PAOB TWENTY-FOUR Average Daily Net Press Run FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1968 The Weather jUanriifiitfr Evsnltts Hfralli For The Week Ended June IS, 1968 Cloudy, showers. Low near 60. ' Jaanes Golden, son o f Mr. and iEanrhTStTr BrraUi Clearing tomorrow. High about Mrs. John Golden o f 130 Por­ Reports Available About Town Six Leave Residents Petition Board ter St, w«s named to the dean's aETCHER BLASS CO. OF MANOHBSTiai 15,105 80. H a r r y C . Gray o f 100 Oak Copies of Meoichester's list ft>r the second semester at Manchetter— A City of Village Charm Q ia n S,t, a junta- ma,>ortng' in 1966-67 annual report are still Providenfoo (R J.) Ootiege, available to tho.se town resi­ Next Week About Noise at Drivedn iikinatTftiTfiif and Jdm C. Oul- where he Is now a senfor. In **When You Think of Glass^ (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1968 (Okwstned Advertlalng on Page 11) PRICE TEN CENT’S ntpero of 47 AjOrnonth St, a dents who did not receive The Boqifi. of Directoiw has drants be painted yellow and 1649-4521 VOL. LXXXVir, NO. 214 May he was Inducted into Phi them when they were dis­ For France been ashed by neighbors of the that parking should be prohibit­ Think of Fletcher** m ti^ b o m a n majoctag: <n markef- Sigma Tau, national philosophy tributed door-to-door. Bmger Chef on libln Elt. to do ed completely on Foster St., be­ k v , vrara nomad to th« dean's honorary society. Six students of Eatrf Catholic Hat f o r the eeaond eemeater at They may be picked up in High School Will be among 28 something about alleged late- tween Pearl and Bissell. Wlaeteni New Btaitand OoDege. the town manager’s office in from Connecticut and New York hour noises and nulaancea there. 54 McKEE STREET Springfield, Mlaaa Lance Opl. Robert W. NevUle, the Municipal Building. who will leave next Thursday for A pettUon, signed by 18 resi­ son of t S r . and Mrs. Eldon W. a six-week trip to Prance. And dents of Bond, Delmont and Hol- Jarvis, Keith Steplien !>. Lloyd o f 218 Ly- Neville of 182 Deepwood Dr., Hster Sts., and bearing the head­ TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS North Korea Claims 20 French students will be com ­ Miaiitln J. Fegy of 95 Oamp- ing, "A Breach of Peace Com­ dril a t was named to the dean’s recently completed a Radio ing to the Manchester area Bids Rejected aoid Rd. and Judith A. Hall of plaint,” was delivered by a from $25.00 to $45.00 Met IMt semeSber at the Od- Fundamantala School at the Aug. 1 as part of (heir trip to 128 Green Manor Rd. were nam­ spokesman of the group, to the Iqgs of ArchtaPture, Oomell Communications and Electronic (the United States. The Town Plamning Octtnmis- ed to the dean’s iUst at (the Uni­ (Brectors manning the board’s UUvwstty, Itheas, N. Y. Schools at the Marine Corps The six ECHS students going don kurt ndglA unanimnusly re­ Now Is the time to bring In your sereens to be repaired. versity o f Conneotlcut School semi-monthly comment sesatai Storm window glass replaced. Recruit Depot, San Diego, Calif. to PYance are Paul Aeford of jected a pah* of sene change ap- of Pine Arts. last night. Sinking of Spy Ship The Rev. Stephen Price, He Is now taking a ground radio 109 Lnckwood St., Constance pUoeMoiiB, one filed by Alexan­ repair course at the depot. BeIflo(re of 88 Porter St., Cath­ The directors at the seesion der Jorvto, the other by auil- AUTO GLASS INSTALLED cisate of St Italy’s EJplScopal The official board of North erine Macoarone of 82 Haw- were David Odegard, Francis man KeUti. TOKYO (AP)—(North Korea American and South Korean formed by the 314th Air Division Chundi, will conduct a service Methodist Church will meet tho(me St, Baihara Mlassaro of Mahoney end Nathan Agoa- The Jarvis appBcation con­ proclaimed its navy patrol boats authorities had no confirmation command post in Korea that a Sunday at 8:1S a.m. on radio The policy Committee of South Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. BLASS FURNITURE TOPS station WINF. The program Is 67 White St., Rdbert Rioux of tinelll. cerned Center at pnopeirty in sank an enemy spy ship early of any such incident. In Wash­ distress signal had been picked MethodlM Church will meet The Burger C2ief complaint sponsored by the Manchester Fast Haitford and Kathleen the Roosevelt - Alexander St. today in the Yellow Sea and ington a Pentagon spokesmen up today from a South Korean Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the The Emanuel Lutheran Church charges that large groups of MIRRORS (Firaplaee and Ooor) Council of Chtutfws. Beckett of 259 Hollister St. oiren presently dn Budness Zone sent the crew "to the bottom of said that, from a hurried check, fishing boat. church. Vacation Church School wBl young adults, "mostly in cars The trip Is sjponsored by the n . Jarvis, represented by Aibty. the sea to the last man.” "It would appear that this Ini­ This might have been the open Monday at 9:15 a.m. at and on motorcycleo,” congre- PICTURE FRAMING (all types) Organization for Study in I>Yance Without further Identifying tial report Is erroneous.” "spy ship” to which Pyongyang the church. ate there far beyond closing John LaBeUe, proposed, to re­ and America, and will consist the vessel, Pyongyang’s official A Seoul spokesman for the referred, though the report did hours and as late as 2 a.m. zone the 132,000 eq. f t parcel of a four-week hosnestay and a WINOOW and PLATE GLASS Korean Central News agency U.S. forces in Korea said: "As not give the time of the SOS or Concordia Lutheran Church to Bualneas Zone m, possibly The codnplalnt cites fights, broadcast a declaration that the far as wc know there Is nothing the location of the boat. two-week extensive tour of damage to fences and other pri­ for the purposes of putting a See this NEW STANLEY TOOL at.. will conduct a Vacation Church vessel was dispatched by "U.S. to It. We have no report on it." The North Korean account Northern France and parts of vate property, drinking, exces­ kutge chain department store school Monday through Friday imperialist aggressor troops The reaction of South Korean said the vessel was sunk near Belgium. sive noises, obscene language, there. next week from 9:15 to 11:45 who arc engrossed In Incessant military spokesmen was simi­ Boopo, also known as Pukpo, a The group will study the urihating, and sexual licenttous- Oommliaaion membezis said no a.m .at the church. KATHY SATS "COMPARE OUR PMCBS!" provocative acts on the ground lar. small fishing village off the French language and culture, ness. to the measure, citing that, the and will divide Itself Into two FRE23H, NATIVE: Strawberries, Peara, Asparagus, Beet and sea ar>d In the air of late” In Tokyo, anoUier American west coasft. near the 38th Paral­ It states that, when asked by most Intend ve budneas uses Greens, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Salad Bowl, Boston, Ro- groups to Prance. Sister Kath­ should not be In that, (area, that against North Korea. spokesman s.aid he was in- lel between Haeju and Yun- Hospital Group neighbors to desist, the young maine Lettuce, Cukes, and Hot House Tomatoes. ALSO: pyung Island. MANCHESTER leen Allen of New Britain end It w(ould be a further enoroiach- adults respond with abusive Crisp Air Macs and Rome A|^>les! "U.S. imperialist aggressor Sister Immaculate of Manches­ ment ion a Ridgewood St. resl- 1 At CHA Parley language and with threats of vio­ FRUIT: Peaches, Plums, Nectarines, Blue, Green, Seed­ troops . of late brought a ter will chaperone the group to denttal area and that It would lence. less Grapes, Mirons, P c^yus, Mangoes, Bing Chesrles, mother spy ship near Yunpyung be hosted in the city of Com- eggravofee already xx>or traffic Edward Kenney, administra­ The petition credits police ac­ Grapefrlut, Pineapples, California and Temple Oranges. Island in the West (Y^low) piegne. Mrs. Harold Weldon of condLUens. VEGETABLES: Egg Plant, Belgium Endive, Green, Yel­ tor of Manchester Memorial tion with heing effective wh«i See an/d arouivl dawn of the West Hartford wUl chaperone Keith’s appUoation wias to low Squarti, Leeks, Shalots, Hot Frytag Papers, Cauli­ Warren Successor Hospital, attended the 50th an­ provided, but states that the 22nd perpe(tretcd brigandish the other group to go to the city noises and nuisances remme chang;e from Reddenoe A to flower, Broccoli and Im port^ Red OnkMis. nual meeting of the Connecticut of Auxerre. provocative aerts by again dls- Hospital Association in New Ha­ when the police leave. Riesldenico B a parcel c f land Before arriving In Prance, WEEKEND SPECIAL for A SPECIAL KATHY! patohing spy ship near the ven yesterday. More , than 360 at Franklin and Goodwin Sts., there will be a three-day stop The spokesman for the peti­ Boopo Port," it said. hospital personnel from all parts for the pitrposes o f oonstruct- CHERRY TOMATOES ............................. bskt. 3 S « May Spark Dispute over in London.» tioning group said that he had "Patrol boats of the navy of of the state attended the meet­ telephoned the Midwest offices ing a dngie apartment build­ CANTALOUPES ..................................4 for M .0 0 our People’s Army inetantly While in France, the students WASHINGTON (AP) — Three Nations, called him "one of the ing held at the Park Plaza Ho­ of the Burger Chef chain and ing.
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