are in Spanish, German and English. These spy gram listeners should consult MT's monthly Se- stations broadcast from numerous locations and lected Programming for China Radio Interna- 11111 operate on a set schedule, transmitting a series tional features. VOICE OF of coded numbers. Without question, one of the world's best TIBETCIS.S.ct.FrAN One such suspected spy station has been sources for China schedules and frequencies re- the longtime clandestine station Star Star, widely mains the Danish SW Club International/ China's Voice of Tibet logo reported from the early 1990s. DXers have con- DSWCI1Domestic Broadcasting Survey. (See Whether you report directly to the station firmed that Star Star is broadcasting from Tai- Oct. 2002 What's New) This publication, with or to CRI, do not refer to the latter two as "coun- wan. Broadcasts begin with Chinese music fol- listings for China (as well as an extensive listings tries." That term is used by radio club country lowed by identification and number characters. of other countries represented on shortwave), is lists only, and very likely the Chinese will be (Global Forum/MT Sept. 2002) only available via email in your choice of PDF insulted. Clandestine Radio Watch has logged Star format or as an MS Works database. Send seven Star at *0830-0930* on 11940, and at *2230- IRCs or $5.00 US currency to DSWCI do Bert Other Voices 2330* on 7270 kHz. Schedules include Station # Nielsen, Egekrogen 14, DK-3500 Vaertoese, Nlonituring utility stations (non -broadcast I on 11430 kHz; Station # 2 on 13750 kHz; Denmark, to order your online survey. For addi- transmissions) continues to attract a large group Station # 3 on 9725 kHz; and Station # 4 on tional information, consult their website at; http:/ of enthusiasts. Utility targets from China present 8300 kHz (World Utility News). The station has /www.dswci.org. a plethora of stations in aeronautical communi- been reported active almost daily every half hour I would like to thank the following sources cations, embassy networks, marine communica- on 8300, 8375, 9725, 11430, 13750 and 15388 for their timely information in preparing this tions, military frequencies, longwave, and more. kHz. According the Glenn Hauser's DXLD 2127, feature. Those include: ACE, Cumbre DX, If you want to monitor China in the utility bands, "the best time to catch the station here in North ODXA, NASWA, Glenn Hauser/DXLD, Clandes- I recommend you purchase the new Grove Short- America is from 1000 to 1400 UTC." The only tine Radio Watch, World Utility News, DSWCl/ wave Frequency Directory on CD-ROM by reported address to attempt a verification is: P.O. Domestic Broadcasting Survey -4th edition, TV Larry Van Horn. It is available now from Grove Box 12587, Tai'pei, Taiwan. (ACE/DXLD), but Radio World, WRTH, PTWBR, Larry Van Horn, Enterprises. none have been confirmed. For additional infor- Cris Smolinski, Larry Miller, Anker Petersen, A number of DXers enjoy an even more mation on thisstation, go tohttp:// Bent Nielsen, and BCL News/QSL Gallery. unusual aspect of radio - monitoring clandestine www.geocities.com/hfasia/files/New- Whether you prefer China Radio Interna- stations which broadcast anti-establishment Star.html,orsendyouremailto: tional, National China Radio, the challenging political programming. Although not as preva- [email protected]. provincials, or the fascinating and bizarre world lent as in other political hot spots, some clan- Number chasers may do well to view Cris of utilities, China offers a cornucopia for listen- destine activity in or directed to China has been Smolinski's Spy Numbers.Com website http:// ers. Armed with the China Frequency List (Table logged by DXers. Voice of Tibet broadcasts in www.spynumbers.com This informative site One) and my recommended sources, your pas- minority languages and has been logged at *1215- contains links on numbers and related topics of sage to China should bring many interesting hours 1300* on 15635 (from Tajikistan; alternate fre- interest. of DXing. Why not tune in to the captivating quency 15645), 15715 (from Kazakhstan), "Number stations" may be a misnomer, for signals behind the bamboo curtain? 17525(Uzbekistan),and21570 kHz tones or music are audible as well. Jamming sig- (Uzbekistan; alternates 21585, 21520 kHz). nals featuring Chinese instrumental folk music TABLE ONE: CHINA FREQUENCY LIST Additional V of Tibet was reported at 1432- have been observed from European DXers. 1520 UT on 21650 kHz. (DXLD 2101) Clan- Sources reveal that the musical jamming is from CNR: China Notional Radio destine Radio Watch http:// a long distance, high power skywave operation CRI: China Radio International www.clandestineradio.com is an excellent (100-500 kW). Suitable hours for European re- PBS: Peoples Broadcasting Station source for clandestine information. ception include: 1600-0900 UTC; 21700, 21690, 2340 Fujian PBS, Fuzhou, Fujian Two other clandestine stations reported this 21650,21540, 21500,17720,17640,17615, 3280Voice of Pujian, Shanghai year are Falun Dafa, possibly from Irkutsk, 15680,15665, 15515,15510,13690,13675. 3290 CNR-2, Beijing Russia (2100-2200 on 5925, 9445 kHz - Global 13670,13625, 13610,11945,11935,11795, 3900 Hulun Beier PBS, Hailer, Nei Menggu Forum/MT Jan. 2002), and Fang Guang Ming 11785,11750, 11700, 11520, 11510, 9955,9945, 3950 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, Xinjiang 9915,9455,9355,7515,7190,7160,7150,5035, 3985 CNR 2, Lingshi, Shaanxi Radio, via Sitkunai, Lithuania, in Chinese Man- 3990 Gannon PBS, Hezou, Gansu darin (*2100-2200*, 5925, 9945 kHz - DXLD ) 5925 kHz (CRW/DXLD 2118). 4000 Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4190 CNR-8, Beijing The Numbers Game Are you ready to DX China? 4220 Oinghai PBS, Xining, Qinghai With an abundance to monitor, it's not sur- 4330Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, Xinjiang Tuning outside the normal shortwave or 4460 (NR -1, Beijing amateur bands, you probably have encountered prising to find DXers firing up their shouinji 4460 CRI, Xi'an, Shaanxi a broadcast with a series of number recitations (radio), for a glimpse into the mysterious and 4500 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, Xinjiang ina stilted, mechanical voice. Most often, they periodically volatile world of China. Casual pro- 4525 Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4620Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4750CNR-1, Xinjiang 4750Qinghai PBS, Xining, Qinghai 4785 Nei Menggu PBS, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4800 CNR-1, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 4815 CRI, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4820Xizang PBS, Lhasa, via Baoji, Shaanxi 4830China Huayi BC Corp., Chengdu, Sichuan 4840 Heilong PBS, Harbin, Nei Menggu 4850 CNR-2, Beijing 4865 Gansu PBS, Hezou, Gansu 4883 (RI, Hohhot, Nei Menggu 4900 Voice of the Strait -RA, Fuzhou, Fujian 4905 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet 4920 Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tibet, via Von, Shaanxi 4930Honghe PBS, Gejiu, Yunnan 4940Voice of the Strait-PLA, Fuzhou, Fujian 4950 Voice of Pulliam Shanghai 4915 Fujian PBS, Fuzhou, Fujian China :s Tientan Park 16 MONITORING TIMES November 2002.
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