Black W HIT E M OVES By H. F. L. MEYER EDITED B Y I. KASHDAN ~g IN T HIS ISSUF.: GAM E ST UDY - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ DR. A. ALEKHINE T H EORETICAL SURVEY _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ HANS KMOCH PROBLEM REVIEW _. _ - - - - - - - - - - _ OTTO Wl' RZBURG OCTOBER, 1933 - - - MONTHLY 25 cts. - ~ ANNUALLY $2.50 • ":Ike REVIEW I. KASHDAN. Editor in Chief' I. A. HOROWITZ. A ~wo::i ilt e Editor F RI ~ [) REINFBLD. A$$odatc Editor OTT O WllRZBURG. Proh/i.-m Editor BERTRAM KADISH, Art Director FRITZ BRIEGER. 8u" ;lI c$$ M a mlga VOL. r No. ]0 Published Monthly OCTOBER, 1933 -, ~"' .. ; 0,;;. N EWS OF THE MONTH -- - -- GAME S TUDY - By Dr. A. Alekhine T H EORETICA L SURVEY - - -- 8 By Hans Kmoch CHESS AN D THE NEW DEA L By Bamie F. Winkelman " GAME DEPARTMENT - 12 CURIOUS C H ESS· ~A C TS --- - - - 18 By 1. Cherne" POET RY CORNER - 19 PROBLEMS - ------ -- - 20 PROBl-EM REVIEW 22 ByA3tto Wurzburg Published monthly by Chess Review Yearly subscription in the United States $2.50 60-10 Roosevel t Avenue, Woodside, N. Y. Elsewhere $3.00 - - - - Single Copy 25 ( fOnts Telephone HAvl'meyt'r 9·38211 Copyright 1933 by Chess Review ..._ - -_.. .... _- - - . -_. _-_. -- _.- - -. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS, DR. S. G. TARTAKOWER -- - - --- REUBEN FINE IRVING CHERNEV - BARNIE F. WINKELMAN LESTER W. BRAND - ARTHUR w. OAKE JAMES R. NEWMAN - - - - - DONALD MAcMURRAY 2 TH E CHESS REVIEW OCTOB! ~ R. 1933 , the United St .. tes C hampionship. I expect to see NEWS OF Mr. Man. our president. Elnd would like the advice of a lew of the Director~ of the M arshall Che~s Club regurding your proposition and shall THE MONTH set a date as soon as possihle when we can meet for .. discussion, Championship Match My opinion is that it would prove u very interesting match and something the chess world After being considered and debated in has been looking forward to ,1l1d I shall be very chess circles for some time, the negotia­ glad to play if the proper a rr nngcment.~ can be tions fo r the match between Frank J. Mar­ made, shall and Isaac Kashdan for the C hess Yours very truly. Championship of the United States arc ['RANK j. MARSHALL definitely under way. The terms have , The meeting took place on October 2 1 been agreed to, the contenders and the at the rooms of the Marshall Chess Club. chess playing public are in unison as to with Harold M. Phillips. A lrick H. Man the desirability of the match, and we loo k and Henry Leeds threshing out the terms forward to the actual commencement of with the principles. To add to the friendly play ~ome time next Spring. Kashdan atmosphere. both Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. started the ball rolling with a formal Kashdan were interested listeners. challenge. in the following letter: The main problem was to determine the October 11, 1933. rules and financial arrangements of the Dear M r. Marshall: matc.h. It was decided to abide by the Thne has bnn frequent discussion in the last two YCRrs regRrding a muteh lor th" Amrricilil rules <ldopted by the National Chess Fed­ Chess Championship, which you have held so eration. As these have rarely <lppe<lred in long and so hononlbly. I have been generally print, we append the most important ones: mentioned itS the 10llkal contender, I wish now to lay my chalIcn!Je before YOll, U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP RULES and rcque.~t you to state under what condit ions YOU would pl"y me for the title. You will reaH~<, ihat times have eh"nged considerably si nce the I. T he match shall consist of twenty gHm cs, I'lst Championship Match. and that the terms set If Ht the conclusion of the tw~nti('th game no at that time are no feill precedent for a present decision has beeen reached. the tit l~ shall remain encount(,T, with the ti tle-holder. I suggest that we hold an 'llu icable meeting in 2. If possibk. si x games shall be played per the presence of our respective fri ends. If this wrek, subject to arrangement with the clubs is satisfactory to you. I shall ask Messrs.HH rold financing the match. Each player has the rig ht M , Phillips. Leonard B. M eyer, and F urz.. Brit-ger to take off three dH Y ~ during the (ollr.~e of th e to be present. Will you name" ti me and plan' match. The player availing himself o f thi~ right th<lt will be convenient for you] W e can then must notify the Director of Play (or his oppo­ discuss the vilrious matters th" t m"y come up in npnt ) of his intention at Iea .~t two hours before arranging the Illa tch , and I t ru~t hring it to an the time sct for the commencement of the game early fruition , 01' an <ldjourned session thereof. V el'y truly yours, • 3. The time limit shall be 40 moves per two I. KASHDAN and a half hours. Marshall promptly responded. and pro­ 4. Two games shall not he started or played ceeded to arrange the conference as sug­ on anyone play-dElY. gested. The text of his reply fo llows : S. A referee shall he appointed by the President 01 the N<ltional Chesg Federation from OdoiX'r IS, 1933, the official list of referees. Dear Mr. Kasll:dan: .. 6. A stakeholder shall be appointed by mutual I am in_re eei,pt of your letter of October 11 th ·cons('nt of the players. If -they cannot allree, the ;n which you <:h"JJ('noe me to plflY " match for rd""H ~hall have the right 'to srlect one. OCTOBER, 1933 THE CHESS REVIEW 3 7. The champion must defend his title within The task of raising the purse of $5.000 - six months after re( dving a ~ haUenge. The will be no mean one, but we believe this standing of the cha llenger, however, must he is the big event that the American chess appl"ovcd by the Tourll<lm("llt Committee of the public has been waiting for, and enthu­ National Chess redcl"<ltion. siasts of every class should cooperate to 8. The champion sh<l ll not be compelled to make it possible. A committee will be defend his title for a purse less than five thousand formed to carryon the work. We are dollars; in addition the tl"<lvelling ("xpcnses both ways of both players. as well as their living pleased to announce that MI". Harold M . expenses during the progress of thc match, shall Phillips and Mr. Fritz Brieger, who have be provided for. been in the forefront of chess events for some time, have each contributed. $250 9. Of the tot;)l amount of the purse the champion shall receive 20 pcr (ent as a fcc . Of toward the required fund. The prospects the remaining 80 per cent the winner shall receive look bright, and if all goes well the match 60 per cent aad the loser oW per cent. will commence early next April. Western Chess evsky was the only undefeated player, but four draws put him a full point behind The thirty-fourth annual Championship Fine, with 11-2. Tournament of the Western Chess Asso­ The third prize went to Arthur W . ciation was held at Detroit from Septem­ Oake of Portland, Ore., and the fourth to ber 23 to October 1 under the auspices of Robert Willman of New York. S. W. the Auto-City Chess Club. The race for Factor of Chicano had to be satisfied with the first two prizes was almost a duplica­ fifth place. closely followed by G. East­ tion of that at Minneapolis in 1932, with man, Kalamazoo: A. C. Margolis, Chi­ another sparkling victory for Reuben Fine cago; and L. Stokenberg, Detroit. Mau­ of New York . over Sam Reshevsky. rice Fox. former Canadian champion, did Reshevsky won the individual contest be­ not play up to expectations. The others tween the two, and was in first place for m the tournament were E. Michelsen, a while, but Fine was not to be stopped, Chicago: E . Opsahl and M. Palmer, De­ winning every other game for the remark­ troit; G. S. Barnes, Minneapolis: and W. able score of 12~1. In a field of that F. Streeter, Cleveland . Following is the strength, that was no mean feat. Resh~ full score table of the tournament. • C+tAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT _ W ESTERN CHESS ASSOCIATION I 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total -------~. ----~~-------------- IR.Finc . ..... o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 2 S. Rcsh"'vsky .. 1 y~ [ ).1 [ Y2 [ 1 1 1 1 1 11 3 A. W. Oak ..... o 1 o 0 1 1 1 1 1 9).1 -I R. Willm,tt} . _ . o o 0 1 1 1 1 o y; 1 8).1 5 S. l-'",ctOI" ' . , , .. ... o Y2 0 o 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 7).1 6 G. Ea~t11l a ll . , .. o o 1 o 0 Y2 ).1 I 11 I y; 1 7 7 A. C. Ma rgo[is o y, o 1 J1 y; 1 0 0 y, 1 1 7 8L St"lc~nbH!l , ., . , o o 0 o 1 J1 yi Y2 1 1 y, 1 1 7 9M. Fox . .. , o o 0 o 0 o 0 Y; 1 1 1 5 ." - 10 E.
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