![1907-01-17, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ftW-iR a « / . •' 1 ; ifpllg {*$$$ rS ,w$&8j- £*>- a •# * , V . s "t 1 1 ^ "N # **( VOLUME 59 TUMWA, WAPELLO COUNTY, IOWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1907. NUMBER 69 ,e\°'•oS Allison The Most LUMBER IS IN Sought of Senators CITY OF KINGSTON, JAMAICA, IS I LAID WASTE BY EARTHQUAKE CONTROL OF Upper House of Congress •/v <?k» *»< Missed Iowan When He WHO'LL GET THE SHOVEL' 6l(i TRUST v Did Not Appear at tPS"5 V&$Vw - ^ v, •• , • •' • »y t , " 0 ,- — Opening Session . 400 ARE KILLED, •" vfi' $ r; "(vfe * Senator Kittredge in Ar- ^ A 1 , Washington Bureau of v. r# raignment of Monoply -yr' Ottumwa Courier INJURED, •.pk-\X- 1,000 Mi ^7-^ . ' Washington, D. C. ,Jan. 16. 1!^ & Says it is the Never before was the wisdom of the Worst of all old saw: "We never miss the water "till the well runs dry" more forcibly BIG PROPERTY LOSS ^&Mtrr r2 illustrated than during the first few !-» , weeks of this session of congress be-' I fore the arrival of Senator Allison. - ifk' That was the first time during his % DICTATES RETAIL ANB 34 years in the United States senate Stricken City Pursued By Sir James Fergusson and that Senator Allison has not been 'tn hand the firat day of the. session; and Fate— Destroyed By Prominent Merchants and * ' ^ - WHOLESALE PRICES usually several aays in advance of the 1 • i-m convening of congress. Storm Fire and Professional Men Are Senator Alison was sorely missed; Quake not so much because of conoditions in ; Victims 14 . Favors Abolishing of Tariff the committee on appropriations, of •• , which he is chairman, because the ^ on Lumber as Remedy work of that committee is divided among sub-committees which do prac­ But Progress Has Been Made Despite Destruction of Wire*"' Makes Report^ ; tically all the work upon the great bills 'rV_- '-. .. 1 Washington, ' Jan. 16.—Addressing and then report to the full committee; All—A Favorite Resort for of Catastrophe of Meagre the senate today on the "Lumber but he was needed in the senate and American Tourists. ; : Character. in Washington. Trust" Senator Kittredge declared it Usually a day or two before the con­ to be the "king of trusts in restraint w vening of congress the leaders in the Kingston, a city of 50,000 inhabitants senate have been accustomed to call Kingston, Jamaica, Jan. 1$.—; • of trade." and the heart and commercial and poli­ Continuing he said: "The consumer at Senator Allison's rooms at the ho­ Kingston was overwhelmed by an • tel and go over matters and frame up tical capital of the beautiful island of not only bears the burden of its ag­ earthquake which began at 8:80 in a general way a program for the Jamaica, owed its birth to a cataclysm Monday afternoon. All the houses gressive policy in advancing prices, session. The busy men of the senate similar to that which has now over­ but also of the profits of intervening come to Senator Allison with matters within a radius of ten mlleji wert whelmed and laid the city in ruins. It injured and almost every house agencies. The trust has become so in a chaotic and confused condition in their heads and go away with a well- was founded in 1698 after the neighbor bold in its operations that within the Uncle Sam.—"Remember, Boys, It's a Big Job." in the city was destroyed. Fire defined Idea of what is best to be done. ing town of Port Royal had been de­ broke out after the earthquake last year or two it has eliminated In This does not means that Senator Al­ stroyed by an earthquake. The sur­ and completed the work of de­ many localities all semblance of com­ lison says, "now, I think we should do viving inhabitants of the ill-fated place, struction. Theb uslness section of • petition and from a central point con­ this and we must do that and I shall Ottumwa People on Kingston is a heap of smoldering insist on something else." Senator situated on a peninsula which pro trols both the wholesale and retail TWO 2-GENT UNITED FOR ashes. The killed number about Allison does not exercise his leader­ Isle of Pines Safe tects the harbor of Kingston, fled to 400 and thousands were injured. trade and fixes prices to the consum­ ship and manifest his great poewr in * * * • the mainland from the plague which Churches, public offices and hotels er." Kittredge favored theabolltlon that manner. Senators come to him are all gone, but there were no * Cable advices received from the * followod and settled down on the spot of duty on lumber as there' is no long­ and state their views. He asks some FAREBILLS FEDERAL fatalities at the Constant Springs then marked by a few thatched huts. J questions about this and that: says * Isle of Pines state that no damage * hotel. Among the killed were: Sir ' er any necessity or excuse for Its con­ "perhaps it would be wise to do so * whatever occurred at that place as * The only volcanic formation in the tinuance. "" island. is that on the Lowlayton and James Fergusson and a number of ' and so: don't you tnink we ought to * a result of the Jamaica quake. * prominent merchants and pro- w"- Carmack Sarcastic. READY * The Isle of Pines is over 400 mile^ » Retreat estates in the parish of Port­ do this and that," with the ultimate COURT lessional men. •»' ^ >[.' •; j ''r $ In 'i epeoch in the senate today, Sen- result that in nine cases out of ten * northwest of Jamaica, and no ef- * land, a mile from the sea, in the coun­ ty of Surrey, in which Kingston is sit­ .•* ator Carmack endorsed the action of senators will say that is just what / * fects were felt from the recent the President in discharging the negro should ue done and it is done. * shock. There are many Ottum- uated. There .is, however, no defined London, Jan. 16.—The following uim .1 troops on account of the Brownsville * wans located at this time on the crater, and the volcanic materials are dated dispatch was received this aft* riot, saying he would give an unpreju- One is to be introduced * Isle, and their friends and relatives Bar Association Appoints the only evidences remaining. The ernoon from the press representative# notable earthquakes- ~ * fn 1 his vicinity will be pleased to coast formation of Surrey county is of who accompanied Sir Alfred Jones to JfiArp.,,1 h ^ e- white and yellow limestone and the Jamaica: "Fire broke out again to* ^ ^'cour9e^otwithst^dingf^Si^t^^atter' 4f] km fo- s had said he will see him (Carmack) in |pAND VOLCANIC "ERUPTIONS!.* * diate local Taamage resulted from Committee to Wait m greater part of the country is very night and negroes .are -jdftfctog ~tfafr~rnB>, «y j * the catastrophe. mountainous. : shops. At least five hundred persons i hades before he would do anything for Disastrous earthquakes and vol­ .i him. Other in House City of Mlny Disasters. * ',? were killed. There are weird and teN canic upheavals in recent years on Dolliveri rible scenes. Forty-five Invalid sob Appropriation Bill. were as follows: In August, .1903, Jamaica was swept y The house today passed the fortifl- No. of victims. by a hurricane, which almost totally diers burned to death in the militar* • hospital. Several shocks were felt to« '' >; cations appropriation bill without 1851—Melfl, Italy 15,000 Des Moines. Jan. 16.—Two 2-cent Missouri in Throes destroyed Port Antonio ,and inflicted day." amendment. - The measure carries 1857—Kingdom of Naples.. .10,000 fare bills have been prepared by mem­ The members of the Wapello Coun­ damage in various parts Of the island $5,412,000. 1859—Quito 5,000 bers of the legislature and will be of­ ty Bar association will do all that is amounting to about $10,000,000. Thous­ London, Jan. 16.—The contradictory} 1861-—Mendoz, South Amer­ of Severe Storm and scant character of news whiclt * "fST ^ — ' fered on the first day after the com­ in their power to secure the passage ands of houses in Kingston were dam­ ica 12,000 Kansas City, Jan. 16.—The most aged, the wharves were battered and thus far has reached London from Ja« 1863—Manila 1,000 mittees have been announced, it be­ by the senate of the bill establishing maica renders it difficult to estimate v 1869—Several towns in Peru ing the rule to postpone introduction severe sleet storm in twenty years pre­ several coasting vessels were sunk. vailed last night and today in the a new division of the federal court in On November 13 last a sharp earth- the extent of the calamity caused by| and Ecuador 25,000 of bills until after that date. the earthquake and subsequent con* 1872—Inyo Valley, California 30 Senator Dan Turner of Adams coun­ middle and 'northern portions of Mis­ the southern district of Iowa with ses­ shock was felt in the south and north - MISERS MUST 1875—Region of Stantander, souri, southern Kansas and northern of the island of Jamaica. It was fol­ fiagration. Messages received by tha • ty will offer one bill in the senate and sions at Ottumwa. This bnl was re­ Colombia 14,000 Oklahoma. Wires are down and train lowed immediately by a second shock, various steamship and cable company ' Representative F. F. Jones of Mont­ cently passed by the house of repre­ 1878—Cua, Venezuela 300 are late. ' l'i which was the heaviest experienced in ies, however, indicate that while tha 1880—Manila 3,000 gomery county will offer one in the house.
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