ACiVd811 Editorial "ld30 SNOI1ISlnOJV Let's Help Karl wsc Who's Invited: You, you and you! What: Karl Hansen Benefit Show! When: Wednesday, May 16 Place: Bohler Gymnasium Time: 7:30 p. m. This may read as an invitation, but it's more than just that, it's an opportunity-an opportunity to attend a huge talent show, featuring outstanding acts from all over cam- Vol. LXII Pullman, Washington, Tuesday, May 15, 1956 Number 106 pus, but much more important, it's an opportunity to do something worthwhile and to HELP! Yes, to help a person who until February 21 was an ac- Michigan Judge tive student on this campus, well-liked by those who knew Political Wheels Attempt him and an honor student and mathematician with a brilliant Selected for WSC future in his field. Open Horse Show For almost three months, Karl Hansen has been stretched Cut on Convention Horseplay out on a traction bed in the Sacred Heart hospital in Spo- Another authority on horses By Arthur Edson tions with a m irrirnurn of horse- from across the nation has been play and hokum. contracted to judge this year's AP Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON (iP) - Officials .They want to cut down on the Open Horse Show and Judging incredible number of speeches, School, May 25-27. of both major political parties said Monday they hope to run and their interminable length. Professor Byron H. Good, asso- off this year's national 'conven- They want to put some limits ciate professor of animal hus- on the manufactured mass fren- bandry, Michigan State Univers- zy that seizes a convention after ity, will be one of the head judg- every nominating speech. es at the annual affair, said to be the largest of its kind in Blood Drive Held They want to abolish the pub- America. lic polling of individuals in state delegations. The WSC Horse show draws All these, you understand, are exhibitors from all of the west- Today In Cub hopes. ern states and Canada. Last year nearly 300 top show horses By Mary Lu Livesay Four years ago, III similar at- of all breeds were entered in the Five hundred pints is the goal tacks of hopefulness, both par- three-day event. of the all campus blood drive ties announced that because tele- The show requires a panel of which starts today. Held in the vision time was precious every judges who are specialtsts on CUB lounge and browsing library meeting would start on the dot. certain breeds ,of horses and the junior class sponsored drive But the Democratic national types of showing. Good will work lasts today and tomorrow. committeewoman from Callforn- ia, Mrs. Clara Shirpser , has tQI~ with Mrs. Claude H. Drew, Col- Blood donated by students of Rep. Jimmy Roosevelt D-Calif. umbia Missouri, in placing the WSC is considered as a donor that she will try to get the Demo- classes which include everything pool from which all students and cratic convention to: from Palominos and parade hors- faculty may draw during a one 1. Limit demonstrations to 15 es to tiny Hackney pomes. year period. Included in those el- minutes, and bar parading in the Special drawing cards of the igible to receive credit are the aisles. affair are the c~i~dren.'s horse-I immediate families of the stu- 2. Invite each candidate who manship competltlOn, III WhICh dents and those of faculty mem- gets 15 per cent of the vote on the riders - not the horses - bel'S. the first ballot to appear in per- are judged; and a two-day judg- The Red Cross Regional Blood son and address the convention. ing school, designed for training center will transfer credit as re- in selecting and showing saddle quested to hospitals or blood horses. 'Both amateur and pro- banks where the transfusion is fessional horsemen enter the received. Through the nationwide Senior Con Ball judging school and show. Red Cross reciprocity program The WSC Open Horse Show is this is possible. Donners are be- Heads Agenda sponsored by the animal husban- ing notified of the time they may dry depa.rtrnent; with assistance donate. Senior Week, May 14 through fro-m the Pullman Cnamber of All blood drawn at WSC has 19, is in honor of the 1956 grad- Commerce. been sent directly to the defense uating class and will include the The twin events are almost en- Ia.bor atorv before. This year the senior convocation and the sen- tirelv under student manage- blood will be used locally in the ior ball. ment, yet is gaining national rep- civilian program. Should a <;le- The senior convocation is utation for its .planning and fense contract be entered asam, Thursday at 11 a.m. in Bryan smooth operation, according to a portion of blood will be shipped hall autlitorium, according to Dr. M. E. Ensminger, chairman. for defense. Individua-l credits Jerry Worth, chairman of. the It is approved' by the Amer- will still be recorded for the stu- senior con committee. The pro- ican Horse Shows Association, dents from which they may gram will include the "presente- Inc. and the Washington state draw. tion of the new Mortar Board Horsemen, Inc. ------- members and tapping of the new Crimson Circle members. Mr. Elvin G. Ericson, Assist- kane, completely paralyzed with only a slight movement in ant professor of Civil Engineer- WRA Sponsors ing, will introduce the outstand- his fingers and no response from his legs or lower body. ing senior committee and Presi- The par alysrs resulted from an injured vertebra in his NY's Harriman dent C. Clement French will pre- neck following a fall while practicing his routine for compe- Sports Groups sent the outstanding seniors and. titive gymnastics in Bohler gymnasium. He is a two-year the "Big Ten." Mack Parkhill. letterman in this sport and Northwest AAU Free Exerise Speaks Here Women's Recreation Associa- senior class president, is the champion. tion, in addition to the intramur- master of ceremonies. Governor Averell Harriman of al program, sponsors such or- Assisting Worth on the senior His major aid and encouragement during this time has New York, who has been men- ganizations as Fish Fans, Orch- con committee are Marilyn .John- been from his twin sister, Egidie, whom he left behind in tioned as a contender for the ests, Co-recreation and various son, Mary Harris, Shan DrulD~ Denmark almost six years ago, and arrived in this country Democratic Presidential nomin- sports clubs. helIer, .Joanne McGlade and only a week before the accident. Egidie, a registered nurse ation, will speak at a fund rais- From these groups girls a I' e Ruth Carpenter. ing luncheon at the CUB Wednes- chosen to represent WSC in pro- Climaxing' senior week will be from Flyn, Denmark, has been a constant companion and day, May 16, at noon. grams and sports days with oth- the senior ball "From Here to has indicated that she intends to remain with her twin as The luncheon, a $3 per plate er colleges. Next year the Hock- Maturity," on Saturday night. long as she is needed. affair, is sponsored by the WSC ey Club will be hostess to the May 19, according to Bob Hun- Only recently, a short film of Karl was flashed over the Young Democrats and the Whit- northwest District Hockey tour- gate, general chairman of the KHQ-TV station. His predicament was clearly pictured as man County Democratic Central nament, in which teams fro m ball. Dancing in the CUB ball- committee. Oregon, Idaho, Washington and room from 9 to 12 p.m. will be- they showed his bed, which revolves on pinions, turned com- Harriman's record in govern- British Columbia will partici- the first half of the ball. Music pletely upside down. He is strapped on the bed and turned ment administration incl u des pate, Approximately 17 to 20 will be provided by Jim Watson upside down at various times to change circulation and al- service in many 'Posts including teams are expected to .attend , and the Pastels. Iow him to change positions. Ambassador to Russia, Ambass- Intramural competition t his From 12 p.m. to 2 a.m , the ador to Great Britain, and Sec- year included volleyball, basket- dancing will be at the Armory Various mirrors are set up all over the room to enable retary of Commerce. ' ball, softball, bowling, badmint- with music provided by Phil him to read and watch television, which, incidently, was Farmers, regardless of party on, tennis and swimming'. Cleveland and his Combo. furnished by residents of Fairfield, Washington, where he affiliation, wnI have an oppor- The average number of tour- ,has lived since coming to the United states. tunity to discuss farm problems naments entered by each living group was 3.8. Of women enter- Recovery for Karl has been predicted by doctors to take wtih Harriman prior to the luncheon at 10:30 a.m. in CUB ed, 30% participated in two or French Changes }llonths and maybe years. They have recently been encour- 212. Dave Doneen, Oakesdale, more activities. 34% of all wom- aged by the fact that twinges have been indi.cated from his and Earl Pierson, Colfax, are co- en in living groups participate Graduation Site arms and legs, meaning that the nerves may be beginning chairmen of this event. en in living groups participated Permission was granted by heal. in one or more of the intramur- to al tournaments, President C. Clement F r e n c h How~ver, funds for his care have now been exhausted.
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