LTHE BRITISH COLUMBIA FEDERATI DUSTRIAL UNITY: STRENGTH. OFFICIAL PAPER: VANCOUVER TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL AND B. C. FEDERATION OF LABOR. BIXTHYEAR. No. 167. VANCOUVER, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 19,1914. SIX PAGES (*^R»A«J»** 1 ,":.••-• *~* -a . IT ONLY NEEDS MEN CAXT FRATERNITY TO MEM ENTERTAINMENT TOPOW; JULY 21 iplit Up into Vancouver "United Workmen's Club" As Regards Labor Repre­ J. Francis Burslll WUl As­ Centre, Vancouver South Stock for sentation for British sist the Printers'Ap­ and Burrard Three Dollars Columbia prentices I. 0. Will Have Thirteen Members Pay Fifty Cents a Workers Must Hare Better To Entertain Their Friends Constituencies Instead v Month aa Dues—Oreat Conditions and More —Program Oommlttee of Seven Expectations Money Appointed The new redistribution act, gives The "employment shark fratern­ [By J. B. Wilton, Chairman of Labor The Caxton Apprentloe olub, com­ rltish Columbia thirteen seats in- ity," like wage-earnera nowadays, Representation League] prised of apprentlcaa to tha typo­ ead of seven. Five constituencies flnd lt hard to make both ends meet. Under, all forma of' govern­ graphical art In thlt olty and vicinity, re added to Manitoba. Four are One of the "gang," through necessity, ment ths ultimata power lias held a very enthusiastic meeting ta then away from Ontario, three from has hit on a new "skin" game. He has with tha masses. It Is not king) typographical headquarters Wednes­ ew Brunswick and one from Prince an ofllce on Carroll street, almost nor aristocracies, nor land own­ day evening last Then mat a good • dward leland. Alberta and Bas- opposite to Hick's- layout—the high ers, nor capitalists, that anywhsrs attendance and Preaident Albert atchewan gain additional represen- Mogul of the E. S. F. On one wln<|pw ' really enslave tho people. It la Lalng conducted the meeting. Tho itlon. i Is written the "Canadian Employment their own Ignoraneo. Mott clear club haa been holding meetinga twice British Columbia's thirteen single Agency;" on the other "Tbe United la thla where governments rest on monthly daring tho winter mon tha .. ember constituencies are described Workmen's Club." I had a talk with universal auffraga. Tha working- lit the old high school building, i follows: the old fellow who runs the joint. He men of tho United Statea may Cambie street (by courtesy ot the ' Comox-Albernl school board), where they have beta Is the boss directorate, owner and a mould to thalr will legislatures, lectured on trade matten by qualified I. The electoral district of Comox- German Jew, at least I think he Is courts and constitutions. Politi­ memben of the union,' at well aa em­ lberni, comprising the provincial of that persuasion.- He looks it and TYPICAL SCENE IN B.C. LUMBER YARD cians atrlva for thalr favor and. ployen. During the summer meet­ lectoral districts of Alberni, Comox speaks it. He has a good thing In the political partlea hid agalnat eno inga will be held monthly. id all that portion of the provincial United Workmen's olub. You can't another for thalr vote. But what To Hold Attention lectoral dlstriot of Richmond bound- get a job off the board unless you join avails thla? Tha little fingers of on the east by the east boundary the club. You pay three dollars to D 0 aggregated capital muat bt thick­ At the meeting lt wat decided to the said provincial electoral dls- join and fifty cents a month. He told I8LAND MINERS er than tht loins of tht working live an entertainment and lecture on tet of Richmond from, the northeast me the three dollars was for stock ln MEET AND CONSIDER' maiaea aa long at thty do not Tueaday evening, July Hat In the irner thereof, thence" southerly to the olub and you might sell your know how ta use thtlr power.— Labor Temple: F. A. Burslll (Felix ie northwest corner of the provincial three dollars worth for far more coin PEACE PROPOSALS Htnry Gttrgt. Penne), wbo wat tn attendance, kindly ectoral riding of Dewdney, thence when the olub pays the dividends, I have travelled and lived In many consented to give his lecture, "The southwesterly direction to the Printing Press from Caxton to Wil­ which, he says, tt will. DISPLACE THE Frank Farrington, Interna­ BY A GENERAL countries and tn all have I studied outh ot the east branch of the tbe political life of the people. In liam Morris." Thit address will (tre luamlsh river at the head of Howe What You Get tional board number of the U. some you see the people taking hold a clear and educative account ot Eng­ und, thence ln a southerly direction You get no receipt for your money. M. W. of'A.,' called at The Fed­ of the power-that la theirs, ln othen lish booka and printing from the In­ ong the easterly shore of Howe and no pretty stook certificate like erationist office yesterday. Pro­ you see them striving to do so, and ception of thla art on Britlah soil to rand to Burrard Inlet. you do when you buy oil shares at posals tor a settlement of a In yet others you find them apathetic the present, ud will be of lntereat East Kootenay Calgary or Pitt Meadows. You- re­ strike on the Island have been —but ln every case, I believe, lt only to not only the young but to all loven The electoral district of Eaat ceive a membership oard, however; made to the miners this week needs the men to point the way and of the beautiful In booka. The lecture ootenay, comprising the provincial wtth your name written on lt and this Theosophical Eociety Gives Conditions in and Around the result will easily be achieved. In will be Illustrated by numerous slides constitutes your receipt To pay the by the mine owners, through showing the ancient "block booka," ectoral districts of Cranbrook, Fer- the medium of Premier Mc­ no plaoe Is the need greater than in e, and Columbia. dividends, he expects to have eight Headquarters Job to Smlthers, B. C—Out­ British Columbia to-day, and in no specimens of early printing, bindings thousand men paying ln fifty cents a Bride. A convention of dele­ plaoe is the time mora ripe for us to and illustrations, a tilde will ihow A Wast Kootenay month. He reckons he can pay office Workers Direct gates from all the coal camps look Gloomy got together and prove onr strength. copy of the flnt Britlah newspaper S. The electoral district of West expenses out of that, and lt there la was held ln Nanalmo Tuesday Wa must have representatives In (published ln Queen Elisabeth's time) ootenay, comprising the provincial anything left over, he will divide with and Wednesday of thla week. order to enforce our demands on- the aa well aa more modern specimens. ectoral districts ot Nelson city, the eight thousand members. Simple, The proposals and the general Plenty of Idle Men—Should legislature and administration and The lecture wlU occupy about one mlr, Rossland city, Slocan, Kaslo Isn't tt? "And suppose," he said, Mrs. Annie Besant Will Not to succeed- ln. remedying the abuses hour, and both before and after the "that we can get a liquor' license, al­ situation were thoroughly dis­ id Revelstoke. Accept Work Done By cussed ln all aspects. The de­ Assist the Pros­ under which we now struggle. Or lecture a mixed musical programme though, perhaps, we may not aucceed, ganlzod labor, welded together, can will be rendered, there being plenty Nanalmo members would oome here for their cision ot the convention will be pector of talent available in the club, the • Non-Unionists submitted to a referendum vote do much, and they will" carry wtth 4. The electoral dlstriot ot Nanal- boose and we would declare mora tbem the unorganised element who to typographical union and ltt friends. o, comprising the provlnolal elec- dividends." Asked about the jobs, he of the whole of the member­ Committers Struck ral districts of Cowichan, Esqut- a great degree depend upon ua to said that the shareholders who are ln ship of the U. M. W. of A. on SMITHERS, B.C., June 15.—Things lead the way. »ult, Nanalmo elty, Newcastle, flrst will get the first plok. There are At the time the big strike ot build­ the Island today. It Is expected After full discussion, participated In lanlch and the Islands. so many now-a-days that a man haa. ing tradesmen which Is now on in In general are not very bright here Mutt Oat Powtr by memben of the club, the preaident tha|: the result will be known at present. For the past two months of the union and other membera, the New Westminster quite a variety to plok from. He has London, England, broke out, the on Monday next All of us are helpless when op­ a lot hanging on hooks and takes Theosophical society had let a con-, the track east of this point haa been posed by an .absolute and capattllsttc following oommlttee of arrangement 5. The electoral district of New in bad shape through washouts, etc. government But political power waa named: C. W, Pettlpleoe (secre­ estmlnster, comprising the provln- tbem down for ' your Inspection. tract to the well-known firm of Cubltt This has been the cause of dullness After going out to a job, If you so and company for the building of working hand In hand with organised tary of the olub); J. S. Hesson and al electoral districts ot New West- with the restaurants—one taking only labor, gradually increasing In E, H.
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