| WINDLASS | Vol. 11 No. 3. APRIL 1958 The Stort, Sawbridgeworth Loek (Illustration by kind permission of tue Editor of “ Essex Countryside”) “THE WINDLASS ” is the bi-monthly journal of THE LONDON and HOME COUNTIES BRANCH of The Inland Waterways Association. Satrons: DameYARGOTFONTEYN deARIAS,D.B.E. JOHN BETJEMAN, s Chairman: Capt.L.R.MUNK,Assoc.LN.A. Emberbrook 1078. Hon.Secretary: Capt. C. B. GRU Barrowhills, Longeross, Chertsey, Surrey, Ascot 1164. Hon. Treasurer:R.J.SAUNDERS, Esg., LR.C.P.,10,Tyford Road,WandsworthCommon,London,S.W.18 Hon.Press Secretary: B.AMBROSE,Esq., 40,EgmontRoad,New Malden,Surrey. Malden45 Hon.Editor:P.IL, CHAPLIN,MeadhurstCottage,CadburyRoad,Susbury-on-Thames,Middlesex, “Sunbury-on-Thames3371 MembersoftheCommittee E.R. BINDLOSS,fisq. (Medway) F.SANDERS(BasingstokeCanal) H. も El.BURGESSEsa. (Leodnd Stort) P. SCRUTTON, Esq. (Stour) R. MACK, Esa.MR.CV.S. (WeyandBasingstokeCanaly 1. STREPT. Tar.m トВ,MARRIAGE,Esq. (Chelmer) SJ. TIMS, Esq. (Thames and Basingstoke Canal The Chairman’s Column Ishouldparticularlyliketodrawtheattentionofmemberstotheverycomprehensivelistof BoatTrips that wehave arrangedfor this coming Season. Please do support us and attend as manyoftheseoutingsaspossible. You willfindthem most enjoyable. Members should note that in all cases, themaximum number of people who can be taken is tly limited and applications should therefore be made as soon as possible. CHRISTMAS DRAW 1957 Pleaseacceptourapologies fornotgivingdtails in the last edition of the *Windlass" as promised, I can now confirm that our net profit from the Christmas Draw was £151-1-5, duly certified by our accountant. This figure, althoughslightlylessthantheDerbyDrawtotal, isnever- theless, very satisfying, astheprisevalue wasgreatly increased and the costof postage had also risen, Thank you all very much indeed for yourgreat support. This isproving to be one of the few ways in which non-members can, by purchasing tickets, materiallyaidourcanse, Copiesofthe prizewinners’ listwere sentout when requested and further copies are available. À further Derby Draw in June 1938 has now been agreed, so I hope that we will again be able to contribute a considerable sum to branch funds. BRIAN AMBROSE THE HON. SECRETARY'S REPORT In my last notes I mentioned that in addition to planning social events your committee con- tinues to fight an active campaign to safeguard the future of the waterways oftheHomeCounties Obviously this is the most important part of our work and social events are only incidental to it, though they do play a most important part in keeping waterways in the public eye, I thought therefore that members might be interested to know how the committee carries out its work. The London & Home Counties Branch covers a very large area and takes in a considerable * number of waterways, several of which are detached from the main walerway system, therefore it is not possible for every member of the Branch Committee to know intimately overy waterway in the branch area; so certain members of the committee are given the job of keeping an eye on the waterways which are near to where they live, particularly those waterways which we feel are in danger. Usually cach of these members is assisted hy a sub-committee, or by a locally formed committee of people who are interested in the welfare of a particular waterway. In this way we have built up groups covering most of our Branch aren. The navigations covered by these groups are:— 34 in TheLee&Stort,whereasa resultofa publicmeetingsponsoredbytheBranchaboutà year agoa DevelopmentCommitteewasformedhavingamongstitsmembersrepresentativesoflocal authorities,carrying,fishingandmillinginterestsbesidesLW.A. members. TheChairmanisCapt. MunkandtheSecretaryisMr.Burgess. TheChelmerandBlackwaterNavigationisveryablylookedafterhyMr.Marriagewhohas justsucceeded gettingthenavigationauthoritiestoagreetotheuseofthewaterwaybypleasure traffic. Thisisa verygreatadvanceasinthe past pleasuretraffichasnotbeenallowedtouse thecanal. Alsoasa resultofa suggestionfromMr. Marriage, the navigation authoritieshave boughta bargeandthebargehorse“ ChelmsfordDuke.” Membersmayrememberthatthishorse drewthebargewhenthebranchheldatriponthecanallastyear; youwillfinda noticeelse where in“TheWindlass”whichtellsyouthatanothersimilartripmaybeheldinSeptemberof this year. Mr.Scruttonisresponsibleforkeepinganeye on the RiverStour, Not uncommon with rivernavigationsthelegalpositionofthenavigationalrightsandresponsibilitiesonthis riveris led inmysteryandthereisconsiderabledoubtastowhatauthorityisresponsiblefortherepair oflocksandothernavigationworks. Mr.Serutton with theRiver Stour Action Committee has unearthedamassoflegaldataandisinconstantcorrespondence with the appropriate River and WaterBoards. HewillveryshortlybesubmittinghisreporttotheAssociationHonorarySolicitor. TheRiverWeyandBasingstokeCanalarelookedafterbyMr.MackassistedbyMr.Street, Mr.TimsandMr. Sanders. Mr.MackactsasourliaisonofficerwiththeNewBasingstokeCanal Co,andwiththeHonoraryBaliffs. Fromtimetotimeheorganizesworkingpartiesonthecanal andhehopes shortly toattemptsome furthercleaningofLockNo.7,whichisatpresentimpass- ableduetosilting;anyonewhoisabletohelpshouldgotintouchwithMr,Mack. IntheareaoftheRiverMedway,Mr.Bindlosslooksafterourintereststogetherwithseveral otherenthusiasts. Hehasjustproduced aleafletgivinginformationabouttheMedwaywhichwill beavailabletopeoplewhomakeenquiriesaboutthat waterway. 1 hope thesenoteswillgivememberssomeideaofhowtheircommitteeworksandshowthem thatanactiveinterestisbeingtakenintheWaterways oftheLondon andHome Counties area. C.B.G. BritishTransport Commission BRITISH WATERWAYS South Eastern Division NOTICE OF STOPPAGES— 1958 BRENTFORD—Lock 95 ゥ am, Fridsy,23rd May, to n p.m., Monday, 26th May APSLEYLock 60 a.m., Monday, 28th July, to p.m, Friday, 186 August TRING—Lock 47 Tuesday, 5th August, to Friday, 8th August TRING—Lock 36 Tuesday, 28th July, to Friday, Ist August LEE (UPPER)—Hardmead Lock Friday, 23rd May, to Monday, 26th May STORT—Feakes Lock Friday, 11th April, to Monday, 14th April REGENTS CANAL—Islington Tunnel … Saturday, 24th May, to | Monday, 26th May SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT will In the very near future self-binding cases will be available for ‘The Windlass.” They hold twelve copies, be bound in blue bookcloth and have the title in gold letters on the spine. The cost will be in the neighbourhood of 8/-, Full details will appear in the next “Windlass.” 35 FORTHCOMING EVENTS SUNDAY,MAY4th.Theprogrammefor the Medway outing has been rearranged and improved since the publication of the noticeintheFebruary** Windlass.” Theprogrammeis asfollows: StartfromStroodPier1045a.m.arriveMaidstoneapproximately1 p.m. Depart 1.15 p.m. Cruiseupstreamasfarastimeallows. Returnto Maidstone 3.45 p.m. Return toStrood6 p.m. (approx.). TRAINS CharingCross941 a.m.arrivesatStrood10.36a.m. Maidstone4.55p.m. Strood5.18p.m. CharingCross6.18p.m. Maidstone5.27p.m. Strood5.50p.m. CharingCross7.1p.m. Maidstone5.55p.m.Strood6.18p.m. CharingCross7.18p.m. TeaatStarHotel,Maidstone, Packedlunch and ample weather protection needed. Accommodationis limited. Tickets:Non-Members15/-,Members12/6. WithTea:Non-Members18/-,Members15/6 Applicationforticketsshould’bemadetoMr. D. Salmon, Springhill Cottage, Yardley Park Road,Tonbridge,Kent. SUNDAY,JUNE1st(notJuneSthaspreviouslyadvised). Boat trip in the launch, “Merry Thames,”on the Wey Navigation from New Haw Lockto Guildford. LeavingNewHaw Lockat 11a.m.andreachingGuildfordabout6.30p.m. Bothlunchandteashouldbe taken by members asfacilitiesarenotavailableonthisNavigation. Ticketsare 12/6d. each for I.W.A. members and15/-fornon-membersandmaybeobtained fromMr.Roy Mack, Boat“ Hawke,” CommonLane,NowHaw,Weybridge,Surre Peopleproceedingbytrainshouldcatch the 9.57 a.m. train From Waterloo to West Wey- bridge. New Haw Lockisabout7 minuteswalkfromthe Station. Book NOW as no further advicewillbesent. SUNDAY, JULY 3rd—AN AFTERNOON OUTING! AtripontheKennetandAvonfromReadingtoBurghfieldandback. TeaveHighbridge Wharf,DukeStreet,Reading,at3 p.m.,returningat6.30p.m. Tickets,exclusive of tea, 5/-; inclusive of tea, 7/6. Duke Streetis about ten minutes walk fromReadingStation, Thereareamplebusesatfrequentintervals. Trains:— Waterloo1.24p.m.,arrives Reading2.40p.m Reading6.58p.m.,arrivesWaterloo8.15 p.m. Pleaso apply for tickets to Mr. Roy Mack,N/B Hawke,CommonLane,NewHawWeybridge, N.B—Pleasebesuretogetonthefrontpartofthetrain from Waterloo, the rear portion is “slipped” atAscot for Guildford. THURSDAY, JULY 13th. Annual General Meeting, to be held at the “ Princess Louse,” at 7.30pon. SEPTEMBER 14th. A repeat BoatTripbyHorse-drawnBargeontheChelmerNavigation,following theverysuccessfultriponthat waterwaylastyear. Further details later SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th. Boat Trip by the Narrow-boat ‘Jason’ on the Grand Union Canal. Starting from Berkhamsted Station at 11.45 a.m. and reaching Rickmansworth at about 6 p.m. Facilities will probably be available for membersto proceed further in the Paddington direction beyond Rickmansworth if desired on the Sundayevening People travelling by train should catch the 1045 am, train from Euston which reaches Borkhamsted Station at 11,37 a.m. Details of lunch and tea will be announcedlater, Tickets fortheBoatTrip are 12/6d, for members and 15/- for non-members and can be obtained from Capt. L. R. Munk, Ferry House, Ferry
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