Hutton, Jeremy M. ; Rubin, Aaron D., eds. Epigraphy, philology, and the hebrew bible : methodological perspectives on philological and comparative study of the hebrew bible in honor of Jo Ann Hackett Documento de investigación Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente – UCA Society of Biblical Literature Este documento está disponible en la Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina, repositorio institucional desarrollado por la Biblioteca Central “San Benito Abad”. Su objetivo es difundir y preservar la producción intelectual de la Institución. La Biblioteca posee la autorización del autor para su divulgación en línea. Cómo citar el documento: Hutton, Jeremy M. and Aaron Rubin, eds. Epigraphy, philology, and the hebrew bible : methodological perspectives on philological and comparative study of the hebrew bible in honor of Jo Ann Hackett [en línea]. Ancient Near East Monographs = Monografías sobre el Antiguo Cercano Oriente 12. Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature ; Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente, Universidad Católica Argentina, 2015. Disponible en: http://bibliotecadigital.uca.edu.ar/repositorio/investigacion/epigraphy-philology-hebrew-bible.pdf [Fecha de consulta: ….] EPIGRAPHY, PHILOLOGY, AND THE HEBREW BIBLE Ancient Near East Monographs General Editors Ehud Ben Zvi Roxana Flammini Alan Lenzi Juan Manuel Tebes Editorial Board: Reinhard Achenbach Esther J. Hamori Steven W. Holloway René Krüger Steven L. McKenzie Martti Nissinen Graciela Gestoso Singer Number 12 EPIGRAPHY, PHILOLOGY, AND THE HEBREW BIBLE Methodological Perspectives on Philological and Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett Edited by Jeremy M. Hutton and Aaron D. Rubin SBL Press Atlanta Copyright © 2015 by SBL Press All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by means of any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permit- ted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed in writing to the Rights and Permissions Office, SBL Press, 825 Hous- ton Mill Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 USA. Library of Congress has catologued the print edition: Names: Hackett, Jo Ann, honouree. | Hutton, Jeremy Michael, editor. | Rubin, Aaron D., 1976- editor. Title: Epigraphy, philology, and the Hebrew Bible : methodological perspectives on philological and comparative study of the Hebrew Bible in honor of Jo Ann Hackett / edited by Jeremy M. Hutton and Aaron D. Rubin. Description: Atlanta : SBL Press, 2015. | Series: Ancient Near Eastern monographs ; Number 12 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2015024874| ISBN 9780884140795 (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780884140801 (ebook) | ISBN 9780884140818 (hardcover : alk. paper) Subjects: LCSH: Semitic languages, Northwest. | Semitic philology. | Bible. Old Testament--Language, style. Classification: LCC PJ4121 .E65 2015 | DDC 492/.045--dc23 LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015024874 Printed on acid-free paper. CONTENTS Abbreviations ...................................................................................................... vii Introduction Jeremy M. Hutton and Aaron D. Rubin ......................................................... 1 PART 1: PHILOLOGY Deir All as a Canaanite Dialect: A Vindication of Hackett Na‘ama Pat-El and Aren Wilson-Wright ..................................................... 13 Biblical Hebrew Nominal Patterns John Huehnergard ........................................................................................ 25 Style-Switching in Biblical Hebrew Gary A. Rendsburg ...................................................................................... 65 The Aramaic Root ‘To Go’— HWK or HLK? Jason A. Bembry .......................................................................................... 87 Translation Technique in Targum Onqelos: The Rendering of Hebrew Steven E. Fassberg ....................................................................................... 97 Inscribed in Vocality F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp ................................................................................. 109 PART 2: EPIGRAPHY Two Methodological Issues Concerning the Expanded Collection of Early Alphabetic Texts Gordon J. Hamilton .................................................................................... 127 The Scribal Art at Ugarit John L. Ellison ........................................................................................... 157 vi “Observe Due Measure”: The Gezer Inscription and Dividing a Trip around the Sun Jacqueline Vayntrub ................................................................................... 191 Field of View: Northwest Semitic Palaeography and Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) Nathaniel E. Greene and Heather Dana Davis Parker ............................... 209 The Ivory Pomegranate: The Anatomy of a Probable Modern Forgery Christopher A. Rollston ............................................................................. 237 Interpreting Translation Techniques and Material Presentation in Bilingual Texts: Initial Methodological Reflections Jeremy M. Hutton and Catherine E. Bonesho ............................................ 253 PART 3: ISRAELITE RELIGION AND THE HEBREW BIBLE Israelite Religion as Communication: An Essay on Method Mark W. Hamilton ..................................................................................... 295 Vowing Women: Personal Religion, Gender, and Power Susan Niditch ............................................................................................. 329 Biblical dm and Mesopotamian Adapa as “Primal Human”: A Cognitive Approach Dexter E. Callender Jr. ............................................................................... 343 Index of Ancient Texts ...................................................................................... 373 Index of Modern Authors .................................................................................. 385 ABBREVIATIONS 1. first person 2. second person 3. third person AASOR Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research ÄAT Ägypten und Altes Testament AB Anchor Bible ABD Anchor Bible Dictionary AbrN Abr-Nahrain ABS Archaeology and Biblical Studies AcBib Academia Biblica AIL Ancient Israel and Its Literature AJSL American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures AKM Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes ALASP Abhandlungen zur Literatur Alt-Syrien-Palästinas und Meso- potamiens AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament AOS American Oriental Studies AS Aramaic Studies ASORMS American Schools of Oriental Research Monograph Series ATANT Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments AUSS Andrews University Seminary Studies BA Biblical Archaeologist BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research BDB Brown, Francis, S. R. Driver, and Charles A. Briggs. A He- brew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament. 2nd ed. Ox- ford: Clarendon Press, 1951 BETL Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium Bib Biblica BibEnc Biblical Encyclopedia BibInt Biblical Interpretation BibOr Biblica et orientalia BJPES Bulletin of the Jewish Palestine Exploration Society BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies BTS Biblical Tools and Studies BZAW Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft viii c. common CahRB Cahiers de Revue biblique CBET Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly CBQMS Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series CHANE Culture and History of the Ancient Near East CHI Cultural Heritage Imaging CAI A Corpus of Ammonite Inscriptions. Walter E. Aufrecht. Lewiston: Edwin Mellon, 1989 CIIP Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae, vol. I: Jerusalem, part 1. Edited by Hannah M. Cotton et al. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2010 CIL Corpus inscriptionum latinarum CIS Corpus inscriptionum semiticarum CM Cuneiform Monographs ConBOT Coniectanea Biblica: Old Testament Series COS The Context of Scripture. Edited by William W. Hallo. 3 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1997–2002 CRAI Comptes rendus de l’Académie des inscriptions et belles- lettres DCH Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. Edited by David J. A. Clines. 9 vols. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 1993–2014 DTS Descriptive Translation Studies DNWSI Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions. Jacob Hoftijzer and Karel Jongeling. 2 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1995 DTTML Dictionary of the Targumim, Talmud Babli, Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature. Marcus Jastrow. New York: Judaica Press, 1971. Repr., 1996 DUL A Dictionary of the Ugaritic Language in the Alphabetic Tra- dition. Gregorio del Olmo Lete and Joaquín Sanmartín. 2nd revised ed. 2 vols. Handbook of Oriental Studies, section 1, vol. 67. Leiden: Brill, 2004 EA El-Amarna tablets. According to the edition of J. A. Knudtzon. Die el-Amarna-Tafeln. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1908–1915. Reprint, Aalen: Zeller, 1964. Continued in A. F. Rainey, El-Amarna Tablets, 359–379. 2nd revised ed. AOAT 8. Kevelaer: Butzon und Bercker, 1978 EE Ephemeris Epigraphica: Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum Supplementum. 9 vols. Rome: Institutum and Berlin: G. Reimer, 1872–1913 EHLL Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics EncJud2 Encyclopedia Judaica. Edited by Fred Skolnik and Michael Berenbaum. 2nd ed. 22 vols. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007 f. feminine ix FAT Forschungen zum Alten Testament
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