Amenities Within 1500M

Amenities Within 1500M

AGENT DASHBOARD (/AGENT-DASHBOARD) ( (/agent-dashboard) ✉ (/agent-dashboard/messages) Main (/) / Research (/analytic/main) / Amenities (/analytic/amenities) AMENITIES WITHIN 1500M Bus Stops MRTs Shopping Malls ATMs Bank Branches Childcare Centres Clinics Community Clubs Dentists Groceries Kindergartens Libraries National Parks Petrol Stations Schools Sports Clubs (,103.868701&z=16&t=m&hl=en-US&gl=US&mapclient=apiv3)Report a map error (,103.868701,16z/data=!10m1!1e1!12b1?sourMapce=apiv3&r data ©2018apsrc=apiv3) Google Bus Stops 1. OPP PUB RECREATION CLUB 2. OPP S'PORE POWER TRG INST 3. PUB RECREATION CLUB (66079) 4. S'PORE POWER TRG INST (66089) (66071) (153M AWAY) (66081) (161M AWAY) (168M AWAY) (208M AWAY) Services: 13, 28, 93, 153, 155 Services: 28, 93, 153 Services: 13, 28, 93, 153, 155 Services: 13, 28, 93, 153, 155 5. AFT SOMMERVILLE RD (62111) 6. AFT SUNSHINE LODGE (62119) 7. AFT BARTLEY RD (61049) (346M 8. BEF BRADDELL RD (61041) (356M (255M AWAY) (278M AWAY) AWAY) AWAY) Services: NR6, 100, 107, 107M, 133, 135, Services: NR6, 100, 107, 107M, 133, 135, Services: NR6, 13, 100, 107, 107M, 133, Services: NR6, 13, 100, 107M, 107, 133, 147, 153, 853, 853C 147, 153, 853, 853C 135, 147, 155, 853C, 853 135, 147, 155, 853, 853C 9. AFT WOLSKEL RD (62121) (439M 10. BLK 403 (62129) (491M AWAY) 11. BEF UPP S'GOON RD (62101) (496M 12. AFT UPP S'GOON RD (62109) (570M AWAY) Services: NR6, 100, 107, 107M, 133, 135, AWAY) AWAY) Services: NR6, 100, 107, 107M, 133, 135, 147, 153, 853, 853C Services: 28, 93 Services: 28, 93 147, 153, 853C, 853 13. AFT BRADDELL FLYOVER (66061) 14. AFT UPP S'GOON RD (61051) (626M 15. BEF UPP S'GOON RD (61059) (630M 16. MELROSE (66409) (649M AWAY) (583M AWAY) AWAY) AWAY) Services: 58, 105 Services: 13, 28, 93, 153, 155 Services: 100, 135, 155 Services: 100, 135, 155 17. GOLDEN HTS (66401) (654M AWAY) 18. BLK 326 (66411) (657M AWAY) 19. WOODLEIGH STN (61031) (663M 20. WOODLEIGH STN (61039) (669M Services: 58, 105 Services: 58, 105 AWAY) AWAY) Services: NR6, 13, 107, 107M, 133, 147, Services: NR6, 13, 107M, 107, 133, 147, 853, 853C 853, 853C 21. BEF BRADDELL FLYOVER (66069) 22. BLK 330 (66419) (680M AWAY) 23. S'GOON STN (62131) (705M AWAY) 24. OPP BARTLEY TERR (62091) (724M (679M AWAY) Services: 58, 105 Services: NR6, 45, 58, 101, 103, 107, AWAY) Services: 13, 28, 93, 153, 155 107M, 147, 153, 317, 853, 853C Services: 28, 93 25. BLK 334 (66381) (731M AWAY) 26. S'GOON STN (62139) (758M AWAY) 27. CLASSICAL TERR (62099) (770M 28. S'GOON INT (66009) (778M AWAY) Services: 45, 58, 133, 135 Services: NR6, 45, 58, 107, 107M, 147, AWAY) Services: 100, 101, 103, 105, 109, 158, 153, 158, 853C, 853 Services: 28, 93 315, 317 29. OPP BLK 334 (66389) (799M AWAY) 30. BLK 409 (62171) (804M AWAY) 31. BLK 421 (62179) (847M AWAY) 32. S'GOON STN (66351) (870M AWAY) Services: 45, 58, 105, 109, 133, 135 Services: 158 Services: 158 Services: 22, 43, 53, 70, 70M, 81, 82, 315 33. NANYANG JC (66391) (873M AWAY) 34. AFT WOODLEIGH PK (61021) (881M 35. ST.GABRIEL'S SEC SCH (62161) 36. S'GOON STN (66359) (901M AWAY) Services: 58, 105 AWAY) (897M AWAY) Services: 22, 43, 53, 70, 70M, 116, 315 Services: NR6, 13, 107, 107M, 133, 147, Services: 158 853, 853C 37. OPP WOODLEIGH PK (61029) 38. BLK 319 (66361) (940M AWAY) 39. BEF BRADDELL RD (66019) (948M 40. BLK 426 (62169) (949M AWAY) (922M AWAY) Services: 45, 109, 133, 135 AWAY) Services: 158 Services: NR6, 13, 107, 107M, 133, 147, Services: 73, 105, 159 853, 853C 41. OPP MT VERNON CREMATORIUM 42. BLK 121 (61079) (976M AWAY) 43. BLK 416 (62189) (979M AWAY) 44. RINDU TERR (62151) (1,000M (70061) (966M AWAY) Services: 142 Services: 101, 103, 317 AWAY) Services: 100, 135, 155 Services: 158 45. OPP BARTLEY CHR CH (62081) 46. BLK 122 (61009) (1,010M AWAY) 47. OPP RINDU TERR (62159) (1,016M 48. LOR CHUAN STN (66399) (1,018M (1,006M AWAY) Services: 142 AWAY) AWAY) Services: 28, 93 Services: 158 Services: 58, 105 49. MT VERNON CREMATORIUM 50. AFT BRADDELL RD (66011) (1,029M 51. BLK 238 (66369) (1,047M AWAY) 52. ST. GABRIEL'S PR SCH (66029) (70069) (1,021M AWAY) AWAY) Services: 45, 109, 133, 135 (1,051M AWAY) Services: 100, 135, 155 Services: 73, 105, 159 Services: 73, 105, 159 53. BARTLEY CHR CH (62089) (1,063M 54. NEW TECH PK (66021) (1,078M 55. OPP BLK 1 (62141) (1,089M AWAY) 56. BLK 120 (61101) (1,092M AWAY) AWAY) AWAY) Services: 22, 43, 45, 53, 58, 70, 70M, 101, Services: 142 Services: 28, 93, 158 Services: 73, 105, 159 103, 107M, 107, 116, 153, 317 57. BCA ACADEMY (52061) (1,116M 58. BLK 206 (66379) (1,127M AWAY) 59. COMFORTDELGRO CORP LTD 60. BLK 261 (66371) (1,157M AWAY) AWAY) Services: NR6, 22, 43, 53, 70, 70M, 116, (52069) (1,143M AWAY) Services: NR6, 22, 43, 53, 70M, 70, 81, 82, Services: 13, 28, 73, 93, 105, 153, 155, 159 147, 315, 853, 853C Services: 13, 28, 73, 93, 105, 153, 155, 159 147, 315, 853, 853C 61. PAYA LEBAR CAMP (62149) (1,164M 62. BLK 103 (61011) (1,187M AWAY) 63. OPP CARDIFF CT (66039) (1,199M 64. OPP BLK 101 (61019) (1,211M AWAY) Services: NR6, 13, 107, 107M, 133, 147, AWAY) AWAY) Services: 22, 43, 45, 53, 58, 70M, 70, 81, 853, 853C Services: 22, 24, 45, 53, 73, 133, 135, 136, Services: NR6, 13, 107M, 107, 133, 147, 82, 101, 103, 107M, 107, 153, 317 156, 853, 853C 853, 853C 65. OPP BLK 231 (52391) (1,213M 66. CARDIFF CT (66031) (1,213M AWAY) 67. BARTLEY STN (62079) (1,238M 68. BLK 233 (66049) (1,245M AWAY) AWAY) Services: 22, 24, 45, 53, 73, 133, 135, 136, AWAY) Services: 22, 24, 53, 109, 156, 853, 853C Services: 238 156, 853C, 853 Services: 28, 93, 158 69. BRADDELL TECH BLDG (52381) 70. BLK 101 (61069) (1,255M AWAY) 71. BLK 148 (61061) (1,264M AWAY) 72. BLK 231 (52399) (1,272M AWAY) (1,247M AWAY) Services: 142 Services: 142 Services: 238 Services: 238 73. OPP BARTLEY STN (62071) (1,273M 74. BET BLKS 138/144 (61089) (1,277M 75. BLK 227 (52389) (1,277M AWAY) 76. BLK 230 (66041) (1,290M AWAY) AWAY) AWAY) Services: 238 Services: 22, 24, 53, 109, 156, 315, 853C, Services: 28, 93, 158 Services: 142 853 77. BLK 209 (63141) (1,299M AWAY) 78. BEF BLK 221 (52529) (1,302M AWAY) 79. POTONG PASIR CC (61099) (1,310M 80. PAYA LEBAR CAMP (62051) (1,312M Services: 24, 76, 103, 116, 317 Services: 238 AWAY) AWAY) Services: 142 Services: 22, 24, 43, 45, 53, 58, 70, 70M, 76, 80 81. BLK 257A (66059) (1,320M AWAY) 82. AFT JOO SENG RD (70051) (1,330M 83. OPP BLK 257 (66051) (1,349M 84. S'GOON STADIUM (63149) (1,359M Services: 22, 24, 53, 109, 156, 315, 853C, AWAY) AWAY) AWAY) 853 Services: 100, 135, 155 Services: 22, 24, 53, 109, 156, 315, 853, Services: 24, 76, 81, 82, 103, 317 853C 85. OPP BETHANY PRESBY CH (62041) 86. BLK 161 (62059) (1,385M AWAY) 87. OPP GOLDEN HILL EST (66099) 88. BLK 219 (52059) (1,393M AWAY) (1,363M AWAY) Services: 22, 24, 43, 45, 53, 58, 70, 70M, (1,386M AWAY) Services: 13, 28, 73, 93, 105, 153, 155, 159, Services: 22, 24, 43, 58, 62, 70, 70M, 76, 76, 80, 113 Services: 22, 24, 45, 53, 58, 133, 135, 136, 238 80 156, 159, 853, 853C 89. OPP KANCANRAMA BUDD TP 90. RAYA GDN (62039) (1,407M AWAY) 91. GOLDEN HILL EST (66091) (1,409M 92. SUMMER PL (66119) (1,409M AWAY) (62049) (1,394M AWAY) Services: 22, 24, 43, 58, 62, 70, 70M, 76, AWAY) Services: 73, 136, 315 Services: 22, 24, 43, 58, 62, 70M, 70, 76, 80 Services: 22, 24, 45, 53, 58, 133, 135, 136, 80 156, 159, 853, 853C 93. POTONG PASIR STN (60261) 94. FIRST TOA PAYOH PR SCH (52371) 95. HOW SUN PK (62031) (1,450M 96. POTONG PASIR STN (60269) (1,413M AWAY) (1,432M AWAY) AWAY) (1,451M AWAY) Services: NR6, 13, 107, 107M, 133, 142, Services: 238 Services: 22, 24, 43, 58, 62, 70, 70M, 76, Services: NR6, 13, 107M, 107, 133, 142, 147, 853, 853C 80 147, 853, 853C 97. BEF UPP PAYA LEBAR RD (62069) 98. AFT S'GOON SHOP CTR (63019) 99. OPP TOA PAYOH POLYCLINIC 100. AFT UPP PAYA LEBAR RD (62061) (1,454M AWAY) (1,465M AWAY) (52489) (1,473M AWAY) (1,476M AWAY) Services: 28, 93, 158 Services: 80, 81, 82, 101, 107M, 107, 136, Services: 238 Services: 28, 93, 158 153 101. BEF KOVAN CTR (63151) (1,485M 102. BEF JOO SENG RD (70059) (1,486M 103. TOA PAYOH POLYCLINIC (52481) AWAY) AWAY) (1,491M AWAY) Services: 136 Services: 100, 135, 155 Services: 238 MRTs 1. WOODLEIGH (588M AWAY) 2. SERANGOON (820M AWAY) 3. LORONG CHUAN (987M AWAY) 4. BARTLEY (1,232M AWAY) NE11 CC13, NE12 CC14 CC12 5. POTONG PASIR (1,424M AWAY) NE10 Shopping Malls 1. NEX (839M AWAY) 23 SERANGOON CENTRAL (S)556083 ATMs 1. OCBC CALTEX STATION (491M 2. OCBC 7-ELEVEN (693M AWAY) 3. DBS/POSB SERANGOON MRT 4. OCBC SERANGOON BUS AWAY) 326 SERANGOON AVENUE 3 #01-378 STATION (811M AWAY) INTERCHANGE (817M AWAY) 559 UPPER SERANGOON ROAD SINGAPORE 550326 600 Upper Serangoon Road Singapore 20 SERANGOON AVENUE 2 SINGAPORE SINGAPORE 534561 (CASH-IN FACILITY 534801 556138 AVAILABLE) 5.

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