COMMON FISHES OF CALIFORNIA Updated July 2016 Blue Rockfish - SMYS Sebastes mystinus 2-4 bands around front of head; blue to black body, dark fins; anal fin slanted Size: 8-18in; Depth: 0-200’+ Common from Baja north to Canada North of Conception mixes with mostly with Olive and Black R.F.; South with Blacksmith, Kelp Bass, Halfmoons and Olives. Black Rockfish - SMEL Sebastes melanops Blue to blue-back with black dots on their dorsal fins; anal fin rounded Size: 8-18 in; Depth: 8-1200’ Common north of Point Conception Smaller eyes and a bit more oval than Blues Olive/Yellowtail Rockfish – OYT Sebastes serranoides/ flavidus Several pale spots below dorsal fins; fins greenish brown to yellow fins Size: 10-20in; Depth: 10-400’+ Midwater fish common south of Point Conception to Baja; rare north of Conception Yellowtail R.F. is a similar species are rare south of Conception, while being common north Black & Yellow Rockfish - SCHR Sebastes chrysomelas Yellow blotches of black/olive brown body;Yellow membrane between third and fourth dorsal fin spines Size: 6-12in; Depth: 0-150’ Common central to southern California Inhabits rocky areas/crevices Gopher Rockfish - SCAR Sebastes carnatus Several small white blotches on back; Pale blotch extends from dorsal spine onto back Size: 6-12 in; Depth: 8-180’ Common central California Inhabits rocky areas/crevice. Territorial Copper Rockfish - SCAU Sebastes caurinus Wide, light stripe runs along rear half on lateral line Size:: 10-16in; Depth: 10-600’ Inhabits rocky reefs, kelpbeds, or other protected areas Body colors varies: Copper/orange to a more greenish brown Brown Rockfish - SAUR Sebastes auriculatus Dark blotch on rear gill cover; brown to orange-brown body Size: 8-18 in; Depth: 0-400 Common up and down California’s rocky reefs; known to be bottom dwellers Inhabits rocky areas/crevices; also called Bolinas Kelp Rockfish - SATR Sebastes atrovirens Tan to brown to greenish brown body; Can change color and markings to blend with surroundings Size: 6-14+ in; Depth: 8-150’ Common southern and central California Inhabits kelp beds, rocky reefs. Also known as “Dumb Bass” Grass Rockfish - SRAS Sebastes rastrelliger Green with gray to black body; short, stout body Size: 8-16+ in; Depth: 0-150’ Common California Inhabits a variety of shallow habitats; most common between 2-30’ Vermillion Rockfish – SMIN Sebastes miniatus Orange to red body; and caudal fin tends to be dark-edged; Rounded ventral and anal fins Size: 10-20+ in; Depth: 40-900’ Occasional through-out California Inhabits rocky reefs; Adults found deep while juveniles tend to be much shallower Canary Rockfish - SPIN Sebastes pinniger Bright yellow/orange fish with a white stripe along lateral line; Band slopes downward from eye; Pointed ventral and anal fins Size: 10-24 in; Depth: 30-900’ Common central California Inhabits rocky areas, usually school near bottom along steep drop off Treefish - STRE Sebastes serriceps Five to six wide dark bars across back; Two dark bads angled from eye; Pink Lips Size: 6-14+ in; Depth: 10-150’ Common to occasional southern California Inhabits areas with caves/crevices; Usually shy. Young have bright/intense colors with fin edge white to iridescent blue Code STRE Squarespot Rockfish - SHOP Sebastes hopkinsi Light brown with a few dark square blotches along lateral line; Pale blotches under eye: Long 2nd anal spine Size: 4-10+ in; Depth: 50-600’ Common southern California; Rare north Inhabits rocky reefs mostly between 100- 300’; Form large schools at bottom to midwater Widow Rockfish - SENT Sebastes entomelas Brown side with light belly; Blackish pectoral, ventral, and anal fins Size: 8-18+ in; Depth: 0-1200’ Common to occasional California Inhabits offshore reefs/banks; Adults generally school deep (>80) while juveniles are found in shallower waters Bocaccio - SPAU Sebastes paucispinis Large, upturned mouth with projecting lower jaw. Dark grey to silvergrey, reddish or olive brown; Often with scattering dark spots Size: 8-28+ in; Depth: 0-1600’ Common California Wide range of habitats, slow moving in schools usually off the bottom Rosy Rockfish - SROS Sebastes rosaceus Rose to red fish with several large white spots on back; Similar species: Honeycomb (outlined scales) and Starry(small spots) Rockfish Size: 5-10+ in; Depth: 50-450’ Occasional through-out California Inhabits deep rocky reefs with high relief; Solitary bottom dwellers Halfbanded Rockfish - SSEM Sebastes semicinctus Small, dusky body; Two distinct dark blotches on side: Brownish streaks on caudal fin Size: 4-10+ in; Depth: 190-1600’ Common offshore from Monterey to Baja Inhabits deep water reefs; Young of year found in slightly shallower waters (>100’ ); Stripetail is a similar species without distinct blotches Calico Rockfish - SDAL Sebastes dalli Similar to Copper Rockfish; Several diagonal brown bands Size: 4-10+ in; Depth: 60-900’ Common southern California Inhabits flat/soft to rocky areas Stripetail Rockfish - SSAX Sebastes saxicola May see juveniles. Body is speckled with dark, triangular bars and narrow vertical bar on caudal fin. Size: to 15 ½ in; Depth: 150-1380’ (but recruits may settle shallower) Common, SE Alaska to central Baja Mostly offshore on soft bottoms China Rockfish - SNEB Sebastes nebulosus Black to blue-black with yellow spots. Yellow stripe from dorsal fin to rear of body. Size: to 17 in; Depth: 10-420’ Se. Alaska to Redondo Beach and San Miguel Island. Inshore, on open coast among rocks and reefs. Kelp Greenling - HDEC Hexagrammos decagrammus Five Lateral lines; Male: Blue spots on head ♀ and forebody; Female: Speckled reddish orange spots over a gray to bluish white undercolor Size: 10-18+ in; Depth: 0-150’ ♂ Rare south of Santa Barbara; Common north Inhabits rocky reefs, often in dense algae Painted Greenling - OPIC Oxylebius pictus Five to six dark bars; Pointed snout; Two pair of cirri Size: 4-6+ in; Depth: 2-160’ Occasional southern California Inhabits rocky reefs; Tends to be solitary Male darkens during winter mating season and are territorial while guarding egg mass Lingcod - OELO Ophiodon elongatus Large mouth with nice chompers; Numerous dark blotches down elongated body Size: 1.5 - 3.5+ft; Depth: 6-1400’ Common Point Conception north; Occasional south usually in deeper, colder water Inhabits mostly rocky areas and tends to rest on bottom; Solitary and territorial Wolf Eel - AOCE Anarrhichthys ocellatus Large, bulbous head with large mouth and blunt teeth. Gray body, may be mottled Juveniles may be orange Size: 2.5-8+ft; Depth: 0-700’ Occasional Alaska to southern CA Inhabit dens in crevices, caves and other rocky areas Monkeyface Prickleback - CVIO Cebidichthys violaceus Dark streaks radiate from eye. Pectoral fin large, no pelvic fin. Large lips. Size: to 2 ½ ft’; Depth: to 80’ Southern Oregon to central Baja Common inshore in tidepools or shallow, rocky areas California Moray - GMOR Gymnothorax mordax Brown to Green; No pectoral fins Size: 2-4’+; Depth: 2-130’ Abundant Pt. Conception to Baja, especially around the southern California Islands Prone to bite when provoked Cabezon - SMAR Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Large, scaleless body with short cirrus near snout and prominent cirrus above eye; Variable body color; Marbled pattern Size: 16-30 in; Depth: 0-250’ Common from Baja to Alaska usually on hard substrates Males tend to red while females are usually green; Seem to be a sedentary fish California Scorpionfish - SGUT Scorpaena guttata Spiny, thick-bodied fish with large spines; Color variable (bright red to light brown) with dark spots covering the entire body Size: 7-17 in; Depth: 0-600’ Common southern California Inhabits rocky reefs mostly; Extensive spawning migrations during early summer; Venomous dorsal spine Lavender Sculpin - LHIR Leiocottus hirundo First two dorsal fin spines form spike-like projection. Mottled body, olive to brown. Elongate body Size: 4-7 in; Depth: 0-120’ Occasional So CA, South to northern Baja Inhabit shallow sand flats and eelgrass beds, rocky reefs within kelp beds Ronquil - RATH Family: Bathymasteridae Body elongate with long dorsal and anal fins. Dark brown to purpleish with lighter areas. Usually has dark brown blotches, sometimes forming bague bars on the back. Size: to 8 in; Depth: 20-300’ Central California to Northern Baja Rocks and sand on exposed coast. Species are difficult to distinguish in the field so use code RATH Plainfin Midshipman - PNOT Porichthys notatus Wide, flattened head with protruding eyes and upturned mouth. Rows of luminescent photophores. Eel like body Size: up to 15 in; Depth: 0-1200’ Abundant in Puget Sound and California Inhabit sand and mud bottoms, often partially buried. Noctunal, hover just above bottom at night feeding on small planktonic prey California Salema - XCAL Xenistius californiensis Elongate and compressed with a large eye Silvery with 6-7 orange-brown stripes on side. (3-4 showing in small individuals) Tail shallowly forked Size to 12 inches (30 cm) Schools on shallow reefs and in surfgrass Island Kelpfish - NOT SAMPLED Alloclinus holderi Blotched, barred, and striped body with tiny pale spots; First few dorsal spines are bent forwards Size: 2-4 in; Depth: 0-160’ Abundant around southern California Islands Inhabits rocky coastline; Usually camouflaged with surroundings Giant Kelpfish - HROS Heterostichus rostratus Elongated head with pointed snout; Forked tail; Body color and markings varies
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