas of specialty interest. Special programs, tuition costs, types of nancial aid, and student www.asanet.org/store. Also available in Kindle e-book format at enrollment statistics are given for each department, along with a listing of recent PhDs with dissertation titles. Indexes of faculty, special Amazon.com. programs, and PhDs awarded are provided. 1430 K Street NW, Suite 600 1430 K Street NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 Washington, DC 20005
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